· 174 KiB · Text
picocom v2023-04
port is : /dev/ttyUSB0
flowcontrol : none
baudrate is : 921600
parity is : none
databits are : 8
stopbits are : 1
txdelay is : 0 ns
escape is : C-a
local echo is : no
noinit is : no
noreset is : no
hangup is : no
nolock is : no
send_cmd is : sz -vv
receive_cmd is : rz -vv -E
imap is :
omap is :
emap is : crcrlf,delbs,
logfile is : none
initstring : none
exit_after is : not set
exit is : no
Type [C-a] [C-h] to see available commands
Terminal ready
^@^@M-^@^@M-^@M-^@^@^@^@M-^@^@^@^@M-^@^@^@^@M-^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@M-^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@M-^@^@M-^@M-^@^@^@^@M-^@M-^@^@^@^@M-^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@M-^@^@M-^@M-^@^@^@M-^@M-^@M-^@^@^@^@M-^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@M-^@M-^@M-^@M-^@^@^@^@^@^@^@M-^@^@^@M-^@M-^@M-^@M-^@^@M-^@^@M-^@M-^@^@^@^@^@^@^@M-^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@M-^@M-^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@M-^@^@^@^@M-^@^@M-^@M-^@^@^@^@M-^@^@^@^@M-^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@M-^@^@M-^@M-^@^@^@^@M-^@^@M-^@M-^@^@M-^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@M-^@^@^@^@^@M-^@M-^@M-^@M-^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@M-^@M-^@M-^@M-^@^@M-^@^@M-^@M-^@^@M-^@^@M-^@^@^@^@M-^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@M-^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@M-^@^@M-^@M-^@^@M-^@M-^@^@M-^@M-^@^@M-^@^@M-^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@M-^@M-^@M-^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@M-^@M-^@M-^@M-^@^@^@^@^@^@^@M-^@^@^@M-^@M-^@M-^@M-^@^@M-^@^@M-^@M-^@^@^@M-^@M-^@M-^@^@^@^@M-^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@M-^@^@M-^@^@^@M-^@^@^@M-^@M-^@M-^@M-^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@M-^@M-^@M-^@M-^@M-^@^@M-^@^@M-^@M-^@^@^@M-^@^@M-^@M-^@M-^@M-^@M-^@M-^@M-^@M-^@M-^@^@M-^@^@^@^@M-^@M-^@M-^@M-^@M-^@^@^@^@^@M-^@^@^@M-^@^@M-^@^@M-^@M-^@^@^@M-^@^@M-^@M-^@^@[5][pmic6392_init] Preloader Start..................
[6][pmic6392_init] PMIC CHIP Code = 0x2092
[7][pmic6392_init] Debug Status: Reg[0x7A]=0x0
[9][pmic6392_init] Debug Status: Reg[0x7C]=0x0
[10]pl pmic powerkey Release
[10][pmic6392_init] powerKey = 0
[11][pmic6392_init] is USB in = 0xB003
[23][pmic6392_init] Reg[0x11A]=0x7B
[23][pmic6392_init] Reg[0x136]=0x1
[24][pmic_buck_oc_enable] MT6392_BUCK_OC_CON0 0x258 = 0x6
[26][pmic_buck_oc_enable] Clear Buck OC Flag, MT6392_BUCK_OC_CON0 0x258 = 0x0
[28][pmic_buck_oc_enable] Enable Buck OC shutdown function...
[30][pmic_ldo_cali_sw_bonding] Done...................
[32][pmic6392_init] Reg[0x70]=0x52
[33][auxadc_hw_init] Preloader Start..................
[35][pmic6392_init] Done...................
[36]Long Pressed setting
[36][PLFM] Init I2C: OK(0)
[37][PLFM] Init PWRAP: OK(0)
[37][PLFM] Init PMIC: OK(0)
[37][PLFM] chip_ver[1]
[BLDR] Build Time: 20201120-184229
[38]==== Dump RGU Reg ========
[38]RGU MODE: 4D
[39]RGU STA: 0
[39]RGU SWSYSRST: 8000
[40]==== Dump RGU Reg End ====
[40]RGU: g_rgu_satus:0
[40] mtk_wdt_mode_config mode value=10, tmp:22000010
[41]PL P ON
[41]WDT does not trigger reboot
[41]RGU mtk_wdt_init:MTK_WDT_DEBUG_CTL(590200F3)
[42]Enter mtk_kpd_gpio_set!
[75]after set KP enable: KP_SEL = 0x1C70 !
[85][RTC] bbpu = 0xD, con = 0x8427
[221][RTC] EOSC_Cali: TOP_CKCON1=0x40C0
[237][RTC] EOSC cali val = 0x24CD
[243]rtc_2sec_reboot_check cali=1792
[245][RTC] irqsta = 0x0, pdn1 = 0x0, pdn2 = 0x201, spar0 = 0xC0, spar1 = 0x800, al_dom = 0x1
[246][RTC] new_spare0 = 0x0, new_spare1 = 0x1, new_spare2 = 0x1, new_spare3 = 0x1
[247][RTC] bbpu = 0xD, con = 0x426, cali = 0x700
[248][RTC] spar0 = 0xC0
[248]pl pmic powerkey Release
[248]hw_set_cc: 450
[260]hw_set_cc: done
[261][PLFM] USB/charger boot!
[261][RTC] rtc_bbpu_power_on done
[261][xo] default cap_code: 0x30
[262][xo] get xo efuse: 9E000000
[272][xo] current cap_code: 0x30
[272][xo] disable XO to PMIC 26M
[273][xo] Without 32K. Reg[0x402]=0x8401
[273][Preloader] BSI read: [0x25] = 0x6AAB
[274][Preloader] BSI read: [0x29] = 0x1
[274][Preloader] BSI read: [0x29] = 0x0
[275][xo] status: 0xF
[275][PTP] PTPOD0 = 0x15BD0C64
[275][PTP] PTPOD1 = 0x0048BBC1
[276][PTP] PTPOD2 = 0x15BE0669
[276][PTP] PTPOD3 = 0x0034F641
[276][PTP] PTPOD4 = 0x00000000
[277][PTP] PTPOD5 = 0x00000000
[277][PTP] PTPOD6 = 0x00000000
[278][PTP] GPU's max freq = 598MHz
[278][PTP] set_vcore_to_pmic()
[278][PTP] Vcore pmic = 0x00000048
[279][PTP] Vcore is 1150000uV now.
[279][PTP] Vcore(0x304) mode = 0x00000300
[280][PTP] CLK_GATING_CTRL1 = 0xC081923C
[280][PTP] PTP_PTPCORESEL = 0x80030001
[280][PTP] ptp_isr()
[281][PTP] PTP_PTPCORESEL = 0x80030001
[282][PTP] CLK_GATING_CTRL1 = 0xC081923C
[282][PTP] PTP_PTPCORESEL = 0x80030001
[283][PTP] @ handle_init01_isr(PTP_DET_GPUSYS)
[283][PTP] CLK_GATING_CTRL1 = 0xC081923C
[284][PTP] PTP_PTPCORESEL = 0x80030001
[291][PTP] PTP_VOP30[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x3838383E
[292][PTP] PTP_VOP74[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x38383838
[293][PTP] CLK_GATING_CTRL1 = 0xC081923C
[294][PTP] PTP_PTPCORESEL = 0x80030001
[294][PTP] ptp_isr()
[294][PTP] PTP_PTPCORESEL = 0x80030001
[295][PTP] CLK_GATING_CTRL1 = 0xC081923C
[296][PTP] PTP_PTPCORESEL = 0x80030001
[296][PTP] @ handle_init02_isr(PTP_DET_GPUSYS)
[297][PTP] ptp_detectors[PTP_DET_GPUSYS].volt_tbl[0] = 0x4E
[298][PTP] ptp_detectors[PTP_DET_GPUSYS].volt_tbl[1] = 0x48
[298][PTP] ptp_detectors[PTP_DET_GPUSYS].volt_tbl[2] = 0x48
[299][PTP] ptp_detectors[PTP_DET_GPUSYS].volt_tbl[3] = 0x48
[300][PTP] ptp_detectors[PTP_DET_GPUSYS].volt_tbl[4] = 0x48
[300][PTP] ptp_detectors[PTP_DET_GPUSYS].volt_tbl[5] = 0x48
[301][PTP] ptp_detectors[PTP_DET_GPUSYS].volt_tbl[6] = 0x48
[302][PTP] ptp_detectors[PTP_DET_GPUSYS].volt_tbl[7] = 0x48
[302][PTP] CLK_GATING_CTRL1 = 0xC081923C
[303][PTP] PTP_PTPCORESEL = 0x80030001
[310][PTP] PTP_VOP30[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x3838383E
[311][PTP] PTP_VOP74[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x38383838
[312][PTP] Set pmic volt: 0x0000004E
[313][PTP] Vcore(0x304) mode = 0x00000200
[313][PTP] Right now
[313][PTP] Vcore is 1187500uV
[314][PTP] CLK_GATING_CTRL1 = 0xC081923E
[314][EMI] MDL number = 0
[314][EMI] PCDDR3
[340]get dram size from AUXADC1 0 0
[340][EMI] Use Common DDR3 x32 [340]emi settings
[341][EMI] Config emi settings:
[341]EMI_CONA=0x2012, EMI_CONH=0x3
[341]EMI_RANK0=0x40000000, EMI_RANK1=0x0
[DramcSwImpedanceCal] FINAL: DRVP=7, DRVN=6
[343]PCDDR3 Pinmux 0
[344]SSC OFF
[344]DRAM Clock: 1584MHz
[345]change tRCD for DDR3
[Write Leveling]
[349]Dram Type= 4, Freqency= 1600, rank 0
[349]odt_onoff= 0, Byte mode= 0, Read_DBI= 0, Write DBI= 0
[351]WL Clk delay = 0, CA CLK delay = 0
[351]No need to update CA/CS delay because the CLK delay is small than CA training.
[352]Final Clk output delay = 0
[352]R0 FINAL: WriteLeveling DQS:(2, 0) OEN:(1, 2) [353]DQS0 delay = 37
[353]R0 FINAL: WriteLeveling DQS:(2, 0) OEN:(1, 2) [354]DQS1 delay = 35
[354]R0 FINAL: WriteLeveling DQS:(2, 0) OEN:(1, 2) [355]DQS2 delay = 34
[355]R0 FINAL: WriteLeveling DQS:(2, 0) OEN:(1, 2) [355]DQS3 delay = 34
[356][DramcWriteLeveling] ====Done====
[357]Dram Type= 4, Freqency= 1600, rank 0
[358]odt_onoff= 0, Byte mode= 0, Read_DBI= 0, Write DBI= 0
[363][Byte 0]First pass (1, 3, 8)
[363][Byte 2]First pass (1, 3, 9)
[364][Byte 1]First pass (1, 3, 11)
[364][Byte 3]First pass (1, 3, 11)
[369][Byte 0]Bigger pass win(1, 5, 3) Pass tap=59
[369][Byte 2]Bigger pass win(1, 5, 3) Pass tap=58
[370][Byte 1]Bigger pass win(1, 5, 5) Pass tap=58
[371][Byte 3]Bigger pass win(1, 5, 5) Pass tap=58
[372] dqs input gating widnow, final delay value
Frequency=1600 rank=0
[374]R0 FINAL: GW best DQS0 P0 delay(2T, 0.5T, PI) = (1, 4, 5) [tap = 59]
[375]R0 FINAL: GW best DQS1 P0 delay(2T, 0.5T, PI) = (1, 4, 8) [tap = 58]
[375]R0 FINAL: GW best DQS2 P0 delay(2T, 0.5T, PI) = (1, 4, 6) [tap = 58]
[376]R0 FINAL: GW best DQS3 P0 delay(2T, 0.5T, PI) = (1, 4, 8) [tap = 58]
[377]R0 FINAL: GW best DQS0 P1 delay(2T, 0.5T, PI) = (1, 6, 5)
[378]R0 FINAL: GW best DQS1 P1 delay(2T, 0.5T, PI) = (1, 6, 8)
[379]R0 FINAL: GW best DQS2 P1 delay(2T, 0.5T, PI) = (1, 6, 6)
[379]R0 FINAL: GW best DQS3 P1 delay(2T, 0.5T, PI) = (1, 6, 8)
[380][DramcRxdqsGatingCal] ====Done====
[381]DATLAT Default value = 0xF
[381]5, 0xFFFFFFFF, sum=0
[381]6, 0xFFFFFFFF, sum=0
[382]7, 0xFFFFFFFF, sum=0
[382]8, 0xFFFFFFFF, sum=0
[382]9, 0xFFFFFFFF, sum=0
[383]10, 0xFFFFFFFF, sum=0
[383]11, 0xFFFFFFFF, sum=0
[384]12, 0xFFFFFFFF, sum=0
[384]13, 0x00000000, sum=1
[384]14, 0x00000000, sum=2
[385]15, 0x00000000, sum=3
[385]16, 0x00000000, sum=4
[385]17, 0x00000000, sum=5
[386]pattern=5 first_step=13 total pass=6 best_step=15
[386]R0 FINAL: DATLAT = 15 [13 ~ 18]
[387][DramcRxdatlatCal] ====Done====
[388]Dram Type= 4, Freqency= 1600, rank 0
[389]odt_onoff= 0, Byte mode= 0, Read_DBI= 0, Write DBI= 0
[401]RX Window Sum 1051
[401]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 0, 12 (-4 ~ 29) 34
[402]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 1, 13 (-2 ~ 29) 32
[402]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 2, 15 (-2 ~ 32) 35
[403]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 3, 13 (-3 ~ 29) 33
[403]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 4, 15 (-1 ~ 31) 33
[403]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 5, 15 (-1 ~ 31) 33
[404]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 6, 15 (1 ~ 30) 30
[404]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 7, 14 (-1 ~ 29) 31
[405]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 8, 15 (-1 ~ 32) 34
[405]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 9, 17 (0 ~ 34) 35
[406]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 10, 15 (-1 ~ 32) 34
[406]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 11, 15 (-1 ~ 31) 33
[407]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 12, 15 (-1 ~ 32) 34
[407]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 13, 15 (-1 ~ 31) 33
[408]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 14, 16 (2 ~ 30) 29
[408]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 15, 15 (-1 ~ 31) 33
[409]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 16, 16 (-1 ~ 34) 36
[409]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 17, 15 (-1 ~ 32) 34
[410]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 18, 15 (-1 ~ 32) 34
[410]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 19, 15 (-2 ~ 33) 36
[411]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 20, 13 (-2 ~ 29) 32
[411]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 21, 15 (-2 ~ 33) 36
[411]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 22, 15 (-2 ~ 32) 35
[412]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 23, 15 (-2 ~ 32) 35
[412]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 24, 12 (-3 ~ 28) 32
[413]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 25, 16 (-1 ~ 34) 36
[413]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 26, 14 (-3 ~ 31) 35
[414]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 27, 14 (-3 ~ 31) 35
[414]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 28, 15 (-1 ~ 32) 34
[415]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 29, 14 (-3 ~ 32) 36
[415]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 30, 15 (-2 ~ 33) 36
[416]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 31, 15 (-2 ~ 32) 35
[417]Dram Type= 4, Freqency= 1600, rank 0
[418]odt_onoff= 0, Byte mode= 0, Read_DBI= 0, Write DBI= 0
[419]DQS Delay :
DQS0 = 0, DQS1 = 0, DQS2 = 0, DQS3 = 0
[420]DQM Delay :
DQM0 = 14, DQM1 = 15, DQM2 = 14, DQM3 = 14
[421]DQ Delay :
[421]DQ0 =12, DQ1 =13, DQ2 =15, DQ3 =13
[421]DQ4 =15, DQ5 =15, DQ6 =15, DQ7 =14
[422]DQ8 =15, DQ9 =17, DQ10 =15, DQ11 =15
[422]DQ12 =15, DQ13 =15, DQ14 =16, DQ15 =15
[423]DQ16 =16, DQ17 =15, DQ18 =15, DQ19 =15
[423]DQ20 =13, DQ21 =15, DQ22 =15, DQ23 =15
[424]DQ24 =12, DQ25 =16, DQ26 =14, DQ27 =14
[424]DQ28 =15, DQ29 =14, DQ30 =15, DQ31 =15
[426][DramcRxWindowPerbitCal] ====Done====
[426][DramcTxWindowPerbitCal] Frequency=1600, Rank=0, calType=2
[427][DramcTxWindowPerbitCal] Begin, TX DQ(2, 0), DQ OEN(1, 2)
[431]TX Window Sum 843
[432]Dram Type= 4, Freqency= 1600, rank 0
[433]odt_onoff= 0, Byte mode= 0, Read_DBI= 0, Write DBI= 0
[435]R0 FINAL: TX Bit0 (39~65) 27 52, Bit8 (41~65) 25 53,[435] Bit16 (39~64) 26 51, Bit24 (38~62) 25 50
[436]R0 FINAL: TX Bit1 (38~65) 28 51, Bit9 (41~66) 26 53,[436] Bit17 (38~62) 25 50, Bit25 (40~64) 25 52
[437]R0 FINAL: TX Bit2 (41~66) 26 53, Bit10 (39~66) 28 52,[438] Bit18 (38~64) 27 51, Bit26 (38~64) 27 51
[438]R0 FINAL: TX Bit3 (37~65) 29 51, Bit11 (39~65) 27 52,[439] Bit19 (38~64) 27 51, Bit27 (39~63) 25 51
[439]R0 FINAL: TX Bit4 (40~65) 26 52, Bit12 (39~63) 25 51,[440] Bit20 (36~63) 28 49, Bit28 (39~64) 26 51
[441]R0 FINAL: TX Bit5 (41~66) 26 53, Bit13 (40~65) 26 52,[441] Bit21 (38~64) 27 51, Bit29 (38~63) 26 50
[442]R0 FINAL: TX Bit6 (39~65) 27 52, Bit14 (38~63) 26 50,[442] Bit22 (37~63) 27 50, Bit30 (37~63) 27 50
[443]R0 FINAL: TX Bit7 (40~65) 26 52, Bit15 (40~63) 24 51,[444] Bit23 (38~64) 27 51, Bit31 (39~64) 26 51
[445]Byte0, PI DQ Delay 52 Delay2 53
[445]Final DQ PI Delay(LargeUI, SmallUI, PI) =(2 ,0, 53)
[446]OEN DQ PI Delay(LargeUI, SmallUI, PI) =(1 ,2, 53)
[447]Byte1, PI DQ Delay 51 Delay2 52
[447]Final DQ PI Delay(LargeUI, SmallUI, PI) =(2 ,0, 52)
[448]OEN DQ PI Delay(LargeUI, SmallUI, PI) =(1 ,2, 52)
[448]Byte2, PI DQ Delay 50 Delay2 50
[449]Final DQ PI Delay(LargeUI, SmallUI, PI) =(2 ,0, 50)
[449]OEN DQ PI Delay(LargeUI, SmallUI, PI) =(1 ,2, 50)
[450]Byte3, PI DQ Delay 51 Delay2 51
[451]Final DQ PI Delay(LargeUI, SmallUI, PI) =(2 ,0, 51)
[451]OEN DQ PI Delay(LargeUI, SmallUI, PI) =(1 ,2, 51)
[452][DramcTxWindowPerbitCal] ====Done====
[452][DramcRxdqsGatingPostProcess] p->frequency 1600
[453][DramcRxdqsGatingPostProcess] s1ChangeDQSINCTL 0, reg_TX_dly_DQSgated_min 3, u1TXDLY_Cal_min 3
[MEM_TEST] 01: Before run time config
[459][MEM_TEST] Rank 0 OK. [459](uiFixedAddr 0x40000000, Pass count =16384, Fail count =0)
Settings after calibration ...
[460]=== [DramcRunTimeConfig] ===
[MEM_TEST] 01: After run time config
[466][MEM_TEST] Rank 0 OK. [466](uiFixedAddr 0x40000000, Pass count =16384, Fail count =0)
[467]memory test start address = 0x56000000, test length = 0x2000
[479][MEM] complex R/W mem test pass
[479][Dram_Buffer] dram size: 0x40000000
[480][Dram_Buffer] dram_buf_t size: 0x180F80
[480][Dram_Buffer] part_hdr_t size: 0x200
[481][Dram_Buffer] g_dram_buf start addr: 0x42000000
[481][Dram_Buffer] g_dram_buf->msdc_gpd_pool start addr: 0x42180DC0
[482][Dram_Buffer] g_dram_buf->msdc_bd_pool start addr: 0x42180E80
[483]RAM_CONSOLE start: 0x54400000, size: 0x10000, sig: 0xFFFFFFFF
[484]RAM_CONSOLE init done
[485]RAM_CONSOLE wdt status (0x0)=0x0
[550][PLFM] Init Boot Device: OK(0)
[551]orig_dram_info[0] start: 0x0000000040000000, size: 0x0000000040000000
[552]CUSTOM_CONFIG_MAX_DRAM_SIZE: 0x0000000040000000
[553]total_dram_size: 0x0000000040000000, max_dram_size: 0x0000000040000000
[553]dump mblock info
[554]mblock[i] start=0000000040000000 size=0000000040000000
[556][GPT_PL]Parsing Primary GPT now...
[563][GPT_PL][0]name=proinfo, part_id=8, start_sect=0x400, nr_sects=0x1800
[564][GPT_PL][1]name=nvram, part_id=8, start_sect=0x1C00, nr_sects=0x2800
[565][GPT_PL][2]name=persist, part_id=8, start_sect=0x4400, nr_sects=0x18000
[566][GPT_PL][3]name=seccfg, part_id=8, start_sect=0x1C400, nr_sects=0x200
[567][GPT_PL][4]name=lk, part_id=8, start_sect=0x1C600, nr_sects=0x400
[568][GPT_PL][5]name=lk2, part_id=8, start_sect=0x1CA00, nr_sects=0x400
[568][GPT_PL][6]name=boot, part_id=8, start_sect=0x1CE00, nr_sects=0x8000
[569][GPT_PL][7]name=recovery, part_id=8, start_sect=0x24E00, nr_sects=0x8000
[570][GPT_PL][8]name=para, part_id=8, start_sect=0x2CE00, nr_sects=0x400
[571][GPT_PL][9]name=logo, part_id=8, start_sect=0x2D200, nr_sects=0x4000
[572][GPT_PL][10]name=dtbo, part_id=8, start_sect=0x31200, nr_sects=0x800
[573][GPT_PL][11]name=expdb, part_id=8, start_sect=0x31A00, nr_sects=0x5000
[573][GPT_PL][12]name=frp, part_id=8, start_sect=0x36A00, nr_sects=0x800
[574][GPT_PL][13]name=tee1, part_id=8, start_sect=0x37200, nr_sects=0x2800
[575][GPT_PL][14]name=tee2, part_id=8, start_sect=0x39A00, nr_sects=0x2800
[576][GPT_PL][15]name=kb, part_id=8, start_sect=0x3C200, nr_sects=0x1000
[577][GPT_PL][16]name=dkb, part_id=8, start_sect=0x3D200, nr_sects=0x1000
[577][GPT_PL][17]name=md_udc, part_id=8, start_sect=0x3E200, nr_sects=0xB000
[578][GPT_PL][18]name=metadata, part_id=8, start_sect=0x49200, nr_sects=0x10800
[579][GPT_PL][19]name=nvdata, part_id=8, start_sect=0x59A00, nr_sects=0x2000
[580][GPT_PL][20]name=vbmeta, part_id=8, start_sect=0x5BA00, nr_sects=0x2000
[581][GPT_PL][21]name=vbmeta_system, part_id=8, start_sect=0x5DA00, nr_sects=0x2000
[582][GPT_PL][22]name=vbmeta_vendor, part_id=8, start_sect=0x5FA00, nr_sects=0x2000
[583][GPT_PL][23]name=super, part_id=8, start_sect=0x61A00, nr_sects=0x300000
[584][GPT_PL][24]name=cache, part_id=8, start_sect=0x361A00, nr_sects=0x40000
[584][GPT_PL][25]name=userdata, part_id=8, start_sect=0x3A1A00, nr_sects=0x3A6200
[585][GPT_PL][26]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[586][GPT_PL][27]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[587][GPT_PL][28]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[587][GPT_PL][29]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[588][GPT_PL][30]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[589][GPT_PL][31]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[590][GPT_PL][32]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[590][GPT_PL][33]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[591][GPT_PL][34]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[592][GPT_PL][35]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[592][GPT_PL][36]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[593][GPT_PL][37]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[594][GPT_PL][38]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[595][GPT_PL][39]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[595][GPT_PL][40]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[596][GPT_PL][41]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[597][GPT_PL][42]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[597][GPT_PL][43]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[598][GPT_PL][44]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[599][GPT_PL][45]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[600][GPT_PL][46]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[600][GPT_PL][47]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[601][GPT_PL][48]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[602][GPT_PL][49]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[602][GPT_PL][50]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[603][GPT_PL][51]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[604][GPT_PL][52]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[605][GPT_PL][53]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[605][GPT_PL][54]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[606][GPT_PL][55]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[607][GPT_PL][56]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[607][GPT_PL][57]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[608][GPT_PL][58]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[609][GPT_PL][59]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[610][GPT_PL][60]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[610][GPT_PL][61]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[611][GPT_PL][62]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[612][GPT_PL][63]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[612][GPT_PL][64]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[613][GPT_PL][65]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[614][GPT_PL][66]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[615][GPT_PL][67]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[615][GPT_PL][68]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[616][GPT_PL][69]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[617][GPT_PL][70]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[617][GPT_PL][71]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[618][GPT_PL][72]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[619][GPT_PL][73]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[619][GPT_PL][74]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[620][GPT_PL][75]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[621][GPT_PL][76]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[622][GPT_PL][77]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[622][GPT_PL][78]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[623][GPT_PL][79]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[624][GPT_PL][80]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[624][GPT_PL][81]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[625][GPT_PL][82]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[626][GPT_PL][83]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[627][GPT_PL][84]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[627][GPT_PL][85]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[628][GPT_PL][86]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[629][GPT_PL][87]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[629][GPT_PL][88]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[630][GPT_PL][89]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[631][GPT_PL][90]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[632][GPT_PL][91]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[632][GPT_PL][92]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[633][GPT_PL][93]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[634][GPT_PL][94]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[634][GPT_PL][95]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[635][GPT_PL][96]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[636][GPT_PL][97]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[637][GPT_PL][98]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[637][GPT_PL][99]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[638][GPT_PL][100]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[639][GPT_PL][101]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[639][GPT_PL][102]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[640][GPT_PL][103]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[641][GPT_PL][104]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[642][GPT_PL][105]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[642][GPT_PL][106]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[643][GPT_PL][107]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[644][GPT_PL][108]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[644][GPT_PL][109]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[645][GPT_PL][110]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[646][GPT_PL][111]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[647][GPT_PL][112]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[647][GPT_PL][113]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[648][GPT_PL][114]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[649][GPT_PL][115]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[650][GPT_PL][116]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[650][GPT_PL][117]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[651][GPT_PL][118]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[652][GPT_PL][119]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[652][GPT_PL][120]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[653][GPT_PL][121]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[654][GPT_PL][122]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[655][GPT_PL][123]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[655][GPT_PL][124]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[656][GPT_PL][125]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[657][GPT_PL][126]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[657][GPT_PL][127]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[658][GPT_PL]Success to find valid GPT.
[PART] blksz: 512B
[659][PART] [0x0000000000080000-0x000000000037FFFF] "proinfo" (6144 blocks)
[660][PART] [0x0000000000380000-0x000000000087FFFF] "nvram" (10240 blocks)
[661][PART] [0x0000000000880000-0x000000000387FFFF] "persist" (98304 blocks)
[661][PART] [0x0000000003880000-0x00000000038BFFFF] "seccfg" (512 blocks)
[662][PART] [0x00000000038C0000-0x000000000393FFFF] "lk" (1024 blocks)
[663][PART] [0x0000000003940000-0x00000000039BFFFF] "lk2" (1024 blocks)
[664][PART] [0x00000000039C0000-0x00000000049BFFFF] "boot" (32768 blocks)
[665][PART] [0x00000000049C0000-0x00000000059BFFFF] "recovery" (32768 blocks)
[666][PART] [0x00000000059C0000-0x0000000005A3FFFF] "para" (1024 blocks)
[666][PART] [0x0000000005A40000-0x000000000623FFFF] "logo" (16384 blocks)
[667][PART] [0x0000000006240000-0x000000000633FFFF] "dtbo" (2048 blocks)
[668][PART] [0x0000000006340000-0x0000000006D3FFFF] "expdb" (20480 blocks)
[669][PART] [0x0000000006D40000-0x0000000006E3FFFF] "frp" (2048 blocks)
[670][PART] [0x0000000006E40000-0x000000000733FFFF] "tee1" (10240 blocks)
[671][PART] [0x0000000007340000-0x000000000783FFFF] "tee2" (10240 blocks)
[671][PART] [0x0000000007840000-0x0000000007A3FFFF] "kb" (4096 blocks)
[672][PART] [0x0000000007A40000-0x0000000007C3FFFF] "dkb" (4096 blocks)
[673][PART] [0x0000000007C40000-0x000000000923FFFF] "md_udc" (45056 blocks)
[674][PART] [0x0000000009240000-0x000000000B33FFFF] "metadata" (67584 blocks)
[675][PART] [0x000000000B340000-0x000000000B73FFFF] "nvdata" (8192 blocks)
[676][PART] [0x000000000B740000-0x000000000BB3FFFF] "vbmeta" (8192 blocks)
[676][PART] [0x000000000BB40000-0x000000000BF3FFFF] "vbmeta_system" (8192 blocks)
[677][PART] [0x000000000BF40000-0x000000000C33FFFF] "vbmeta_vendor" (8192 blocks)
[678][PART] [0x000000000C340000-0x000000006C33FFFF] "super" (3145728 blocks)
[679][PART] [0x000000006C340000-0x000000007433FFFF] "cache" (262144 blocks)
[680][PART] [0x0000000074340000-0x00000000E8F7FFFF] "userdata" (3826176 blocks)
[681][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[682][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[682][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[683][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[684][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[685][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[685][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[686][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[687][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[688][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[688][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[689][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[690][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[690][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[691][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[692][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[693][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[693][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[694][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[695][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[696][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[696][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[697][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[698][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[699][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[699][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[700][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[701][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[702][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[702][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[703][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[704][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[705][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[705][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[706][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[707][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[708][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[708][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[709][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[710][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[711][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[711][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[712][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[713][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[714][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[714][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[715][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[716][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[716][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[717][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[718][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[719][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[719][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[720][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[721][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[722][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[722][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[723][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[724][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[725][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[725][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[726][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[727][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[728][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[728][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[729][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[730][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[731][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[731][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[732][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[733][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[734][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[734][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[735][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[736][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[737][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[737][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[738][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[739][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[740][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[740][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[741][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[742][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[743][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[743][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[744][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[745][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[745][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[746][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[747][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[748][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[748][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[749][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[750][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[751][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[751][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[752][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[753][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[754][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[754][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[755][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[756][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[757][PART] [0x000000D2DEE4E000-0x000000D3BDB1BBFF] "unknown" (7300718 blocks)
[758][ROM_INFO] 'v2','0x0','0x0','0x0','0x2C00'
[758][SEC] AES Legacy : 0
[758][SEC] SECCFG AC : 1
[759][SEC] DBGPORT 00100051 0020FFFF 00000101 00000101 0021EA67
[760][SEC] DBGPORT (0 1)
[760][SEC] DBGPORT 00100051 0020FFFF 00000101 00000101 0021EA67
[SEC] read '0x3880000'
[763][BLDR] Tool connection is unlocked
[763][platform_vusb_on] VUSB33 is on
[769]======PHY:0x68 = 0x14
[770]==================usb_charger_type_detect:0x76 = 0x20
[770]==================usb_charger_type_detect:line_state = 0x0
[771]************ USB Host connected **********
[PLFM] USB cable in
[774][TOOL] USB enum timeout (Yes), handshake timeout(Yes)
[776][USBD] USB Full Speed
[777][TOOL] Enumeration(Start)
[968][USBD] USB High Speed
[1086][USBD] USB High Speed
[1273][TOOL] Enumeration(End): OK 496ms
[1675]usbdl_flush timeout
[1996]usbdl_flush timeout
[2317]usbdl_flush timeout
[2638]usbdl_flush timeout
[2959]usbdl_flush timeout
[3280]usbdl_flush timeout
[3601]usbdl_flush timeout
[3922]usbdl_flush timeout
[3922][TOOL] : usb listen timeout
[3922][TOOL] <USB> cannot detect tools!
Device APC domain init setup:
[3924]Domain Setup (0x0)
[3924]Domain Setup (0x0)
[3924]Device APC domain after setup:
[3925]Domain Setup (0x4C000000)
[3925]Domain Setup (0x5)
[3926](B)tz_dapc_sec_init is 0x0
[3926](E)tz_dapc_sec_init is 0x1
[3926]mblock_reserve: 000000007FFC0000 - 0000000080000000 from mblock 0
[3927][BLDR] check active part. of lk and lk2
[3928][BLDR] lk active = 4, lk2 active = 0
[3928][BLDR] Loading lk Partition...
[3929][PART] partition name = lk
[3929][SEC_POLICY] sboot_state = 0x1
[3929][SEC_POLICY] lock_state = 0x3
[3930][PART] img_auth_required = 0
[3931][PART] partition hdr (1)
[3932][PART] Image with part header
[3932][PART] name : lk
[3932][PART] addr : FFFFFFFFh mode : -1
[3933][PART] size : 421444
[3933][PART] magic: 58881688h
[3933][PART] part: lk img: lk cert vfy(0 ms)
[PART] load "lk" from 0x00000000038C0200 (dev) to 0x56000000 (mem) [SUCCESS]
[3947][PART] load speed: 34296KB/s, 421444 bytes, 12ms
[3948][PART] part: lk img: lk vfy(0 ms)
[3956][BLDR] check active part. of tee1 and tee2
[3957][BLDR] tee1 active = 4, tee2 active = 0
[3957][BLDR] Loading tee1 Partition...
[3958][PART] partition name = tee1
[3958][SEC_POLICY] sboot_state = 0x1
[3958][SEC_POLICY] lock_state = 0x3
[3959][PART] img_auth_required = 0
[3960][PART] partition hdr (1)
[3961][PART] Image with part header
[3961][PART] name : atf
[3961][PART] addr : FFFFFFFFh mode : 0
[3962][PART] size : 58880
[3962][PART] magic: 58881688h
[3962][PART] part: tee1 img: atf cert vfy(0 ms)
[PART] load "tee1" from 0x0000000006E40200 (dev) to 0x54601000 (mem) [SUCCESS]
[3967][PART] load speed: 19166KB/s, 58880 bytes, 3ms
[3968][PART] part: tee1 img: atf vfy(0 ms)
[3976][BLDR_MTEE] sha256 takes 1 (ms) for 58304 bytes
[4028][BLDR_MTEE] rsa2048 takes 52 (ms)
[4029][BLDR_MTEE] verify pkcs#1 pss takes 0 (ms)
[4030][BLDR_MTEE] aes128cbc takes 0 (ms) for 58304
[4031][PART] partition name = tee1
[4031][SEC_POLICY] sboot_state = 0x1
[4032][SEC_POLICY] lock_state = 0x3
[4032][PART] img_auth_required = 0
[4035][PART] partition hdr (1)
[4035][PART] Image with part header
[4036][PART] name : tee
[4036][PART] addr : 600000h mode : 0
[4036][PART] size : 2240000
[4037][PART] magic: 58881688h
[4037][PART] part: tee1 img: tee cert vfy(0 ms)
[4038]mblock_reserve: 000000007F9C0000 - 000000007FFC0000 from mblock 0
[PART] load "tee1" from 0x0000000006E4F870 (dev) to 0x7F9C0000 (mem) [SUCCESS]
[4094][PART] load speed: 39772KB/s, 2240000 bytes, 55ms
[4094][PART] part: tee1 img: tee vfy(0 ms)
[4133][BLDR_MTEE] sha256 takes 27 (ms) for 2239424 bytes
[4185][BLDR_MTEE] rsa2048 takes 52 (ms)
[4186][BLDR_MTEE] verify pkcs#1 pss takes 0 (ms)
[4223][BLDR_MTEE] aes128cbc takes 36 (ms) for 2239424
[4224][TZ_INIT] TEE start entry : 0x7F9C0000
[4224][TZ_INIT] MEID : 0xEB, 0xFE, 0x18, 0x1A
[4225][TZ_INIT] MEID : 0x32, 0x8, 0x26, 0x1C
[4225][TZ_INIT] MEID : 0xF0, 0x3E, 0x25, 0xB6
[4226][TZ_INIT] MEID : 0xA0, 0x5E, 0x34, 0x3A
[4226][BLDR] bldr load tee part ret=0x0, addr=0x54601000
[4228][BLDR] part_load_raw_part ret=0x0
[4228][BLDR] part_load_images ret=0x0
[4230]mblock_reserve: 0000000054400000 - 0000000054410000 from mblock 0
[4231]mblock_reserve: 0000000054410000 - 00000000544F0000 from mblock 1
[4231]mblock_reserve: 00000000544F0000 - 0000000054500000 from mblock 1
[4232]lastpc[0][0] = D641B37F
[4233]lastpc[0][1] = 831BB14C
[4233]lastpc[0][2] = 7E208748
[4233]lastpc[0][3] = 5CC44F35
[4234]lastpc[0][4] = 414F8DD7
[4234]lastpc[0][5] = 349B7D5B
[4234]lastpc[0][6] = 95B16153
[4235]lastpc[0][7] = 8FB19CDE
[4235]lastpc[1][0] = 0
[4235]lastpc[1][1] = 0
[4235]lastpc[1][2] = 0
[4236]lastpc[1][3] = 0
[4236]lastpc[1][4] = 0
[4236]lastpc[1][5] = 0
[4237]lastpc[1][6] = 0
[4237]lastpc[1][7] = 0
[4237]lastpc[2][0] = 0
[4237]lastpc[2][1] = 0
[4238]lastpc[2][2] = 0
[4238]lastpc[2][3] = 0
[4238]lastpc[2][4] = 0
[4238]lastpc[2][5] = 0
[4239]lastpc[2][6] = 0
[4239]lastpc[2][7] = 0
[4239]lastpc[3][0] = 0
[4240]lastpc[3][1] = 0
[4240]lastpc[3][2] = 0
[4240]lastpc[3][3] = 0
[4240]lastpc[3][4] = 0
[4241]lastpc[3][5] = 0
[4241]lastpc[3][6] = 0
[4241]lastpc[3][7] = 0
[PLFM] boot to LK by ATAG.
[4242]PL_VERSION = 0.1.00
[4242]RAM_CONSOLE offset:0xAC0
[4243]RAM_CONSOLE sram_plat_dbg_info_addr:0x10D800, sram_plat_dbg_info_size:0x200, sram_log_store_addr:0x10DB00, sram_log_store_size:0x100
[4244]RAM_CONSOLE mrdump_addr:0x10DC00, mrdump_size:0x3400, dram_addr:0x54400000, dram_size:0x10000
[4245]RAM_CONSOLE pstore_addr:0x54410000, pstore_size:0xE0000, pstore_console_size:0x40000, pstore_pmsg_size:0x10000
[4247]RAM_CONSOLE mrdump_mini_header_addr:0x544F0000, mrdump_mini_header_size:0x10000, magic1:0x61646472, magic2:0x73697A65
[4248]emmc ocr = 0xC0FF8080
[4248]emmc cid: 0x15010034 0x46544534 0x5201F2AA 0x8F6F47F5
[4249]emmc csd: 0xD0270132 0xF5903FF 0xF6DBFFEF 0x8E40400D
[4250]BOOT_REASON: 1
[4250]BOOT_MODE: 0
[4250]META_COM TYPE: 0
[4250]META_COM ID: 0
[4251]META_COM PORT: 285237248
[4251]LOG_COM PORT: 285233152
[4251]LOG_COM BAUD: 921600
[4252]LOG_COM EN: 1
[4252]MEM_NUM: 1
[4252]MEM_SIZE: 0x14400000
[4252]mblock num: 0x2
[4253]mblock start: 0x0000000040000000
[4253]mblock size: 0x0000000014400000
[4254]mblock rank: 0x0
[4254]mblock start: 0x0000000054500000
[4254]mblock size: 0x000000002B4C0000
[4255]mblock rank: 0x0
[4255]mblock start: 0x0000000000000000
[4255]mblock size: 0x0000000000000000
[4256]mblock rank: 0x0
[4256]mblock start: 0x0000000000000000
[4257]mblock size: 0x0000000000000000
[4257]mblock rank: 0x0
[4257]orig_dram num: 0x1
[4258]orig_dram start: 0x0000000040000000
[4258]orig_dram size: 0x0000000040000000
[4259]orig_dram start: 0x0000000000000000
[4259]orig_dram size: 0x0000000000000000
[4259]orig_dram start: 0x0000000000000000
[4260]orig_dram size: 0x0000000000000000
[4260]orig_dram start: 0x0000000000000000
[4261]orig_dram size: 0x0000000000000000
[4261]lca start: 0x0000000000000000
[4262]lca size: 0x0000000000000000
[4262]tee start: 0x000000007FFC0000
[4263]tee size: 0x0000000000040000
[4263]MD_INFO: 0xFF
[4263]MD_INFO: 0xFF
[4263]MD_INFO: 0xFF
[4264]MD_INFO: 0xFF
[4264]BOOT_TIME: 4241
[4266]PART_NUM: 3
[4266]PART_INFO: 0x42058A24
[4267]EFLAG: 0
[4267]DDR_RESERVE: 0
[4267]DDR_RESERVE: 0
[4267]DDR_RESERVE: 0
[4268]DRAM_BUF: 1576832
[4268]SMC: 0x0
[4268]SMC: 0x6
[4268]SMC: 0x6
[4269]SRAM satrt: 0x10D000
[4269]SRAM size: 0x4000
[4269]ram_console info sram_addr: 0x10D000
[4270]ram_console info sram_size: 0x800
[4270]ram_console info def_type: 0x2
[4271]ram_console memory_info_offset: 0xAC0
[4271][TZ_INIT] hwuid[0] : 0x1A18FEEB
[4271][TZ_INIT] hwuid[1] : 0x1C260832
[4272][TZ_INIT] hwuid[2] : 0xB6253EF0
[4272][TZ_INIT] hwuid[3] : 0x3A345EA0
[4273][TZ_INIT] HRID[0] : 0x1E56325
[4273][TZ_INIT] HRID[1] : 0x59A22EAD
[4274][TZ_INIT] atf_log_port : 0x11005000
[4274][TZ_INIT] atf_log_baudrate : 0xE1000
[4275][TZ_INIT] atf_irq_num : 281
[4275][TZ_INIT] ATF log buffer start : 0xx
[4275][TZ_INIT] ATF log buffer size : 0x40000
[4276][TZ_INIT] ATF aee buffer start : 0xx
[4276][TZ_INIT] ATF aee buffer size : 0x4000
[4277][BLDR] Others, jump to ATF
[BLDR] jump to 0x56000000
[4278][BLDR] <0x56000000>=0xEA000007
[4278][BLDR] <0x56000004>=0xEA005CF3
[4279][TZ_SEC_CFG] SRAMROM Secure Addr 0xD000
[4279][TZ_SEC_CFG] SRAMROM Secure Control 0x0
[4280][TZ_SEC_CFG] SRAMROM Secure Control 0xB69
[4280][TZ_SEC_CFG] SRAMROM Secure Control 0x1B680B69
[4281] MPU [LOCK
[4281][TZ_EMI_MPU] MPU [0x7F9C0000-0x7FFBFFFF]
[4281][TZ_INIT] set secure memory protection : 0x7F9C0000, 0x7FFBFFFF (OPT)
[4282] MPU [LOCK
[4282][TZ_EMI_MPU] MPU [0x54600000-0x5462FFFF]
[4283][TZ_INIT] set secure memory protection : 0x54600000, 0x5462FFFF
[4284][TZ_INIT] Jump to ATF, then 0x7F9C0000 and 0x56000000
[ATF](0)[4.997608]NOTICE: Boot reason 1
[ATF](0)[4.998049]INFO: LK is AArch32
[ATF](0)[4.998504]INFO: mmap atf buffer : 0x7ffc0000, 0x40000
[ATF](0)[4.999307]INFO: mmap atf buffer (force 2MB aligned): 0x7fe00000, 0x200000
[ATF](0)[5.001384]INFO: abnormal_boot: 0x0, cflag: 0xffffffff
[ATF](0)[5.003933]INFO: mt_log_setup
[ATF](0)[5.004356]INFO: -atf_buf_lock: 0x0
[ATF](0)[5.004873]INFO: -mt_log_buf_start: 0x7ffc0000
[ATF](0)[5.005508]INFO: -mt_log_buf_size: 0x40000
[ATF](0)[5.006101]INFO: -log_addr: 0x7ffc0200
[ATF](0)[5.006650]INFO: -log_size: 0x17e00
[ATF](0)[5.007167]INFO: -write_offset: 0x0
[ATF](0)[5.007683]INFO: -read_offset: 0x0
[ATF](0)[5.008189]INFO: -log_buf_end : 0x7ffd7fff
[ATF](0)[5.008782]INFO: -ATF_EXCEPT_BUF_SIZE_PER_CPU : 0x1000
[ATF](0)[5.009503]INFO: -ATF_EXCEPT_BUF_SIZE : 0x4000
[ATF](0)[5.010139]INFO: -PLATFORM_CORE_COUNT : 0x4
[ATF](0)[5.010742]INFO: -except_write_pos_per_cpu[0]: 0x7fff8000
[ATF](0)[5.011496]INFO: -except_write_pos_per_cpu[1]: 0x7fff9000
[ATF](0)[5.012249]INFO: -except_write_pos_per_cpu[2]: 0x7fffa000
[ATF](0)[5.013003]INFO: -except_write_pos_per_cpu[3]: 0x7fffb000
[ATF](0)[5.013757]INFO: -crash_flag : 0x41544641
[ATF](0)[5.014339]INFO: -crash_log_addr : 0x7ffd8000
[ATF](0)[5.014964]INFO: -crash_log_size : 0x20000
[ATF](0)[5.015571]INFO: ATF log service is registered (0x7ffc0000, aee:0x7fffc000)
[ATF](0)[5.016494]NOTICE: BL3-1: v1.2(debug):2f74709
[ATF](0)[5.017086]NOTICE: BL3-1:
[ATF](0)[5.017474]NOTICE: BL31: v1.2(debug):2f74709
[ATF](0)[5.018055]NOTICE: BL31:
[ATF](0)[5.018435]INFO: [spmc_init]change to SPMC mode !!!
[ATF](0)[5.019117]INFO: ARM GICv2 driver initialized
[ATF](0)[5.019733]INFO: BL31: Initializing runtime services
[ATF](0)[5.020426]INFO: BL31: Initializing BL32
l[ATF](0)[5.021583]INFO: BL31: Preparing for EL3 exit to normal world
[ATF](0)[5.022353]INFO: Entry point address = 0x56000000
[ATF](0)[5.023010]INFO: SPSR = 0x1d3
Current RTC time:[2020/4/6 0:0:4]
[6] kernel_boot_opt=6
[6] 32Bit Kernel
[6] SKIP sw sram repair
[7] [LEDS]LK: leds_init: mt65xx_backlight_off
[7] [LEDS]LK: mt65xx_backlight_off
[7] [LEDS]LK: lcd-backlight level is 0
[8] cust->mode is 6
[8] cust->mode E cust_data= 0x56010465; level =0
chr detection : 1
[10] thread: bootstrap2, bottom(stack) = 0x5608e9d8, limit(stack) = 0x5608c9d8
[10] mblock[0].start: 0x40000000, sz: 0x14400000, limit: 0x56400000, max_addr: 0x0, target: -1, reserved_addr: 0x54000000,reserved_size: 0x400000
[12] mblock_reserve dbg[0]: 1, 1, 1, 1
[12] mblock[1].start: 0x54500000, sz: 0x2b4c0000, limit: 0x56400000, max_addr: 0x54400000, target: 0, reserved_addr: 0x56000000,reserved_size: 0x400000
[14] mblock_reserve dbg[1]: 1, 1, 1, 1
[15] mblock[1]: 54500000, 1b00000 from mblock
mblock[2]: 56400000, 295c0000 from mblock
[16] mblock_reserve [0].start: 0x40000000, sz: 0x14400000
[16] mblock_reserve [1].start: 0x54500000, sz: 0x1b00000
[17] mblock_reserve [2].start: 0x56400000, sz: 0x295c0000
[18] mblock_reserve-R[0].start: 0x7ffc0000, sz: 0x40000 map:0 name:atf-log-reserved
[18] mblock_reserve-R[1].start: 0x7f9c0000, sz: 0x600000 map:0 name:tee
[19] mblock_reserve-R[2].start: 0x54400000, sz: 0x10000 map:0 name:ram_console
[20] mblock_reserve-R[3].start: 0x54410000, sz: 0xe0000 map:0 name:pstore
[21] mblock_reserve-R[4].start: 0x544f0000, sz: 0x10000 map:0 name:minirdump
[22] mblock_reserve-R[5].start: 0x56000000, sz: 0x400000 map:0 name:lk_addr_mb
[23] mblock[0].start: 0x40000000, sz: 0x14400000, limit: 0x5e900000, max_addr: 0x0, target: -1, reserved_addr: 0x4c400000,reserved_size: 0x8000000
[24] mblock_reserve dbg[0]: 1, 1, 1, 1
[25] mblock[2].start: 0x56400000, sz: 0x295c0000, limit: 0x5e900000, max_addr: 0x54400000, target: 0, reserved_addr: 0x56900000,reserved_size: 0x8000000
[26] mblock_reserve dbg[2]: 1, 1, 1, 1
[27] mblock[2]: 56400000, 500000 from mblock
mblock[3]: 5e900000, 210c0000 from mblock
[28] mblock_reserve [0].start: 0x40000000, sz: 0x14400000
[29] mblock_reserve [1].start: 0x54500000, sz: 0x1b00000
[29] mblock_reserve [2].start: 0x56400000, sz: 0x500000
[30] mblock_reserve [3].start: 0x5e900000, sz: 0x210c0000
[30] mblock_reserve-R[0].start: 0x7ffc0000, sz: 0x40000 map:0 name:atf-log-reserved
[31] mblock_reserve-R[1].start: 0x7f9c0000, sz: 0x600000 map:0 name:tee
[32] mblock_reserve-R[2].start: 0x54400000, sz: 0x10000 map:0 name:ram_console
[33] mblock_reserve-R[3].start: 0x54410000, sz: 0xe0000 map:0 name:pstore
[34] mblock_reserve-R[4].start: 0x544f0000, sz: 0x10000 map:0 name:minirdump
[35] mblock_reserve-R[5].start: 0x56000000, sz: 0x400000 map:0 name:lk_addr_mb
[36] mblock_reserve-R[6].start: 0x56900000, sz: 0x8000000 map:0 name:scratch_addr_mb
[37] ==dump boot argument==
[37] BOOT_MODE: 0
[38] META_COM ID: 0
[38] META_COM PORT: 285237248
[38] LOG_COM PORT: 285233152
[38] LOG_COM BAUD: 921600
[39] LOG_COM EN: 1
[39] MEM_NUM: 1
[39] MEM_SIZE: 0x14400000
[39] mblock num: 0x4
[40] mblock start: 0x40000000
[40] mblock size: 0x14400000
[40] mblock rank: 0x0
[41] mblock start: 0x54500000
[41] mblock size: 0x1b00000
[41] mblock rank: 0x0
[42] mblock start: 0x56400000
[42] mblock size: 0x500000
[42] mblock rank: 0x0
[43] mblock start: 0x5e900000
[43] mblock size: 0x210c0000
[43] mblock rank: 0x0
[43] orig_dram num: 0x1
[44] orig_dram start: 0x40000000
[44] orig_dram size: 0x40000000
[44] orig_dram start: 0x0
[45] orig_dram size: 0x0
[45] orig_dram start: 0x0
[45] orig_dram size: 0x0
[46] orig_dram start: 0x0
[46] orig_dram size: 0x0
[46] lca start: 0x0
[46] lca size: 0x0
[47] tee start: 0x7ffc0000
[47] tee size: 0x40000
[47] MD_INFO: 0xff
[48] MD_INFO: 0xff
[48] MD_INFO: 0xff
[48] MD_INFO: 0xff
[48] BOOT_TIME: 4241
[48] DA_INFO: 0xffffffff
[49] DA_INFO: 0xffffffff
[49] DA_INFO: 0xffffffff
[49] DA_INFO: 0xffffffff
[50] DA_INFO: 0xffffffff
[50] SEC_INFO: 0xffffffff
[50] SEC_INFO: 0xffffffff
[51] PART_NUM: 3
[51] PART_INFO: 0x42058a24
[51] EFLAG: 0
[51] DDR_RESERVE: enable = 0
[52] DDR_RESERVE: success = 0
[52] DDR_RESERVE: ready = 0
[52] DRAM_BUF: 1576832
[52] SMC: 0x0
[53] SMC: 0x6
[53] SMC: 0x6
[53] SRAM satrt: 0x10d000
[53] SRAM size: 0x4000
[54] ==dump boot argument==
[54] platform_init()
LK emmc ocr = 0xc0ff8080
LK emmc cid: 0x15010034, 0x46544534, 0x5201f2aa, 0x8f6f47f5
LK emmc csd: 0xd0270132, 0xf5903ff, 0xf6dbffef, 0x8e40400d
[64] phase: [map:ffffffff] [maxlen:32] [final:10]
[65] Final cmd/data pad delay: a
[65] [mt_part_register_device]
[65] [partition init]
[66] [GPT_LK]Parsing Primary GPT now...
[67] [GPT_LK][0]name=proinfo, part_id=8, start_sect=0x400, nr_sects=0x1800, uuid=f57ad330-39c2-4488-9bb0-00cb43c9ccd4
[69] [GPT_LK][1]name=nvram, part_id=8, start_sect=0x1c00, nr_sects=0x2800, uuid=fe686d97-3544-4a41-be21-167e25b61b6f
[70] [GPT_LK][2]name=persist, part_id=8, start_sect=0x4400, nr_sects=0x18000, uuid=1cb143a8-b1a8-4b57-b251-945c5119e8fe
[71] [GPT_LK][3]name=seccfg, part_id=8, start_sect=0x1c400, nr_sects=0x200, uuid=3b9e343b-cdc8-4d7f-9fa6-b6812e50ab62
[73] [GPT_LK][4]name=lk, part_id=8, start_sect=0x1c600, nr_sects=0x400, uuid=5f6a2c79-6617-4b85-ac02-c2975a14d2d7
[74] [GPT_LK][5]name=lk2, part_id=8, start_sect=0x1ca00, nr_sects=0x400, uuid=4ae2050b-5db5-4ff7-aad3-5730534be63d
[75] [GPT_LK][6]name=boot, part_id=8, start_sect=0x1ce00, nr_sects=0x8000, uuid=1f9b0939-e16b-4bc9-a5bc-dc2ee969d801
[76] [GPT_LK][7]name=recovery, part_id=8, start_sect=0x24e00, nr_sects=0x8000, uuid=d722c721-0dee-4cb8-8a83-2c63cd1393c7
[78] [GPT_LK][8]name=para, part_id=8, start_sect=0x2ce00, nr_sects=0x400, uuid=e02179a8-ceb5-48a9-8831-4f1c9c5a8695
[79] [GPT_LK][9]name=logo, part_id=8, start_sect=0x2d200, nr_sects=0x4000, uuid=84b09a81-fad2-41ac-890e-407c24975e74
[80] [GPT_LK][10]name=dtbo, part_id=8, start_sect=0x31200, nr_sects=0x800, uuid=e8f0a5ef-8d1b-42ea-9c2a-835cd77de363
[81] [GPT_LK][11]name=expdb, part_id=8, start_sect=0x31a00, nr_sects=0x5000, uuid=d5f0e175-a6e1-4db7-94c0-f82ad032950b
[83] [GPT_LK][12]name=frp, part_id=8, start_sect=0x36a00, nr_sects=0x800, uuid=1d9056e1-e139-4fca-8c0b-b75fd74d81c6
[84] [GPT_LK][13]name=tee1, part_id=8, start_sect=0x37200, nr_sects=0x2800, uuid=7792210b-b6a8-45d5-ad91-3361ed14c608
[85] [GPT_LK][14]name=tee2, part_id=8, start_sect=0x39a00, nr_sects=0x2800, uuid=138a6db9-1032-451d-91e9-0fa38ff94fbb
[87] [GPT_LK][15]name=kb, part_id=8, start_sect=0x3c200, nr_sects=0x1000, uuid=756d934c-50e3-4c91-af46-02d824169ca7
[88] [GPT_LK][16]name=dkb, part_id=8, start_sect=0x3d200, nr_sects=0x1000, uuid=a3f3c267-5521-42dd-a724-3bdec20c7c6f
[89] [GPT_LK][17]name=md_udc, part_id=8, start_sect=0x3e200, nr_sects=0xb000, uuid=8c68cd2a-ccc9-4c5d-8b57-34ae9b2dd481
[91] [GPT_LK][18]name=metadata, part_id=8, start_sect=0x49200, nr_sects=0x10800, uuid=6a5cebf8-54a7-4b89-8d1d-c5eb140b095b
[92] [GPT_LK][19]name=nvdata, part_id=8, start_sect=0x59a00, nr_sects=0x2000, uuid=a0d65bf8-e8de-4107-9434-1d318c843d37
[93] [GPT_LK][20]name=vbmeta, part_id=8, start_sect=0x5ba00, nr_sects=0x2000, uuid=46f0c0bb-f227-4eb6-b82f-66408e13e36d
[94] [GPT_LK][21]name=vbmeta_system, part_id=8, start_sect=0x5da00, nr_sects=0x2000, uuid=fbc2c131-6392-4217-b51e-548a6edb03d0
[96] [GPT_LK][22]name=vbmeta_vendor, part_id=8, start_sect=0x5fa00, nr_sects=0x2000, uuid=e195a981-e285-4734-8025-ec323e9589d9
[97] [GPT_LK][23]name=super, part_id=8, start_sect=0x61a00, nr_sects=0x300000, uuid=e29052f8-5d3a-4e97-adb5-5f312ce6610a
[99] [GPT_LK][24]name=cache, part_id=8, start_sect=0x361a00, nr_sects=0x40000, uuid=9c3cabd7-a35d-4b45-8c57-b80775426b35
[100] [GPT_LK][25]name=userdata, part_id=8, start_sect=0x3a1a00, nr_sects=0x3a6200, uuid=e7099731-95a6-45a6-a1e5-1b6aba032cf1
[101] [GPT_LK] EMMC_PART_USER size = 0xe9000000
[102] [GPT_LK]Success to find valid GPT.
[103] [[PART_LK]] boot_device str is androidboot.boot_devices=bootdevice,soc/11120000.mmc.
[104] [PART_LK][get_part] para
[106] [LK_BOOT] Load 'para' partition to 0x56098900 (6144 bytes in 1 ms)
[107] [PART_LK][get_part] boot
[108] [LK_BOOT] Load 'boot' partition to 0x56098900 (3708 bytes in 1 ms)
[109] mblock[0].start: 0x40000000, sz: 0x14400000, limit: 0x54080000, max_addr: 0x0, target: -1, reserved_addr: 0x54000000,reserved_size: 0x80000
[111] mblock_reserve dbg[0]: 1, 1, 1, 1
[111] mblock[0]: 40000000, 14000000 from mblock
mblock[1]: 54080000, 380000 from mblock
[112] mblock_reserve [0].start: 0x40000000, sz: 0x14000000
[113] mblock_reserve [1].start: 0x54080000, sz: 0x380000
[113] mblock_reserve [2].start: 0x54500000, sz: 0x1b00000
[114] mblock_reserve [3].start: 0x56400000, sz: 0x500000
[115] mblock_reserve [4].start: 0x5e900000, sz: 0x210c0000
[115] mblock_reserve-R[0].start: 0x7ffc0000, sz: 0x40000 map:0 name:atf-log-reserved
[116] mblock_reserve-R[1].start: 0x7f9c0000, sz: 0x600000 map:0 name:tee
[117] mblock_reserve-R[2].start: 0x54400000, sz: 0x10000 map:0 name:ram_console
[118] mblock_reserve-R[3].start: 0x54410000, sz: 0xe0000 map:0 name:pstore
[119] mblock_reserve-R[4].start: 0x544f0000, sz: 0x10000 map:0 name:minirdump
[120] mblock_reserve-R[5].start: 0x56000000, sz: 0x400000 map:0 name:lk_addr_mb
[121] mblock_reserve-R[6].start: 0x56900000, sz: 0x8000000 map:0 name:scratch_addr_mb
[122] mblock_reserve-R[7].start: 0x54000000, sz: 0x80000 map:1 name:dtb_kernel_addr_mb
[123] mblock[0].start: 0x40000000, sz: 0x14000000, limit: 0x4c808000, max_addr: 0x0, target: -1, reserved_addr: 0x40008000,reserved_size: 0xc800000
[124] mblock_reserve dbg[0]: 1, 1, 1, 1
[125] mblock[0]: 40000000, 8000 from mblock
mblock[1]: 4c808000, 77f8000 from mblock
[126] mblock_reserve [0].start: 0x40000000, sz: 0x8000
[126] mblock_reserve [1].start: 0x4c808000, sz: 0x77f8000
[127] mblock_reserve [2].start: 0x54080000, sz: 0x380000
[127] mblock_reserve [3].start: 0x54500000, sz: 0x1b00000
[128] mblock_reserve [4].start: 0x56400000, sz: 0x500000
[129] mblock_reserve [5].start: 0x5e900000, sz: 0x210c0000
[129] mblock_reserve-R[0].start: 0x7ffc0000, sz: 0x40000 map:0 name:atf-log-reserved
[130] mblock_reserve-R[1].start: 0x7f9c0000, sz: 0x600000 map:0 name:tee
[131] mblock_reserve-R[2].start: 0x54400000, sz: 0x10000 map:0 name:ram_console
[132] mblock_reserve-R[3].start: 0x54410000, sz: 0xe0000 map:0 name:pstore
[133] mblock_reserve-R[4].start: 0x544f0000, sz: 0x10000 map:0 name:minirdump
[134] mblock_reserve-R[5].start: 0x56000000, sz: 0x400000 map:0 name:lk_addr_mb
[135] mblock_reserve-R[6].start: 0x56900000, sz: 0x8000000 map:0 name:scratch_addr_mb
[136] mblock_reserve-R[7].start: 0x54000000, sz: 0x80000 map:1 name:dtb_kernel_addr_mb
[137] mblock_reserve-R[8].start: 0x40008000, sz: 0xc800000 map:0 name:kernel_addr_mb
[137] mblock[1].start: 0x4c808000, sz: 0x77f8000, limit: 0x56000000, max_addr: 0x0, target: -1, reserved_addr: 0x53000000,reserved_size: 0x1000000
[139] mblock_reserve dbg[1]: 1, 1, 1, 1
[140] mblock[3].start: 0x54500000, sz: 0x1b00000, limit: 0x56000000, max_addr: 0x54000000, target: 1, reserved_addr: 0x55000000,reserved_size: 0x1000000
[141] mblock_reserve dbg[3]: 1, 1, 1, 1
[142] mblock_reserve [0].start: 0x40000000, sz: 0x8000
[142] mblock_reserve [1].start: 0x4c808000, sz: 0x77f8000
[143] mblock_reserve [2].start: 0x54080000, sz: 0x380000
[144] mblock_reserve [3].start: 0x54500000, sz: 0xb00000
[144] mblock_reserve [4].start: 0x56400000, sz: 0x500000
[145] mblock_reserve [5].start: 0x5e900000, sz: 0x210c0000
[145] mblock_reserve-R[0].start: 0x7ffc0000, sz: 0x40000 map:0 name:atf-log-reserved
[146] mblock_reserve-R[1].start: 0x7f9c0000, sz: 0x600000 map:0 name:tee
[147] mblock_reserve-R[2].start: 0x54400000, sz: 0x10000 map:0 name:ram_console
[148] mblock_reserve-R[3].start: 0x54410000, sz: 0xe0000 map:0 name:pstore
[149] mblock_reserve-R[4].start: 0x544f0000, sz: 0x10000 map:0 name:minirdump
[150] mblock_reserve-R[5].start: 0x56000000, sz: 0x400000 map:0 name:lk_addr_mb
[151] mblock_reserve-R[6].start: 0x56900000, sz: 0x8000000 map:0 name:scratch_addr_mb
[152] mblock_reserve-R[7].start: 0x54000000, sz: 0x80000 map:1 name:dtb_kernel_addr_mb
[153] mblock_reserve-R[8].start: 0x40008000, sz: 0xc800000 map:0 name:kernel_addr_mb
[154] mblock_reserve-R[9].start: 0x55000000, sz: 0x1000000 map:0 name:ramdisk_addr_mb
[156] find v2 dtb with mkdtimg format, dtb file offset: 0x802000
[157] Copy DTB from 0x56098940 to 0x54000000(size: 0xa587)
[157] [LK] fdt setup addr:0x54000000 status:1!!!
[159] real mdtbo index=0
[164] [PROFILE] ::: lvl(2) Overlay takes 3 ms
[164] [PROFILE] ::: lvl(1) early load dtb takes 60 ms
[165] [PART_LK][get_part] para
[LK_ENV]no valid env
[167] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_probe
[167] [DISP]we will check lcm: t397ht6673_wvga_dsi_vdo_isp_hsd
[168] [DISP]func|_display_interface_path_init
[168] [DISPCHECK]dpmgr create path SUCCESS(0x5606a1c8)
[169] [DISPCHECK]dpmgr set dst module FINISHED(dsi0 )
[170] [DISP]func|ddp_dsi_init
[170] [DISPCHECK]dsi0 init finished
[DITHER] invalid dither bpp = 0
[171] [DISP]func|ddp_dsi_config
[172] [DISPCHECK][DDPDSI] LANE_NUM: 2,data_format: 2,vertical_sync_active: 20
[173] [DISPCHECK][DDPDSI] vact: 20, vbp: 20, vfp: 5, vact_line: 800, hact: 20, hbp: 80, hfp: 80, hblank: 0
[174] [DISPCHECK][DDPDSI] pll_select: 0, pll_div1: 0, pll_div2: 0, fbk_div: 0,fbk_sel: 0, rg_bir: 0
[175] [DISPCHECK][DDPDSI] rg_bic: 0, rg_bp: 0, PLL_CLOCK: 200, dsi_clock: 0, ssc_range: 2, ssc_disable: 0, compatibility_for_nvk: 0, cont_clock: 0
[176] [DISPCHECK][DDPDSI] lcm_ext_te_enable: 0, noncont_clock: 0, noncont_clock_period: 0
[198] [DISP][dsi_drv.c] PLL config:data_rate=400,txdiv=2,pcw=1032444061,delta1=2,pdelta1=0x2e9
[LK/LCM] lcm_init_power() enter
get_lcm_id, LCM ID1:0 ID2:1
[491] [I2C-LK] 372: id=2,addr: 38, transfer error
[492] [I2C-LK] 378: I2C_ACKERR
[492] [I2C-LK] 246: I2C structure:
[I2C-LK] Clk=34125,Clock_div=1,Id=2,Mode=1,St_rs=0,Dma_en=0,Op=3,Poll_en=1,Irq_stat=2
[I2C-LK] Trans_len=1,Trans_num=2,Trans_auxlen=1,Data_size=ffff,speed=100
[494] [I2C-LK] 249: base address 0x1100b000
[495] [I2C-LK] 271: I2C register:
[498] [I2C-LK] 874: write_read 0x10001 bytes fails,ret=-121.
get_lcm_id, TP CHIP_ID:0x0000 VID:0x0000
[549] [DISP]dsi0 is 0 idle
[550] [DISP]DSI_force_update
[551] [DISPCHECK] DSI read packet_type is 0x1a
driver_get_id MIPI RDDID=0x561a6191
[552] [DISP]func|_display_interface_path_deinit
[552] [DISPCHECK]dsi0 init finished
[556] [DISP]we will check lcm: b18c40214n_wvga_dsi_vdo_isp_hsd
[557] [DISP]we will check lcm: k1t000399_wvga_dsi_vdo_isp_hsd
[557] [DISP]we will check lcm: t397bt6673_wvga_dsi_vdo_isp_boe
[558] [DISP]we will check lcm: jd9161z_wvga_dsi_vdo_ctc
[559] [DISP]func|_display_interface_path_init
[559] [DISPCHECK]dpmgr create path SUCCESS(0x5606a1c8)
[560] [DISPCHECK]dpmgr set dst module FINISHED(dsi0 )
[560] [DISP]func|ddp_dsi_init
[561] [DISPCHECK]dsi0 init finished
[DITHER] invalid dither bpp = 0
[561] [DISP]func|ddp_dsi_config
[562] [DISPCHECK][DDPDSI] LANE_NUM: 2,data_format: 2,vertical_sync_active: 4
[563] [DISPCHECK][DDPDSI] vact: 4, vbp: 8, vfp: 12, vact_line: 800, hact: 20, hbp: 20, hfp: 20, hblank: 0
[564] [DISPCHECK][DDPDSI] pll_select: 0, pll_div1: 0, pll_div2: 0, fbk_div: 0,fbk_sel: 0, rg_bir: 0
[565] [DISPCHECK][DDPDSI] rg_bic: 0, rg_bp: 0, PLL_CLOCK: 160, dsi_clock: 0, ssc_range: 0, ssc_disable: 0, compatibility_for_nvk: 0, cont_clock: 0
[567] [DISPCHECK][DDPDSI] lcm_ext_te_enable: 0, noncont_clock: 0, noncont_clock_period: 0
[588] [DISP][dsi_drv.c] PLL config:data_rate=320,txdiv=2,pcw=825955249,delta1=5,pdelta1=0x5d1
[591] [DISP]func|_display_interface_path_deinit
[592] [DISPCHECK]dsi0 init finished
[595] [DISPCHECK]******** dump lcm driver information ********
[596] [DISPCHECK][LCM], name: jd9161z_wvga_dsi_vdo_ctc
[596] [DISPCHECK][LCM] resolution: 480 x 800
[597] [DISPCHECK][LCM] physical size: 0 x 0
[597] [DISPCHECK][LCM] physical size: 0 x 0
[598] [DISPCHECK][LCM] lcm_if:0, cmd_if:0
[598] [DISPCHECK][LCM] interface: unknown
[599] [DISPCHECK][LCM] Type: DSI
[600] [DISPCHECK][LCM] LANE_NUM: 2,data_format: 2,vertical_sync_active: 4
[601] [DISPCHECK][LCM] vact: 4, vbp: 8, vfp: 12, vact_line: 800, hact: 20, hbp: 20, hfp: 20, hblank: 0
[602] [DISPCHECK][LCM] pll_select: 0, pll_div1: 0, pll_div2: 0, fbk_div: 0,fbk_sel: 0, rg_bir: 0
[603] [DISPCHECK][LCM] rg_bic: 0, rg_bp: 0, PLL_CLOCK: 160, dsi_clock: 0, ssc_range: 0, ssc_disable: 0, compatibility_for_nvk: 0, cont_clock: 0
[604] [DISPCHECK][LCM] lcm_ext_te_enable: 0, noncont_clock: 0, noncont_clock_period: 0
[605] [DISP]lcm handle is null, after probe:0x5606a9a0
[606] [DISP]round corner size: 1536000 bytes
[606] [DISP]^^ DISP_GetVRamSize: 7340032 bytes
[607] mblock[1].start: 0x4c808000, sz: 0x77f8000, limit: 0x100000000, max_addr: 0x0, target: -1, reserved_addr: 0x53900000,reserved_size: 0x700000
[609] mblock_reserve dbg[1]: 1, 1, 1, 1
[609] mblock[3].start: 0x54500000, sz: 0xb00000, limit: 0x100000000, max_addr: 0x54000000, target: 1, reserved_addr: 0x54900000,reserved_size: 0x700000
[611] mblock_reserve dbg[3]: 1, 1, 1, 1
[611] mblock[5].start: 0x5e900000, sz: 0x210c0000, limit: 0x100000000, max_addr: 0x55000000, target: 3, reserved_addr: 0x7f2c0000,reserved_size: 0x700000
[613] mblock_reserve dbg[5]: 1, 1, 1, 1
[613] mblock_reserve [0].start: 0x40000000, sz: 0x8000
[614] mblock_reserve [1].start: 0x4c808000, sz: 0x77f8000
[615] mblock_reserve [2].start: 0x54080000, sz: 0x380000
[615] mblock_reserve [3].start: 0x54500000, sz: 0xb00000
[616] mblock_reserve [4].start: 0x56400000, sz: 0x500000
[617] mblock_reserve [5].start: 0x5e900000, sz: 0x209c0000
[617] mblock_reserve-R[0].start: 0x7ffc0000, sz: 0x40000 map:0 name:atf-log-reserved
[618] mblock_reserve-R[1].start: 0x7f9c0000, sz: 0x600000 map:0 name:tee
[619] mblock_reserve-R[2].start: 0x54400000, sz: 0x10000 map:0 name:ram_console
[620] mblock_reserve-R[3].start: 0x54410000, sz: 0xe0000 map:0 name:pstore
[621] mblock_reserve-R[4].start: 0x544f0000, sz: 0x10000 map:0 name:minirdump
[621] mblock_reserve-R[5].start: 0x56000000, sz: 0x400000 map:0 name:lk_addr_mb
[622] mblock_reserve-R[6].start: 0x56900000, sz: 0x8000000 map:0 name:scratch_addr_mb
[623] mblock_reserve-R[7].start: 0x54000000, sz: 0x80000 map:1 name:dtb_kernel_addr_mb
[624] mblock_reserve-R[8].start: 0x40008000, sz: 0xc800000 map:0 name:kernel_addr_mb
[625] mblock_reserve-R[9].start: 0x55000000, sz: 0x1000000 map:0 name:ramdisk_addr_mb
[626] mblock_reserve-R[10].start: 0x7f2c0000, sz: 0x700000 map:0 name:framebuffer
[627] FB base = 0x7f2c0000, FB size = 7340032
[628] fb_va: 0x7f2c0000, fb_pa: 0x7f2c0000, fb_pa_k: 0x7f2c0000
[628] mblock[1].start: 0x4c808000, sz: 0x77f8000, limit: 0x80000000, max_addr: 0x0, target: -1, reserved_addr: 0x53000000,reserved_size: 0x1000000
[630] mblock_reserve dbg[1]: 1, 1, 1, 1
[630] mblock[5].start: 0x5e900000, sz: 0x209c0000, limit: 0x80000000, max_addr: 0x54000000, target: 1, reserved_addr: 0x7e2c0000,reserved_size: 0x1000000
[632] mblock_reserve dbg[5]: 1, 1, 1, 1
[633] mblock_reserve [0].start: 0x40000000, sz: 0x8000
[633] mblock_reserve [1].start: 0x4c808000, sz: 0x77f8000
[634] mblock_reserve [2].start: 0x54080000, sz: 0x380000
[634] mblock_reserve [3].start: 0x54500000, sz: 0xb00000
[635] mblock_reserve [4].start: 0x56400000, sz: 0x500000
[636] mblock_reserve [5].start: 0x5e900000, sz: 0x1f9c0000
[636] mblock_reserve-R[0].start: 0x7ffc0000, sz: 0x40000 map:0 name:atf-log-reserved
[637] mblock_reserve-R[1].start: 0x7f9c0000, sz: 0x600000 map:0 name:tee
[638] mblock_reserve-R[2].start: 0x54400000, sz: 0x10000 map:0 name:ram_console
[639] mblock_reserve-R[3].start: 0x54410000, sz: 0xe0000 map:0 name:pstore
[640] mblock_reserve-R[4].start: 0x544f0000, sz: 0x10000 map:0 name:minirdump
[641] mblock_reserve-R[5].start: 0x56000000, sz: 0x400000 map:0 name:lk_addr_mb
[642] mblock_reserve-R[6].start: 0x56900000, sz: 0x8000000 map:0 name:scratch_addr_mb
[643] mblock_reserve-R[7].start: 0x54000000, sz: 0x80000 map:1 name:dtb_kernel_addr_mb
[643] mblock_reserve-R[8].start: 0x40008000, sz: 0xc800000 map:0 name:kernel_addr_mb
[644] mblock_reserve-R[9].start: 0x55000000, sz: 0x1000000 map:0 name:ramdisk_addr_mb
[645] mblock_reserve-R[10].start: 0x7f2c0000, sz: 0x700000 map:0 name:framebuffer
[646] mblock_reserve-R[11].start: 0x7e2c0000, sz: 0x1000000 map:0 name:logo_db_addr_pa
[647] [DISP]func|primary_display_init
[LK_ENV]get_env DFO
[648] [DISP]env buffer = <null>
[648] [DISP]env buffer = NULL
[649] [DISP]LCM_FAKE_WIDTH = [DEC]0 [HEX]0x00000000
[649] [DISP]LCM_FAKE_HEIGHT = [DEC]0 [HEX]0x00000000
[650] [DISP]LCM Resolution will be changed, original: 480x800, now: 0x0
[651] [DISP]ERROR:Invalid resolution: 0x0
[651] [DISP]ERROR:[DISP_DFO]WARNING!!! Change LCM Resolution FAILED!!!
[652] [DISPCHECK]disp_lcm_probe SUCCESS
[652] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_get_params
[653] [DISP]func|_build_path_direct_link
[653] [DISPCHECK]dpmgr create path SUCCESS(0x5606a1c8)
[654] [DISPCHECK]dpmgr set dst module FINISHED(dsi0 )
[654] [DISPCHECK]primary display is DIRECT LINK MODE
[655] [DISPCHECK]primary display BUILD cmdq trigger loop finished
[656] [DISPCHECK]primary display START cmdq trigger loop finished
[656] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_is_video_mode
[657] [DISP]func|ddp_dsi_init
[657] [DISPCHECK]dsi0 init finished
[658] [DISP]func|ddp_dsi_config
[659] [DISPCHECK][DDPDSI] LANE_NUM: 2,data_format: 2,vertical_sync_active: 4
[659] [DISPCHECK][DDPDSI] vact: 4, vbp: 8, vfp: 12, vact_line: 800, hact: 20, hbp: 20, hfp: 20, hblank: 0
[661] [DISPCHECK][DDPDSI] pll_select: 0, pll_div1: 0, pll_div2: 0, fbk_div: 0,fbk_sel: 0, rg_bir: 0
[662] [DISPCHECK][DDPDSI] rg_bic: 0, rg_bp: 0, PLL_CLOCK: 160, dsi_clock: 0, ssc_range: 0, ssc_disable: 0, compatibility_for_nvk: 0, cont_clock: 0
[663] [DISPCHECK][DDPDSI] lcm_ext_te_enable: 0, noncont_clock: 0, noncont_clock_period: 0
[684] [DISP][dsi_drv.c] PLL config:data_rate=320,txdiv=2,pcw=825955249,delta1=5,pdelta1=0x5d1
[687] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_init
[LK/LCM] lcm_init() enter
[718] [DISP]DSI_force_update
[718] [DISP]DSI_force_update
[719] [DISP]DSI_force_update
[720] [DISP]DSI_force_update
[722] [DISP]DSI_force_update
[722] [DISP]DSI_force_update
[722] [DISP]dsi0 is 1 busy
[724] [DISP]DSI_force_update
[724] [DISP]DSI_force_update
[725] [DISP]DSI_force_update
[725] [DISP]DSI_force_update
[725] [DISP]DSI_force_update
[726] [DISP]DSI_force_update
[727] [DISP]dsi0 is 0 idle
[728] [DISP]DSI_force_update
[729] [DISP]DSI_force_update
[730] [DISP]DSI_force_update
[732] [DISP]DSI_force_update
[733] [DISP]DSI_force_update
[735] [DISP]DSI_force_update
[736] [DISP]DSI_force_update
[736] [DISP]dsi0 is 0 idle
[857] [DISP]DSI_force_update
[867] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_is_video_mode
[868] [DISP]primary_display_init done
[870] [DISP]func|primary_display_config_input
[870] [DISP]func|ddp_dsi_config
[870] [DISP]func|primary_display_config_input
[871] [DISP]func|ddp_dsi_config
[871] [DISP]func|primary_display_config_input
[872] [DISP]func|ddp_dsi_config
[872] [lk logo: mt_disp_fill_rect 265]
[873] [lk logo: init_fb_screen 59]
[873] mt_get_logo_db_addr: 0x7e2c0000
[874] [lk logo: init_fb_screen 77]MTK_LCM_PHYSICAL_ROTATION = 270
[874] [lk logo: sync_anim_version 42]
[875] [lk logo: init_fb_screen 100]pinfo[0]=0xffffffff, pinfo[1]=0xffffffff, pinfo[2]=-1
[876] [lk logo: init_fb_screen 102]define ANIMATION_NEW:show new animation with capacity num
[877] [lk logo: init_fb_screen 103]CAPACITY_LEFT =172, CAPACITY_TOP =330
[878] [lk logo: init_fb_screen 104]LCM_HEIGHT=307, LCM_WIDTH=546
[878] [show_logo_common: fill_rect_with_color_by_32bit 388]
[894] fb dump: 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000
[895] [DISP]func|primary_display_trigger
[895] [DISPCHECK]trigger mode: DIRECT_LINK
[896] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_is_video_mode
[896] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_is_video_mode
[897] s_mt65xx_gd.gdfIndex=3[897] mt_get_logo_db_addr_pa: 0x7e2c0000
[898] [PART_LK][get_part] logo
[898] [PART_LK][get_part] logo
[899] [LK_BOOT] logo magic number : 0x58881688
[899] [LK_BOOT] logo name : logo
[900] [LK_BOOT] logo size : 391834
[900] =========================================
kedump mini start
kedump: current time: [2020/4/6 0:0:4]
kedump: ddr reserve mode disabled
kedump: ddr reserve mode failed
[906] Do not support atf-ramdump-memory, atf_ramdump_addr=0x0!M-}h^UQ^YuM-!0)[5.934769]INFO: LK Dump
[ATF](0)[5.935203]INFO: - Buf addr:0x7ffd8000 buf size:131072 flag addr:0x7ffc002c flag:0x41544641
[908] atf_log_buf_addr:0x7ffd8000, atf_log_buf_size:131072, atf_crash_flag addr:0x7ffc002c, atf_log_type:0x41544641
[910] plat_atf_log_get:0x56030695, plat_atf_crash_get:0x0
kedump: lkdump debug not ready
kedump: boot_reason(1)
RAM_CONSOLE. boot_arg(PL2LK): sram_addr:0x10d000, sram_size:0x800, def_type:0x2, memory_info_offset:0xac0
RAM_CONSOLE. start: 0x54400000, size: 0x10000
RAM_CONSOLE. lk last status: 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0
RAM_CONSOLE. wdt_status 0x0, fiq_step 0x0, exp_type 0x0
RAM_CONSOLE. set reboot reason info done
kedump: partiton 12[6340000 - 700000]
kedump: found content in expdb
kedump: read KEDUMP_CRC from offset 0x11200 size 0x8
kedump: read SYS_RAMCONSOLE_RAW from offset 0x1200 size 0x10000
kedump: crc = 0x1295ce38
kedump: ram_console_should_restore
RAM_CONSOLE. wdt_status 0x5, fiq_step 0x0, exp_type 0x6
RAM_CONSOLE. set reboot reason info done
[922] detecting pmic just reset
[922] [PART_LK][get_part] para
[924] [LK_BOOT] Load 'para' partition to 0x560A6948 (6144 bytes in 2 ms)
[924] MT65XX_FACTORY_KEY 0x5
[925] MT65XX_BOOT_MENU_KEY 0x0
[925] mtk detect key function key = 5
[926] mtk detect key function key = 5
[926] mtk detect key function key = 5
[927] mtk detect key function key = 5
[927] mtk detect key function key = 5
[928] mtk detect key function key = 5
[928] mtk detect key function key = 5
[928] mtk detect key function key = 5
[929] mtk detect key function key = 5
[929] mtk detect key function key = 5
[930] mtk detect key function key = 5
[930] mtk detect key function key = 5
[931] mtk detect key function key = 5
[931] mtk detect key function key = 5
[931] mtk detect key function key = 5
[932] mtk detect key function key = 5
[932] mtk detect key function key = 5
[933] mtk detect key function key = 5
[933] mtk detect key function key = 5
[934] mtk detect key function key = 5
[934] mtk detect key function key = 5
[934] mtk detect key function key = 5
[935] mtk detect key function key = 5
[935] mtk detect key function key = 5
[936] mtk detect key function key = 5
[936] mtk detect key function key = 5
[937] mtk detect key function key = 5
[937] mtk detect key function key = 5
[937] mtk detect key function key = 5
[938] mtk detect key function key = 5
[938] mtk detect key function key = 5
[939] mtk detect key function key = 5
[939] mtk detect key function key = 5
[940] mtk detect key function key = 5
[940] mtk detect key function key = 5
[941] mtk detect key function key = 5
[941] mtk detect key function key = 5
[941] mtk detect key function key = 5
[942] mtk detect key function key = 5
[942] mtk detect key function key = 5
[943] mtk detect key function key = 5
[943] mtk detect key function key = 5
[944] mtk detect key function key = 5
[944] mtk detect key function key = 5
[944] mtk detect key function key = 5
[945] mtk detect key function key = 5
[945] mtk detect key function key = 5
[946] mtk detect key function key = 5
[946] mtk detect key function key = 5
[947] mtk detect key function key = 5
[947] mtk detect key function key = 5
[947] mtk detect key function key = 5
[948] mtk detect key function key = 5
[948] mtk detect key function key = 5
[949] mtk detect key function key = 5
[949] mtk detect key function key = 5
[950] mtk detect key function key = 5
[950] mtk detect key function key = 5
[950] mtk detect key function key = 5
[951] mtk detect key function key = 5
[951] mtk detect key function key = 5
[952] mtk detect key function key = 5
[952] mtk detect key function key = 5
[953] mtk detect key function key = 5
[953] mtk detect key function key = 5
[953] mtk detect key function key = 5
[954] mtk detect key function key = 5
[954] mtk detect key function key = 5
[955] mtk detect key function key = 5
[955] mtk detect key function key = 5
[956] mtk detect key function key = 5
[956] mtk detect key function key = 5
[956] mtk detect key function key = 5
[957] mtk detect key function key = 5
[957] mtk detect key function key = 5
[958] mtk detect key function key = 5
[958] mtk detect key function key = 5
[959] mtk detect key function key = 5
[959] mtk detect key function key = 5
[959] mtk detect key function key = 5
[960] mtk detect key function key = 5
[960] mtk detect key function key = 5
[961] mtk detect key function key = 5
[961] mtk detect key function key = 5
[962] mtk detect key function key = 5
[962] mtk detect key function key = 5
[962] mtk detect key function key = 5
[963] mtk detect key function key = 5
[963] mtk detect key function key = 5
[964] mtk detect key function key = 5
[964] mtk detect key function key = 5
[965] mtk detect key function key = 5
[965] mtk detect key function key = 5
[965] mtk detect key function key = 5
[966] mtk detect key function key = 5
[966] mtk detect key function key = 5
[967] mtk detect key function key = 5
[967] mtk detect key function key = 5
[968] mtk detect key function key = 5
[968] mtk detect key function key = 5
[969] mtk detect key function key = 5
[969] mtk detect key function key = 5
[969] mtk detect key function key = 5
[970] mtk detect key function key = 5
[970] mtk detect key function key = 5
[971] mtk detect key function key = 5
[971] mtk detect key function key = 5
[972] mtk detect key function key = 5
[972] mtk detect key function key = 5
[972] mtk detect key function key = 5
[973] mtk detect key function key = 5
[973] mtk detect key function key = 5
[SBC] sec_fun_init
[983] [SBC] Enter img auth check
[983] [SEC_POLICY] sboot_state = 0x1
[983] [SEC_POLICY] lock_state = 0x3
[984] [SBC] Enter img auth check
[984] [SEC_POLICY] reached the end, use default policy
[985] [SEC_POLICY] sboot_state = 0x1
[985] [SEC_POLICY] lock_state = 0x3
[986] [BATTERY] Skip mt65xx_bat_init !!
[986] [BATTERY] If you want to enable power off charging,
[987] [BATTERY] Please #define CFG_POWER_CHARGING!!
[987] [lk logo: mt_disp_show_boot_logo 135]
[988] [lk logo: init_fb_screen 59]
[988] mt_get_logo_db_addr: 0x7e2c0000
[989] [lk logo: init_fb_screen 77]MTK_LCM_PHYSICAL_ROTATION = 270
[989] [lk logo: sync_anim_version 42]
[990] [lk logo: init_fb_screen 100]pinfo[0]=0x0000002a, pinfo[1]=0x0005fa9a, pinfo[2]=176
[991] [lk logo: init_fb_screen 102]define ANIMATION_NEW:show new animation with capacity num
[992] [lk logo: init_fb_screen 103]CAPACITY_LEFT =172, CAPACITY_TOP =330
[993] [lk logo: init_fb_screen 104]LCM_HEIGHT=307, LCM_WIDTH=546
[993] mt_get_tempfb_addr: 0x7f5ae000
[994] [show_animation_common: check_logo_index_valid 83]logonum =42, index =0
[995] show_animation_common, in_addr=0x7e2c00b0, logolen=2342
[995] [decompress_logo decompress_logo 48]in=0x7e2c00b0, out=0x7f5ae000, inlen=2342, logolen=1536000
[1004] [decompress_logo decompress_logo 97]have=1536000
[1005] [show_animation_common: fill_animation_logo 136]bits = 32
[1006] [show_logo_common: fill_rect_with_content 474]
[1006] [show_logo_common: fill_rect_with_content_by_32bit_argb8888 149]
[1018] [show_logo_common: fill_rect_with_content_by_32bit_argb8888 213]
[1019] fb dump: 0xff000000, 0xff000000, 0xff000000, 0xff000000
[1020] [DISP]func|primary_display_trigger
[1020] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_is_video_mode
[1021] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_is_video_mode
[1021] [LEDS]LK: mt65xx_backlight_on:level = 255
[1022] [LEDS]LK: lcd-backlight level is 255
[1022] cust->mode is 6
[1022] cust->mode E cust_data= 0x56010465; level =255
[1023] [LEDS]LK: mt65xx_leds_brightness_set is done
[1024] fb dump: 0xff000000, 0xff000000, 0xff000000, 0xff000000
[1024] [DISP]func|primary_display_trigger
[1025] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_is_video_mode
[1025] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_is_video_mode
[1026] [PART_LK][get_part] proinfo
[1027] [LK_BOOT] Load 'proinfo' partition to 0x5608E974 (19 bytes in 0 ms)
[1028] mblock[1].start: 0x4c808000, sz: 0x77f8000, limit: 0xc0000000, max_addr: 0x0, target: -1, reserved_addr: 0x4dc00000,reserved_size: 0x6400000
[1029] mblock_reserve dbg[1]: 1, 1, 1, 1
[1030] mblock[5].start: 0x5e900000, sz: 0x1f9c0000, limit: 0xc0000000, max_addr: 0x54000000, target: 1, reserved_addr: 0x77ec0000,reserved_size: 0x6400000
[1031] mblock_reserve dbg[5]: 1, 1, 1, 1
[1032] mblock_reserve [0].start: 0x40000000, sz: 0x8000
[1033] mblock_reserve [1].start: 0x4c808000, sz: 0x77f8000
[1033] mblock_reserve [2].start: 0x54080000, sz: 0x380000
[1034] mblock_reserve [3].start: 0x54500000, sz: 0xb00000
[1034] mblock_reserve [4].start: 0x56400000, sz: 0x500000
[1035] mblock_reserve [5].start: 0x5e900000, sz: 0x195c0000
[1036] mblock_reserve-R[0].start: 0x7ffc0000, sz: 0x40000 map:0 name:atf-log-reserved
[1037] mblock_reserve-R[1].start: 0x7f9c0000, sz: 0x600000 map:0 name:tee
[1038] mblock_reserve-R[2].start: 0x54400000, sz: 0x10000 map:0 name:ram_console
[1038] mblock_reserve-R[3].start: 0x54410000, sz: 0xe0000 map:0 name:pstore
[1039] mblock_reserve-R[4].start: 0x544f0000, sz: 0x10000 map:0 name:minirdump
[1040] mblock_reserve-R[5].start: 0x56000000, sz: 0x400000 map:0 name:lk_addr_mb
[1041] mblock_reserve-R[6].start: 0x56900000, sz: 0x8000000 map:0 name:scratch_addr_mb
[1042] mblock_reserve-R[7].start: 0x54000000, sz: 0x80000 map:1 name:dtb_kernel_addr_mb
[1043] mblock_reserve-R[8].start: 0x40008000, sz: 0xc800000 map:0 name:kernel_addr_mb
[1044] mblock_reserve-R[9].start: 0x55000000, sz: 0x1000000 map:0 name:ramdisk_addr_mb
[1045] mblock_reserve-R[10].start: 0x7f2c0000, sz: 0x700000 map:0 name:framebuffer
[1046] mblock_reserve-R[11].start: 0x7e2c0000, sz: 0x1000000 map:0 name:logo_db_addr_pa
[1047] mblock_reserve-R[12].start: 0x77ec0000, sz: 0x6400000 map:0 name:avb
[1048] [SEC_POLICY] sboot_state = 0x1
[1048] [SEC_POLICY] lock_state = 0x3
[1048] [avb] img_auth_required = 0
[1059] invalid pubk size
[1059] avb_slot_verify.c[1060] :[1060] 814[1060] : ERROR: [1060] vbmeta[1060] : Public key used to sign data rejected.
[1171] [avb] cmdline =
[1171] [SEC_POLICY] sboot_state = 0x1
[1172] [SEC_POLICY] lock_state = 0x3
[1172] [avb] img_auth_required = 0
[1172] [avb] boot/recovery vfy time = 144 ms
[1173] mblock_create mblock start 77ec0000 size: 6400000
[1174] [avb] avb_ret = 0
[1174] [avb] ret = 0
[1174] boot state: orange
[1175] fb dump: 0xff000000, 0xff000000, 0xff000000, 0xff000000
[1176] [DISP]func|primary_display_trigger
[1176] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_is_video_mode
[1177] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_is_video_mode
[1177] fb dump: 0xff000000, 0xff000000, 0xff000000, 0xff000000
[1178] [DISP]func|primary_display_trigger
[1178] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_is_video_mode
[1179] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_is_video_mode
[1179] fb dump: 0xff000000, 0xff000000, 0xff000000, 0xff000000
[1180] [DISP]func|primary_display_trigger
[1181] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_is_video_mode
[1181] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_is_video_mode
[1182] fb dump: 0xff000000, 0xff000000, 0xff000000, 0xff000000
[1183] [DISP]func|primary_display_trigger
[1183] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_is_video_mode
[1184] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_is_video_mode
[6184] [PROFILE] ::: lvl(1) load boot image takes 5156 ms
[6185] bootargs has been initialized
[6186] fail to send root of trust info. : 0xffffffff
[6191] model=MT8167S
[6191] efuse set max_clk_freq=1481000000
[6192] cluster-0: 4 core
[6192] [ccci] using default loading method
[6193] [ccci-off] later power down not needed or not ready!
[6193] [ccci-off] later power down not needed or not ready!
[6194] [PROFILE] ::: lvl(1) load modem image takes 2 ms
[6195] PASS memory DTS node
[6195] LASTPC[0][0] = d641b37f
[6195] LASTPC[0][1] = 831bb14c
[6196] LASTPC[0][2] = 7e208748
[6196] LASTPC[0][3] = 5cc44f35
[6197] LASTPC[0][4] = 414f8dd7
[6197] LASTPC[0][5] = 349b7d5b
[6197] LASTPC[0][6] = 95b16153
[6198] LASTPC[0][7] = 8fb19cde
[6198] LASTPC[1][0] = 0
[6198] LASTPC[1][1] = 0
[6199] LASTPC[1][2] = 0
[6199] LASTPC[1][3] = 0
[6199] LASTPC[1][4] = 0
[6199] LASTPC[1][5] = 0
[6200] LASTPC[1][6] = 0
[6200] LASTPC[1][7] = 0
[6200] LASTPC[2][0] = 0
[6200] LASTPC[2][1] = 0
[6201] LASTPC[2][2] = 0
[6201] LASTPC[2][3] = 0
[6201] LASTPC[2][4] = 0
[6202] LASTPC[2][5] = 0
[6202] LASTPC[2][6] = 0
[6202] LASTPC[2][7] = 0
[6202] LASTPC[3][0] = 0
[6203] LASTPC[3][1] = 0
[6203] LASTPC[3][2] = 0
[6203] LASTPC[3][3] = 0
[6204] LASTPC[3][4] = 0
[6204] LASTPC[3][5] = 0
[6204] LASTPC[3][6] = 0
[6204] LASTPC[3][7] = 0
[6206] Storage type :1
[6207] fg_swocv_v buf [0], [0x5608e0f8:0x5608e0f9:1]
[6208] fg_swocv_i buf [0], [0x5608e0f8:0x5608e0f9:1]
[6209] shutdown_time buf [0], [0x5608e0f8:0x5608e0f9:1]
RAM_CONSOLE. [0x10d000,0x800,0x2,0xac0]
RAM_CONSOLE. log_store [0x10db00,0x100]
[6211] boot_voltage buf [0], [0x5608e0f8:0x5608e0f9:1]
[6212] boot_voltage buf [0], [0x5608e0f8:0x5608e0f9:1]
[6213] Not Support VCORE DVFS
[6213] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_get_name
[6253] mt_disp_get_lcd_time, fps=5588
[6253] videolfb - fb_base = 0x7f2c0000
[6254] videolfb - islcmfound = 1
[6325] mt_disp_get_lcd_time, fps=5573
[6325] videolfb - fps = 5573
[6326] videolfb - vram = 7340032
[6326] videolfb - lcmname = jd9161z_wvga_dsi_vdo_ctc
[6327] [ccci] modem mem arguments info using default
[6328] PTP_INFO Only support in MT6795
start dump lk masp atag
dump sw sbc:11, sw sdl:11 , hw sbc: 1
dump lock_state, 0
dump rid, c0e3d309, 2ec06b55, 18f16bdb, 8a3b9e23
[6330] create masp atag OK
[6330] tee_reserved_mem not supported
[6331] [LK] non_secure_sram (0x10d000, 0x4000)
[6331] [PROFILE] ::: lvl(0) 1st logo takes 0 ms
[6332] [PROFILE] ::: lvl(0) boot_time takes 6331 ms
[LK_ENV]get_env hibboot
[LK_ENV]get_env resume
[6333] resume = NULL
[6333] MT-RAMDUMP: DDR reserve mode not ready, skipped (0x0)
[6335] mrdump_key_fdt:mediatek, mrdump_ext_rst-eint not found
[6337] mblock_create mblock start 54000000 size: 80000
[6337] mblock_candidate_right->size = 380000 mblock_candidate_left->size = 77f8000
[6338] mblock_create mblock start 40008000 size: c800000
[6339] mblock_candidate_right->size = 7878000 mblock_candidate_left->size = 8000
[6340] mblock_create mblock start 55000000 size: 1000000
[6340] mblock_create mblock start 56000000 size: 400000
[6341] mblock_candidate_right->size = 500000 mblock_candidate_left->size = 1b00000
[6342] mblock_create mblock start 56900000 size: 8000000
[6343] mblock_candidate_right->size = 1f9c0000 mblock_candidate_left->size = 500000
[6344] mblock_create mblock start 7e2c0000 size: 1000000
[6349] booting linux @ 0x40008000, ramdisk @ 0x55000000 (993048)
[6349] [LEDS]LK: leds_deinit: LEDS off
[6350] [LEDS]LK: red level is 0
[6350] cust->mode is 0
[6351] cust->mode F
[6351] [LEDS]LK: green level is 0
[6351] cust->mode is 0
[6351] cust->mode F
[6352] [LEDS]LK: blue level is 0
[6352] cust->mode is 0
[6352] cust->mode F
[6353] DRAM Rank :1
[6353] DRAM Rank[0] Start = 0x40000000, Size = 0x14400000
[6354] mblock_magic:0x99999999 mblock_version:0x2
[6354] mblock[0].start: 0x40000000, size: 0x8000
[6355] mblock[1].start: 0x40008000, size: 0x14078000
[6356] mblock[2].start: 0x54080000, size: 0x380000
[6356] mblock[3].start: 0x54500000, size: 0x1f00000
[6357] mblock[4].start: 0x56400000, size: 0x500000
[6357] mblock[5].start: 0x56900000, size: 0x289c0000
[6358] mblock[0].start: 0x7ffc0000, size: 0x40000 map:0 name:atf-log-reserved
[6359] mblock[1].start: 0x7f9c0000, size: 0x600000 map:0 name:tee
[6360] mblock[2].start: 0x54400000, size: 0x10000 map:0 name:ram_console
[6361] mblock[3].start: 0x54410000, size: 0xe0000 map:0 name:pstore
[6362] mblock[4].start: 0x544f0000, size: 0x10000 map:0 name:minirdump
[6362] mblock[5].start: 0x7f2c0000, size: 0x700000 map:0 name:framebuffer
[6364] [cmdline clear] clear str size=35
[6365] g_cmdline size: 591
[6365] cmdline: console=tty0 console=ttyS0,921600n1 earlycon=uart8250,mmio32,0x11005000 vmalloc=496M androidboot.hardware=mt8167 firmware_class
[6367] : .path=/vendor/firmware loop.max_part=7 androidboot.boot_devices=bootdevice,soc/11120000.mmc root=/dev/ram androidboot.verified
[6368] : bootstate=orange bootopt=64S3,32N2,32N2 buildvariant=user androidboot.atm=disabled androidboot.meta_log_disable=0 printk.disabl
[6370] : e_uart=1 bootprof.pl_t=4241 bootprof.lk_t=6331 androidboot.serialno=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx androidboot.mi.serialno=29433/A0W503136 andr
[6372] : oidboot.bootreason=usb mrdump_ddrsv=no androidboot.dtb_idx=0 androidboot.dtbo_idx=0
[6373] lk boot time = 6331 ms
[6373] lk boot mode = 0
[6374] lk boot reason = 1
[6374] lk finished --> jump to linux kernel 32Bit
[ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]Booting Linux on physical CPU 0x0
[ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]Linux version 4.14.141+ (jenkins@426209232df2) (gcc version 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease) (GCC)) #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Dec 14 13:16:21 UTC 2021
[ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]CPU: ARMv7 Processor [410fd041] revision 1 (ARMv7), cr=50c5383d
[ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]CPU: div instructions available: patching division code
[ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]CPU: PIPT / VIPT nonaliasing data cache, VIPT aliasing instruction cache
[ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]OF: fdt: Machine model: MT8167S
[ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]earlycon: uart8250 at MMIO32 0x11005000 (options '')
[ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]bootconsole [uart8250] enabled
[ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]Memory policy: Data cache writealloc
[ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper][memblock]mediatek,ram_console: 0x54400000 - 0x54410000 (0x10000)
[ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]OF: reserved mem: initialized node mblock-3-ram_console, compatible id mediatek,ram_console
[ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper][memblock]mediatek,pstore: 0x54410000 - 0x544f0000 (0xe0000)
[ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]OF: reserved mem: initialized node mblock-4-pstore, compatible id mediatek,pstore
[ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper][memblock]mediatek,minirdump: 0x544f0000 - 0x54500000 (0x10000)
[ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]OF: reserved mem: initialized node mblock-5-minirdump, compatible id mediatek,minirdump
[ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]OF: reserved mem: initialized node mblock-1-atf-log-reserved, compatible id mediatek,atf-log-reserved
[ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]psci: probing for conduit method from DT.
[ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]psci: PSCIv1.0 detected in firmware.
[ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]psci: Using standard PSCI v0.2 function IDs
[ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]psci: Trusted OS migration not required
[ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]psci: SMC Calling Convention v1.0
[ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]random: get_random_bytes called from start_kernel+0x8b/0x388 with crng_init=0
[ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]percpu: Embedded 18 pages/cpu s44556 r8192 d20980 u73728
[ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]Built 1 zonelists, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 257278
[ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]Kernel command line: console=tty0 console=ttyS0,921600n1 earlycon=uart8250,mmio32,0x11005000 vmalloc=496M androidboot.hardware=mt8167 firmware_class.path=/vendor/firmware loop.max_part=7 androidboot.boot_devices=bootdevice,soc/11120000.mmc root=/dev/ram androidboot.verifiedbootstate=orange bootopt=64S3,32N2,32N2 buildvariant=user androidboot.atm=disabled androidboot.meta_log_disable=0 printk.disable_uart=1 bootprof.pl_t=4241 bootprof.lk_t=6331 androidboot.serialno=29433A0W503136 androidboot.mi.serialno=29433/A0W503136 androidboot.bootreason=usb mrdump_ddrsv=no androidboot.dtb_idx=0 androidboot.dtbo_idx=0
[ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper]PID hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
[ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper]Dentry cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
[ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper]Inode-cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
[ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper]Memory: 1003868K/1033792K available (9216K kernel code, 958K rwdata, 3216K rodata, 1024K init, 3647K bss, 29924K reserved, 0K cma-reserved, 502528K highmem)
[ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper]Virtual kernel memory layout:
[ 0.000000] vector : 0xffff0000 - 0xffff1000 ( 4 kB)
[ 0.000000] fixmap : 0xffc00000 - 0xfff00000 (3072 kB)
[ 0.000000] vmalloc : 0xe1000000 - 0xff800000 ( 488 MB)
[ 0.000000] lowmem : 0xc0000000 - 0xe0800000 ( 520 MB)
[ 0.000000] pkmap : 0xbfe00000 - 0xc0000000 ( 2 MB)
[ 0.000000] modules : 0xbf800000 - 0xbfe00000 ( 6 MB)
[ 0.000000] .text : 0x(ptrval) - 0x(ptrval) (10208 kB)
[ 0.000000] .init : 0x(ptrval) - 0x(ptrval) (1024 kB)
[ 0.000000] .data : 0x(ptrval) - 0x(ptrval) ( 959 kB)
[ 0.000000] .bss : 0x(ptrval) - 0x(ptrval) (3648 kB)
[ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper]SLUB: HWalign=64, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=4, Nodes=1
[ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper]
[ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper]**********************************************************
[ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper]** **
[ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper]** trace_printk() being used. Allocating extra memory. **
[ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper]** **
[ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper]** This means that this is a DEBUG kernel and it is **
[ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper]** unsafe for production use. **
[ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper]** **
[ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper]** If you see this message and you are not debugging **
[ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper]** the kernel, report this immediately to your vendor! **
[ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper]** **
[ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper]**********************************************************
[ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper/0]sched-energy: CPU device node has no sched-energy-costs
[ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper/0]Preemptible hierarchical RCU implementation.
[ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper/0] Tasks RCU enabled.
[ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper/0]NR_IRQS: 16, nr_irqs: 16, preallocated irqs: 16
[ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper/0]arch_timer: cp15 timer(s) running at 13.00MHz (virt).
[ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper/0]clocksource: arch_sys_counter: mask: 0xffffffffffffff max_cycles: 0x2ff89eacb, max_idle_ns: 440795202429 ns
[ 0.000003] -(0)[0:swapper/0]sched_clock: 56 bits at 13MHz, resolution 76ns, wraps every 4398046511101ns
[ 0.001234] -(0)[0:swapper/0]Switching to timer-based delay loop, resolution 76ns
[ 0.002275] -(0)[0:swapper/0]clocksource: timer: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 147020034397 ns
[ 0.004046] (0)[0:swapper/0]ram_console:[DT] 0x800@0x10d000, 0x2(0xac0)
[ 0.004922] (0)[0:swapper/0]ram_console: [DT] 0xe0000@0x54410000-0x10000@0x544f0000
[ 0.005927] (0)[0:swapper/0]ram_console: using dram:0x54400000
[ 0.006700] (0)[0:swapper/0]ram_console: buffer start: 0xe1024000, size: 0x10000
[ 0.007921] (0)[0:swapper/0]pmic & external buck: 0xff
[ 0.008600] (0)[0:swapper/0]ram_console: CPU notifier status: 0, 0, 0x0, 0
[ 0.009503] (0)[0:swapper/0]ram_console: CPU HPS footprint: 0, 0x0, 0, 0
[ 0.010382] (0)[0:swapper/0]ram_console: last init function: 0xffffffff
[ 0.011411] (0)[0:swapper/0]Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 26.08 BogoMIPS (lpj=43333)
[ 0.012934] (0)[0:swapper/0]pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
[ 0.013789] (0)[0:swapper/0]Security Framework initialized
[ 0.014515] (0)[0:swapper/0]SELinux: Initializing.
[ 0.015213] (0)[0:swapper/0]Mount-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[ 0.016263] (0)[0:swapper/0]Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[ 0.017737] (0)[0:swapper/0]CPU: Testing write buffer coherency: ok
[ 0.018691] -(0)[0:swapper/0]init_heavy_tlb start.
[ 0.018699] -(0)[0:swapper/0]init_heavy_tlb: cpu=0 thresh_l=2147483647 thresh_h=358 max_capaicy=1024
[ 0.018704] -(0)[0:swapper/0]init_heavy_tlb: cpu=1 thresh_l=2147483647 thresh_h=358 max_capaicy=1024
[ 0.018708] -(0)[0:swapper/0]init_heavy_tlb: cpu=2 thresh_l=2147483647 thresh_h=358 max_capaicy=1024
[ 0.018712] -(0)[0:swapper/0]init_heavy_tlb: cpu=3 thresh_l=2147483647 thresh_h=358 max_capaicy=1024
[ 0.018773] (0)[1:swapper/0]parse_dt_topology
[ 0.024773] (0)[1:swapper/0]CPU0: thread -1, cpu 0, socket 0
[ 0.036353] (0)[1:swapper/0]Setting up static identity map for 0x40100000 - 0x40100054
[ 0.043018] (0)[1:swapper/0]Hierarchical SRCU implementation.
[ 0.049878] (0)[1:swapper/0]tag_devinfo_data size:100, HRID size:2
[ 0.050693] (0)[1:swapper/0][devinfo][SegCode] Segment Code=0x0
[ 0.051475] (0)[1:swapper/0]BOOTPROF: 51.472999: ON
[ 0.052216] (0)[1:swapper/0][BOOT_REASON] 'boot_reason=' is not found
[ 0.059768] (0)[1:swapper/0]smp: Bringing up secondary CPUs ...
[ 0.083933] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: thread -1, cpu 1, socket 0
[ 0.090764] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: thread -1, cpu 2, socket 0
[ 0.091960] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: thread -1, cpu 3, socket 0
[ 0.092101] (0)[1:swapper/0]smp: Brought up 1 node, 4 CPUs
[ 0.095100] (0)[1:swapper/0]SMP: Total of 4 processors activated (104.33 BogoMIPS).
[ 0.096104] (0)[1:swapper/0]CPU: All CPU(s) started in SVC mode.
[ 0.096896] (0)[1:swapper/0]Sort hmp_domains from little to big:
[ 0.097698] (0)[1:swapper/0] cpumask: 0x0f
[ 0.098275] (0)[1:swapper/0]Initializing HMP scheduler:
[ 0.098964] (0)[1:swapper/0]Initializing HMP scheduler done
[ 0.099735] (0)[1:swapper/0]CPU3: update max cpu_capacity 1024
[ 0.106045] (0)[1:swapper/0]VFP support v0.3: implementor 41 architecture 3 part 40 variant 4 rev 1
[ 0.107348] -(1)[16:kworker/1:0]CPU1: update max cpu_capacity 1024
[ 0.107405] (0)[1:swapper/0]clocksource: jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 6370867519511994 ns
[ 0.109685] (0)[1:swapper/0]futex hash table entries: 1024 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
[ 0.110818] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl core: initialized pinctrl subsystem
[ 0.112082] (0)[1:swapper/0]NET: Registered protocol family 16
[ 0.113578] (0)[1:swapper/0]DMA: preallocated 256 KiB pool for atomic coherent allocations
[ 0.114662] (0)[1:swapper/0]schedtune: no energy model data
[ 0.115398] (0)[1:swapper/0]schedtune: configured to support 5 boost groups
[ 0.116562] (0)[1:swapper/0]ramoops: using module parameters
[ 0.117361] (0)[1:swapper/0]ramoops: pstore:address is 0x54410000, size is 0xe0000, console_size is 0x40000, pmsg_size is 0x10000
[ 0.119087] (0)[1:swapper/0]pstore: using zlib compression
[ 0.120215] (0)[1:swapper/0]console [pstore-1] enabled
[ 0.120941] (0)[1:swapper/0]pstore: Registered ramoops as persistent store backend
[ 0.121936] (0)[1:swapper/0]ramoops: attached 0xe0000@0x54410000, ecc: 0/0
[ 0.122964] (0)[1:swapper/0][EMI] get CEN_EMI_BASE @ e1131000
[ 0.124335] (1)[1:swapper/0]cpuidle: using governor menu
[ 0.125512] (0)[1:swapper/0]cpuidle: using governor mtk_governor
[ 0.127045] (0)[1:swapper/0]hw-breakpoint: found 5 (+1 reserved) breakpoint and 4 watchpoint registers.
[ 0.128299] (0)[1:swapper/0]hw-breakpoint: maximum watchpoint size is 8 bytes.
[ 0.129413] (0)[1:swapper/0][SPM] PWAKE_EN:1, PCMWDT_EN:0, BYPASS_SYSPWREQ:0, I2C_CHANNEL:2
[ 0.130509] (0)[1:swapper/0][SLP] SLEEP_DPIDLE_EN:1, REPLACE_DEF_WAKESRC:0, SUSPEND_LOG_EN:1
[ 0.131915] (0)[1:swapper/0]mrdump_cblock_init: no mrdump_cb
[ 0.132744] (0)[1:swapper/0]minirdump: [DT] reserved 0x544f0000+0x10000->(ptrval)
[ 0.133763] (0)[1:swapper/0]mrdump_full_init: MT-RAMDUMP no control block
[ 0.134786] (0)[1:swapper/0]
[ 0.134786] MTK_SIP_KERNEL_WDT - 0x(ptrval)
[ 0.135765] (0)[1:swapper/0]
[ 0.135765] atf_aee_debug_virt_addr = 0x(ptrval)
[ 0.136773] (0)[1:swapper/0][cmdq] cmdq_init enter
[ 0.138834] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.139692] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.140528] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.141365] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.142201] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.143049] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.143885] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.144721] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.145557] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.146404] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.147240] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.148076] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.148913] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.149759] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.150595] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.151431] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.152267] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.153113] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.153949] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.154785] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.155622] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.156468] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.157304] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.158140] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.158977] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.159823] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.160659] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.161495] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.162331] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.163177] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.164014] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.164850] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.165686] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.166532] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.167369] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.168205] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.169041] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.169886] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.170723] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.171559] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.172395] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.173241] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.174077] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.174913] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.175749] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.176595] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.177432] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.178268] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.179104] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.179950] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.180787] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.181623] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.182459] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.183305] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.184142] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.184978] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.185814] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.186660] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.187496] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.188332] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.189169] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.190014] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.190851] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.191687] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.192524] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.193370] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.194206] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.195042] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.195878] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.196725] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.197562] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.198398] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.199234] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.200080] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.200916] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.201753] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.202589] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.203435] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.204271] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.205107] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.205943] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.206790] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.207626] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.208462] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.209298] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.210145] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.210981] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.211817] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.212653] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.213500] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.214336] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.215172] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.216008] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.216854] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.217691] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.218527] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.219363] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.220209] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.221045] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.221882] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.222718] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.223564] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.224401] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.225237] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.226073] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.226919] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.227756] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.228592] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.229428] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.230274] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.231110] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.231947] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.232783] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.233629] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.234466] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.235302] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.236138] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.236984] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.237820] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.238656] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.239492] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.240338] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.241175] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.242011] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.242847] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone
[ 0.246102] (0)[1:swapper/0]mtk pctrl init OK
[ 0.246696] (0)[1:swapper/0]BOOTPROF: 246.694076:probe: probe=platform_drv_probe drv=mediatek-mt8167-pinctrl(0xc0f509d4) 107.991308ms
[ 0.248932] (0)[1:swapper/0]mt-pmic-pwrap 1000f000.pwrap: [PWRAP] Write Test pass
[ 0.257874] (0)[1:swapper/0][DAPC] [TEE] dapc_register_ext_handler is called by Type_2B slave(0)
[ 0.259298] (0)[1:swapper/0][TZ_M4U]sec_pt_va=0x0x10934000, pa=0x7fd34000, align=0x4000
[ 0.260355] (0)[1:swapper/0][TZ_M4U]check port security larb_base: 0xf4016000 0x0
[ 0.261341] (0)[1:swapper/0][TZ_M4U]check port security larb_base: 0xf5001000 0x0
[ 0.262327] (0)[1:swapper/0][TZ_M4U]check port security larb_base: 0xf6010000 0x0
[ 0.263335] (0)[1:swapper/0][TZ_M4U]init done.(secva0x10812410-0x10800000 pa0x7fc12410 sz3M)
[ 0.264446] (0)[1:swapper/0][DAPC] [TEE] dapc_register_ext_handler is called by Type_2B slave(3)
[ 0.265599] (0)[1:swapper/0][DAPC] [TEE] dapc_register_ext_handler is called by Type_2B slave(2)
[ 0.266765] (0)[1:swapper/0][DAPC] [TEE] dapc_register_ext_handler is called by Type_2B slave(6)
[ 0.268221] (0)[1:swapper/0]MTEE_HDMIInit()
[ 0.269395] (0)[1:swapper/0]BOOTPROF: 269.392692:initcall: of_platform_default_populate_init 131.940231ms
[ 0.281713] (0)[1:swapper/0][FH]: init
[ 0.282452] (0)[1:swapper/0][FH] freqhopping_debug_proc_init
[ 0.282458] (0)[1:swapper/0][FH]: init success
[ 0.283911] (0)[1:swapper/0]mtk_mfg_2d_probe
[ 0.284686] (0)[1:swapper/0]mtk_mfg_async_probe
[ 0.285481] (0)[1:swapper/0][CMDQ][CMDQ] platform_dev: dev: (ptrval), PA: 1020a000, VA: e11b7000
[ 0.286634] (0)[1:swapper/0][CMDQ][CMDQ] irqId: 209, irqSecId:210
[ 0.287448] (0)[1:swapper/0][CMDQ]set dma mask result: 0
[ 0.288262] (0)[1:swapper/0][CMDQ]DEV: VA(mediatek,mmsys_config): 0x0
[ 0.289186] (0)[1:swapper/0][CMDQ]DEV: VA(mediatek,MMSYS_CONFIG): 0x0
[ 0.290087] (0)[1:swapper/0][CMDQ]DEV: VA(mediatek,mt8167-mmsys): 0xe11b9000
[ 0.291065] (0)[1:swapper/0][CMDQ]DEV: VA(mediatek,mt8167-mdp_rdma): 0xe11bb000
[ 0.292127] (0)[1:swapper/0][CMDQ]DEV: VA(mediatek,mt8167-mdp_rsz0): 0xe11bd000
[ 0.293143] (0)[1:swapper/0][CMDQ]DEV: VA(mediatek,mt8167-mdp_rsz1): 0xe1201000
[ 0.294157] (0)[1:swapper/0][CMDQ]DEV: VA(mediatek,mt8167-mdp_wdma): 0xe1203000
[ 0.295172] (0)[1:swapper/0][CMDQ]DEV: VA(mediatek,mt8167-mdp_wrot): 0xe1205000
[ 0.296200] (0)[1:swapper/0][CMDQ]DEV: VA(mediatek,mdp_tdshp): 0xe1207000
[ 0.297163] (0)[1:swapper/0][CMDQ]DEV: VA(mediatek,mt8167-VENC): 0xe1209000
[ 0.298151] (0)[1:swapper/0][CMDQ][ERR]DEV: byName: cannot get module clock: smi-common
[ 0.299274] (0)[1:swapper/0][CMDQ][ERR]DEV: byName: cannot get module clock: smi-larb0
[ 0.300396] (0)[1:swapper/0][CMDQ][ERR]DEV: byName: cannot get module clock: mtcmos-dis
[ 0.303843] (0)[1:swapper/0][CMDQ]MDP limit dev create end
[ 0.304587] (0)[1:swapper/0]BOOTPROF: 304.585230:probe: probe=platform_drv_probe drv=mtk_cmdq(0xc0fa02fc) 19.141000ms
[ 0.306290] (0)[1:swapper/0]BOOTPROF: 306.288692:initcall: cmdq_init 20.913539ms
[ 0.307596] (0)[1:swapper/0]SCSI subsystem initialized
[ 0.308378] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
[ 0.309308] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
[ 0.310282] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new device driver usb
[ 0.311356] (0)[1:swapper/0]Linux video capture interface: v2.00
[ 0.312536] (0)[1:swapper/0]Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Initialized.
[ 0.314875] (2)[1:swapper/0]clocksource: Switched to clocksource arch_sys_counter
[ 0.342048] (2)[1:swapper/0]BOOTPROF: 342.044615:initcall: tracer_init_tracefs 26.175308ms
[ 0.362622] (2)[1:swapper/0]BOOTPROF: 362.617769:initcall: event_trace_init 19.364461ms
[ 0.363893] (2)[1:swapper/0]VFS: Disk quotas dquot_6.6.0
[ 0.364637] (2)[1:swapper/0]VFS: Dquot-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order 0, 4096 bytes)
[ 0.366196] (2)[1:swapper/0][ION]ion_init()
[ 0.366981] (2)[1:swapper/0][ION]ion_heap_create: Heap type is disabled: 1
[ 0.367887] (2)[1:swapper/0][ION]ion_mtk_heap_create: error creat heap ion_system_contig_heap type 1 base 0 size 0
[ 0.369639] (0)[1:swapper/0][ION]ion_sec_heap_create enter:ion_sec_heap
[ 0.370528] (0)[1:swapper/0][ION]ion_sec_heap_create enter:ion_sec_heap_protected
[ 0.371518] (0)[1:swapper/0][ION]ion_sec_heap_create enter:ion_sec_heap_2d_fr
[ 0.372478] (0)[1:swapper/0][ION]ion_sec_heap_create enter:ion_sec_heap_wfd
[ 0.373401] (0)[1:swapper/0][ION]ion_sec_heap_create enter:ion_sec_heap_happ
[ 0.374337] (0)[1:swapper/0][ION]ion_sec_heap_create enter:ion_sec_heap_happ_mem
[ 0.375326] (0)[1:swapper/0][ION]ion_sec_heap_create enter:ion_sec_heap_sdsp
[ 0.376260] (0)[1:swapper/0][ION]ion_sec_heap_create enter:ion_sec_heap_sdsp_shared
[ 0.377425] (0)[1:swapper/0][ION]ion_drv_probe, done
[ 0.378112] (0)[1:swapper/0][ION]ion_init fd register notifer fail
[ 0.379003] (0)[1:swapper/0]NET: Registered protocol family 2
[ 0.380164] (0)[1:swapper/0]TCP established hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
[ 0.381305] (0)[1:swapper/0]TCP bind hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
[ 0.382383] (0)[1:swapper/0]TCP: Hash tables configured (established 4096 bind 4096)
[ 0.383452] (0)[1:swapper/0]UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
[ 0.384411] (0)[1:swapper/0]UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
[ 0.385514] (0)[1:swapper/0]NET: Registered protocol family 1
[ 0.386412] (0)[1:swapper/0]Trying to unpack rootfs image as initramfs...
[ 0.417737] (0)[1:swapper/0]Freeing initrd memory: 972K
[ 0.418544] (0)[1:swapper/0]BOOTPROF: 418.542154:initcall: populate_rootfs 32.248154ms
[ 0.420709] (0)[1:swapper/0]hw perfevents: enabled with armv7_cortex_a7 PMU driver, 7 counters available
[ 0.424187] (0)[1:swapper/0]audit: initializing netlink subsys (disabled)
[ 0.425213] (1)[78:kauditd]audit: type=2000 audit(0.406:1): state=initialized audit_enabled=0 res=1
[ 0.425505] (0)[1:swapper/0]workingset: timestamp_bits=13 max_order=18 bucket_order=5
[ 0.430134] (0)[1:swapper/0]Registering sdcardfs 0.1
[ 0.430881] (0)[1:swapper/0]fuse init (API version 7.26)
[ 0.436012] (0)[1:swapper/0]bounce: pool size: 64 pages
[ 0.436720] (0)[1:swapper/0]io scheduler noop registered
[ 0.437423] (0)[1:swapper/0]io scheduler deadline registered
[ 0.438282] (0)[1:swapper/0]io scheduler cfq registered (default)
[ 0.439086] (0)[1:swapper/0]io scheduler mq-deadline registered
[ 0.439868] (0)[1:swapper/0]io scheduler kyber registered
[ 0.443100] (0)[1:swapper/0]Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 3 ports, IRQ sharing disabled
[ 0.448249] (0)[1:swapper/0]brd: module loaded
[ 0.456394] (0)[1:swapper/0]loop: module loaded
[ 0.457209] (0)[1:swapper/0]zram: Added device: zram0
[ 0.458111] (0)[1:swapper/0]failed to get proc regulator for cpu0
[ 0.459016] (0)[1:swapper/0]mt8167-cpufreq mt8167-cpufreq: failed to initialize dvfs info for cpu0
[ 0.460548] (0)[1:swapper/0]gpufreq soc:mtgpufreq: cannot get reg-vgpu
[ 0.461761] (0)[1:swapper/0]iommu: iommu_group_create_direct_mappings, 503, invalid domain
[ 0.462846] (0)[1:swapper/0]iommu: Adding device soc:pseudo-m4u to group 0
[ 0.463829] (0)[1:swapper/0]arm-v7s io-pgtable: arm_v7s_alloc_pgtable, 1149, pgd=0xdecd8000, cf.ttbr=0x5ecd806a,pgd_pa=0x5ecd8000
[ 0.465369] (0)[1:swapper/0][DISP]lcd_fps = 5588
[ 0.465983] (0)[1:swapper/0][DISP][DT][videolfb]lcmfound=1,fps=5588,fb_base=(ptrval),vram=7340032, lcmname=jd9161z_wvga_dsi_vdo_ctc
[ 0.467580] (0)[1:swapper/0]mtk-iommu 10203000.m4u: dm iova 0x7f2c0000 ~ 0x7f9bffff
[ 0.468642] (0)[1:swapper/0][PSEUDO][pseudo_m4u_session_init #194]: create session : 0x5
[ 0.469712] (0)[1:swapper/0][TZ_M4U]m4u session init second
[ 0.470553] (0)[1:swapper/0][TZ_M4U]Dynamic MAP. VA: 0x0x4000000 size 0x8000000 mva offset 0x500000
[ 0.471756] (0)[1:swapper/0][TZ_M4U]tee mem: (secva0x10812410-0x10800000 pa0x7fc12410 sz3M)
[ 0.472854] (0)[1:swapper/0][TZ_M4U]init NonsecPa 0 Va 0x0x20000000 Ret 0x0==0 3857392
[ 0.473927] (0)[1:swapper/0]mtk-iommu 10203000.m4u: rsv iova 0x0 ~ 0x183adbef
[ 0.475614] (0)[1:swapper/0]atf_log: inited
[ 0.476209] (0)[1:swapper/0][Power/gpufreq] @mt_gpufreq_get_freq_by_idx: GPU DVFS not ready!
[ 0.477874] (0)[1:swapper/0][Power/gpufreq] @mt_gpufreq_get_freq_by_idx: GPU DVFS not ready!
[ 0.479011] (0)[1:swapper/0][Power/gpufreq] @mt_gpufreq_get_freq_by_idx: GPU DVFS not ready!
[ 0.482683] (0)[1:swapper/0]iommu: iommu_group_create_direct_mappings, 503, invalid domain
[ 0.483777] (0)[1:swapper/0]iommu: Adding device 15004000.ispsys to group 1
[ 0.484709] (0)[1:swapper/0][Camera-ISP][ISP_probe]isp Probe +
[ 0.485672] (0)[1:swapper/0][Camera-ISP][ISP_Init]register isp callback for MDP,is_v3(0)
[ 0.487835] (0)[1:swapper/0][GCPU] [GCPU_TA_Serivce] [68] Init Done:80fff800!
[ 0.488045] (0)[1:swapper/0][ALS/PS] em3071x_init
[ 0.489629] (0)[1:swapper/0]musb-hdrc: version 6.0, ?dma?, otg (peripheral+host)
[ 0.490643] (0)[1:swapper/0][BOOT_COMMON] [create_sysfs] No atag,meta found !
[ 0.491946] (0)[1:swapper/0]mrdump_sysfs_init: done.
[ 0.492844] (0)[1:swapper/0][xo] origin cap code: 0x1e
[ 0.493525] (0)[1:swapper/0][xo] dts default cap code: 0x0
[ 0.505281] (0)[1:swapper/0][xo] current cap code: 0x1e
[ 0.506356] (0)[1:swapper/0][DDP/ddp_drv]Register the disp driver
[ 0.507330] (0)[1:swapper/0]iommu: iommu_group_create_direct_mappings, 503, invalid domain
[ 0.508427] (0)[1:swapper/0]iommu: Adding device soc:mt8167-dispsys to group 2
[ 0.509408] (0)[1:swapper/0][DDP/ddp_drv]error:disp_probe is earlier than SMI
[ 0.511172] (0)[1:swapper/0]iommu: iommu_group_create_direct_mappings, 503, invalid domain
[ 0.512271] (0)[1:swapper/0]iommu: Adding device 16000000.vdec_gcon to group 3
[ 0.513694] (0)[1:swapper/0]mtk_cooler_shutdown: thermal/cooler/shutdown init
[ 0.514638] (0)[1:swapper/0]mtk_cooler_shutdown: thermal/cooler/shutdown register ltf
[ 0.515794] (0)[1:swapper/0]mtk_cooler_backlight: thermal/cooler/backlight init
[ 0.516754] (0)[1:swapper/0]mtk_cooler_backlight: thermal/cooler/backlight register ltf
[ 0.517908] (0)[1:swapper/0]mtk_cooler_kshutdown: thermal/cooler/kshutdown init
[ 0.518880] (0)[1:swapper/0]mtk_cooler_kshutdown: thermal/cooler/kshutdown register ltf
[ 0.520735] (0)[1:swapper/0][W]mtk_wcn_cmb_stub_query_ctrl:Thermal query not registered
[ 0.524345] (0)[1:swapper/0]mtk_thermal_monitor: THERMAL/MONITOR [.get_temp] tz: mtkts5 invalid temp
[ 0.525579] (0)[1:swapper/0]thermal thermal_zone3: failed to read out thermal zone (-1)
[ 0.526769] (0)[1:swapper/0]mtk_thermal_monitor: THERMAL/MONITOR [.get_temp] tz: mtkts4 invalid temp
[ 0.527967] (0)[1:swapper/0]thermal thermal_zone5: failed to read out thermal zone (-1)
[ 0.530457] (0)[1:swapper/0]spi_dev_init().
[ 0.531594] (0)[1:swapper/0]libphy: Fixed MDIO Bus: probed
[ 0.532321] (0)[1:swapper/0]tun: Universal TUN/TAP device driver, 1.6
[ 0.533211] (0)[1:swapper/0]PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
[ 0.534006] (0)[1:swapper/0]PPP BSD Compression module registered
[ 0.534811] (0)[1:swapper/0]PPP Deflate Compression module registered
[ 0.535685] (0)[1:swapper/0]PPP MPPE Compression module registered
[ 0.536501] (0)[1:swapper/0]NET: Registered protocol family 24
[ 0.537280] (0)[1:swapper/0]PPTP driver version 0.8.5
[ 0.538102] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver r8152
[ 0.539041] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver asix
[ 0.539969] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver ax88179_178a
[ 0.540968] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_ether
[ 0.541949] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver net1080
[ 0.542891] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_subset
[ 0.543867] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver zaurus
[ 0.544808] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_ncm
[ 0.545772] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
[ 0.546759] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-alauda
[ 0.547733] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-cypress
[ 0.548730] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-datafab
[ 0.549717] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-freecom
[ 0.550703] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-isd200
[ 0.551690] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-jumpshot
[ 0.552687] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-karma
[ 0.553651] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-onetouch
[ 0.554648] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-sddr09
[ 0.555637] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-sddr55
[ 0.556613] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-usbat
[ 0.557602] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial
[ 0.558578] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver option
[ 0.559507] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbserial: USB Serial support registered for GSM modem (1-port)
[ 0.560619] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver trancevibrator
[ 0.561660] (0)[1:swapper/0]usb_function_register name=acm
[ 0.562393] (0)[1:swapper/0]usb_function_register name=gser
[ 0.563339] (0)[1:swapper/0]usb_function_register name=rndis
[ 0.564088] (0)[1:swapper/0]usb_function_register name=mass_storage
[ 0.564927] (0)[1:swapper/0]usb_function_register name=ffs
[ 0.565652] (0)[1:swapper/0]usb_function_register name=midi
[ 0.566389] (0)[1:swapper/0]usb_function_register name=hid
[ 0.567114] (0)[1:swapper/0]usb_function_register name=audio_source
[ 0.567939] (0)[1:swapper/0]usb_function_register name=accessory
[ 0.568748] (0)[1:swapper/0]usb_function_register name=mtp
[ 0.569474] (0)[1:swapper/0]usb_function_register name=ptp
[ 0.570336] (0)[1:swapper/0]kpd: kpd-clk is default set by ccf.
[ 0.571258] (0)[1:swapper/0]input: mtk-kpd as /devices/platform/soc/10002000.keypad/input/input0
[ 0.573083] (0)[1:swapper/0][tpd_em_log] :register device successfully
[ 0.573945] (0)[1:swapper/0][FTS_TS]tpd_driver_init: Enter
[ 0.574670] (0)[1:swapper/0][FTS_TS/I]tpd_driver_init:Driver version: Focaltech V3.1 20190807
[ 0.576014] (0)[1:swapper/0][FTS_TS/I]tpd_driver_init:tpd max touch num:2
[ 0.576908] (0)[1:swapper/0][FTS_TS]tpd_driver_init: Exit(1488)
[ 0.577689] (0)[1:swapper/0]Tlsc6x:tpd_driver_init ++!
[ 0.578573] (0)[1:swapper/0]Tlsc6x:tpd_driver_init --!
[ 0.579833] (0)[1:swapper/0]lirc_dev: IR Remote Control driver registered, major 238
[ 0.580851] (0)[1:swapper/0]IR Sharp protocol handler initialized
[ 0.581666] (0)[1:swapper/0]IR XMP protocol handler initialized
[ 0.582492] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver uvcvideo
[ 0.583429] (0)[1:swapper/0]USB Video Class driver (1.1.1)
[ 0.584423] (0)[1:swapper/0]MTK_WDT_NONRST_REG(0)
[ 0.585144] (0)[1:swapper/0]mtk-wdt 10007000.toprgu: Watchdog enabled (timeout=31 sec, nowayout=0)
[ 0.586694] (0)[1:swapper/0]device-mapper: uevent: version 1.0.3
[ 0.587589] (0)[1:swapper/0]device-mapper: ioctl: 4.37.0-ioctl (2017-09-20) initialised: [email protected]
[ 0.589193] (0)[1:swapper/0]cpuidle: enable-method property 'psci' found operations
[ 0.590297] (0)[1:swapper/0]cpuidle: enable-method property 'psci' found operations
[ 0.591394] (0)[1:swapper/0]cpuidle: enable-method property 'psci' found operations
[ 0.592511] (0)[1:swapper/0]cpuidle: enable-method property 'psci' found operations
[ 0.594543] (0)[1:swapper/0]mtk_timer: mtk_timer_mod_init
[ 0.595339] (0)[1:swapper/0]hidraw: raw HID events driver (C) Jiri Kosina
[ 0.596771] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid
[ 0.597687] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbhid: USB HID core driver
[ 0.598486] (0)[1:swapper/0]ashmem: initialized
[ 0.600122] (0)[1:swapper/0]mtk-iommu 10203000.m4u: bound 14016000.larb (ops 0xc0ab5fd0)
[ 0.601188] (0)[1:swapper/0]mtk-iommu 10203000.m4u: bound 15001000.larb (ops 0xc0ab5fd0)
[ 0.602267] (0)[1:swapper/0]mtk-iommu 10203000.m4u: bound 16010000.larb (ops 0xc0ab5fd0)
[ 0.603803] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver snd-usb-audio
[ 0.605965] (0)[1:swapper/0]mtk-afe-pcm MTK AFE driver initialized.
[ 0.607436] (0)[1:swapper/0]drop_monitor: Initializing network drop monitor service
[ 0.608501] (0)[1:swapper/0]Mirror/redirect action on
[ 0.609177] (0)[1:swapper/0]u32 classifier
[ 0.609721] (0)[1:swapper/0] Performance counters on
[ 0.610411] (0)[1:swapper/0] input device check on
[ 0.611078] (0)[1:swapper/0] Actions configured
[ 0.611731] (0)[1:swapper/0]Netfilter messages via NETLINK v0.30.
[ 0.612688] (0)[1:swapper/0]nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (16384 buckets, 65536 max)
[ 0.613774] (0)[1:swapper/0]ctnetlink v0.93: registering with nfnetlink.
[ 0.614980] (0)[1:swapper/0]xt_time: kernel timezone is -0000
[ 0.615836] (0)[1:swapper/0]ipip: IPv4 and MPLS over IPv4 tunneling driver
[ 0.616985] (0)[1:swapper/0]gre: GRE over IPv4 demultiplexor driver
[ 0.617812] (0)[1:swapper/0]IPv4 over IPsec tunneling driver
[ 0.618870] (0)[1:swapper/0]ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
[ 0.620253] (0)[1:swapper/0]arp_tables: arp_tables: (C) 2002 David S. Miller
[ 0.621267] (0)[1:swapper/0]Initializing XFRM netlink socket
[ 0.622039] (0)[1:swapper/0]IPsec XFRM device driver
[ 0.622917] (0)[1:swapper/0]NET: Registered protocol family 10
[ 0.624541] (0)[1:swapper/0]Segment Routing with IPv6
[ 0.625282] (0)[1:swapper/0]mip6: Mobile IPv6
[ 0.625876] (0)[1:swapper/0]ip6_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
[ 0.627401] (0)[1:swapper/0]sit: IPv6, IPv4 and MPLS over IPv4 tunneling driver
[ 0.628928] (0)[1:swapper/0]NET: Registered protocol family 17
[ 0.629710] (0)[1:swapper/0]NET: Registered protocol family 15
[ 0.630507] (0)[1:swapper/0]Bridge firewalling registered
[ 0.631242] (0)[1:swapper/0]l2tp_core: L2TP core driver, V2.0
[ 0.632020] (0)[1:swapper/0]l2tp_ppp: PPPoL2TP kernel driver, V2.0
[ 0.632835] (0)[1:swapper/0]8021q: 802.1Q VLAN Support v1.8
[ 0.634218] (0)[1:swapper/0]Registering SWP/SWPB emulation handler
[ 0.636180] (0)[1:swapper/0]registered taskstats version 1
[ 0.645391] (0)[28:kworker/0:1]gpufreq soc:mtgpufreq: cannot get reg-vgpu
[ 0.646441] (0)[28:kworker/0:1][Camera-ISP][ISP_probe]isp Probe +
[ 0.647291] (0)[28:kworker/0:1][Camera-ISP][ISP_probe]camera smi larb device is found !
[ 0.647291]
[ 0.648582] (0)[28:kworker/0:1][Camera-ISP][ISP_probe]DT, i=0, PA(0x15004000), map_VA=0xe1960000/0xe1960000
[ 0.648582]
[ 0.650058] (0)[28:kworker/0:1][Camera-ISP][ISP_probe]DT, i=1, PA(0x15000000), map_VA=0xe1970000/0xe1970000
[ 0.650058]
[ 0.651564] (0)[28:kworker/0:1][Camera-ISP][ISP_probe]DT, i=2, PA(0x10011000), map_VA=0xe18f8000/0xe18f8000
[ 0.651564]
[ 0.655607] (0)[28:kworker/0:1][DDP/ddp_drv]error:get interrupts from DTS fail
[ 0.656883] (0)[28:kworker/0:1][DDP/ddp_drv]error:get interrupts from DTS fail
[ 0.657899] (0)[28:kworker/0:1][DDP/ddp_drv]error:get interrupts from DTS fail
[ 0.658928] (0)[28:kworker/0:1][DDP/ddp_drv]error:get interrupts from DTS fail
[ 0.659939] (0)[28:kworker/0:1][DDP/ddp_drv]error:get interrupts from DTS fail
[ 0.660951] (0)[28:kworker/0:1][DDP/ddp_drv]error:get interrupts from DTS fail
[ 0.661975] (0)[28:kworker/0:1][DDP/ddp_drv]error:get interrupts from DTS fail
[ 0.663146] (0)[28:kworker/0:1]gpufreq soc:mtgpufreq: cannot get reg-vgpu
[ 0.664147] (1)[1:swapper/0]BOOTPROF: 664.144462:initcall: deferred_probe_initcall 19.117231ms
[ 0.667083] (0)[1:swapper/0]PVR_K: 1: irq_res = 0xe1
[ 0.667761] (0)[1:swapper/0]PVR_K: 1: reg_res = 0x13000000, 0x80000
[ 0.668850] (0)[1:swapper/0]PVR_K: 1: Reverting to compile time BVNC
[ 0.669843] (0)[1:swapper/0]PVR_K: 1: RGX Device registered with BVNC
[ 0.671158] (0)[1:swapper/0][drm] Initialized pvr 1.11.5425693 20170530 for 13000000.clark on minor 0
[ 0.672755] (0)[28:kworker/0:1]gpufreq soc:mtgpufreq: cannot get reg-vgpu
[ 0.673995] (0)[1:swapper/0]<ALS/PS> alsps real driver init fail
[ 0.674789] (0)[1:swapper/0]<ALS/PS> alsps_probe fail !!!
[ 0.675516] (0)[1:swapper/0]<ALS/PS> failed to register alsps driver
[ 0.676403] (0)[1:swapper/0]memory-ssmr: [INIT FAIL]: cma is not inited
[ 0.677275] (0)[1:swapper/0]memory-ssmr: SSMR sanity fail
[ 0.678160] (0)[1:swapper/0][LED] get_cust_led_dtsi pled_dtsi is null, load dts file
[ 0.680023] (0)[28:kworker/0:1]gpufreq soc:mtgpufreq: cannot get reg-vgpu
[ 0.681031] (0)[1:swapper/0][MUSB]usb20_init 1868: usb20 init
[ 0.681880] (0)[1:swapper/0][MUSB]mt_usb_probe 1528: [U2]usb20
[ 0.682734] (0)[1:swapper/0][MUSB]mt_usb_probe 1682: [U2]platform_device_add musb
[ 0.683845] (0)[1:swapper/0]musb_probe mac=0xe1a50000, phy=0xe1b10000, irq=223
[ 0.684948] (0)[1:swapper/0][MUSB]mt_usb_init 1394: called
[ 0.685741] (0)[1:swapper/0]usb_phy_generic supply vcc not found, using dummy regulator
[ 0.687571] (0)[28:kworker/0:1]gpufreq soc:mtgpufreq: cannot get reg-vgpu
[ 0.688528] (2)[1:swapper/0]musb-hdrc musb-hdrc: musb-hdrc supply vusb not found, using dummy regulator
[ 0.689793] (2)[1:swapper/0][MUSB]mt_usb_init 1423: regulator set vol failed: -22
[ 0.690779] (2)[1:swapper/0][MUSB]mt_usb_init 1432: enable USB regulator
[ 0.691689] (2)[1:swapper/0][MUSB]mt_usb_init 1446: musb platform init ff00
[ 0.692613] (2)[1:swapper/0][MUSB]mt_usb_init 1462: mt_usb_init, init_otg before
[ 0.693588] (2)[1:swapper/0][MUSB]mt_usb_enable 306: 0, 0
[ 0.705193] (2)[1:swapper/0][MUSB]hs_slew_rate_cal 252: [USBPHY]slew cali FM_OUT=334 x=4120 value=4
[ 0.706380] (2)[1:swapper/0][MUSB]usb_phy_recover 624: usb recovery success
[ 0.707300] (2)[1:swapper/0]sizeof(struct TGPD):16
[ 0.708121] (2)[1:swapper/0]musb-hdrc musb-hdrc: MUSB HDRC host driver
[ 0.709011] (2)[1:swapper/0]musb-hdrc musb-hdrc: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
[ 0.710531] (2)[1:swapper/0]hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
[ 0.711243] (2)[1:swapper/0]hub 1-0:1.0: 1 port detected
[ 0.712075] -(2)[1:swapper/0][MUSB]musb_hub_control 388: try to call musb_start in virthub
[ 0.713459] (2)[1:swapper/0]musb-hdrc musb-hdrc: prop=1, power=1, is_host=0
[ 0.714382] (2)[1:swapper/0]musb-hdrc musb-hdrc: prop=2, power=1, is_host=0
[ 0.715318] (2)[1:swapper/0]musb-hdrc musb-hdrc: prop=3, power=1, is_host=0
[ 0.716244] (2)[1:swapper/0][MUSB]mt_usb_disable 342: mt_usb_disable, 1, 1
[ 0.717967] (2)[1:swapper/0][MUSB]usb_phy_savecurrent 532: usb save current success
[ 0.718986] (2)[1:swapper/0][MUSB]musb_do_idle 263: schedule work to do called
[ 0.719979] (2)[1:swapper/0]BOOTPROF: 719.976924:probe: probe=platform_drv_probe drv=musb-hdrc(0xc0f9a868) 36.144077ms
[ 0.721504] (2)[1:swapper/0][MUSB]mt_usb_probe 1704: init connection_work
[ 0.722651] (2)[138:kworker/2:1]gpufreq soc:mtgpufreq: cannot get reg-vgpu
[ 0.722743] (2)[138:kworker/2:1]musb-hdrc musb-hdrc: prop=1, power=0, is_host=0
[ 0.722750] (2)[138:kworker/2:1]musb-hdrc musb-hdrc: prop=2, power=0, is_host=0
[ 0.722757] (2)[138:kworker/2:1]musb-hdrc musb-hdrc: prop=3, power=0, is_host=0
[ 0.722765] (2)[138:kworker/2:1][MUSB]musb_idle_work_func 209: musb_idle_work_func:209
[ 0.722768] (2)[138:kworker/2:1][MUSB]musb_idle_work_func 220: musb already disable
[ 0.722773] (2)[138:kworker/2:1][MUSB]musb_idle_work_func 253: done
[ 0.722778] (2)[138:kworker/2:1][MUSB]musb_idle_work_func 258: otg_state b_idle
[ 0.730429] (2)[1:swapper/0][MUSB]mt_usb_probe 1706: keep musb->power & mtk_usb_power in the samae value
[ 0.731682] (2)[1:swapper/0][MUSB]mt_usb_probe 1719: [U2]usb20 dts probe
[ 0.732569] (2)[1:swapper/0][MUSB]mt_usb_probe 1726: [U2]usb20 dts probe ret:0
[ 0.733518] (2)[1:swapper/0]USB probe done!
[ 0.734082] (2)[1:swapper/0]Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 000000f4
[ 0.735336] (2)[1:swapper/0]pgd = (ptrval)
[ 0.735884] (2)[1:swapper/0][000000f4] *pgd=00000000
[ 0.736550] -(2)[1:swapper/0]Internal error: Oops: 5 [#1] PREEMPT SMP THUMB2
[ 0.737469] -(2)[1:swapper/0]disable aee kernel api
[ 0.737470] -(2)[1:swapper/0]Kernel Offset: disabled
[ 0.738752] -(2)[1:swapper/0]Modules linked in:
[ 0.739349] -(2)[1:swapper/0]CPU: 2 PID: 1 Comm: swapper/0 Not tainted 4.14.141+ #1
[ 0.740345] -(2)[1:swapper/0]Hardware name: Generic DT based system
[ 0.741161] -(2)[1:swapper/0]task: (ptrval) task.stack: (ptrval)
[ 0.741950] -(2)[1:swapper/0]PC is at regmap_read+0x2/0x34
[ 0.742670] -(2)[1:swapper/0]LR is at pmic_read_interface+0x37/0x58
[ 0.743488] -(2)[1:swapper/0]pc : [<c0469d6e>] lr : [<c05e0d0b>] psr: 40000033
[ 0.744493] -(2)[1:swapper/0]sp : df8c3d98 ip : 2b847000 fp : deec0cc0
[ 0.745364] -(2)[1:swapper/0]r10: deef6400 r9 : dfaeb400 r8 : 00000001
[ 0.746235] -(2)[1:swapper/0]r7 : df8c3df0 r6 : 00000005 r5 : df8c3da8 r4 : c0f09188
[ 0.747274] -(2)[1:swapper/0]r3 : 00000005 r2 : df8c3da8 r1 : 00000000 r0 : 00000000
[ 0.748317] -(2)[1:swapper/0]Flags: nZcv IRQs on FIQs on Mode SVC_32 ISA Thumb Segment none
[ 0.749460] -(2)[1:swapper/0]Control: 50c5383d Table: 4000406a DAC: 00000051
[ 0.750401] -(2)[1:swapper/0]CPU: 2 PID: 1 Comm: swapper/0 Not tainted 4.14.141+ #1
[ 0.751397] -(2)[1:swapper/0]Hardware name: Generic DT based system
[ 0.752227] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c010d181>] (unwind_backtrace) from [<c0109a9b>] (show_stack+0xb/0xc)
[ 0.753407] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c0109a9b>] (show_stack) from [<c08f4fc7>] (dump_stack+0x6f/0x7c)
[ 0.754545] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c08f4fc7>] (dump_stack) from [<c0566ead>] (ipanic_die+0x51/0x68)
[ 0.755684] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c0566ead>] (ipanic_die) from [<c01380f7>] (notify_die+0x5b/0x7c)
[ 0.756820] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c01380f7>] (notify_die) from [<c0109b67>] (die+0xcb/0x270)
[ 0.757889] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c0109b67>] (die) from [<c0110a63>] (__do_kernel_fault.part.0+0x4f/0x5c)
[ 0.759101] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c0110a63>] (__do_kernel_fault.part.0) from [<c01108b7>] (do_page_fault+0x277/0x278)
[ 0.760447] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c01108b7>] (do_page_fault) from [<c0101299>] (do_DataAbort+0x65/0xf8)
[ 0.761636] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c0101299>] (do_DataAbort) from [<c010a353>] (__dabt_svc+0x53/0x80)
[ 0.762787] -(2)[1:swapper/0]Exception stack(0xdf8c3d48 to 0xdf8c3d90)
[ 0.763639] -(2)[1:swapper/0]3d40: 00000000 00000000 df8c3da8 00000005 c0f09188 df8c3da8
[ 0.764896] -(2)[1:swapper/0]3d60: 00000005 df8c3df0 00000001 dfaeb400 deef6400 deec0cc0 2b847000 df8c3d98
[ 0.766150] -(2)[1:swapper/0]3d80: c05e0d0b c0469d6e 40000033 ffffffff
[ 0.767004] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c010a353>] (__dabt_svc) from [<c0469d6e>] (regmap_read+0x2/0x34)
[ 0.768142] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c0469d6e>] (regmap_read) from [<c05e0d0b>] (pmic_read_interface+0x37/0x58)
[ 0.769389] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c05e0d0b>] (pmic_read_interface) from [<c051f4a9>] (mt_usb_probe+0x4ad/0x6a0)
[ 0.770667] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c051f4a9>] (mt_usb_probe) from [<c04548fd>] (platform_drv_probe+0x31/0x74)
[ 0.771915] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c04548fd>] (platform_drv_probe) from [<c045371b>] (driver_probe_device+0x247/0x29c)
[ 0.773263] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c045371b>] (driver_probe_device) from [<c04537d3>] (__driver_attach+0x63/0x64)
[ 0.774554] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c04537d3>] (__driver_attach) from [<c0451f99>] (bus_for_each_dev+0x45/0x70)
[ 0.775811] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c0451f99>] (bus_for_each_dev) from [<c0452d89>] (bus_add_driver+0x125/0x184)
[ 0.777080] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c0452d89>] (bus_add_driver) from [<c0453f59>] (driver_register+0x3d/0x90)
[ 0.778316] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c0453f59>] (driver_register) from [<c0e2a7ed>] (usb20_init+0x31/0x54)
[ 0.779507] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c0e2a7ed>] (usb20_init) from [<c0101b13>] (do_one_initcall+0x4b/0x144)
[ 0.780711] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c0101b13>] (do_one_initcall) from [<c0e00c8d>] (kernel_init_freeable+0x189/0x218)
[ 0.782036] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c0e00c8d>] (kernel_init_freeable) from [<c090430f>] (kernel_init+0x7/0x110)
[ 0.783294] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c090430f>] (kernel_init) from [<c0106799>] (ret_from_fork+0x11/0x38)
[ 0.784631] -(2)[1:swapper/0]mrdump: cpu[2] tsk:(ptrval) ti:(ptrval)
[ 0.787479] -(2)[1:swapper/0]mrdump: add MSDC:0x0 sz:0x0 failed
[ 0.788250] -(2)[1:swapper/0]mrdump: add UFS:0x0 sz:0x0 failed
[ 0.789010] -(2)[1:swapper/0]mrdump: add BLOCKIO:0x0 sz:0x0 failed
[ 0.789816] -(2)[1:swapper/0]mrdump: add CCCI:0x0 sz:0x0 failed
[ 0.790666] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: stopping
[ 0.791229] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU: 1 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/1 Not tainted 4.14.141+ #1
[ 0.792225] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Hardware name: Generic DT based system
[ 0.793057] -(1)[0:swapper/1][<c010d181>] (unwind_backtrace) from [<c0109a9b>] (show_stack+0xb/0xc)
[ 0.794241] -(1)[0:swapper/1][<c0109a9b>] (show_stack) from [<c08f4fc7>] (dump_stack+0x6f/0x7c)
[ 0.795379] -(1)[0:swapper/1][<c08f4fc7>] (dump_stack) from [<c010c47f>] (handle_IPI+0x163/0x2e4)
[ 0.796539] -(1)[0:swapper/1][<c010c47f>] (handle_IPI) from [<c0101471>] (gic_handle_irq+0x6d/0x74)
[ 0.797719] -(1)[0:swapper/1][<c0101471>] (gic_handle_irq) from [<c010a3e5>] (__irq_svc+0x65/0xac)
[ 0.798885] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Exception stack(0xdf8f3f30 to 0xdf8f3f78)
[ 0.799739] -(1)[0:swapper/1]3f20: 00000000 ffffffff 1f057000 dfecd180
[ 0.800999] -(1)[0:swapper/1]3f40: 2dfd399e 00000000 2f207bd1 00000000 00000001 dedaac00 00000000 c0fec048
[ 0.802257] -(1)[0:swapper/1]3f60: 00000001 df8f3f80 c06ed0cd c06ed0d4 60000033 ffffffff
[ 0.803315] -(1)[0:swapper/1][<c010a3e5>] (__irq_svc) from [<c06ed0d4>] (cpuidle_enter_state+0xf8/0x3ac)
[ 0.804555] -(1)[0:swapper/1][<c06ed0d4>] (cpuidle_enter_state) from [<c0164c3d>] (do_idle+0x18d/0x1e8)
[ 0.805782] -(1)[0:swapper/1][<c0164c3d>] (do_idle) from [<c0164e9b>] (cpu_startup_entry+0x13/0x14)
[ 0.806963] -(1)[0:swapper/1][<c0164e9b>] (cpu_startup_entry) from [<401018d1>] (0x401018d1)
[ 0.808063] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: stopping
[ 0.808614] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU: 3 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/3 Not tainted 4.14.141+ #1
[ 0.809612] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Hardware name: Generic DT based system
[ 0.810434] -(3)[0:swapper/3][<c010d181>] (unwind_backtrace) from [<c0109a9b>] (show_stack+0xb/0xc)
[ 0.811616] -(3)[0:swapper/3][<c0109a9b>] (show_stack) from [<c08f4fc7>] (dump_stack+0x6f/0x7c)
[ 0.812752] -(3)[0:swapper/3][<c08f4fc7>] (dump_stack) from [<c010c47f>] (handle_IPI+0x163/0x2e4)
[ 0.813909] -(3)[0:swapper/3][<c010c47f>] (handle_IPI) from [<c0101471>] (gic_handle_irq+0x6d/0x74)
[ 0.815090] -(3)[0:swapper/3][<c0101471>] (gic_handle_irq) from [<c010a3e5>] (__irq_svc+0x65/0xac)
[ 0.816255] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Exception stack(0xdf8f7f30 to 0xdf8f7f78)
[ 0.817109] -(3)[0:swapper/3]7f20: 00000000 ffffffff 1f07b000 dfef1180
[ 0.818369] -(3)[0:swapper/3]7f40: 2a7267e2 00000000 2f207c1e 00000000 00000001 dedab000 00000000 c0fec048
[ 0.819626] -(3)[0:swapper/3]7f60: 00000003 df8f7f80 c06ed0cd c06ed0d4 60000033 ffffffff
[ 0.820683] -(3)[0:swapper/3][<c010a3e5>] (__irq_svc) from [<c06ed0d4>] (cpuidle_enter_state+0xf8/0x3ac)
[ 0.821919] -(3)[0:swapper/3][<c06ed0d4>] (cpuidle_enter_state) from [<c0164c3d>] (do_idle+0x18d/0x1e8)
[ 0.823144] -(3)[0:swapper/3][<c0164c3d>] (do_idle) from [<c0164e9b>] (cpu_startup_entry+0x13/0x14)
[ 0.824321] -(3)[0:swapper/3][<c0164e9b>] (cpu_startup_entry) from [<401018d1>] (0x401018d1)
[ 0.825418] -(0)[0:swapper/0]CPU0: stopping
[ 0.825968] -(0)[0:swapper/0]CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Not tainted 4.14.141+ #1
[ 0.826966] -(0)[0:swapper/0]Hardware name: Generic DT based system
[ 0.827790] -(0)[0:swapper/0][<c010d181>] (unwind_backtrace) from [<c0109a9b>] (show_stack+0xb/0xc)
[ 0.828971] -(0)[0:swapper/0][<c0109a9b>] (show_stack) from [<c08f4fc7>] (dump_stack+0x6f/0x7c)
[ 0.830107] -(0)[0:swapper/0][<c08f4fc7>] (dump_stack) from [<c010c47f>] (handle_IPI+0x163/0x2e4)
[ 0.831266] -(0)[0:swapper/0][<c010c47f>] (handle_IPI) from [<c0101471>] (gic_handle_irq+0x6d/0x74)
[ 0.832448] -(0)[0:swapper/0][<c0101471>] (gic_handle_irq) from [<c010a3e5>] (__irq_svc+0x65/0xac)
[ 0.833615] -(0)[0:swapper/0]Exception stack(0xc0f01ee0 to 0xc0f01f28)
[ 0.834470] -(0)[0:swapper/0]1ee0: 00000000 ffffffff 1f045000 dfebb180 2dfd945c 00000000 2f207c1e 00000000
[ 0.835730] -(0)[0:swapper/0]1f00: 00000001 dedaaa00 00000000 c0fec048 00000000 c0f01f30 c06ed0cd c06ed0d4
[ 0.836987] -(0)[0:swapper/0]1f20: 60000033 ffffffff
[ 0.837639] -(0)[0:swapper/0][<c010a3e5>] (__irq_svc) from [<c06ed0d4>] (cpuidle_enter_state+0xf8/0x3ac)
[ 0.838874] -(0)[0:swapper/0][<c06ed0d4>] (cpuidle_enter_state) from [<c0164c3d>] (do_idle+0x18d/0x1e8)
[ 0.840099] -(0)[0:swapper/0][<c0164c3d>] (do_idle) from [<c0164e9b>] (cpu_startup_entry+0x13/0x14)
[ 0.841280] -(0)[0:swapper/0][<c0164e9b>] (cpu_startup_entry) from [<c0e00ac3>] (start_kernel+0x347/0x388)
[ 0.842538] -(0)[0:swapper/0][<c0e00ac3>] (start_kernel) from [<4000807f>] (0x4000807f)
[ 3.088207] -(2)[1:swapper/0]SMP: failed to stop secondary CPUs
^@M-^@^@M-^@M-^@^@^@^@M-^@^@^@^@M-^@^@^@^@M-^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@M-^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@M-^@^@M-^@M-^@^@^@^@M-^@M-^@^@^@^@M-^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@M-^@^@M-^@M-^@^@^@M-^@M-^@M-^@^@^@^@M-^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@M-^@M-^@M-^@M-^@^@^@^@^@^@^@M-^@^@^@M-^@M-^@M-^@M-^@^@M-^@^@M-^@M-^@^@^@^@^@^@^@M-^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@M-^@M-^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@M-^@^@^@^@M-^@^@M-^@M-^@^@^@^@M-^@^@^@^@M-^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@M-^@^@M-^@M-^@^@^@^@M-^@^@M-^@M-^@^@M-^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@M-^@^@^@^@^@M-^@M-^@M-^@M-^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@M-^@M-^@M-^@M-^@^@M-^@^@M-^@M-^@^@M-^@^@M-^@^@^@^@M-^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@M-^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@M-^@^@M-^@M-^@^@M-^@M-^@^@M-^@M-^@^@M-^@^@M-^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@M-^@M-^@M-^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@M-^@M-^@M-^@M-^@^@^@^@^@^@^@M-^@^@^@M-^@M-^@M-^@M-^@^@M-^@^@M-^@M-^@^@^@M-^@M-^@M-^@^@^@^@M-^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@M-^@^@M-^@M-^@^@M-^@^@^@M-^@M-^@M-^@M-^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@M-^@M-^@M-^@M-^@M-^@^@M-^@^@M-^@M-^@^@^@M-^@^@M-^@M-^@M-^@M-^@M-^@M-^@M-^@M-^@M-^@^@M-^@^@^@^@M-^@M-^@M-^@M-^@M-^@^@^@^@^@M-^@^@^@M-^@^@M-^@^@M-^@M-^@^@^@M-^@^@M-^@M-^@^@[5][pmic6392_init] Preloader Start..................
[6][pmic6392_init] PMIC CHIP Code = 0x2092
[7][pmic6392_init] Debug Status: Reg[0x7A]=0x0
[9][pmic6392_init] Debug Status: Reg[0x7C]=0x0
[10]pl pmic powerkey Release
[10][pmic6392_init] powerKey = 0
[11][pmic6392_init] is USB in = 0xB003
[23][pmic6392_init] Reg[0x11A]=0x7B
[23][pmic6392_init] Reg[0x136]=0x1
[24][pmic_buck_oc_enable] MT6392_BUCK_OC_CON0 0x258 = 0x0
[26][pmic_buck_oc_enable] Clear Buck OC Flag, MT6392_BUCK_OC_CON0 0x258 = 0x0
[28][pmic_buck_oc_enable] Enable Buck OC shutdown function...
[30][pmic_ldo_cali_sw_bonding] Done...................
[32][pmic6392_init] Reg[0x70]=0x52
[33][auxadc_hw_init] Preloader Start..................
[35][pmic6392_init] Done...................
[36]Long Pressed setting
[36][PLFM] Init I2C: OK(0)
[37][PLFM] Init PWRAP: OK(0)
[37][PLFM] Init PMIC: OK(0)
[37][PLFM] chip_ver[1]
[BLDR] Build Time: 20201120-184229
[38]==== Dump RGU Reg ========
[38]RGU MODE: 14
[39]RGU STA: 40000000
[39]RGU SWSYSRST: 8000
[40]==== Dump RGU Reg End ====
[40]RGU: g_rgu_satus:2
[40] mtk_wdt_mode_config mode value=10, tmp:22000010
[41]PL RGU RST: [41]??
[41]SW reset with bypass power key flag
[42]Find bypass powerkey flag
[42]RGU mtk_wdt_init:MTK_WDT_DEBUG_CTL(590200F3)
[43]Enter mtk_kpd_gpio_set!
[76]after set KP enable: KP_SEL = 0x1C70 !
[86][RTC] bbpu = 0xD, con = 0x426
[86][RTC] powerkey1 = 0xA357, powerkey2 = 0x67D2
[88][RTC] EOSC_Cali: TOP_CKCON1=0x40C0
[105][RTC] EOSC cali val = 0x24CD
[108][RTC] RTC_SPAR0=0x40
[109]rtc_2sec_reboot_check cali=1792
[111][RTC] irqsta = 0x0, pdn1 = 0x0, pdn2 = 0x201, spar0 = 0x40, spar1 = 0x800, al_dom = 0x1
[112][RTC] new_spare0 = 0x0, new_spare1 = 0x1, new_spare2 = 0x1, new_spare3 = 0x1
[113][RTC] bbpu = 0xD, con = 0x426, cali = 0x700
[114][RTC] spar0 = 0x40
[114]SW reset with bypass power key flag
[114][PLFM] WDT reboot bypass power key!
[115][RTC] rtc_bbpu_power_on done
[115][xo] default cap_code: 0x1E
[116][xo] get xo efuse: 9E000000
[126][xo] current cap_code: 0x1E
[126][xo] disable XO to PMIC 26M
[127][xo] Without 32K. Reg[0x402]=0x8401
[127][Preloader] BSI read: [0x25] = 0x6AAB
[128][Preloader] BSI read: [0x29] = 0x1
[128][Preloader] BSI read: [0x29] = 0x0
[129][xo] status: 0xF
[129][PTP] PTPOD0 = 0x15BD0C64
[129][PTP] PTPOD1 = 0x0048BBC1
[130][PTP] PTPOD2 = 0x15BE0669
[130][PTP] PTPOD3 = 0x0034F641
[130][PTP] PTPOD4 = 0x00000000
[131][PTP] PTPOD5 = 0x00000000
[131][PTP] PTPOD6 = 0x00000000
[131][PTP] GPU's max freq = 598MHz
[132][PTP] set_vcore_to_pmic()
[132][PTP] Vcore pmic = 0x00000048
[133][PTP] Vcore is 1150000uV now.
[133][PTP] Vcore(0x304) mode = 0x00000300
[133][PTP] CLK_GATING_CTRL1 = 0xC081923C
[134][PTP] PTP_PTPCORESEL = 0x80030001
[134][PTP] ptp_isr()
[135][PTP] PTP_PTPCORESEL = 0x80030001
[135][PTP] CLK_GATING_CTRL1 = 0xC081923C
[136][PTP] PTP_PTPCORESEL = 0x80030001
[137][PTP] @ handle_init01_isr(PTP_DET_GPUSYS)
[137][PTP] CLK_GATING_CTRL1 = 0xC081923C
[138][PTP] PTP_PTPCORESEL = 0x80030001
[145][PTP] PTP_VOP30[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x3838383E
[146][PTP] PTP_VOP74[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x38383838
[147][PTP] CLK_GATING_CTRL1 = 0xC081923C
[148][PTP] PTP_PTPCORESEL = 0x80030001
[148][PTP] ptp_isr()
[148][PTP] PTP_PTPCORESEL = 0x80030001
[149][PTP] CLK_GATING_CTRL1 = 0xC081923C
[150][PTP] PTP_PTPCORESEL = 0x80030001
[150][PTP] @ handle_init02_isr(PTP_DET_GPUSYS)
[151][PTP] ptp_detectors[PTP_DET_GPUSYS].volt_tbl[0] = 0x4E
[152][PTP] ptp_detectors[PTP_DET_GPUSYS].volt_tbl[1] = 0x48
[152][PTP] ptp_detectors[PTP_DET_GPUSYS].volt_tbl[2] = 0x48
[153][PTP] ptp_detectors[PTP_DET_GPUSYS].volt_tbl[3] = 0x48
[154][PTP] ptp_detectors[PTP_DET_GPUSYS].volt_tbl[4] = 0x48
[154][PTP] ptp_detectors[PTP_DET_GPUSYS].volt_tbl[5] = 0x48
[155][PTP] ptp_detectors[PTP_DET_GPUSYS].volt_tbl[6] = 0x48
[156][PTP] ptp_detectors[PTP_DET_GPUSYS].volt_tbl[7] = 0x48
[156][PTP] CLK_GATING_CTRL1 = 0xC081923C
[157][PTP] PTP_PTPCORESEL = 0x80030001
[164][PTP] PTP_VOP30[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x3838383E
[165][PTP] PTP_VOP74[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x38383838
[166][PTP] Set pmic volt: 0x0000004E
[166][PTP] Vcore(0x304) mode = 0x00000200
[167][PTP] Right now
[167][PTP] Vcore is 1187500uV
[168][PTP] CLK_GATING_CTRL1 = 0xC081923E
[168][EMI] MDL number = 0
[168][EMI] PCDDR3
[194]get dram size from AUXADC1 0 0
[194][EMI] Use Common DDR3 x32 [194]emi settings
[194][EMI] Config emi settings:
[195]EMI_CONA=0x2012, EMI_CONH=0x3
[195]EMI_RANK0=0x40000000, EMI_RANK1=0x0
[DramcSwImpedanceCal] FINAL: DRVP=7, DRVN=6
[197]PCDDR3 Pinmux 0
[197]SSC OFF
[198]DRAM Clock: 1584MHz
[199]change tRCD for DDR3
[Write Leveling]
[202]Dram Type= 4, Freqency= 1600, rank 0
[203]odt_onoff= 0, Byte mode= 0, Read_DBI= 0, Write DBI= 0
[205]WL Clk delay = 0, CA CLK delay = 0
[205]No need to update CA/CS delay because the CLK delay is small than CA training.
[206]Final Clk output delay = 0
[206]R0 FINAL: WriteLeveling DQS:(2, 0) OEN:(1, 2) [207]DQS0 delay = 37
[207]R0 FINAL: WriteLeveling DQS:(2, 0) OEN:(1, 2) [208]DQS1 delay = 34
[208]R0 FINAL: WriteLeveling DQS:(2, 0) OEN:(1, 2) [208]DQS2 delay = 33
[209]R0 FINAL: WriteLeveling DQS:(2, 0) OEN:(1, 2) [209]DQS3 delay = 33
[210][DramcWriteLeveling] ====Done====
[211]Dram Type= 4, Freqency= 1600, rank 0
[212]odt_onoff= 0, Byte mode= 0, Read_DBI= 0, Write DBI= 0
[217][Byte 0]First pass (1, 3, 8)
[217][Byte 2]First pass (1, 3, 9)
[218][Byte 1]First pass (1, 3, 10)
[218][Byte 3]First pass (1, 3, 10)
[223][Byte 0]Bigger pass win(1, 5, 3) Pass tap=59
[223][Byte 2]Bigger pass win(1, 5, 4) Pass tap=59
[224][Byte 1]Bigger pass win(1, 5, 5) Pass tap=59
[224][Byte 3]Bigger pass win(1, 5, 5) Pass tap=59
[226] dqs input gating widnow, final delay value
Frequency=1600 rank=0
[228]R0 FINAL: GW best DQS0 P0 delay(2T, 0.5T, PI) = (1, 4, 5) [tap = 59]
[229]R0 FINAL: GW best DQS1 P0 delay(2T, 0.5T, PI) = (1, 4, 7) [tap = 59]
[229]R0 FINAL: GW best DQS2 P0 delay(2T, 0.5T, PI) = (1, 4, 6) [tap = 59]
[230]R0 FINAL: GW best DQS3 P0 delay(2T, 0.5T, PI) = (1, 4, 7) [tap = 59]
[231]R0 FINAL: GW best DQS0 P1 delay(2T, 0.5T, PI) = (1, 6, 5)
[232]R0 FINAL: GW best DQS1 P1 delay(2T, 0.5T, PI) = (1, 6, 7)
[232]R0 FINAL: GW best DQS2 P1 delay(2T, 0.5T, PI) = (1, 6, 6)
[233]R0 FINAL: GW best DQS3 P1 delay(2T, 0.5T, PI) = (1, 6, 7)
[234][DramcRxdqsGatingCal] ====Done====
[234]DATLAT Default value = 0xF
[235]5, 0xFFFFFFFF, sum=0
[235]6, 0xFFFFFFFF, sum=0
[236]7, 0xFFFFFFFF, sum=0
[236]8, 0xFFFFFFFF, sum=0
[236]9, 0xFFFFFFFF, sum=0
[237]10, 0xFFFFFFFF, sum=0
[237]11, 0xFFFFFFFF, sum=0
[237]12, 0xFFFFFFFF, sum=0
[238]13, 0x00000000, sum=1
[238]14, 0x00000000, sum=2
[239]15, 0x00000000, sum=3
[239]16, 0x00000000, sum=4
[239]17, 0x00000000, sum=5
[240]pattern=5 first_step=13 total pass=6 best_step=15
[240]R0 FINAL: DATLAT = 15 [13 ~ 18]
[241][DramcRxdatlatCal] ====Done====
[242]Dram Type= 4, Freqency= 1600, rank 0
[243]odt_onoff= 0, Byte mode= 0, Read_DBI= 0, Write DBI= 0
[255]RX Window Sum 1043
[255]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 0, 12 (-4 ~ 29) 34
[256]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 1, 13 (-2 ~ 29) 32
[256]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 2, 15 (-1 ~ 32) 34
[256]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 3, 13 (-3 ~ 29) 33
[257]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 4, 16 (1 ~ 31) 31
[257]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 5, 15 (-1 ~ 31) 33
[258]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 6, 15 (0 ~ 30) 31
[258]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 7, 14 (-1 ~ 29) 31
[259]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 8, 15 (-1 ~ 32) 34
[259]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 9, 16 (-1 ~ 34) 36
[260]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 10, 16 (1 ~ 32) 32
[260]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 11, 14 (-1 ~ 30) 32
[261]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 12, 16 (1 ~ 31) 31
[261]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 13, 15 (-1 ~ 31) 33
[262]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 14, 16 (3 ~ 30) 28
[262]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 15, 15 (-1 ~ 31) 33
[262]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 16, 16 (-1 ~ 34) 36
[263]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 17, 15 (-1 ~ 32) 34
[263]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 18, 15 (-1 ~ 32) 34
[264]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 19, 16 (-1 ~ 33) 35
[264]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 20, 13 (-2 ~ 29) 32
[265]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 21, 15 (-3 ~ 33) 37
[265]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 22, 15 (-1 ~ 32) 34
[266]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 23, 14 (-3 ~ 32) 36
[266]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 24, 12 (-3 ~ 28) 32
[267]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 25, 16 (-1 ~ 34) 36
[267]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 26, 14 (-3 ~ 31) 35
[268]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 27, 14 (-3 ~ 31) 35
[268]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 28, 15 (-1 ~ 32) 34
[269]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 29, 14 (-3 ~ 32) 36
[269]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 30, 16 (-1 ~ 33) 35
[270]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 31, 14 (-3 ~ 32) 36
[271]Dram Type= 4, Freqency= 1600, rank 0
[271]odt_onoff= 0, Byte mode= 0, Read_DBI= 0, Write DBI= 0
[273]DQS Delay :
DQS0 = 0, DQS1 = 0, DQS2 = 0, DQS3 = 0
[274]DQM Delay :
DQM0 = 14, DQM1 = 15, DQM2 = 14, DQM3 = 14
[274]DQ Delay :
[275]DQ0 =12, DQ1 =13, DQ2 =15, DQ3 =13
[275]DQ4 =16, DQ5 =15, DQ6 =15, DQ7 =14
[276]DQ8 =15, DQ9 =16, DQ10 =16, DQ11 =14
[276]DQ12 =16, DQ13 =15, DQ14 =16, DQ15 =15
[277]DQ16 =16, DQ17 =15, DQ18 =15, DQ19 =16
[277]DQ20 =13, DQ21 =15, DQ22 =15, DQ23 =14
[278]DQ24 =12, DQ25 =16, DQ26 =14, DQ27 =14
[278]DQ28 =15, DQ29 =14, DQ30 =16, DQ31 =14
[280][DramcRxWindowPerbitCal] ====Done====
[280][DramcTxWindowPerbitCal] Frequency=1600, Rank=0, calType=2
[281][DramcTxWindowPerbitCal] Begin, TX DQ(2, 0), DQ OEN(1, 2)
[285]TX Window Sum 848
[286]Dram Type= 4, Freqency= 1600, rank 0
[287]odt_onoff= 0, Byte mode= 0, Read_DBI= 0, Write DBI= 0
[289]R0 FINAL: TX Bit0 (38~65) 28 51, Bit8 (39~63) 25 51,[289] Bit16 (38~63) 26 50, Bit24 (36~60) 25 48
[290]R0 FINAL: TX Bit1 (38~63) 26 50, Bit9 (40~66) 27 53,[290] Bit17 (36~62) 27 49, Bit25 (38~64) 27 51
[291]R0 FINAL: TX Bit2 (41~66) 26 53, Bit10 (39~65) 27 52,[292] Bit18 (36~63) 28 49, Bit26 (36~63) 28 49
[292]R0 FINAL: TX Bit3 (37~63) 27 50, Bit11 (38~63) 26 50,[293] Bit19 (36~63) 28 49, Bit27 (38~62) 25 50
[293]R0 FINAL: TX Bit4 (41~65) 25 53, Bit12 (38~63) 26 50,[294] Bit20 (35~62) 28 48, Bit28 (38~64) 27 51
[295]R0 FINAL: TX Bit5 (41~66) 26 53, Bit13 (38~63) 26 50,[295] Bit21 (37~63) 27 50, Bit29 (36~62) 27 49
[296]R0 FINAL: TX Bit6 (39~65) 27 52, Bit14 (38~62) 25 50,[296] Bit22 (36~63) 28 49, Bit30 (36~62) 27 49
[297]R0 FINAL: TX Bit7 (40~65) 26 52, Bit15 (39~62) 24 50,[298] Bit23 (37~63) 27 50, Bit31 (38~63) 26 50
[299]Byte0, PI DQ Delay 51 Delay2 52
[299]Final DQ PI Delay(LargeUI, SmallUI, PI) =(2 ,0, 52)
[300]OEN DQ PI Delay(LargeUI, SmallUI, PI) =(1 ,2, 52)
[301]Byte1, PI DQ Delay 51 Delay2 51
[301]Final DQ PI Delay(LargeUI, SmallUI, PI) =(2 ,0, 51)
[302]OEN DQ PI Delay(LargeUI, SmallUI, PI) =(1 ,2, 51)
[302]Byte2, PI DQ Delay 49 Delay2 50
[303]Final DQ PI Delay(LargeUI, SmallUI, PI) =(2 ,0, 50)
[303]OEN DQ PI Delay(LargeUI, SmallUI, PI) =(1 ,2, 50)
[304]Byte3, PI DQ Delay 49 Delay2 49
[305]Final DQ PI Delay(LargeUI, SmallUI, PI) =(2 ,0, 49)
[305]OEN DQ PI Delay(LargeUI, SmallUI, PI) =(1 ,2, 49)
[306][DramcTxWindowPerbitCal] ====Done====
[306][DramcRxdqsGatingPostProcess] p->frequency 1600
[307][DramcRxdqsGatingPostProcess] s1ChangeDQSINCTL 0, reg_TX_dly_DQSgated_min 3, u1TXDLY_Cal_min 3
[MEM_TEST] 01: Before run time config
[313][MEM_TEST] Rank 0 OK. [313](uiFixedAddr 0x40000000, Pass count =16384, Fail count =0)
Settings after calibration ...
[314]=== [DramcRunTimeConfig] ===
[MEM_TEST] 01: After run time config
[320][MEM_TEST] Rank 0 OK. [320](uiFixedAddr 0x40000000, Pass count =16384, Fail count =0)
[321]memory test start address = 0x56000000, test length = 0x2000
[332][MEM] complex R/W mem test pass
[333][Dram_Buffer] dram size: 0x40000000
[334][Dram_Buffer] dram_buf_t size: 0x180F80
[334][Dram_Buffer] part_hdr_t size: 0x200
[335][Dram_Buffer] g_dram_buf start addr: 0x42000000
[335][Dram_Buffer] g_dram_buf->msdc_gpd_pool start addr: 0x42180DC0
[336][Dram_Buffer] g_dram_buf->msdc_bd_pool start addr: 0x42180E80
[337]RAM_CONSOLE start: 0x54400000, size: 0x10000, sig: 0x43474244
[338]RAM_CONSOLE preloader last status: [338]0x0 [338]0x0 [339]0x0 [339]
[339]RAM_CONSOLE wdt status (0x2)=0x2
[404][PLFM] Init Boot Device: OK(0)
[405]orig_dram_info[0] start: 0x0000000040000000, size: 0x0000000040000000
[406]CUSTOM_CONFIG_MAX_DRAM_SIZE: 0x0000000040000000
[407]total_dram_size: 0x0000000040000000, max_dram_size: 0x0000000040000000
[407]dump mblock info
[408]mblock[i] start=0000000040000000 size=0000000040000000
[410][GPT_PL]Parsing Primary GPT now...
[417][GPT_PL][0]name=proinfo, part_id=8, start_sect=0x400, nr_sects=0x1800
[418][GPT_PL][1]name=nvram, part_id=8, start_sect=0x1C00, nr_sects=0x2800
[419][GPT_PL][2]name=persist, part_id=8, start_sect=0x4400, nr_sects=0x18000
[420][GPT_PL][3]name=seccfg, part_id=8, start_sect=0x1C400, nr_sects=0x200
[421][GPT_PL][4]name=lk, part_id=8, start_sect=0x1C600, nr_sects=0x400
[422][GPT_PL][5]name=lk2, part_id=8, start_sect=0x1CA00, nr_sects=0x400
[422][GPT_PL][6]name=boot, part_id=8, start_sect=0x1CE00, nr_sects=0x8000
[423][GPT_PL][7]name=recovery, part_id=8, start_sect=0x24E00, nr_sects=0x8000
[424][GPT_PL][8]name=para, part_id=8, start_sect=0x2CE00, nr_sects=0x400
[425][GPT_PL][9]name=logo, part_id=8, start_sect=0x2D200, nr_sects=0x4000
[426][GPT_PL][10]name=dtbo, part_id=8, start_sect=0x31200, nr_sects=0x800
[426][GPT_PL][11]name=expdb, part_id=8, start_sect=0x31A00, nr_sects=0x5000
[427][GPT_PL][12]name=frp, part_id=8, start_sect=0x36A00, nr_sects=0x800
[428][GPT_PL][13]name=tee1, part_id=8, start_sect=0x37200, nr_sects=0x2800
[429][GPT_PL][14]name=tee2, part_id=8, start_sect=0x39A00, nr_sects=0x2800
[430][GPT_PL][15]name=kb, part_id=8, start_sect=0x3C200, nr_sects=0x1000
[431][GPT_PL][16]name=dkb, part_id=8, start_sect=0x3D200, nr_sects=0x1000
[431][GPT_PL][17]name=md_udc, part_id=8, start_sect=0x3E200, nr_sects=0xB000
[432][GPT_PL][18]name=metadata, part_id=8, start_sect=0x49200, nr_sects=0x10800
[433][GPT_PL][19]name=nvdata, part_id=8, start_sect=0x59A00, nr_sects=0x2000
[434][GPT_PL][20]name=vbmeta, part_id=8, start_sect=0x5BA00, nr_sects=0x2000
[435][GPT_PL][21]name=vbmeta_system, part_id=8, start_sect=0x5DA00, nr_sects=0x2000
[436][GPT_PL][22]name=vbmeta_vendor, part_id=8, start_sect=0x5FA00, nr_sects=0x2000
[437][GPT_PL][23]name=super, part_id=8, start_sect=0x61A00, nr_sects=0x300000
[438][GPT_PL][24]name=cache, part_id=8, start_sect=0x361A00, nr_sects=0x40000
[438][GPT_PL][25]name=userdata, part_id=8, start_sect=0x3A1A00, nr_sects=0x3A6200
[439][GPT_PL][26]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[440][GPT_PL][27]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[441][GPT_PL][28]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[441][GPT_PL][29]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[442][GPT_PL][30]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[443][GPT_PL][31]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[444][GPT_PL][32]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[444][GPT_PL][33]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[445][GPT_PL][34]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[446][GPT_PL][35]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[446][GPT_PL][36]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[447][GPT_PL][37]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[448][GPT_PL][38]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[449][GPT_PL][39]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[449][GPT_PL][40]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[450][GPT_PL][41]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[451][GPT_PL][42]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[451][GPT_PL][43]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[452][GPT_PL][44]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[453][GPT_PL][45]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[454][GPT_PL][46]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[454][GPT_PL][47]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[455][GPT_PL][48]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[456][GPT_PL][49]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[456][GPT_PL][50]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[457][GPT_PL][51]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[458][GPT_PL][52]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[459][GPT_PL][53]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[459][GPT_PL][54]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[460][GPT_PL][55]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[461][GPT_PL][56]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[461][GPT_PL][57]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[462][GPT_PL][58]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[463][GPT_PL][59]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[464][GPT_PL][60]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[464][GPT_PL][61]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[465][GPT_PL][62]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[466][GPT_PL][63]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[466][GPT_PL][64]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[467][GPT_PL][65]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[468][GPT_PL][66]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[468][GPT_PL][67]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[469][GPT_PL][68]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[470][GPT_PL][69]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[471][GPT_PL][70]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[471][GPT_PL][71]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[472][GPT_PL][72]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[473][GPT_PL][73]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[473][GPT_PL][74]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[474][GPT_PL][75]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[475][GPT_PL][76]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[476][GPT_PL][77]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[476][GPT_PL][78]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[477][GPT_PL][79]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[478][GPT_PL][80]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[478][GPT_PL][81]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[479][GPT_PL][82]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[480][GPT_PL][83]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[481][GPT_PL][84]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[481][GPT_PL][85]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[482][GPT_PL][86]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[483][GPT_PL][87]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[483][GPT_PL][88]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[484][GPT_PL][89]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[485][GPT_PL][90]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[486][GPT_PL][91]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[486][GPT_PL][92]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[487][GPT_PL][93]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[488][GPT_PL][94]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[488][GPT_PL][95]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[489][GPT_PL][96]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[490][GPT_PL][97]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[491][GPT_PL][98]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[491][GPT_PL][99]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[492][GPT_PL][100]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[493][GPT_PL][101]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[493][GPT_PL][102]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[494][GPT_PL][103]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[495][GPT_PL][104]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[496][GPT_PL][105]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[496][GPT_PL][106]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[497][GPT_PL][107]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[498][GPT_PL][108]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[498][GPT_PL][109]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[499][GPT_PL][110]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[500][GPT_PL][111]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[501][GPT_PL][112]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[501][GPT_PL][113]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[502][GPT_PL][114]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[503][GPT_PL][115]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[503][GPT_PL][116]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[504][GPT_PL][117]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[505][GPT_PL][118]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[506][GPT_PL][119]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[506][GPT_PL][120]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[507][GPT_PL][121]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[508][GPT_PL][122]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[509][GPT_PL][123]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[509][GPT_PL][124]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[510][GPT_PL][125]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[511][GPT_PL][126]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[511][GPT_PL][127]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1
[512][GPT_PL]Success to find valid GPT.
[PART] blksz: 512B
[513][PART] [0x0000000000080000-0x000000000037FFFF] "proinfo" (6144 blocks)
[514][PART] [0x0000000000380000-0x000000000087FFFF] "nvram" (10240 blocks)
[515][PART] [0x0000000000880000-0x000000000387FFFF] "persist" (98304 blocks)
[515][PART] [0x0000000003880000-0x00000000038BFFFF] "seccfg" (512 blocks)
[516][PART] [0x00000000038C0000-0x000000000393FFFF] "lk" (1024 blocks)
[517][PART] [0x0000000003940000-0x00000000039BFFFF] "lk2" (1024 blocks)
[518][PART] [0x00000000039C0000-0x00000000049BFFFF] "boot" (32768 blocks)
[519][PART] [0x00000000049C0000-0x00000000059BFFFF] "recovery" (32768 blocks)
[520][PART] [0x00000000059C0000-0x0000000005A3FFFF] "para" (1024 blocks)
[520][PART] [0x0000000005A40000-0x000000000623FFFF] "logo" (16384 blocks)
[521][PART] [0x0000000006240000-0x000000000633FFFF] "dtbo" (2048 blocks)
[522][PART] [0x0000000006340000-0x0000000006D3FFFF] "expdb" (20480 blocks)
[523][PART] [0x0000000006D40000-0x0000000006E3FFFF] "frp" (2048 blocks)
[524][PART] [0x0000000006E40000-0x000000000733FFFF] "tee1" (10240 blocks)
[525][PART] [0x0000000007340000-0x000000000783FFFF] "tee2" (10240 blocks)
[525][PART] [0x0000000007840000-0x0000000007A3FFFF] "kb" (4096 blocks)
[526][PART] [0x0000000007A40000-0x0000000007C3FFFF] "dkb" (4096 blocks)
[527][PART] [0x0000000007C40000-0x000000000923FFFF] "md_udc" (45056 blocks)
[528][PART] [0x0000000009240000-0x000000000B33FFFF] "metadata" (67584 blocks)
[529][PART] [0x000000000B340000-0x000000000B73FFFF] "nvdata" (8192 blocks)
[530][PART] [0x000000000B740000-0x000000000BB3FFFF] "vbmeta" (8192 blocks)
[530][PART] [0x000000000BB40000-0x000000000BF3FFFF] "vbmeta_system" (8192 blocks)
[531][PART] [0x000000000BF40000-0x000000000C33FFFF] "vbmeta_vendor" (8192 blocks)
[532][PART] [0x000000000C340000-0x000000006C33FFFF] "super" (3145728 blocks)
[533][PART] [0x000000006C340000-0x000000007433FFFF] "cache" (262144 blocks)
[534][PART] [0x0000000074340000-0x00000000E8F7FFFF] "userdata" (3826176 blocks)
[535][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[536][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[536][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[537][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[538][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[539][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[539][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[540][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[541][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[541][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[542][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[543][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[544][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[544][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[545][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[546][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[547][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[547][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[548][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[549][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[550][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[550][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[551][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[552][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[553][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[553][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[554][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[555][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[556][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[556][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[557][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[558][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[559][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[559][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[560][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[561][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[562][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[562][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[563][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[564][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[565][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[565][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[566][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[567][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[568][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[568][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[569][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[570][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[570][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[571][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[572][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[573][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[573][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[574][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[575][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[576][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[576][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[577][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[578][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[579][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[579][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[580][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[581][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[582][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[582][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[583][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[584][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[585][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[585][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[586][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[587][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[588][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[588][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[589][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[590][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[591][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[591][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[592][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[593][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[594][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[594][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[595][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[596][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[596][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[597][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[598][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[599][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[599][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[600][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[601][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[602][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[602][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[603][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[604][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[605][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[605][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[606][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[607][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[608][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[608][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[609][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[610][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks)
[611][PART] [0x000000D2DEE4E000-0x000000D3BDB1BBFF] "unknown" (7300718 blocks)
[612][ROM_INFO] 'v2','0x0','0x0','0x0','0x2C00'
[612][SEC] AES Legacy : 0
[612][SEC] SECCFG AC : 1
[613][SEC] DBGPORT 00100051 0020FFFF 00000101 00000101 0021EA67
[614][SEC] DBGPORT (0 1)
[614][SEC] DBGPORT 00100051 0020FFFF 00000101 00000101 0021EA67
[SEC] read '0x3880000'
[617][BLDR] Tool connection is unlocked
[617][platform_vusb_on] VUSB33 is on
[618]hw_set_cc: 450
[630]hw_set_cc: done
[636]======PHY:0x68 = 0x14
[636]==================usb_charger_type_detect:0x76 = 0x20
[637]==================usb_charger_type_detect:line_state = 0x0
[637]************ USB Host connected **********
[PLFM] USB cable in
[640][TOOL] USB enum timeout (Yes), handshake timeout(Yes)
[642][USBD] USB Full Speed
[643][TOOL] Enumeration(Start)
[829][USBD] USB High Speed
[947][USBD] USB High Speed
[1110][TOOL] Enumeration(End): OK 467ms
[1513]usbdl_flush timeout
[1834]usbdl_flush timeout
[2155]usbdl_flush timeout
[2476]usbdl_flush timeout
Thanks for using picocom
1 | picocom v2023-04 |
2 | |
3 | port is : /dev/ttyUSB0 |
4 | flowcontrol : none |
5 | baudrate is : 921600 |
6 | parity is : none |
7 | databits are : 8 |
8 | stopbits are : 1 |
9 | txdelay is : 0 ns |
10 | escape is : C-a |
11 | local echo is : no |
12 | noinit is : no |
13 | noreset is : no |
14 | hangup is : no |
15 | nolock is : no |
16 | send_cmd is : sz -vv |
17 | receive_cmd is : rz -vv -E |
18 | imap is : |
19 | omap is : |
20 | emap is : crcrlf,delbs, |
21 | logfile is : none |
22 | initstring : none |
23 | exit_after is : not set |
24 | exit is : no |
25 | |
26 | Type [C-a] [C-h] to see available commands |
27 | Terminal ready |
28 |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pmic6392_init] Preloader Start.................. |
29 | [6][pmic6392_init] PMIC CHIP Code = 0x2092 |
30 | [7][pmic6392_init] Debug Status: Reg[0x7A]=0x0 |
31 | [9][pmic6392_init] Debug Status: Reg[0x7C]=0x0 |
32 | [10]pl pmic powerkey Release |
33 | [10][pmic6392_init] powerKey = 0 |
34 | [11][pmic6392_init] is USB in = 0xB003 |
35 | [23][pmic6392_init] Reg[0x11A]=0x7B |
36 | [23][pmic6392_init] Reg[0x136]=0x1 |
37 | [24][pmic_buck_oc_enable] MT6392_BUCK_OC_CON0 0x258 = 0x6 |
38 | [26][pmic_buck_oc_enable] Clear Buck OC Flag, MT6392_BUCK_OC_CON0 0x258 = 0x0 |
39 | [28][pmic_buck_oc_enable] Enable Buck OC shutdown function... |
40 | [30][pmic_ldo_cali_sw_bonding] Done................... |
41 | [32][pmic6392_init] Reg[0x70]=0x52 |
42 | [33][auxadc_hw_init] Preloader Start.................. |
43 | [35][pmic6392_init] Done................... |
44 | [36]Long Pressed setting |
45 | [36][PLFM] Init I2C: OK(0) |
46 | [37][PLFM] Init PWRAP: OK(0) |
47 | [37][PLFM] Init PMIC: OK(0) |
48 | [37][PLFM] chip_ver[1] |
49 | [38] |
50 | [BLDR] Build Time: 20201120-184229 |
51 | [38]==== Dump RGU Reg ======== |
52 | [38]RGU MODE: 4D |
53 | [39]RGU LENGTH: FFE0 |
54 | [39]RGU STA: 0 |
55 | [39]RGU INTERVAL: FFF |
56 | [39]RGU SWSYSRST: 8000 |
57 | [40]==== Dump RGU Reg End ==== |
58 | [40]RGU: g_rgu_satus:0 |
59 | [40] mtk_wdt_mode_config mode value=10, tmp:22000010 |
60 | [41]PL P ON |
61 | [41]WDT does not trigger reboot |
62 | [41]RGU mtk_wdt_init:MTK_WDT_DEBUG_CTL(590200F3) |
63 | [42]Enter mtk_kpd_gpio_set! |
64 | [75]after set KP enable: KP_SEL = 0x1C70 ! |
65 | [85][RTC] bbpu = 0xD, con = 0x8427 |
66 | [86]rtc_first_boot_init |
67 | [221][RTC] EOSC_Cali: TOP_CKCON1=0x40C0 |
68 | [237][RTC] EOSC cali val = 0x24CD |
69 | [241]rtc_2sec_stat_clear |
70 | [243]rtc_2sec_reboot_check cali=1792 |
71 | [244]rtc_2sec_stat_clear |
72 | [245][RTC] irqsta = 0x0, pdn1 = 0x0, pdn2 = 0x201, spar0 = 0xC0, spar1 = 0x800, al_dom = 0x1 |
73 | [246][RTC] new_spare0 = 0x0, new_spare1 = 0x1, new_spare2 = 0x1, new_spare3 = 0x1 |
74 | [247][RTC] bbpu = 0xD, con = 0x426, cali = 0x700 |
75 | [248][RTC] spar0 = 0xC0 |
76 | [248]pl pmic powerkey Release |
77 | [248]hw_set_cc: 450 |
78 | [249][0x0]=0x7B |
79 | [249][0x1]=0x7B |
80 | [249][0x2]=0xB5 |
81 | [249][0x3]=0xB5 |
82 | [250][0x4]=0x8C |
83 | [250][0x5]=0x8C |
84 | [250][0x6]=0xD |
85 | [250][0x7]=0xD |
86 | [250][0x8]=0xC |
87 | [250][0x9]=0xC |
88 | [251][0xA]=0x0 |
89 | [251][0xB]=0x0 |
90 | [251][0xC]=0x1 |
91 | [251][0xD]=0x1 |
92 | [251][0xE]=0x5 |
93 | [252][0xF]=0x5 |
94 | [252][0x10]=0x0 |
95 | [252][0x11]=0x0 |
96 | [252][0x12]=0x0 |
97 | [252][0x13]=0x0 |
98 | [253][0x14]=0x60 |
99 | [253][0x15]=0x60 |
100 | [253][0x16]=0x0 |
101 | [253][0x17]=0x0 |
102 | [253][0x18]=0x0 |
103 | [254][0x19]=0x0 |
104 | [254][0x1A]=0x10 |
105 | [254][0x1B]=0x10 |
106 | [254][0x1C]=0x0 |
107 | [254][0x1D]=0x0 |
108 | [254][0x1E]=0x1 |
109 | [255][0x1F]=0x1 |
110 | [255][0x20]=0x0 |
111 | [255][0x21]=0x0 |
112 | [255][0x22]=0x0 |
113 | [255][0x23]=0x0 |
114 | [256][0x24]=0xF000 |
115 | [256][0x25]=0xF000 |
116 | [256][0x26]=0x0 |
117 | [256][0x27]=0x0 |
118 | [257][0x28]=0x21 |
119 | [257][0x29]=0x21 |
120 | [257][0x2A]=0x14 |
121 | [257][0x2B]=0x14 |
122 | [257][0x2C]=0x44 |
123 | [258][0x2D]=0x44 |
124 | [258][0x2E]=0x54 |
125 | [258][0x2F]=0x54 |
126 | [258][0x30]=0x30 |
127 | [258][0x31]=0x30 |
128 | [259][0x32]=0x0 |
129 | [259][0x33]=0x0 |
130 | [259][0x34]=0x0 |
131 | [259][0x35]=0x0 |
132 | [259][0x36]=0x0 |
133 | [260][0x37]=0x0 |
134 | [260][0x38]=0x55 |
135 | [260][0x39]=0x55 |
136 | [260][0x3A]=0x0 |
137 | [260]hw_set_cc: done |
138 | [261][PLFM] USB/charger boot! |
139 | [261][RTC] rtc_bbpu_power_on done |
140 | [261][xo] default cap_code: 0x30 |
141 | [262][xo] get xo efuse: 9E000000 |
142 | [272][xo] current cap_code: 0x30 |
143 | [272][xo] disable XO to PMIC 26M |
144 | [273][xo] Without 32K. Reg[0x402]=0x8401 |
145 | [273][Preloader] BSI read: [0x25] = 0x6AAB |
146 | [274][Preloader] BSI read: [0x29] = 0x1 |
147 | [274][Preloader] BSI read: [0x29] = 0x0 |
148 | [275][xo] status: 0xF |
149 | [275][PTP] PTPOD0 = 0x15BD0C64 |
150 | [275][PTP] PTPOD1 = 0x0048BBC1 |
151 | [276][PTP] PTPOD2 = 0x15BE0669 |
152 | [276][PTP] PTPOD3 = 0x0034F641 |
153 | [276][PTP] PTPOD4 = 0x00000000 |
154 | [277][PTP] PTPOD5 = 0x00000000 |
155 | [277][PTP] PTPOD6 = 0x00000000 |
156 | [278][PTP] GPU's max freq = 598MHz |
157 | [278][PTP] set_vcore_to_pmic() |
158 | [278][PTP] Vcore pmic = 0x00000048 |
159 | [279][PTP] Vcore is 1150000uV now. |
160 | [279][PTP] Vcore(0x304) mode = 0x00000300 |
161 | [280][PTP] CLK_GATING_CTRL1 = 0xC081923C |
162 | [280][PTP] PTP_PTPCORESEL = 0x80030001 |
163 | [280][PTP] ptp_isr() |
164 | [281][PTP] PTP_PTPCORESEL = 0x80030001 |
166 | [282][PTP] CLK_GATING_CTRL1 = 0xC081923C |
167 | [282][PTP] PTP_PTPCORESEL = 0x80030001 |
168 | [283][PTP] [PTP_DET_GPUSYS] |
169 | [283][PTP] @ handle_init01_isr(PTP_DET_GPUSYS) |
170 | [283][PTP] CLK_GATING_CTRL1 = 0xC081923C |
171 | [284][PTP] PTP_PTPCORESEL = 0x80030001 |
172 | [284][PTP] PTP_DESCHAR[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x6906 |
173 | [285][PTP] PTP_TEMPCHAR[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x103404 |
174 | [285][PTP] PTP_DETCHAR[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0xBE15 |
175 | [286][PTP] PTP_VBOOT[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x38 |
176 | [286][PTP] PTP_INIT2VALS[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x0 |
177 | [287][PTP] PTP_DETWINDOW[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x514 |
178 | [288][PTP] PTP_DCVALUES[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x2EC005C |
179 | [288][PTP] PTP_FREQPCT30[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x78 |
180 | [289][PTP] PTP_FREQPCT74[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x0 |
181 | [289][PTP] PTP_LIMITVALS[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x513801FE |
183 | [290][PTP] PTP_VDESIGN30[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x3A |
184 | [291][PTP] PTP_VDESIGN74[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x0 |
185 | [291][PTP] PTP_VOP30[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x3838383E |
186 | [292][PTP] PTP_VOP74[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x38383838 |
187 | [293][PTP] PTP_PTPEN[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x0 |
188 | [293][PTP] CLK_GATING_CTRL1 = 0xC081923C |
189 | [294][PTP] PTP_PTPCORESEL = 0x80030001 |
190 | [294][PTP] ptp_isr() |
191 | [294][PTP] PTP_PTPCORESEL = 0x80030001 |
193 | [295][PTP] CLK_GATING_CTRL1 = 0xC081923C |
194 | [296][PTP] PTP_PTPCORESEL = 0x80030001 |
195 | [296][PTP] [PTP_DET_GPUSYS] |
196 | [296][PTP] @ handle_init02_isr(PTP_DET_GPUSYS) |
197 | [297][PTP] ptp_detectors[PTP_DET_GPUSYS].volt_tbl[0] = 0x4E |
198 | [298][PTP] ptp_detectors[PTP_DET_GPUSYS].volt_tbl[1] = 0x48 |
199 | [298][PTP] ptp_detectors[PTP_DET_GPUSYS].volt_tbl[2] = 0x48 |
200 | [299][PTP] ptp_detectors[PTP_DET_GPUSYS].volt_tbl[3] = 0x48 |
201 | [300][PTP] ptp_detectors[PTP_DET_GPUSYS].volt_tbl[4] = 0x48 |
202 | [300][PTP] ptp_detectors[PTP_DET_GPUSYS].volt_tbl[5] = 0x48 |
203 | [301][PTP] ptp_detectors[PTP_DET_GPUSYS].volt_tbl[6] = 0x48 |
204 | [302][PTP] ptp_detectors[PTP_DET_GPUSYS].volt_tbl[7] = 0x48 |
205 | [302][PTP] CLK_GATING_CTRL1 = 0xC081923C |
206 | [303][PTP] PTP_PTPCORESEL = 0x80030001 |
207 | [303][PTP] PTP_DESCHAR[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x6906 |
208 | [304][PTP] PTP_TEMPCHAR[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x103404 |
209 | [304][PTP] PTP_DETCHAR[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0xBE15 |
210 | [305][PTP] PTP_VBOOT[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x38 |
211 | [305][PTP] PTP_INIT2VALS[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x0 |
212 | [306][PTP] PTP_DETWINDOW[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x514 |
213 | [307][PTP] PTP_DCVALUES[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x2EC0000 |
214 | [307][PTP] PTP_FREQPCT30[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x78 |
215 | [308][PTP] PTP_FREQPCT74[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x0 |
216 | [308][PTP] PTP_LIMITVALS[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x513801FE |
218 | [309][PTP] PTP_VDESIGN30[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x3A |
219 | [310][PTP] PTP_VDESIGN74[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x0 |
220 | [310][PTP] PTP_VOP30[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x3838383E |
221 | [311][PTP] PTP_VOP74[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x38383838 |
222 | [312][PTP] PTP_PTPEN[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x0 |
223 | [312][PTP] Set pmic volt: 0x0000004E |
224 | [313][PTP] Vcore(0x304) mode = 0x00000200 |
225 | [313][PTP] Right now |
226 | [313][PTP] Vcore is 1187500uV |
227 | [314][PTP] CLK_GATING_CTRL1 = 0xC081923E |
228 | [314][EMI] MDL number = 0 |
229 | [314][EMI] PCDDR3 |
230 | [340]get dram size from AUXADC1 0 0 |
231 | [340][EMI] Use Common DDR3 x32 [340]emi settings |
232 | [341][EMI] Config emi settings: |
233 | [341]EMI_CONA=0x2012, EMI_CONH=0x3 |
234 | [341]EMI_RANK0=0x40000000, EMI_RANK1=0x0 |
235 | [342]EMI_CONA=0x2012 |
236 | [342]EMI_CONF=0x4210000 |
237 | [342]EMI_CONH=0x3 |
238 | [343] |
239 | [DramcSwImpedanceCal] FINAL: DRVP=7, DRVN=6 |
240 | |
241 | [343]PCDDR3 Pinmux 0 |
242 | [344]SSC OFF |
243 | [344]DRAM Clock: 1584MHz |
244 | [345]change tRCD for DDR3 |
245 | [346] |
246 | [Write Leveling] |
247 | [347]WriteLevelingMoveDQSInsteadOfCLK |
248 | [348]=============================================================================== |
249 | [349]Dram Type= 4, Freqency= 1600, rank 0 |
250 | [349]odt_onoff= 0, Byte mode= 0, Read_DBI= 0, Write DBI= 0 |
251 | [350]=============================================================================== |
252 | [351]WL Clk delay = 0, CA CLK delay = 0 |
253 | [351]No need to update CA/CS delay because the CLK delay is small than CA training. |
254 | [352]Final Clk output delay = 0 |
255 | [352]R0 FINAL: WriteLeveling DQS:(2, 0) OEN:(1, 2) [353]DQS0 delay = 37 |
256 | [353]R0 FINAL: WriteLeveling DQS:(2, 0) OEN:(1, 2) [354]DQS1 delay = 35 |
257 | [354]R0 FINAL: WriteLeveling DQS:(2, 0) OEN:(1, 2) [355]DQS2 delay = 34 |
258 | [355]R0 FINAL: WriteLeveling DQS:(2, 0) OEN:(1, 2) [355]DQS3 delay = 34 |
259 | [356][DramcWriteLeveling] ====Done==== |
260 | [356] |
261 | [Gating] |
262 | [356]=============================================================================== |
263 | [357]Dram Type= 4, Freqency= 1600, rank 0 |
264 | [358]odt_onoff= 0, Byte mode= 0, Read_DBI= 0, Write DBI= 0 |
265 | [358]=============================================================================== |
266 | [363][Byte 0]First pass (1, 3, 8) |
267 | [363][Byte 2]First pass (1, 3, 9) |
268 | [364][Byte 1]First pass (1, 3, 11) |
269 | [364][Byte 3]First pass (1, 3, 11) |
270 | [369][Byte 0]Bigger pass win(1, 5, 3) Pass tap=59 |
271 | [369][Byte 2]Bigger pass win(1, 5, 3) Pass tap=58 |
272 | [370][Byte 1]Bigger pass win(1, 5, 5) Pass tap=58 |
273 | [371][Byte 3]Bigger pass win(1, 5, 5) Pass tap=58 |
274 | [371]=============================================================================== |
275 | [372] dqs input gating widnow, final delay value |
276 | Frequency=1600 rank=0 |
277 | [373]=============================================================================== |
278 | [374]R0 FINAL: GW best DQS0 P0 delay(2T, 0.5T, PI) = (1, 4, 5) [tap = 59] |
279 | [375]R0 FINAL: GW best DQS1 P0 delay(2T, 0.5T, PI) = (1, 4, 8) [tap = 58] |
280 | [375]R0 FINAL: GW best DQS2 P0 delay(2T, 0.5T, PI) = (1, 4, 6) [tap = 58] |
281 | [376]R0 FINAL: GW best DQS3 P0 delay(2T, 0.5T, PI) = (1, 4, 8) [tap = 58] |
282 | [377]R0 FINAL: GW best DQS0 P1 delay(2T, 0.5T, PI) = (1, 6, 5) |
283 | [378]R0 FINAL: GW best DQS1 P1 delay(2T, 0.5T, PI) = (1, 6, 8) |
284 | [379]R0 FINAL: GW best DQS2 P1 delay(2T, 0.5T, PI) = (1, 6, 6) |
285 | [379]R0 FINAL: GW best DQS3 P1 delay(2T, 0.5T, PI) = (1, 6, 8) |
286 | [380][DramcRxdqsGatingCal] ====Done==== |
287 | [380] |
288 | [DATLAT] |
289 | [381]DATLAT Default value = 0xF |
290 | [381]5, 0xFFFFFFFF, sum=0 |
291 | [381]6, 0xFFFFFFFF, sum=0 |
292 | [382]7, 0xFFFFFFFF, sum=0 |
293 | [382]8, 0xFFFFFFFF, sum=0 |
294 | [382]9, 0xFFFFFFFF, sum=0 |
295 | [383]10, 0xFFFFFFFF, sum=0 |
296 | [383]11, 0xFFFFFFFF, sum=0 |
297 | [384]12, 0xFFFFFFFF, sum=0 |
298 | [384]13, 0x00000000, sum=1 |
299 | [384]14, 0x00000000, sum=2 |
300 | [385]15, 0x00000000, sum=3 |
301 | [385]16, 0x00000000, sum=4 |
302 | [385]17, 0x00000000, sum=5 |
303 | [386]pattern=5 first_step=13 total pass=6 best_step=15 |
304 | [386]R0 FINAL: DATLAT = 15 [13 ~ 18] |
305 | [387][DramcRxdatlatCal] ====Done==== |
306 | [387] |
307 | [RX] |
308 | [387]=============================================================================== |
309 | [388]Dram Type= 4, Freqency= 1600, rank 0 |
310 | [389]odt_onoff= 0, Byte mode= 0, Read_DBI= 0, Write DBI= 0 |
311 | [390]=============================================================================== |
312 | [401]RX Window Sum 1051 |
313 | [401]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 0, 12 (-4 ~ 29) 34 |
314 | [402]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 1, 13 (-2 ~ 29) 32 |
315 | [402]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 2, 15 (-2 ~ 32) 35 |
316 | [403]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 3, 13 (-3 ~ 29) 33 |
317 | [403]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 4, 15 (-1 ~ 31) 33 |
318 | [403]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 5, 15 (-1 ~ 31) 33 |
319 | [404]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 6, 15 (1 ~ 30) 30 |
320 | [404]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 7, 14 (-1 ~ 29) 31 |
321 | [405]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 8, 15 (-1 ~ 32) 34 |
322 | [405]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 9, 17 (0 ~ 34) 35 |
323 | [406]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 10, 15 (-1 ~ 32) 34 |
324 | [406]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 11, 15 (-1 ~ 31) 33 |
325 | [407]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 12, 15 (-1 ~ 32) 34 |
326 | [407]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 13, 15 (-1 ~ 31) 33 |
327 | [408]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 14, 16 (2 ~ 30) 29 |
328 | [408]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 15, 15 (-1 ~ 31) 33 |
329 | [409]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 16, 16 (-1 ~ 34) 36 |
330 | [409]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 17, 15 (-1 ~ 32) 34 |
331 | [410]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 18, 15 (-1 ~ 32) 34 |
332 | [410]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 19, 15 (-2 ~ 33) 36 |
333 | [411]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 20, 13 (-2 ~ 29) 32 |
334 | [411]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 21, 15 (-2 ~ 33) 36 |
335 | [411]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 22, 15 (-2 ~ 32) 35 |
336 | [412]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 23, 15 (-2 ~ 32) 35 |
337 | [412]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 24, 12 (-3 ~ 28) 32 |
338 | [413]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 25, 16 (-1 ~ 34) 36 |
339 | [413]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 26, 14 (-3 ~ 31) 35 |
340 | [414]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 27, 14 (-3 ~ 31) 35 |
341 | [414]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 28, 15 (-1 ~ 32) 34 |
342 | [415]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 29, 14 (-3 ~ 32) 36 |
343 | [415]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 30, 15 (-2 ~ 33) 36 |
344 | [416]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 31, 15 (-2 ~ 32) 35 |
345 | [416]=============================================================================== |
346 | [417]Dram Type= 4, Freqency= 1600, rank 0 |
347 | [418]odt_onoff= 0, Byte mode= 0, Read_DBI= 0, Write DBI= 0 |
348 | [418]=============================================================================== |
349 | [419]DQS Delay : |
350 | DQS0 = 0, DQS1 = 0, DQS2 = 0, DQS3 = 0 |
351 | [420]DQM Delay : |
352 | DQM0 = 14, DQM1 = 15, DQM2 = 14, DQM3 = 14 |
353 | [421]DQ Delay : |
354 | [421]DQ0 =12, DQ1 =13, DQ2 =15, DQ3 =13 |
355 | [421]DQ4 =15, DQ5 =15, DQ6 =15, DQ7 =14 |
356 | [422]DQ8 =15, DQ9 =17, DQ10 =15, DQ11 =15 |
357 | [422]DQ12 =15, DQ13 =15, DQ14 =16, DQ15 =15 |
358 | [423]DQ16 =16, DQ17 =15, DQ18 =15, DQ19 =15 |
359 | [423]DQ20 =13, DQ21 =15, DQ22 =15, DQ23 =15 |
360 | [424]DQ24 =12, DQ25 =16, DQ26 =14, DQ27 =14 |
361 | [424]DQ28 =15, DQ29 =14, DQ30 =15, DQ31 =15 |
362 | [425]________________________________________________________________________ |
363 | [426][DramcRxWindowPerbitCal] ====Done==== |
364 | [426] |
365 | [TX] |
366 | [426][DramcTxWindowPerbitCal] Frequency=1600, Rank=0, calType=2 |
367 | [427][DramcTxWindowPerbitCal] Begin, TX DQ(2, 0), DQ OEN(1, 2) |
368 | [431]TX Window Sum 843 |
369 | [432]=============================================================================== |
370 | [432]Dram Type= 4, Freqency= 1600, rank 0 |
371 | [433]odt_onoff= 0, Byte mode= 0, Read_DBI= 0, Write DBI= 0 |
372 | [434]=============================================================================== |
373 | [435]R0 FINAL: TX Bit0 (39~65) 27 52, Bit8 (41~65) 25 53,[435] Bit16 (39~64) 26 51, Bit24 (38~62) 25 50 |
374 | [436]R0 FINAL: TX Bit1 (38~65) 28 51, Bit9 (41~66) 26 53,[436] Bit17 (38~62) 25 50, Bit25 (40~64) 25 52 |
375 | [437]R0 FINAL: TX Bit2 (41~66) 26 53, Bit10 (39~66) 28 52,[438] Bit18 (38~64) 27 51, Bit26 (38~64) 27 51 |
376 | [438]R0 FINAL: TX Bit3 (37~65) 29 51, Bit11 (39~65) 27 52,[439] Bit19 (38~64) 27 51, Bit27 (39~63) 25 51 |
377 | [439]R0 FINAL: TX Bit4 (40~65) 26 52, Bit12 (39~63) 25 51,[440] Bit20 (36~63) 28 49, Bit28 (39~64) 26 51 |
378 | [441]R0 FINAL: TX Bit5 (41~66) 26 53, Bit13 (40~65) 26 52,[441] Bit21 (38~64) 27 51, Bit29 (38~63) 26 50 |
379 | [442]R0 FINAL: TX Bit6 (39~65) 27 52, Bit14 (38~63) 26 50,[442] Bit22 (37~63) 27 50, Bit30 (37~63) 27 50 |
380 | [443]R0 FINAL: TX Bit7 (40~65) 26 52, Bit15 (40~63) 24 51,[444] Bit23 (38~64) 27 51, Bit31 (39~64) 26 51 |
381 | [444] |
382 | ================================================================== |
383 | [445]Byte0, PI DQ Delay 52 Delay2 53 |
384 | [445]Final DQ PI Delay(LargeUI, SmallUI, PI) =(2 ,0, 53) |
385 | [446]OEN DQ PI Delay(LargeUI, SmallUI, PI) =(1 ,2, 53) |
386 | |
387 | [447]Byte1, PI DQ Delay 51 Delay2 52 |
388 | [447]Final DQ PI Delay(LargeUI, SmallUI, PI) =(2 ,0, 52) |
389 | [448]OEN DQ PI Delay(LargeUI, SmallUI, PI) =(1 ,2, 52) |
390 | |
391 | [448]Byte2, PI DQ Delay 50 Delay2 50 |
392 | [449]Final DQ PI Delay(LargeUI, SmallUI, PI) =(2 ,0, 50) |
393 | [449]OEN DQ PI Delay(LargeUI, SmallUI, PI) =(1 ,2, 50) |
394 | |
395 | [450]Byte3, PI DQ Delay 51 Delay2 51 |
396 | [451]Final DQ PI Delay(LargeUI, SmallUI, PI) =(2 ,0, 51) |
397 | [451]OEN DQ PI Delay(LargeUI, SmallUI, PI) =(1 ,2, 51) |
398 | |
399 | [452][DramcTxWindowPerbitCal] ====Done==== |
400 | [452][DramcRxdqsGatingPostProcess] p->frequency 1600 |
401 | [453][DramcRxdqsGatingPostProcess] s1ChangeDQSINCTL 0, reg_TX_dly_DQSgated_min 3, u1TXDLY_Cal_min 3 |
402 | [456] |
403 | [MEM_TEST] 01: Before run time config |
404 | [457]0:dram_rank_size:40000000 |
405 | [459][MEM_TEST] Rank 0 OK. [459](uiFixedAddr 0x40000000, Pass count =16384, Fail count =0) |
406 | [460] |
407 | Settings after calibration ... |
408 | [460]=== [DramcRunTimeConfig] === |
409 | [461]ZQCS_ENABLE: ON |
414 | [463]HW_SAVE_FOR_SR: OFF |
415 | [463]========================= |
416 | [463] |
417 | [MEM_TEST] 01: After run time config |
418 | [464]0:dram_rank_size:40000000 |
419 | [466][MEM_TEST] Rank 0 OK. [466](uiFixedAddr 0x40000000, Pass count =16384, Fail count =0) |
420 | [467]memory test start address = 0x56000000, test length = 0x2000 |
421 | [479][MEM] complex R/W mem test pass |
422 | [479]0:dram_rank_size:40000000 |
423 | [479][Dram_Buffer] dram size: 0x40000000 |
424 | [480][Dram_Buffer] dram_buf_t size: 0x180F80 |
425 | [480][Dram_Buffer] part_hdr_t size: 0x200 |
426 | [481][Dram_Buffer] g_dram_buf start addr: 0x42000000 |
427 | [481][Dram_Buffer] g_dram_buf->msdc_gpd_pool start addr: 0x42180DC0 |
428 | [482][Dram_Buffer] g_dram_buf->msdc_bd_pool start addr: 0x42180E80 |
429 | [483]RAM_CONSOLE using DRAM |
430 | [483]RAM_CONSOLE start: 0x54400000, size: 0x10000, sig: 0xFFFFFFFF |
431 | [484]RAM_CONSOLE init done |
432 | [485]RAM_CONSOLE wdt status (0x0)=0x0 |
433 | [550][PLFM] Init Boot Device: OK(0) |
434 | [550]0:dram_rank_size:40000000 |
435 | [551]0:dram_rank_size:40000000 |
436 | [551]orig_dram_info[0] start: 0x0000000040000000, size: 0x0000000040000000 |
437 | [552]CUSTOM_CONFIG_MAX_DRAM_SIZE: 0x0000000040000000 |
438 | [553]total_dram_size: 0x0000000040000000, max_dram_size: 0x0000000040000000 |
439 | [553]dump mblock info |
440 | [554]mblock[i] start=0000000040000000 size=0000000040000000 |
441 | [554][Preloader]:mt_usb11_phy_savecurrent |
442 | [556][GPT_PL]Parsing Primary GPT now... |
443 | [563][GPT_PL][0]name=proinfo, part_id=8, start_sect=0x400, nr_sects=0x1800 |
444 | [564][GPT_PL][1]name=nvram, part_id=8, start_sect=0x1C00, nr_sects=0x2800 |
445 | [565][GPT_PL][2]name=persist, part_id=8, start_sect=0x4400, nr_sects=0x18000 |
446 | [566][GPT_PL][3]name=seccfg, part_id=8, start_sect=0x1C400, nr_sects=0x200 |
447 | [567][GPT_PL][4]name=lk, part_id=8, start_sect=0x1C600, nr_sects=0x400 |
448 | [568][GPT_PL][5]name=lk2, part_id=8, start_sect=0x1CA00, nr_sects=0x400 |
449 | [568][GPT_PL][6]name=boot, part_id=8, start_sect=0x1CE00, nr_sects=0x8000 |
450 | [569][GPT_PL][7]name=recovery, part_id=8, start_sect=0x24E00, nr_sects=0x8000 |
451 | [570][GPT_PL][8]name=para, part_id=8, start_sect=0x2CE00, nr_sects=0x400 |
452 | [571][GPT_PL][9]name=logo, part_id=8, start_sect=0x2D200, nr_sects=0x4000 |
453 | [572][GPT_PL][10]name=dtbo, part_id=8, start_sect=0x31200, nr_sects=0x800 |
454 | [573][GPT_PL][11]name=expdb, part_id=8, start_sect=0x31A00, nr_sects=0x5000 |
455 | [573][GPT_PL][12]name=frp, part_id=8, start_sect=0x36A00, nr_sects=0x800 |
456 | [574][GPT_PL][13]name=tee1, part_id=8, start_sect=0x37200, nr_sects=0x2800 |
457 | [575][GPT_PL][14]name=tee2, part_id=8, start_sect=0x39A00, nr_sects=0x2800 |
458 | [576][GPT_PL][15]name=kb, part_id=8, start_sect=0x3C200, nr_sects=0x1000 |
459 | [577][GPT_PL][16]name=dkb, part_id=8, start_sect=0x3D200, nr_sects=0x1000 |
460 | [577][GPT_PL][17]name=md_udc, part_id=8, start_sect=0x3E200, nr_sects=0xB000 |
461 | [578][GPT_PL][18]name=metadata, part_id=8, start_sect=0x49200, nr_sects=0x10800 |
462 | [579][GPT_PL][19]name=nvdata, part_id=8, start_sect=0x59A00, nr_sects=0x2000 |
463 | [580][GPT_PL][20]name=vbmeta, part_id=8, start_sect=0x5BA00, nr_sects=0x2000 |
464 | [581][GPT_PL][21]name=vbmeta_system, part_id=8, start_sect=0x5DA00, nr_sects=0x2000 |
465 | [582][GPT_PL][22]name=vbmeta_vendor, part_id=8, start_sect=0x5FA00, nr_sects=0x2000 |
466 | [583][GPT_PL][23]name=super, part_id=8, start_sect=0x61A00, nr_sects=0x300000 |
467 | [584][GPT_PL][24]name=cache, part_id=8, start_sect=0x361A00, nr_sects=0x40000 |
468 | [584][GPT_PL][25]name=userdata, part_id=8, start_sect=0x3A1A00, nr_sects=0x3A6200 |
469 | [585][GPT_PL][26]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
470 | [586][GPT_PL][27]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
471 | [587][GPT_PL][28]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
472 | [587][GPT_PL][29]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
473 | [588][GPT_PL][30]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
474 | [589][GPT_PL][31]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
475 | [590][GPT_PL][32]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
476 | [590][GPT_PL][33]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
477 | [591][GPT_PL][34]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
478 | [592][GPT_PL][35]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
479 | [592][GPT_PL][36]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
480 | [593][GPT_PL][37]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
481 | [594][GPT_PL][38]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
482 | [595][GPT_PL][39]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
483 | [595][GPT_PL][40]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
484 | [596][GPT_PL][41]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
485 | [597][GPT_PL][42]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
486 | [597][GPT_PL][43]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
487 | [598][GPT_PL][44]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
488 | [599][GPT_PL][45]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
489 | [600][GPT_PL][46]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
490 | [600][GPT_PL][47]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
491 | [601][GPT_PL][48]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
492 | [602][GPT_PL][49]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
493 | [602][GPT_PL][50]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
494 | [603][GPT_PL][51]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
495 | [604][GPT_PL][52]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
496 | [605][GPT_PL][53]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
497 | [605][GPT_PL][54]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
498 | [606][GPT_PL][55]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
499 | [607][GPT_PL][56]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
500 | [607][GPT_PL][57]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
501 | [608][GPT_PL][58]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
502 | [609][GPT_PL][59]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
503 | [610][GPT_PL][60]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
504 | [610][GPT_PL][61]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
505 | [611][GPT_PL][62]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
506 | [612][GPT_PL][63]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
507 | [612][GPT_PL][64]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
508 | [613][GPT_PL][65]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
509 | [614][GPT_PL][66]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
510 | [615][GPT_PL][67]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
511 | [615][GPT_PL][68]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
512 | [616][GPT_PL][69]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
513 | [617][GPT_PL][70]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
514 | [617][GPT_PL][71]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
515 | [618][GPT_PL][72]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
516 | [619][GPT_PL][73]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
517 | [619][GPT_PL][74]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
518 | [620][GPT_PL][75]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
519 | [621][GPT_PL][76]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
520 | [622][GPT_PL][77]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
521 | [622][GPT_PL][78]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
522 | [623][GPT_PL][79]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
523 | [624][GPT_PL][80]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
524 | [624][GPT_PL][81]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
525 | [625][GPT_PL][82]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
526 | [626][GPT_PL][83]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
527 | [627][GPT_PL][84]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
528 | [627][GPT_PL][85]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
529 | [628][GPT_PL][86]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
530 | [629][GPT_PL][87]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
531 | [629][GPT_PL][88]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
532 | [630][GPT_PL][89]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
533 | [631][GPT_PL][90]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
534 | [632][GPT_PL][91]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
535 | [632][GPT_PL][92]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
536 | [633][GPT_PL][93]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
537 | [634][GPT_PL][94]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
538 | [634][GPT_PL][95]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
539 | [635][GPT_PL][96]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
540 | [636][GPT_PL][97]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
541 | [637][GPT_PL][98]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
542 | [637][GPT_PL][99]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
543 | [638][GPT_PL][100]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
544 | [639][GPT_PL][101]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
545 | [639][GPT_PL][102]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
546 | [640][GPT_PL][103]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
547 | [641][GPT_PL][104]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
548 | [642][GPT_PL][105]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
549 | [642][GPT_PL][106]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
550 | [643][GPT_PL][107]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
551 | [644][GPT_PL][108]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
552 | [644][GPT_PL][109]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
553 | [645][GPT_PL][110]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
554 | [646][GPT_PL][111]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
555 | [647][GPT_PL][112]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
556 | [647][GPT_PL][113]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
557 | [648][GPT_PL][114]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
558 | [649][GPT_PL][115]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
559 | [650][GPT_PL][116]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
560 | [650][GPT_PL][117]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
561 | [651][GPT_PL][118]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
562 | [652][GPT_PL][119]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
563 | [652][GPT_PL][120]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
564 | [653][GPT_PL][121]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
565 | [654][GPT_PL][122]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
566 | [655][GPT_PL][123]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
567 | [655][GPT_PL][124]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
568 | [656][GPT_PL][125]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
569 | [657][GPT_PL][126]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
570 | [657][GPT_PL][127]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
571 | [658][GPT_PL]Success to find valid GPT. |
572 | [659] |
573 | [PART] blksz: 512B |
574 | [659][PART] [0x0000000000080000-0x000000000037FFFF] "proinfo" (6144 blocks) |
575 | [660][PART] [0x0000000000380000-0x000000000087FFFF] "nvram" (10240 blocks) |
576 | [661][PART] [0x0000000000880000-0x000000000387FFFF] "persist" (98304 blocks) |
577 | [661][PART] [0x0000000003880000-0x00000000038BFFFF] "seccfg" (512 blocks) |
578 | [662][PART] [0x00000000038C0000-0x000000000393FFFF] "lk" (1024 blocks) |
579 | [663][PART] [0x0000000003940000-0x00000000039BFFFF] "lk2" (1024 blocks) |
580 | [664][PART] [0x00000000039C0000-0x00000000049BFFFF] "boot" (32768 blocks) |
581 | [665][PART] [0x00000000049C0000-0x00000000059BFFFF] "recovery" (32768 blocks) |
582 | [666][PART] [0x00000000059C0000-0x0000000005A3FFFF] "para" (1024 blocks) |
583 | [666][PART] [0x0000000005A40000-0x000000000623FFFF] "logo" (16384 blocks) |
584 | [667][PART] [0x0000000006240000-0x000000000633FFFF] "dtbo" (2048 blocks) |
585 | [668][PART] [0x0000000006340000-0x0000000006D3FFFF] "expdb" (20480 blocks) |
586 | [669][PART] [0x0000000006D40000-0x0000000006E3FFFF] "frp" (2048 blocks) |
587 | [670][PART] [0x0000000006E40000-0x000000000733FFFF] "tee1" (10240 blocks) |
588 | [671][PART] [0x0000000007340000-0x000000000783FFFF] "tee2" (10240 blocks) |
589 | [671][PART] [0x0000000007840000-0x0000000007A3FFFF] "kb" (4096 blocks) |
590 | [672][PART] [0x0000000007A40000-0x0000000007C3FFFF] "dkb" (4096 blocks) |
591 | [673][PART] [0x0000000007C40000-0x000000000923FFFF] "md_udc" (45056 blocks) |
592 | [674][PART] [0x0000000009240000-0x000000000B33FFFF] "metadata" (67584 blocks) |
593 | [675][PART] [0x000000000B340000-0x000000000B73FFFF] "nvdata" (8192 blocks) |
594 | [676][PART] [0x000000000B740000-0x000000000BB3FFFF] "vbmeta" (8192 blocks) |
595 | [676][PART] [0x000000000BB40000-0x000000000BF3FFFF] "vbmeta_system" (8192 blocks) |
596 | [677][PART] [0x000000000BF40000-0x000000000C33FFFF] "vbmeta_vendor" (8192 blocks) |
597 | [678][PART] [0x000000000C340000-0x000000006C33FFFF] "super" (3145728 blocks) |
598 | [679][PART] [0x000000006C340000-0x000000007433FFFF] "cache" (262144 blocks) |
599 | [680][PART] [0x0000000074340000-0x00000000E8F7FFFF] "userdata" (3826176 blocks) |
600 | [681][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
601 | [682][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
602 | [682][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
603 | [683][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
604 | [684][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
605 | [685][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
606 | [685][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
607 | [686][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
608 | [687][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
609 | [688][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
610 | [688][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
611 | [689][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
612 | [690][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
613 | [690][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
614 | [691][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
615 | [692][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
616 | [693][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
617 | [693][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
618 | [694][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
619 | [695][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
620 | [696][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
621 | [696][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
622 | [697][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
623 | [698][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
624 | [699][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
625 | [699][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
626 | [700][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
627 | [701][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
628 | [702][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
629 | [702][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
630 | [703][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
631 | [704][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
632 | [705][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
633 | [705][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
634 | [706][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
635 | [707][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
636 | [708][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
637 | [708][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
638 | [709][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
639 | [710][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
640 | [711][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
641 | [711][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
642 | [712][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
643 | [713][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
644 | [714][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
645 | [714][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
646 | [715][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
647 | [716][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
648 | [716][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
649 | [717][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
650 | [718][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
651 | [719][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
652 | [719][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
653 | [720][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
654 | [721][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
655 | [722][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
656 | [722][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
657 | [723][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
658 | [724][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
659 | [725][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
660 | [725][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
661 | [726][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
662 | [727][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
663 | [728][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
664 | [728][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
665 | [729][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
666 | [730][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
667 | [731][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
668 | [731][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
669 | [732][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
670 | [733][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
671 | [734][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
672 | [734][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
673 | [735][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
674 | [736][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
675 | [737][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
676 | [737][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
677 | [738][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
678 | [739][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
679 | [740][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
680 | [740][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
681 | [741][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
682 | [742][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
683 | [743][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
684 | [743][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
685 | [744][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
686 | [745][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
687 | [745][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
688 | [746][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
689 | [747][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
690 | [748][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
691 | [748][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
692 | [749][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
693 | [750][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
694 | [751][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
695 | [751][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
696 | [752][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
697 | [753][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
698 | [754][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
699 | [754][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
700 | [755][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
701 | [756][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
702 | [757][PART] [0x000000D2DEE4E000-0x000000D3BDB1BBFF] "unknown" (7300718 blocks) |
703 | [758][ROM_INFO] 'v2','0x0','0x0','0x0','0x2C00' |
704 | [758][SEC] AES Legacy : 0 |
705 | [758][SEC] SECCFG AC : 1 |
706 | [759][SEC] DBGPORT 00100051 0020FFFF 00000101 00000101 0021EA67 |
707 | [760][SEC] DBGPORT (0 1) |
708 | [760][SEC] DBGPORT 00100051 0020FFFF 00000101 00000101 0021EA67 |
709 | [761] |
710 | |
711 | [SEC] read '0x3880000' |
712 | [762]0x4D,[762]0x4D,[762]0x4D,[762]0x4D,[762]0x4,[763]0x0,[763]0x0,[763]0x0,[763] |
713 | [763][BLDR] Tool connection is unlocked |
714 | [763][platform_vusb_on] VUSB33 is on |
715 | [769]======PHY:0x68 = 0x14 |
716 | [770]==================usb_charger_type_detect:0x76 = 0x20 |
717 | [770]==================usb_charger_type_detect:line_state = 0x0 |
718 | [771]************ USB Host connected ********** |
719 | [772] |
720 | [PLFM] USB cable in |
721 | [774][TOOL] USB enum timeout (Yes), handshake timeout(Yes) |
722 | [776][USBD] USB Full Speed |
723 | [777][TOOL] Enumeration(Start) |
724 | [968][USBD] USB High Speed |
725 | [1086][USBD] USB High Speed |
726 | [1273][TOOL] Enumeration(End): OK 496ms |
727 | [1675]usbdl_flush timeout |
728 | [1996]usbdl_flush timeout |
729 | [2317]usbdl_flush timeout |
730 | [2638]usbdl_flush timeout |
731 | [2959]usbdl_flush timeout |
732 | [3280]usbdl_flush timeout |
733 | [3601]usbdl_flush timeout |
734 | [3922]usbdl_flush timeout |
735 | [3922][TOOL] : usb listen timeout |
736 | [3922][TOOL] <USB> cannot detect tools! |
737 | [3923] |
738 | Device APC domain init setup: |
739 | |
740 | [3924]Domain Setup (0x0) |
741 | [3924]Domain Setup (0x0) |
742 | [3924]Device APC domain after setup: |
743 | [3925]Domain Setup (0x4C000000) |
744 | [3925]Domain Setup (0x5) |
745 | [3926](B)tz_dapc_sec_init is 0x0 |
746 | [3926](E)tz_dapc_sec_init is 0x1 |
747 | [3926]mblock_reserve: 000000007FFC0000 - 0000000080000000 from mblock 0 |
748 | [3927][BLDR] check active part. of lk and lk2 |
749 | [3928][BLDR] lk active = 4, lk2 active = 0 |
750 | [3928][BLDR] Loading lk Partition... |
751 | [3929][PART] partition name = lk |
752 | [3929][SEC_POLICY] sboot_state = 0x1 |
753 | [3929][SEC_POLICY] lock_state = 0x3 |
754 | [3930][PART] img_auth_required = 0 |
755 | [3931][PART] partition hdr (1) |
756 | [3932][PART] Image with part header |
757 | [3932][PART] name : lk |
758 | [3932][PART] addr : FFFFFFFFh mode : -1 |
759 | [3933][PART] size : 421444 |
760 | [3933][PART] magic: 58881688h |
761 | [3933][PART] part: lk img: lk cert vfy(0 ms) |
762 | [3946] |
763 | [PART] load "lk" from 0x00000000038C0200 (dev) to 0x56000000 (mem) [SUCCESS] |
764 | [3947][PART] load speed: 34296KB/s, 421444 bytes, 12ms |
765 | [3948][PART] part: lk img: lk vfy(0 ms) |
766 | [3956][BLDR] check active part. of tee1 and tee2 |
767 | [3957][BLDR] tee1 active = 4, tee2 active = 0 |
768 | [3957][BLDR] Loading tee1 Partition... |
769 | [3958][PART] partition name = tee1 |
770 | [3958][SEC_POLICY] sboot_state = 0x1 |
771 | [3958][SEC_POLICY] lock_state = 0x3 |
772 | [3959][PART] img_auth_required = 0 |
773 | [3960][PART] partition hdr (1) |
774 | [3961][PART] Image with part header |
775 | [3961][PART] name : atf |
776 | [3961][PART] addr : FFFFFFFFh mode : 0 |
777 | [3962][PART] size : 58880 |
778 | [3962][PART] magic: 58881688h |
779 | [3962][PART] part: tee1 img: atf cert vfy(0 ms) |
780 | [3966] |
781 | [PART] load "tee1" from 0x0000000006E40200 (dev) to 0x54601000 (mem) [SUCCESS] |
782 | [3967][PART] load speed: 19166KB/s, 58880 bytes, 3ms |
783 | [3968][PART] part: tee1 img: atf vfy(0 ms) |
784 | [3976][BLDR_MTEE] sha256 takes 1 (ms) for 58304 bytes |
785 | [4028][BLDR_MTEE] rsa2048 takes 52 (ms) |
786 | [4029][BLDR_MTEE] verify pkcs#1 pss takes 0 (ms) |
787 | [4030][BLDR_MTEE] aes128cbc takes 0 (ms) for 58304 |
788 | [4031][PART] partition name = tee1 |
789 | [4031][SEC_POLICY] sboot_state = 0x1 |
790 | [4032][SEC_POLICY] lock_state = 0x3 |
791 | [4032][PART] img_auth_required = 0 |
792 | [4035][PART] partition hdr (1) |
793 | [4035][PART] Image with part header |
794 | [4036][PART] name : tee |
795 | [4036][PART] addr : 600000h mode : 0 |
796 | [4036][PART] size : 2240000 |
797 | [4037][PART] magic: 58881688h |
798 | [4037][PART] part: tee1 img: tee cert vfy(0 ms) |
799 | [4038]mblock_reserve: 000000007F9C0000 - 000000007FFC0000 from mblock 0 |
800 | [4093] |
801 | [PART] load "tee1" from 0x0000000006E4F870 (dev) to 0x7F9C0000 (mem) [SUCCESS] |
802 | [4094][PART] load speed: 39772KB/s, 2240000 bytes, 55ms |
803 | [4094][PART] part: tee1 img: tee vfy(0 ms) |
804 | [4133][BLDR_MTEE] sha256 takes 27 (ms) for 2239424 bytes |
805 | [4185][BLDR_MTEE] rsa2048 takes 52 (ms) |
806 | [4186][BLDR_MTEE] verify pkcs#1 pss takes 0 (ms) |
807 | [4223][BLDR_MTEE] aes128cbc takes 36 (ms) for 2239424 |
808 | [4224][TZ_INIT] TEE start entry : 0x7F9C0000 |
809 | [4224][TZ_INIT] MEID : 0xEB, 0xFE, 0x18, 0x1A |
810 | [4225][TZ_INIT] MEID : 0x32, 0x8, 0x26, 0x1C |
811 | [4225][TZ_INIT] MEID : 0xF0, 0x3E, 0x25, 0xB6 |
812 | [4226][TZ_INIT] MEID : 0xA0, 0x5E, 0x34, 0x3A |
813 | [4226][BLDR] bldr load tee part ret=0x0, addr=0x54601000 |
814 | [4228][BLDR] part_load_raw_part ret=0x0 |
815 | [4228][BLDR] part_load_images ret=0x0 |
816 | [4229][PLFM],64S3,boot_opt=0x0 |
817 | [4229][PLFM],32N2,boot_opt=0x6 |
818 | [4229][PLFM],32N2,boot_opt=0x6 |
819 | [4230]mblock_reserve: 0000000054400000 - 0000000054410000 from mblock 0 |
820 | [4231]mblock_reserve: 0000000054410000 - 00000000544F0000 from mblock 1 |
821 | [4231]mblock_reserve: 00000000544F0000 - 0000000054500000 from mblock 1 |
822 | [4232]lastpc[0][0] = D641B37F |
823 | [4233]lastpc[0][1] = 831BB14C |
824 | [4233]lastpc[0][2] = 7E208748 |
825 | [4233]lastpc[0][3] = 5CC44F35 |
826 | [4234]lastpc[0][4] = 414F8DD7 |
827 | [4234]lastpc[0][5] = 349B7D5B |
828 | [4234]lastpc[0][6] = 95B16153 |
829 | [4235]lastpc[0][7] = 8FB19CDE |
830 | [4235]lastpc[1][0] = 0 |
831 | [4235]lastpc[1][1] = 0 |
832 | [4235]lastpc[1][2] = 0 |
833 | [4236]lastpc[1][3] = 0 |
834 | [4236]lastpc[1][4] = 0 |
835 | [4236]lastpc[1][5] = 0 |
836 | [4237]lastpc[1][6] = 0 |
837 | [4237]lastpc[1][7] = 0 |
838 | [4237]lastpc[2][0] = 0 |
839 | [4237]lastpc[2][1] = 0 |
840 | [4238]lastpc[2][2] = 0 |
841 | [4238]lastpc[2][3] = 0 |
842 | [4238]lastpc[2][4] = 0 |
843 | [4238]lastpc[2][5] = 0 |
844 | [4239]lastpc[2][6] = 0 |
845 | [4239]lastpc[2][7] = 0 |
846 | [4239]lastpc[3][0] = 0 |
847 | [4240]lastpc[3][1] = 0 |
848 | [4240]lastpc[3][2] = 0 |
849 | [4240]lastpc[3][3] = 0 |
850 | [4240]lastpc[3][4] = 0 |
851 | [4241]lastpc[3][5] = 0 |
852 | [4241]lastpc[3][6] = 0 |
853 | [4241]lastpc[3][7] = 0 |
854 | [4241] |
855 | [PLFM] boot to LK by ATAG. |
856 | [4242]PL_VERSION = 0.1.00 |
857 | [4242]RAM_CONSOLE offset:0xAC0 |
858 | [4243]RAM_CONSOLE sram_plat_dbg_info_addr:0x10D800, sram_plat_dbg_info_size:0x200, sram_log_store_addr:0x10DB00, sram_log_store_size:0x100 |
859 | [4244]RAM_CONSOLE mrdump_addr:0x10DC00, mrdump_size:0x3400, dram_addr:0x54400000, dram_size:0x10000 |
860 | [4245]RAM_CONSOLE pstore_addr:0x54410000, pstore_size:0xE0000, pstore_console_size:0x40000, pstore_pmsg_size:0x10000 |
861 | [4247]RAM_CONSOLE mrdump_mini_header_addr:0x544F0000, mrdump_mini_header_size:0x10000, magic1:0x61646472, magic2:0x73697A65 |
862 | [4248]emmc ocr = 0xC0FF8080 |
863 | [4248]emmc cid: 0x15010034 0x46544534 0x5201F2AA 0x8F6F47F5 |
864 | [4249]emmc csd: 0xD0270132 0xF5903FF 0xF6DBFFEF 0x8E40400D |
865 | [4250]BOOT_REASON: 1 |
866 | [4250]BOOT_MODE: 0 |
867 | [4250]META_COM TYPE: 0 |
868 | [4250]META_COM ID: 0 |
869 | [4251]META_COM PORT: 285237248 |
870 | [4251]LOG_COM PORT: 285233152 |
871 | [4251]LOG_COM BAUD: 921600 |
872 | [4252]LOG_COM EN: 1 |
873 | [4252]MEM_NUM: 1 |
874 | [4252]MEM_SIZE: 0x14400000 |
875 | [4252]mblock num: 0x2 |
876 | [4253]mblock start: 0x0000000040000000 |
877 | [4253]mblock size: 0x0000000014400000 |
878 | [4254]mblock rank: 0x0 |
879 | [4254]mblock start: 0x0000000054500000 |
880 | [4254]mblock size: 0x000000002B4C0000 |
881 | [4255]mblock rank: 0x0 |
882 | [4255]mblock start: 0x0000000000000000 |
883 | [4255]mblock size: 0x0000000000000000 |
884 | [4256]mblock rank: 0x0 |
885 | [4256]mblock start: 0x0000000000000000 |
886 | [4257]mblock size: 0x0000000000000000 |
887 | [4257]mblock rank: 0x0 |
888 | [4257]orig_dram num: 0x1 |
889 | [4258]orig_dram start: 0x0000000040000000 |
890 | [4258]orig_dram size: 0x0000000040000000 |
891 | [4259]orig_dram start: 0x0000000000000000 |
892 | [4259]orig_dram size: 0x0000000000000000 |
893 | [4259]orig_dram start: 0x0000000000000000 |
894 | [4260]orig_dram size: 0x0000000000000000 |
895 | [4260]orig_dram start: 0x0000000000000000 |
896 | [4261]orig_dram size: 0x0000000000000000 |
897 | [4261]lca start: 0x0000000000000000 |
898 | [4262]lca size: 0x0000000000000000 |
899 | [4262]tee start: 0x000000007FFC0000 |
900 | [4263]tee size: 0x0000000000040000 |
901 | [4263]MD_INFO: 0xFF |
902 | [4263]MD_INFO: 0xFF |
903 | [4263]MD_INFO: 0xFF |
904 | [4264]MD_INFO: 0xFF |
905 | [4264]BOOT_TIME: 4241 |
906 | [4264]DA_INFO: 0xFFFFFFFF |
907 | [4264]DA_INFO: 0xFFFFFFFF |
908 | [4265]DA_INFO: 0xFFFFFFFF |
909 | [4265]DA_INFO: 0xFFFFFFFF |
910 | [4265]DA_INFO: 0xFFFFFFFF |
911 | [4266]SEC_INFO: 0xFFFFFFFF |
912 | [4266]SEC_INFO: 0xFFFFFFFF |
913 | [4266]PART_NUM: 3 |
914 | [4266]PART_INFO: 0x42058A24 |
915 | [4267]EFLAG: 0 |
916 | [4267]DDR_RESERVE: 0 |
917 | [4267]DDR_RESERVE: 0 |
918 | [4267]DDR_RESERVE: 0 |
919 | [4268]DRAM_BUF: 1576832 |
920 | [4268]SMC: 0x0 |
921 | [4268]SMC: 0x6 |
922 | [4268]SMC: 0x6 |
923 | [4269]SRAM satrt: 0x10D000 |
924 | [4269]SRAM size: 0x4000 |
925 | [4269]ram_console info sram_addr: 0x10D000 |
926 | [4270]ram_console info sram_size: 0x800 |
927 | [4270]ram_console info def_type: 0x2 |
928 | [4271]ram_console memory_info_offset: 0xAC0 |
929 | [4271][TZ_INIT] hwuid[0] : 0x1A18FEEB |
930 | [4271][TZ_INIT] hwuid[1] : 0x1C260832 |
931 | [4272][TZ_INIT] hwuid[2] : 0xB6253EF0 |
932 | [4272][TZ_INIT] hwuid[3] : 0x3A345EA0 |
933 | [4273][TZ_INIT] HRID[0] : 0x1E56325 |
934 | [4273][TZ_INIT] HRID[1] : 0x59A22EAD |
935 | [4274][TZ_INIT] atf_log_port : 0x11005000 |
936 | [4274][TZ_INIT] atf_log_baudrate : 0xE1000 |
937 | [4275][TZ_INIT] atf_irq_num : 281 |
938 | [4275][TZ_INIT] ATF log buffer start : 0xx |
939 | [4275][TZ_INIT] ATF log buffer size : 0x40000 |
940 | [4276][TZ_INIT] ATF aee buffer start : 0xx |
941 | [4276][TZ_INIT] ATF aee buffer size : 0x4000 |
942 | [4277][BLDR] Others, jump to ATF |
943 | [4277] |
944 | [BLDR] jump to 0x56000000 |
945 | [4278][BLDR] <0x56000000>=0xEA000007 |
946 | [4278][BLDR] <0x56000004>=0xEA005CF3 |
947 | [4279][TZ_SEC_CFG] SRAMROM Secure Addr 0xD000 |
948 | [4279][TZ_SEC_CFG] SRAMROM Secure Control 0x0 |
949 | [4280][TZ_SEC_CFG] SRAMROM Secure Control 0xB69 |
950 | [4280][TZ_SEC_CFG] SRAMROM Secure Control 0x1B680B69 |
951 | [4281] MPU [LOCK |
952 | [4281][TZ_EMI_MPU] MPU [0x7F9C0000-0x7FFBFFFF] |
953 | [4281][TZ_INIT] set secure memory protection : 0x7F9C0000, 0x7FFBFFFF (OPT) |
954 | [4282] MPU [LOCK |
955 | [4282][TZ_EMI_MPU] MPU [0x54600000-0x5462FFFF] |
956 | [4283][TZ_INIT] set secure memory protection : 0x54600000, 0x5462FFFF |
957 | [4284][TZ_INIT] Jump to ATF, then 0x7F9C0000 and 0x56000000 |
958 | [ATF](0)[4.997608]NOTICE: Boot reason 1 |
959 | [ATF](0)[4.998049]INFO: LK is AArch32 |
960 | [ATF](0)[4.998504]INFO: mmap atf buffer : 0x7ffc0000, 0x40000 |
961 | [ATF](0)[4.999307]INFO: mmap atf buffer (force 2MB aligned): 0x7fe00000, 0x200000 |
962 | [ATF](0)[5.001384]INFO: abnormal_boot: 0x0, cflag: 0xffffffff |
963 | [ATF](0)[5.003933]INFO: mt_log_setup |
964 | [ATF](0)[5.004356]INFO: -atf_buf_lock: 0x0 |
965 | [ATF](0)[5.004873]INFO: -mt_log_buf_start: 0x7ffc0000 |
966 | [ATF](0)[5.005508]INFO: -mt_log_buf_size: 0x40000 |
967 | [ATF](0)[5.006101]INFO: -log_addr: 0x7ffc0200 |
968 | [ATF](0)[5.006650]INFO: -log_size: 0x17e00 |
969 | [ATF](0)[5.007167]INFO: -write_offset: 0x0 |
970 | [ATF](0)[5.007683]INFO: -read_offset: 0x0 |
971 | [ATF](0)[5.008189]INFO: -log_buf_end : 0x7ffd7fff |
972 | [ATF](0)[5.008782]INFO: -ATF_EXCEPT_BUF_SIZE_PER_CPU : 0x1000 |
973 | [ATF](0)[5.009503]INFO: -ATF_EXCEPT_BUF_SIZE : 0x4000 |
974 | [ATF](0)[5.010139]INFO: -PLATFORM_CORE_COUNT : 0x4 |
975 | [ATF](0)[5.010742]INFO: -except_write_pos_per_cpu[0]: 0x7fff8000 |
976 | [ATF](0)[5.011496]INFO: -except_write_pos_per_cpu[1]: 0x7fff9000 |
977 | [ATF](0)[5.012249]INFO: -except_write_pos_per_cpu[2]: 0x7fffa000 |
978 | [ATF](0)[5.013003]INFO: -except_write_pos_per_cpu[3]: 0x7fffb000 |
979 | [ATF](0)[5.013757]INFO: -crash_flag : 0x41544641 |
980 | [ATF](0)[5.014339]INFO: -crash_log_addr : 0x7ffd8000 |
981 | [ATF](0)[5.014964]INFO: -crash_log_size : 0x20000 |
982 | [ATF](0)[5.015571]INFO: ATF log service is registered (0x7ffc0000, aee:0x7fffc000) |
983 | [ATF](0)[5.016494]NOTICE: BL3-1: v1.2(debug):2f74709 |
984 | [ATF](0)[5.017086]NOTICE: BL3-1: |
985 | [ATF](0)[5.017474]NOTICE: BL31: v1.2(debug):2f74709 |
986 | [ATF](0)[5.018055]NOTICE: BL31: |
987 | [ATF](0)[5.018435]INFO: [spmc_init]change to SPMC mode !!! |
988 | [ATF](0)[5.019117]INFO: ARM GICv2 driver initialized |
989 | [ATF](0)[5.019733]INFO: BL31: Initializing runtime services |
990 | [ATF](0)[5.020426]INFO: BL31: Initializing BL32 |
991 | l[ATF](0)[5.021583]INFO: BL31: Preparing for EL3 exit to normal world |
992 | [ATF](0)[5.022353]INFO: Entry point address = 0x56000000 |
993 | [ATF](0)[5.023010]INFO: SPSR = 0x1d3 |
994 | |
995 | Current RTC time:[2020/4/6 0:0:4] |
996 | [6] kernel_boot_opt=6 |
997 | [6] 32Bit Kernel |
998 | [6] SKIP sw sram repair |
999 | [7] [LEDS]LK: leds_init: mt65xx_backlight_off |
1000 | [7] [LEDS]LK: mt65xx_backlight_off |
1001 | [7] [LEDS]LK: lcd-backlight level is 0 |
1002 | [8] cust->mode is 6 |
1003 | [8] cust->mode E cust_data= 0x56010465; level =0 |
1004 | [LK_PMIC_INIT_SETTING_V1] PMIC Chip = 0x2092 |
1005 | chr detection : 1 |
1006 | [10] thread: bootstrap2, bottom(stack) = 0x5608e9d8, limit(stack) = 0x5608c9d8 |
1007 | [10] mblock[0].start: 0x40000000, sz: 0x14400000, limit: 0x56400000, max_addr: 0x0, target: -1, reserved_addr: 0x54000000,reserved_size: 0x400000 |
1008 | [12] mblock_reserve dbg[0]: 1, 1, 1, 1 |
1009 | [12] mblock[1].start: 0x54500000, sz: 0x2b4c0000, limit: 0x56400000, max_addr: 0x54400000, target: 0, reserved_addr: 0x56000000,reserved_size: 0x400000 |
1010 | [14] mblock_reserve dbg[1]: 1, 1, 1, 1 |
1011 | [15] mblock[1]: 54500000, 1b00000 from mblock |
1012 | mblock[2]: 56400000, 295c0000 from mblock |
1013 | [16] mblock_reserve [0].start: 0x40000000, sz: 0x14400000 |
1014 | [16] mblock_reserve [1].start: 0x54500000, sz: 0x1b00000 |
1015 | [17] mblock_reserve [2].start: 0x56400000, sz: 0x295c0000 |
1016 | [18] mblock_reserve-R[0].start: 0x7ffc0000, sz: 0x40000 map:0 name:atf-log-reserved |
1017 | [18] mblock_reserve-R[1].start: 0x7f9c0000, sz: 0x600000 map:0 name:tee |
1018 | [19] mblock_reserve-R[2].start: 0x54400000, sz: 0x10000 map:0 name:ram_console |
1019 | [20] mblock_reserve-R[3].start: 0x54410000, sz: 0xe0000 map:0 name:pstore |
1020 | [21] mblock_reserve-R[4].start: 0x544f0000, sz: 0x10000 map:0 name:minirdump |
1021 | [22] mblock_reserve-R[5].start: 0x56000000, sz: 0x400000 map:0 name:lk_addr_mb |
1022 | [23] mblock[0].start: 0x40000000, sz: 0x14400000, limit: 0x5e900000, max_addr: 0x0, target: -1, reserved_addr: 0x4c400000,reserved_size: 0x8000000 |
1023 | [24] mblock_reserve dbg[0]: 1, 1, 1, 1 |
1024 | [25] mblock[2].start: 0x56400000, sz: 0x295c0000, limit: 0x5e900000, max_addr: 0x54400000, target: 0, reserved_addr: 0x56900000,reserved_size: 0x8000000 |
1025 | [26] mblock_reserve dbg[2]: 1, 1, 1, 1 |
1026 | [27] mblock[2]: 56400000, 500000 from mblock |
1027 | mblock[3]: 5e900000, 210c0000 from mblock |
1028 | [28] mblock_reserve [0].start: 0x40000000, sz: 0x14400000 |
1029 | [29] mblock_reserve [1].start: 0x54500000, sz: 0x1b00000 |
1030 | [29] mblock_reserve [2].start: 0x56400000, sz: 0x500000 |
1031 | [30] mblock_reserve [3].start: 0x5e900000, sz: 0x210c0000 |
1032 | [30] mblock_reserve-R[0].start: 0x7ffc0000, sz: 0x40000 map:0 name:atf-log-reserved |
1033 | [31] mblock_reserve-R[1].start: 0x7f9c0000, sz: 0x600000 map:0 name:tee |
1034 | [32] mblock_reserve-R[2].start: 0x54400000, sz: 0x10000 map:0 name:ram_console |
1035 | [33] mblock_reserve-R[3].start: 0x54410000, sz: 0xe0000 map:0 name:pstore |
1036 | [34] mblock_reserve-R[4].start: 0x544f0000, sz: 0x10000 map:0 name:minirdump |
1037 | [35] mblock_reserve-R[5].start: 0x56000000, sz: 0x400000 map:0 name:lk_addr_mb |
1038 | [36] mblock_reserve-R[6].start: 0x56900000, sz: 0x8000000 map:0 name:scratch_addr_mb |
1039 | [37] ==dump boot argument== |
1040 | [37] BOOT_REASON: 1 |
1041 | [37] BOOT_MODE: 0 |
1042 | [37] META_COM TYPE: 0 |
1043 | [38] META_COM ID: 0 |
1044 | [38] META_COM PORT: 285237248 |
1045 | [38] LOG_COM PORT: 285233152 |
1046 | [38] LOG_COM BAUD: 921600 |
1047 | [39] LOG_COM EN: 1 |
1048 | [39] MEM_NUM: 1 |
1049 | [39] MEM_SIZE: 0x14400000 |
1050 | [39] mblock num: 0x4 |
1051 | [40] mblock start: 0x40000000 |
1052 | [40] mblock size: 0x14400000 |
1053 | [40] mblock rank: 0x0 |
1054 | [41] mblock start: 0x54500000 |
1055 | [41] mblock size: 0x1b00000 |
1056 | [41] mblock rank: 0x0 |
1057 | [42] mblock start: 0x56400000 |
1058 | [42] mblock size: 0x500000 |
1059 | [42] mblock rank: 0x0 |
1060 | [43] mblock start: 0x5e900000 |
1061 | [43] mblock size: 0x210c0000 |
1062 | [43] mblock rank: 0x0 |
1063 | [43] orig_dram num: 0x1 |
1064 | [44] orig_dram start: 0x40000000 |
1065 | [44] orig_dram size: 0x40000000 |
1066 | [44] orig_dram start: 0x0 |
1067 | [45] orig_dram size: 0x0 |
1068 | [45] orig_dram start: 0x0 |
1069 | [45] orig_dram size: 0x0 |
1070 | [46] orig_dram start: 0x0 |
1071 | [46] orig_dram size: 0x0 |
1072 | [46] lca start: 0x0 |
1073 | [46] lca size: 0x0 |
1074 | [47] tee start: 0x7ffc0000 |
1075 | [47] tee size: 0x40000 |
1076 | [47] MD_INFO: 0xff |
1077 | [48] MD_INFO: 0xff |
1078 | [48] MD_INFO: 0xff |
1079 | [48] MD_INFO: 0xff |
1080 | [48] BOOT_TIME: 4241 |
1081 | [48] DA_INFO: 0xffffffff |
1082 | [49] DA_INFO: 0xffffffff |
1083 | [49] DA_INFO: 0xffffffff |
1084 | [49] DA_INFO: 0xffffffff |
1085 | [50] DA_INFO: 0xffffffff |
1086 | [50] SEC_INFO: 0xffffffff |
1087 | [50] SEC_INFO: 0xffffffff |
1088 | [51] PART_NUM: 3 |
1089 | [51] PART_INFO: 0x42058a24 |
1090 | [51] EFLAG: 0 |
1091 | [51] DDR_RESERVE: enable = 0 |
1092 | [52] DDR_RESERVE: success = 0 |
1093 | [52] DDR_RESERVE: ready = 0 |
1094 | [52] DRAM_BUF: 1576832 |
1095 | [52] SMC: 0x0 |
1096 | [53] SMC: 0x6 |
1097 | [53] SMC: 0x6 |
1098 | [53] SRAM satrt: 0x10d000 |
1099 | [53] SRAM size: 0x4000 |
1100 | [54] ==dump boot argument== |
1101 | [54] platform_init() |
1102 | LK emmc ocr = 0xc0ff8080 |
1103 | LK emmc cid: 0x15010034, 0x46544534, 0x5201f2aa, 0x8f6f47f5 |
1104 | LK emmc csd: 0xd0270132, 0xf5903ff, 0xf6dbffef, 0x8e40400d |
1105 | [64] phase: [map:ffffffff] [maxlen:32] [final:10] |
1106 | [65] Final cmd/data pad delay: a |
1107 | [65] [mt_part_register_device] |
1108 | [65] [partition init] |
1109 | [66] [GPT_LK]Parsing Primary GPT now... |
1110 | [67] [GPT_LK][0]name=proinfo, part_id=8, start_sect=0x400, nr_sects=0x1800, uuid=f57ad330-39c2-4488-9bb0-00cb43c9ccd4 |
1111 | [69] [GPT_LK][1]name=nvram, part_id=8, start_sect=0x1c00, nr_sects=0x2800, uuid=fe686d97-3544-4a41-be21-167e25b61b6f |
1112 | [70] [GPT_LK][2]name=persist, part_id=8, start_sect=0x4400, nr_sects=0x18000, uuid=1cb143a8-b1a8-4b57-b251-945c5119e8fe |
1113 | [71] [GPT_LK][3]name=seccfg, part_id=8, start_sect=0x1c400, nr_sects=0x200, uuid=3b9e343b-cdc8-4d7f-9fa6-b6812e50ab62 |
1114 | [73] [GPT_LK][4]name=lk, part_id=8, start_sect=0x1c600, nr_sects=0x400, uuid=5f6a2c79-6617-4b85-ac02-c2975a14d2d7 |
1115 | [74] [GPT_LK][5]name=lk2, part_id=8, start_sect=0x1ca00, nr_sects=0x400, uuid=4ae2050b-5db5-4ff7-aad3-5730534be63d |
1116 | [75] [GPT_LK][6]name=boot, part_id=8, start_sect=0x1ce00, nr_sects=0x8000, uuid=1f9b0939-e16b-4bc9-a5bc-dc2ee969d801 |
1117 | [76] [GPT_LK][7]name=recovery, part_id=8, start_sect=0x24e00, nr_sects=0x8000, uuid=d722c721-0dee-4cb8-8a83-2c63cd1393c7 |
1118 | [78] [GPT_LK][8]name=para, part_id=8, start_sect=0x2ce00, nr_sects=0x400, uuid=e02179a8-ceb5-48a9-8831-4f1c9c5a8695 |
1119 | [79] [GPT_LK][9]name=logo, part_id=8, start_sect=0x2d200, nr_sects=0x4000, uuid=84b09a81-fad2-41ac-890e-407c24975e74 |
1120 | [80] [GPT_LK][10]name=dtbo, part_id=8, start_sect=0x31200, nr_sects=0x800, uuid=e8f0a5ef-8d1b-42ea-9c2a-835cd77de363 |
1121 | [81] [GPT_LK][11]name=expdb, part_id=8, start_sect=0x31a00, nr_sects=0x5000, uuid=d5f0e175-a6e1-4db7-94c0-f82ad032950b |
1122 | [83] [GPT_LK][12]name=frp, part_id=8, start_sect=0x36a00, nr_sects=0x800, uuid=1d9056e1-e139-4fca-8c0b-b75fd74d81c6 |
1123 | [84] [GPT_LK][13]name=tee1, part_id=8, start_sect=0x37200, nr_sects=0x2800, uuid=7792210b-b6a8-45d5-ad91-3361ed14c608 |
1124 | [85] [GPT_LK][14]name=tee2, part_id=8, start_sect=0x39a00, nr_sects=0x2800, uuid=138a6db9-1032-451d-91e9-0fa38ff94fbb |
1125 | [87] [GPT_LK][15]name=kb, part_id=8, start_sect=0x3c200, nr_sects=0x1000, uuid=756d934c-50e3-4c91-af46-02d824169ca7 |
1126 | [88] [GPT_LK][16]name=dkb, part_id=8, start_sect=0x3d200, nr_sects=0x1000, uuid=a3f3c267-5521-42dd-a724-3bdec20c7c6f |
1127 | [89] [GPT_LK][17]name=md_udc, part_id=8, start_sect=0x3e200, nr_sects=0xb000, uuid=8c68cd2a-ccc9-4c5d-8b57-34ae9b2dd481 |
1128 | [91] [GPT_LK][18]name=metadata, part_id=8, start_sect=0x49200, nr_sects=0x10800, uuid=6a5cebf8-54a7-4b89-8d1d-c5eb140b095b |
1129 | [92] [GPT_LK][19]name=nvdata, part_id=8, start_sect=0x59a00, nr_sects=0x2000, uuid=a0d65bf8-e8de-4107-9434-1d318c843d37 |
1130 | [93] [GPT_LK][20]name=vbmeta, part_id=8, start_sect=0x5ba00, nr_sects=0x2000, uuid=46f0c0bb-f227-4eb6-b82f-66408e13e36d |
1131 | [94] [GPT_LK][21]name=vbmeta_system, part_id=8, start_sect=0x5da00, nr_sects=0x2000, uuid=fbc2c131-6392-4217-b51e-548a6edb03d0 |
1132 | [96] [GPT_LK][22]name=vbmeta_vendor, part_id=8, start_sect=0x5fa00, nr_sects=0x2000, uuid=e195a981-e285-4734-8025-ec323e9589d9 |
1133 | [97] [GPT_LK][23]name=super, part_id=8, start_sect=0x61a00, nr_sects=0x300000, uuid=e29052f8-5d3a-4e97-adb5-5f312ce6610a |
1134 | [99] [GPT_LK][24]name=cache, part_id=8, start_sect=0x361a00, nr_sects=0x40000, uuid=9c3cabd7-a35d-4b45-8c57-b80775426b35 |
1135 | [100] [GPT_LK][25]name=userdata, part_id=8, start_sect=0x3a1a00, nr_sects=0x3a6200, uuid=e7099731-95a6-45a6-a1e5-1b6aba032cf1 |
1136 | [101] [GPT_LK] EMMC_PART_USER size = 0xe9000000 |
1137 | [102] [GPT_LK]Success to find valid GPT. |
1138 | [103] [[PART_LK]] boot_device str is androidboot.boot_devices=bootdevice,soc/11120000.mmc. |
1139 | [104] [PART_LK][get_part] para |
1140 | [106] [LK_BOOT] Load 'para' partition to 0x56098900 (6144 bytes in 1 ms) |
1141 | [107] [PART_LK][get_part] boot |
1142 | [108] [LK_BOOT] Load 'boot' partition to 0x56098900 (3708 bytes in 1 ms) |
1143 | [109] mblock[0].start: 0x40000000, sz: 0x14400000, limit: 0x54080000, max_addr: 0x0, target: -1, reserved_addr: 0x54000000,reserved_size: 0x80000 |
1144 | [111] mblock_reserve dbg[0]: 1, 1, 1, 1 |
1145 | [111] mblock[0]: 40000000, 14000000 from mblock |
1146 | mblock[1]: 54080000, 380000 from mblock |
1147 | [112] mblock_reserve [0].start: 0x40000000, sz: 0x14000000 |
1148 | [113] mblock_reserve [1].start: 0x54080000, sz: 0x380000 |
1149 | [113] mblock_reserve [2].start: 0x54500000, sz: 0x1b00000 |
1150 | [114] mblock_reserve [3].start: 0x56400000, sz: 0x500000 |
1151 | [115] mblock_reserve [4].start: 0x5e900000, sz: 0x210c0000 |
1152 | [115] mblock_reserve-R[0].start: 0x7ffc0000, sz: 0x40000 map:0 name:atf-log-reserved |
1153 | [116] mblock_reserve-R[1].start: 0x7f9c0000, sz: 0x600000 map:0 name:tee |
1154 | [117] mblock_reserve-R[2].start: 0x54400000, sz: 0x10000 map:0 name:ram_console |
1155 | [118] mblock_reserve-R[3].start: 0x54410000, sz: 0xe0000 map:0 name:pstore |
1156 | [119] mblock_reserve-R[4].start: 0x544f0000, sz: 0x10000 map:0 name:minirdump |
1157 | [120] mblock_reserve-R[5].start: 0x56000000, sz: 0x400000 map:0 name:lk_addr_mb |
1158 | [121] mblock_reserve-R[6].start: 0x56900000, sz: 0x8000000 map:0 name:scratch_addr_mb |
1159 | [122] mblock_reserve-R[7].start: 0x54000000, sz: 0x80000 map:1 name:dtb_kernel_addr_mb |
1160 | [123] mblock[0].start: 0x40000000, sz: 0x14000000, limit: 0x4c808000, max_addr: 0x0, target: -1, reserved_addr: 0x40008000,reserved_size: 0xc800000 |
1161 | [124] mblock_reserve dbg[0]: 1, 1, 1, 1 |
1162 | [125] mblock[0]: 40000000, 8000 from mblock |
1163 | mblock[1]: 4c808000, 77f8000 from mblock |
1164 | [126] mblock_reserve [0].start: 0x40000000, sz: 0x8000 |
1165 | [126] mblock_reserve [1].start: 0x4c808000, sz: 0x77f8000 |
1166 | [127] mblock_reserve [2].start: 0x54080000, sz: 0x380000 |
1167 | [127] mblock_reserve [3].start: 0x54500000, sz: 0x1b00000 |
1168 | [128] mblock_reserve [4].start: 0x56400000, sz: 0x500000 |
1169 | [129] mblock_reserve [5].start: 0x5e900000, sz: 0x210c0000 |
1170 | [129] mblock_reserve-R[0].start: 0x7ffc0000, sz: 0x40000 map:0 name:atf-log-reserved |
1171 | [130] mblock_reserve-R[1].start: 0x7f9c0000, sz: 0x600000 map:0 name:tee |
1172 | [131] mblock_reserve-R[2].start: 0x54400000, sz: 0x10000 map:0 name:ram_console |
1173 | [132] mblock_reserve-R[3].start: 0x54410000, sz: 0xe0000 map:0 name:pstore |
1174 | [133] mblock_reserve-R[4].start: 0x544f0000, sz: 0x10000 map:0 name:minirdump |
1175 | [134] mblock_reserve-R[5].start: 0x56000000, sz: 0x400000 map:0 name:lk_addr_mb |
1176 | [135] mblock_reserve-R[6].start: 0x56900000, sz: 0x8000000 map:0 name:scratch_addr_mb |
1177 | [136] mblock_reserve-R[7].start: 0x54000000, sz: 0x80000 map:1 name:dtb_kernel_addr_mb |
1178 | [137] mblock_reserve-R[8].start: 0x40008000, sz: 0xc800000 map:0 name:kernel_addr_mb |
1179 | [137] mblock[1].start: 0x4c808000, sz: 0x77f8000, limit: 0x56000000, max_addr: 0x0, target: -1, reserved_addr: 0x53000000,reserved_size: 0x1000000 |
1180 | [139] mblock_reserve dbg[1]: 1, 1, 1, 1 |
1181 | [140] mblock[3].start: 0x54500000, sz: 0x1b00000, limit: 0x56000000, max_addr: 0x54000000, target: 1, reserved_addr: 0x55000000,reserved_size: 0x1000000 |
1182 | [141] mblock_reserve dbg[3]: 1, 1, 1, 1 |
1183 | [142] mblock_reserve [0].start: 0x40000000, sz: 0x8000 |
1184 | [142] mblock_reserve [1].start: 0x4c808000, sz: 0x77f8000 |
1185 | [143] mblock_reserve [2].start: 0x54080000, sz: 0x380000 |
1186 | [144] mblock_reserve [3].start: 0x54500000, sz: 0xb00000 |
1187 | [144] mblock_reserve [4].start: 0x56400000, sz: 0x500000 |
1188 | [145] mblock_reserve [5].start: 0x5e900000, sz: 0x210c0000 |
1189 | [145] mblock_reserve-R[0].start: 0x7ffc0000, sz: 0x40000 map:0 name:atf-log-reserved |
1190 | [146] mblock_reserve-R[1].start: 0x7f9c0000, sz: 0x600000 map:0 name:tee |
1191 | [147] mblock_reserve-R[2].start: 0x54400000, sz: 0x10000 map:0 name:ram_console |
1192 | [148] mblock_reserve-R[3].start: 0x54410000, sz: 0xe0000 map:0 name:pstore |
1193 | [149] mblock_reserve-R[4].start: 0x544f0000, sz: 0x10000 map:0 name:minirdump |
1194 | [150] mblock_reserve-R[5].start: 0x56000000, sz: 0x400000 map:0 name:lk_addr_mb |
1195 | [151] mblock_reserve-R[6].start: 0x56900000, sz: 0x8000000 map:0 name:scratch_addr_mb |
1196 | [152] mblock_reserve-R[7].start: 0x54000000, sz: 0x80000 map:1 name:dtb_kernel_addr_mb |
1197 | [153] mblock_reserve-R[8].start: 0x40008000, sz: 0xc800000 map:0 name:kernel_addr_mb |
1198 | [154] mblock_reserve-R[9].start: 0x55000000, sz: 0x1000000 map:0 name:ramdisk_addr_mb |
1199 | [156] find v2 dtb with mkdtimg format, dtb file offset: 0x802000 |
1200 | [157] Copy DTB from 0x56098940 to 0x54000000(size: 0xa587) |
1201 | [157] [LK] fdt setup addr:0x54000000 status:1!!! |
1202 | [159] real mdtbo index=0 |
1203 | [164] [PROFILE] ::: lvl(2) Overlay takes 3 ms |
1204 | [164] [PROFILE] ::: lvl(1) early load dtb takes 60 ms |
1205 | [165] [PART_LK][get_part] para |
1206 | [LK_ENV]ENV SIG Wrong |
1207 | [LK_ENV]no valid env |
1208 | [167] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_probe |
1209 | [167] [DISP]we will check lcm: t397ht6673_wvga_dsi_vdo_isp_hsd |
1210 | [168] [DISP]func|_display_interface_path_init |
1211 | [168] [DISPCHECK]dpmgr create path SUCCESS(0x5606a1c8) |
1212 | [169] [DISPCHECK]dpmgr set dst module FINISHED(dsi0 ) |
1213 | [170] [DISP]func|ddp_dsi_init |
1214 | [170] [DISPCHECK]dsi0 init finished |
1215 | [DITHER] invalid dither bpp = 0 |
1216 | [171] [DISP]func|ddp_dsi_config |
1218 | [172] [DISPCHECK][DDPDSI] LANE_NUM: 2,data_format: 2,vertical_sync_active: 20 |
1219 | [173] [DISPCHECK][DDPDSI] vact: 20, vbp: 20, vfp: 5, vact_line: 800, hact: 20, hbp: 80, hfp: 80, hblank: 0 |
1220 | [174] [DISPCHECK][DDPDSI] pll_select: 0, pll_div1: 0, pll_div2: 0, fbk_div: 0,fbk_sel: 0, rg_bir: 0 |
1221 | [175] [DISPCHECK][DDPDSI] rg_bic: 0, rg_bp: 0, PLL_CLOCK: 200, dsi_clock: 0, ssc_range: 2, ssc_disable: 0, compatibility_for_nvk: 0, cont_clock: 0 |
1222 | [176] [DISPCHECK][DDPDSI] lcm_ext_te_enable: 0, noncont_clock: 0, noncont_clock_period: 0 |
1223 | [198] [DISP][dsi_drv.c] PLL config:data_rate=400,txdiv=2,pcw=1032444061,delta1=2,pdelta1=0x2e9 |
1224 | [LK/LCM] lcm_init_power() enter |
1225 | get_lcm_id, LCM ID1:0 ID2:1 |
1226 | [491] [I2C-LK] 372: id=2,addr: 38, transfer error |
1227 | [492] [I2C-LK] 378: I2C_ACKERR |
1228 | [492] [I2C-LK] 246: I2C structure: |
1229 | [I2C-LK] Clk=34125,Clock_div=1,Id=2,Mode=1,St_rs=0,Dma_en=0,Op=3,Poll_en=1,Irq_stat=2 |
1230 | [I2C-LK] Trans_len=1,Trans_num=2,Trans_auxlen=1,Data_size=ffff,speed=100 |
1231 | [494] [I2C-LK] 249: base address 0x1100b000 |
1232 | [495] [I2C-LK] 271: I2C register: |
1236 | [I2C-LK] CLOCK_DIV=1 |
1237 | [498] [I2C-LK] 874: write_read 0x10001 bytes fails,ret=-121. |
1238 | get_lcm_id, TP CHIP_ID:0x0000 VID:0x0000 |
1239 | [549] [DISP]dsi0 is 0 idle |
1240 | [550] [DISP]DSI_force_update |
1241 | [551] [DISPCHECK] DSI read packet_type is 0x1a |
1242 | driver_get_id MIPI RDDID=0x561a6191 |
1243 | [552] [DISP]func|_display_interface_path_deinit |
1244 | [552] [DISPCHECK]dsi0 init finished |
1245 | [556] [DISP]we will check lcm: b18c40214n_wvga_dsi_vdo_isp_hsd |
1246 | [557] [DISP]we will check lcm: k1t000399_wvga_dsi_vdo_isp_hsd |
1247 | [557] [DISP]we will check lcm: t397bt6673_wvga_dsi_vdo_isp_boe |
1248 | [558] [DISP]we will check lcm: jd9161z_wvga_dsi_vdo_ctc |
1249 | [559] [DISP]func|_display_interface_path_init |
1250 | [559] [DISPCHECK]dpmgr create path SUCCESS(0x5606a1c8) |
1251 | [560] [DISPCHECK]dpmgr set dst module FINISHED(dsi0 ) |
1252 | [560] [DISP]func|ddp_dsi_init |
1253 | [561] [DISPCHECK]dsi0 init finished |
1254 | [DITHER] invalid dither bpp = 0 |
1255 | [561] [DISP]func|ddp_dsi_config |
1257 | [562] [DISPCHECK][DDPDSI] LANE_NUM: 2,data_format: 2,vertical_sync_active: 4 |
1258 | [563] [DISPCHECK][DDPDSI] vact: 4, vbp: 8, vfp: 12, vact_line: 800, hact: 20, hbp: 20, hfp: 20, hblank: 0 |
1259 | [564] [DISPCHECK][DDPDSI] pll_select: 0, pll_div1: 0, pll_div2: 0, fbk_div: 0,fbk_sel: 0, rg_bir: 0 |
1260 | [565] [DISPCHECK][DDPDSI] rg_bic: 0, rg_bp: 0, PLL_CLOCK: 160, dsi_clock: 0, ssc_range: 0, ssc_disable: 0, compatibility_for_nvk: 0, cont_clock: 0 |
1261 | [567] [DISPCHECK][DDPDSI] lcm_ext_te_enable: 0, noncont_clock: 0, noncont_clock_period: 0 |
1262 | [588] [DISP][dsi_drv.c] PLL config:data_rate=320,txdiv=2,pcw=825955249,delta1=5,pdelta1=0x5d1 |
1263 | [591] [DISP]func|_display_interface_path_deinit |
1264 | [592] [DISPCHECK]dsi0 init finished |
1265 | [595] [DISPCHECK]******** dump lcm driver information ******** |
1266 | [596] [DISPCHECK][LCM], name: jd9161z_wvga_dsi_vdo_ctc |
1267 | [596] [DISPCHECK][LCM] resolution: 480 x 800 |
1268 | [597] [DISPCHECK][LCM] physical size: 0 x 0 |
1269 | [597] [DISPCHECK][LCM] physical size: 0 x 0 |
1270 | [598] [DISPCHECK][LCM] lcm_if:0, cmd_if:0 |
1271 | [598] [DISPCHECK][LCM] interface: unknown |
1272 | [599] [DISPCHECK][LCM] Type: DSI |
1274 | [600] [DISPCHECK][LCM] LANE_NUM: 2,data_format: 2,vertical_sync_active: 4 |
1275 | [601] [DISPCHECK][LCM] vact: 4, vbp: 8, vfp: 12, vact_line: 800, hact: 20, hbp: 20, hfp: 20, hblank: 0 |
1276 | [602] [DISPCHECK][LCM] pll_select: 0, pll_div1: 0, pll_div2: 0, fbk_div: 0,fbk_sel: 0, rg_bir: 0 |
1277 | [603] [DISPCHECK][LCM] rg_bic: 0, rg_bp: 0, PLL_CLOCK: 160, dsi_clock: 0, ssc_range: 0, ssc_disable: 0, compatibility_for_nvk: 0, cont_clock: 0 |
1278 | [604] [DISPCHECK][LCM] lcm_ext_te_enable: 0, noncont_clock: 0, noncont_clock_period: 0 |
1279 | [605] [DISP]lcm handle is null, after probe:0x5606a9a0 |
1280 | [606] [DISP]round corner size: 1536000 bytes |
1281 | [606] [DISP]^^ DISP_GetVRamSize: 7340032 bytes |
1282 | [607] mblock[1].start: 0x4c808000, sz: 0x77f8000, limit: 0x100000000, max_addr: 0x0, target: -1, reserved_addr: 0x53900000,reserved_size: 0x700000 |
1283 | [609] mblock_reserve dbg[1]: 1, 1, 1, 1 |
1284 | [609] mblock[3].start: 0x54500000, sz: 0xb00000, limit: 0x100000000, max_addr: 0x54000000, target: 1, reserved_addr: 0x54900000,reserved_size: 0x700000 |
1285 | [611] mblock_reserve dbg[3]: 1, 1, 1, 1 |
1286 | [611] mblock[5].start: 0x5e900000, sz: 0x210c0000, limit: 0x100000000, max_addr: 0x55000000, target: 3, reserved_addr: 0x7f2c0000,reserved_size: 0x700000 |
1287 | [613] mblock_reserve dbg[5]: 1, 1, 1, 1 |
1288 | [613] mblock_reserve [0].start: 0x40000000, sz: 0x8000 |
1289 | [614] mblock_reserve [1].start: 0x4c808000, sz: 0x77f8000 |
1290 | [615] mblock_reserve [2].start: 0x54080000, sz: 0x380000 |
1291 | [615] mblock_reserve [3].start: 0x54500000, sz: 0xb00000 |
1292 | [616] mblock_reserve [4].start: 0x56400000, sz: 0x500000 |
1293 | [617] mblock_reserve [5].start: 0x5e900000, sz: 0x209c0000 |
1294 | [617] mblock_reserve-R[0].start: 0x7ffc0000, sz: 0x40000 map:0 name:atf-log-reserved |
1295 | [618] mblock_reserve-R[1].start: 0x7f9c0000, sz: 0x600000 map:0 name:tee |
1296 | [619] mblock_reserve-R[2].start: 0x54400000, sz: 0x10000 map:0 name:ram_console |
1297 | [620] mblock_reserve-R[3].start: 0x54410000, sz: 0xe0000 map:0 name:pstore |
1298 | [621] mblock_reserve-R[4].start: 0x544f0000, sz: 0x10000 map:0 name:minirdump |
1299 | [621] mblock_reserve-R[5].start: 0x56000000, sz: 0x400000 map:0 name:lk_addr_mb |
1300 | [622] mblock_reserve-R[6].start: 0x56900000, sz: 0x8000000 map:0 name:scratch_addr_mb |
1301 | [623] mblock_reserve-R[7].start: 0x54000000, sz: 0x80000 map:1 name:dtb_kernel_addr_mb |
1302 | [624] mblock_reserve-R[8].start: 0x40008000, sz: 0xc800000 map:0 name:kernel_addr_mb |
1303 | [625] mblock_reserve-R[9].start: 0x55000000, sz: 0x1000000 map:0 name:ramdisk_addr_mb |
1304 | [626] mblock_reserve-R[10].start: 0x7f2c0000, sz: 0x700000 map:0 name:framebuffer |
1305 | [627] FB base = 0x7f2c0000, FB size = 7340032 |
1306 | [628] fb_va: 0x7f2c0000, fb_pa: 0x7f2c0000, fb_pa_k: 0x7f2c0000 |
1307 | [628] mblock[1].start: 0x4c808000, sz: 0x77f8000, limit: 0x80000000, max_addr: 0x0, target: -1, reserved_addr: 0x53000000,reserved_size: 0x1000000 |
1308 | [630] mblock_reserve dbg[1]: 1, 1, 1, 1 |
1309 | [630] mblock[5].start: 0x5e900000, sz: 0x209c0000, limit: 0x80000000, max_addr: 0x54000000, target: 1, reserved_addr: 0x7e2c0000,reserved_size: 0x1000000 |
1310 | [632] mblock_reserve dbg[5]: 1, 1, 1, 1 |
1311 | [633] mblock_reserve [0].start: 0x40000000, sz: 0x8000 |
1312 | [633] mblock_reserve [1].start: 0x4c808000, sz: 0x77f8000 |
1313 | [634] mblock_reserve [2].start: 0x54080000, sz: 0x380000 |
1314 | [634] mblock_reserve [3].start: 0x54500000, sz: 0xb00000 |
1315 | [635] mblock_reserve [4].start: 0x56400000, sz: 0x500000 |
1316 | [636] mblock_reserve [5].start: 0x5e900000, sz: 0x1f9c0000 |
1317 | [636] mblock_reserve-R[0].start: 0x7ffc0000, sz: 0x40000 map:0 name:atf-log-reserved |
1318 | [637] mblock_reserve-R[1].start: 0x7f9c0000, sz: 0x600000 map:0 name:tee |
1319 | [638] mblock_reserve-R[2].start: 0x54400000, sz: 0x10000 map:0 name:ram_console |
1320 | [639] mblock_reserve-R[3].start: 0x54410000, sz: 0xe0000 map:0 name:pstore |
1321 | [640] mblock_reserve-R[4].start: 0x544f0000, sz: 0x10000 map:0 name:minirdump |
1322 | [641] mblock_reserve-R[5].start: 0x56000000, sz: 0x400000 map:0 name:lk_addr_mb |
1323 | [642] mblock_reserve-R[6].start: 0x56900000, sz: 0x8000000 map:0 name:scratch_addr_mb |
1324 | [643] mblock_reserve-R[7].start: 0x54000000, sz: 0x80000 map:1 name:dtb_kernel_addr_mb |
1325 | [643] mblock_reserve-R[8].start: 0x40008000, sz: 0xc800000 map:0 name:kernel_addr_mb |
1326 | [644] mblock_reserve-R[9].start: 0x55000000, sz: 0x1000000 map:0 name:ramdisk_addr_mb |
1327 | [645] mblock_reserve-R[10].start: 0x7f2c0000, sz: 0x700000 map:0 name:framebuffer |
1328 | [646] mblock_reserve-R[11].start: 0x7e2c0000, sz: 0x1000000 map:0 name:logo_db_addr_pa |
1329 | [647] [DISP]func|primary_display_init |
1330 | [LK_ENV]get_env DFO |
1331 | [648] [DISP]env buffer = <null> |
1332 | [648] [DISP]env buffer = NULL |
1333 | [649] [DISP]LCM_FAKE_WIDTH = [DEC]0 [HEX]0x00000000 |
1334 | [649] [DISP]LCM_FAKE_HEIGHT = [DEC]0 [HEX]0x00000000 |
1335 | [650] [DISP]LCM Resolution will be changed, original: 480x800, now: 0x0 |
1336 | [651] [DISP]ERROR:Invalid resolution: 0x0 |
1337 | [651] [DISP]ERROR:[DISP_DFO]WARNING!!! Change LCM Resolution FAILED!!! |
1338 | [652] [DISPCHECK]disp_lcm_probe SUCCESS |
1339 | [652] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_get_params |
1340 | [653] [DISP]func|_build_path_direct_link |
1341 | [653] [DISPCHECK]dpmgr create path SUCCESS(0x5606a1c8) |
1342 | [654] [DISPCHECK]dpmgr set dst module FINISHED(dsi0 ) |
1343 | [654] [DISPCHECK]primary display is DIRECT LINK MODE |
1344 | [655] [DISPCHECK]primary display BUILD cmdq trigger loop finished |
1345 | [656] [DISPCHECK]primary display START cmdq trigger loop finished |
1346 | [656] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_is_video_mode |
1347 | [657] [DISP]func|ddp_dsi_init |
1348 | [657] [DISPCHECK]dsi0 init finished |
1349 | [658] [DISP]func|ddp_dsi_config |
1351 | [659] [DISPCHECK][DDPDSI] LANE_NUM: 2,data_format: 2,vertical_sync_active: 4 |
1352 | [659] [DISPCHECK][DDPDSI] vact: 4, vbp: 8, vfp: 12, vact_line: 800, hact: 20, hbp: 20, hfp: 20, hblank: 0 |
1353 | [661] [DISPCHECK][DDPDSI] pll_select: 0, pll_div1: 0, pll_div2: 0, fbk_div: 0,fbk_sel: 0, rg_bir: 0 |
1354 | [662] [DISPCHECK][DDPDSI] rg_bic: 0, rg_bp: 0, PLL_CLOCK: 160, dsi_clock: 0, ssc_range: 0, ssc_disable: 0, compatibility_for_nvk: 0, cont_clock: 0 |
1355 | [663] [DISPCHECK][DDPDSI] lcm_ext_te_enable: 0, noncont_clock: 0, noncont_clock_period: 0 |
1356 | [684] [DISP][dsi_drv.c] PLL config:data_rate=320,txdiv=2,pcw=825955249,delta1=5,pdelta1=0x5d1 |
1357 | [687] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_init |
1358 | [LK/LCM] lcm_init() enter |
1359 | [718] [DISP]DSI_force_update |
1360 | [718] [DISP]DSI_force_update |
1361 | [719] [DISP]DSI_force_update |
1362 | [720] [DISP]DSI_force_update |
1363 | [722] [DISP]DSI_force_update |
1364 | [722] [DISP]DSI_force_update |
1365 | [722] [DISP]dsi0 is 1 busy |
1366 | [724] [DISP]DSI_force_update |
1367 | [724] [DISP]DSI_force_update |
1368 | [725] [DISP]DSI_force_update |
1369 | [725] [DISP]DSI_force_update |
1370 | [725] [DISP]DSI_force_update |
1371 | [726] [DISP]DSI_force_update |
1372 | [727] [DISP]dsi0 is 0 idle |
1373 | [728] [DISP]DSI_force_update |
1374 | [729] [DISP]DSI_force_update |
1375 | [730] [DISP]DSI_force_update |
1376 | [732] [DISP]DSI_force_update |
1377 | [733] [DISP]DSI_force_update |
1378 | [735] [DISP]DSI_force_update |
1379 | [736] [DISP]DSI_force_update |
1380 | [736] [DISP]dsi0 is 0 idle |
1381 | [857] [DISP]DSI_force_update |
1382 | [867] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_is_video_mode |
1383 | [868] [DISP]primary_display_init done |
1384 | [870] [DISP]func|primary_display_config_input |
1385 | [870] [DISP]func|ddp_dsi_config |
1386 | [870] [DISP]func|primary_display_config_input |
1387 | [871] [DISP]func|ddp_dsi_config |
1388 | [871] [DISP]func|primary_display_config_input |
1389 | [872] [DISP]func|ddp_dsi_config |
1390 | [872] [lk logo: mt_disp_fill_rect 265] |
1391 | [873] [lk logo: init_fb_screen 59] |
1392 | [873] mt_get_logo_db_addr: 0x7e2c0000 |
1393 | [874] [lk logo: init_fb_screen 77]MTK_LCM_PHYSICAL_ROTATION = 270 |
1394 | [874] [lk logo: sync_anim_version 42] |
1395 | [875] [lk logo: init_fb_screen 100]pinfo[0]=0xffffffff, pinfo[1]=0xffffffff, pinfo[2]=-1 |
1396 | [876] [lk logo: init_fb_screen 102]define ANIMATION_NEW:show new animation with capacity num |
1397 | [877] [lk logo: init_fb_screen 103]CAPACITY_LEFT =172, CAPACITY_TOP =330 |
1398 | [878] [lk logo: init_fb_screen 104]LCM_HEIGHT=307, LCM_WIDTH=546 |
1399 | [878] [show_logo_common: fill_rect_with_color_by_32bit 388] |
1400 | [894] fb dump: 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000 |
1401 | [895] [DISP]func|primary_display_trigger |
1402 | [895] [DISPCHECK]trigger mode: DIRECT_LINK |
1403 | [896] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_is_video_mode |
1404 | [896] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_is_video_mode |
1405 | [897] s_mt65xx_gd.gdfIndex=3[897] mt_get_logo_db_addr_pa: 0x7e2c0000 |
1406 | [898] [PART_LK][get_part] logo |
1407 | [898] [PART_LK][get_part] logo |
1408 | [898] |
1409 | ========================================= |
1410 | [899] [LK_BOOT] logo magic number : 0x58881688 |
1411 | [899] [LK_BOOT] logo name : logo |
1412 | [900] [LK_BOOT] logo size : 391834 |
1413 | [900] ========================================= |
1414 | kedump mini start |
1415 | kedump: current time: [2020/4/6 0:0:4] |
1416 | kedump: ddr reserve mode disabled |
1417 | kedump: ddr reserve mode failed |
1418 | [906] Do not support atf-ramdump-memory, atf_ramdump_addr=0x0!M-}h^UQ^YuM-!0)[5.934769]INFO: LK Dump |
1419 | [ATF](0)[5.935203]INFO: - Buf addr:0x7ffd8000 buf size:131072 flag addr:0x7ffc002c flag:0x41544641 |
1420 | [908] ATF: LAST BUFF |
1421 | [908] atf_log_buf_addr:0x7ffd8000, atf_log_buf_size:131072, atf_crash_flag addr:0x7ffc002c, atf_log_type:0x41544641 |
1422 | [910] plat_atf_log_get:0x56030695, plat_atf_crash_get:0x0 |
1423 | kedump: lkdump debug not ready |
1424 | kedump: boot_reason(1) |
1425 | RAM_CONSOLE. boot_arg(PL2LK): sram_addr:0x10d000, sram_size:0x800, def_type:0x2, memory_info_offset:0xac0 |
1426 | RAM_CONSOLE. start: 0x54400000, size: 0x10000 |
1427 | RAM_CONSOLE. lk last status: 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 |
1428 | RAM_CONSOLE. wdt_status 0x0, fiq_step 0x0, exp_type 0x0 |
1429 | RAM_CONSOLE. set reboot reason info done |
1430 | kedump: partiton 12[6340000 - 700000] |
1431 | kedump: found content in expdb |
1432 | kedump: read KEDUMP_CRC from offset 0x11200 size 0x8 |
1433 | kedump: read SYS_RAMCONSOLE_RAW from offset 0x1200 size 0x10000 |
1434 | kedump: crc = 0x1295ce38 |
1435 | kedump: ram_console_should_restore |
1436 | RAM_CONSOLE. wdt_status 0x5, fiq_step 0x0, exp_type 0x6 |
1437 | RAM_CONSOLE. set reboot reason info done |
1438 | [922] detecting pmic just reset |
1439 | [922] [PART_LK][get_part] para |
1440 | [924] [LK_BOOT] Load 'para' partition to 0x560A6948 (6144 bytes in 2 ms) |
1441 | [924] MT65XX_FACTORY_KEY 0x5 |
1442 | [925] MT65XX_BOOT_MENU_KEY 0x0 |
1443 | [925] MT65XX_RECOVERY_KEY 0x0 |
1444 | [925] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1445 | [926] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1446 | [926] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1447 | [927] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1448 | [927] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1449 | [928] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1450 | [928] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1451 | [928] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1452 | [929] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1453 | [929] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1454 | [930] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1455 | [930] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1456 | [931] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1457 | [931] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1458 | [931] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1459 | [932] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1460 | [932] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1461 | [933] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1462 | [933] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1463 | [934] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1464 | [934] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1465 | [934] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1466 | [935] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1467 | [935] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1468 | [936] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1469 | [936] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1470 | [937] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1471 | [937] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1472 | [937] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1473 | [938] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1474 | [938] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1475 | [939] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1476 | [939] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1477 | [940] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1478 | [940] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1479 | [941] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1480 | [941] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1481 | [941] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1482 | [942] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1483 | [942] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1484 | [943] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1485 | [943] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1486 | [944] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1487 | [944] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1488 | [944] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1489 | [945] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1490 | [945] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1491 | [946] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1492 | [946] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1493 | [947] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1494 | [947] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1495 | [947] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1496 | [948] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1497 | [948] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1498 | [949] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1499 | [949] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1500 | [950] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1501 | [950] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1502 | [950] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1503 | [951] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1504 | [951] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1505 | [952] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1506 | [952] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1507 | [953] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1508 | [953] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1509 | [953] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1510 | [954] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1511 | [954] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1512 | [955] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1513 | [955] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1514 | [956] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1515 | [956] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1516 | [956] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1517 | [957] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1518 | [957] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1519 | [958] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1520 | [958] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1521 | [959] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1522 | [959] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1523 | [959] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1524 | [960] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1525 | [960] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1526 | [961] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1527 | [961] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1528 | [962] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1529 | [962] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1530 | [962] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1531 | [963] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1532 | [963] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1533 | [964] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1534 | [964] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1535 | [965] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1536 | [965] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1537 | [965] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1538 | [966] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1539 | [966] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1540 | [967] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1541 | [967] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1542 | [968] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1543 | [968] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1544 | [969] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1545 | [969] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1546 | [969] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1547 | [970] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1548 | [970] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1549 | [971] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1550 | [971] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1551 | [972] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1552 | [972] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1553 | [972] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1554 | [973] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1555 | [973] mtk detect key function key = 5 |
1556 | [SBC] sec_fun_init |
1557 | [983] [SBC] Enter img auth check |
1558 | [983] [SEC_POLICY] sboot_state = 0x1 |
1559 | [983] [SEC_POLICY] lock_state = 0x3 |
1560 | [984] [SBC] Enter img auth check |
1561 | [984] [SEC_POLICY] reached the end, use default policy |
1562 | [985] [SEC_POLICY] sboot_state = 0x1 |
1563 | [985] [SEC_POLICY] lock_state = 0x3 |
1564 | [986] [BATTERY] Skip mt65xx_bat_init !! |
1565 | [986] [BATTERY] If you want to enable power off charging, |
1566 | [987] [BATTERY] Please #define CFG_POWER_CHARGING!! |
1567 | [987] [lk logo: mt_disp_show_boot_logo 135] |
1568 | [988] [lk logo: init_fb_screen 59] |
1569 | [988] mt_get_logo_db_addr: 0x7e2c0000 |
1570 | [989] [lk logo: init_fb_screen 77]MTK_LCM_PHYSICAL_ROTATION = 270 |
1571 | [989] [lk logo: sync_anim_version 42] |
1572 | [990] [lk logo: init_fb_screen 100]pinfo[0]=0x0000002a, pinfo[1]=0x0005fa9a, pinfo[2]=176 |
1573 | [991] [lk logo: init_fb_screen 102]define ANIMATION_NEW:show new animation with capacity num |
1574 | [992] [lk logo: init_fb_screen 103]CAPACITY_LEFT =172, CAPACITY_TOP =330 |
1575 | [993] [lk logo: init_fb_screen 104]LCM_HEIGHT=307, LCM_WIDTH=546 |
1576 | [993] mt_get_tempfb_addr: 0x7f5ae000 |
1577 | [994] [show_animation_common: check_logo_index_valid 83]logonum =42, index =0 |
1578 | [995] show_animation_common, in_addr=0x7e2c00b0, logolen=2342 |
1579 | [995] [decompress_logo decompress_logo 48]in=0x7e2c00b0, out=0x7f5ae000, inlen=2342, logolen=1536000 |
1580 | [1004] [decompress_logo decompress_logo 97]have=1536000 |
1581 | [1005] [show_animation_common: fill_animation_logo 136]bits = 32 |
1582 | [1006] [show_logo_common: fill_rect_with_content 474] |
1583 | [1006] [show_logo_common: fill_rect_with_content_by_32bit_argb8888 149] |
1584 | [1018] [show_logo_common: fill_rect_with_content_by_32bit_argb8888 213] |
1585 | [1019] fb dump: 0xff000000, 0xff000000, 0xff000000, 0xff000000 |
1586 | [1020] [DISP]func|primary_display_trigger |
1587 | [1020] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_is_video_mode |
1588 | [1021] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_is_video_mode |
1589 | [1021] [LEDS]LK: mt65xx_backlight_on:level = 255 |
1590 | [1022] [LEDS]LK: lcd-backlight level is 255 |
1591 | [1022] cust->mode is 6 |
1592 | [1022] cust->mode E cust_data= 0x56010465; level =255 |
1593 | [1023] [LEDS]LK: mt65xx_leds_brightness_set is done |
1594 | [1024] fb dump: 0xff000000, 0xff000000, 0xff000000, 0xff000000 |
1595 | [1024] [DISP]func|primary_display_trigger |
1596 | [1025] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_is_video_mode |
1597 | [1025] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_is_video_mode |
1598 | [LK_ENV]get_env MTK_DEVICE_ID |
1599 | [1026] [PART_LK][get_part] proinfo |
1600 | [1027] [LK_BOOT] Load 'proinfo' partition to 0x5608E974 (19 bytes in 0 ms) |
1601 | [1028] mblock[1].start: 0x4c808000, sz: 0x77f8000, limit: 0xc0000000, max_addr: 0x0, target: -1, reserved_addr: 0x4dc00000,reserved_size: 0x6400000 |
1602 | [1029] mblock_reserve dbg[1]: 1, 1, 1, 1 |
1603 | [1030] mblock[5].start: 0x5e900000, sz: 0x1f9c0000, limit: 0xc0000000, max_addr: 0x54000000, target: 1, reserved_addr: 0x77ec0000,reserved_size: 0x6400000 |
1604 | [1031] mblock_reserve dbg[5]: 1, 1, 1, 1 |
1605 | [1032] mblock_reserve [0].start: 0x40000000, sz: 0x8000 |
1606 | [1033] mblock_reserve [1].start: 0x4c808000, sz: 0x77f8000 |
1607 | [1033] mblock_reserve [2].start: 0x54080000, sz: 0x380000 |
1608 | [1034] mblock_reserve [3].start: 0x54500000, sz: 0xb00000 |
1609 | [1034] mblock_reserve [4].start: 0x56400000, sz: 0x500000 |
1610 | [1035] mblock_reserve [5].start: 0x5e900000, sz: 0x195c0000 |
1611 | [1036] mblock_reserve-R[0].start: 0x7ffc0000, sz: 0x40000 map:0 name:atf-log-reserved |
1612 | [1037] mblock_reserve-R[1].start: 0x7f9c0000, sz: 0x600000 map:0 name:tee |
1613 | [1038] mblock_reserve-R[2].start: 0x54400000, sz: 0x10000 map:0 name:ram_console |
1614 | [1038] mblock_reserve-R[3].start: 0x54410000, sz: 0xe0000 map:0 name:pstore |
1615 | [1039] mblock_reserve-R[4].start: 0x544f0000, sz: 0x10000 map:0 name:minirdump |
1616 | [1040] mblock_reserve-R[5].start: 0x56000000, sz: 0x400000 map:0 name:lk_addr_mb |
1617 | [1041] mblock_reserve-R[6].start: 0x56900000, sz: 0x8000000 map:0 name:scratch_addr_mb |
1618 | [1042] mblock_reserve-R[7].start: 0x54000000, sz: 0x80000 map:1 name:dtb_kernel_addr_mb |
1619 | [1043] mblock_reserve-R[8].start: 0x40008000, sz: 0xc800000 map:0 name:kernel_addr_mb |
1620 | [1044] mblock_reserve-R[9].start: 0x55000000, sz: 0x1000000 map:0 name:ramdisk_addr_mb |
1621 | [1045] mblock_reserve-R[10].start: 0x7f2c0000, sz: 0x700000 map:0 name:framebuffer |
1622 | [1046] mblock_reserve-R[11].start: 0x7e2c0000, sz: 0x1000000 map:0 name:logo_db_addr_pa |
1623 | [1047] mblock_reserve-R[12].start: 0x77ec0000, sz: 0x6400000 map:0 name:avb |
1624 | [1048] [SEC_POLICY] sboot_state = 0x1 |
1625 | [1048] [SEC_POLICY] lock_state = 0x3 |
1626 | [1048] [avb] img_auth_required = 0 |
1627 | [1059] invalid pubk size |
1628 | [1059] avb_slot_verify.c[1060] :[1060] 814[1060] : ERROR: [1060] vbmeta[1060] : Public key used to sign data rejected. |
1629 | [1171] [avb] cmdline = |
1630 | [1171] [SEC_POLICY] sboot_state = 0x1 |
1631 | [1172] [SEC_POLICY] lock_state = 0x3 |
1632 | [1172] [avb] img_auth_required = 0 |
1633 | [1172] [avb] boot/recovery vfy time = 144 ms |
1634 | [1173] mblock_create mblock start 77ec0000 size: 6400000 |
1635 | [1174] [avb] avb_ret = 0 |
1636 | [1174] [avb] ret = 0 |
1637 | [1174] boot state: orange |
1638 | [1175] fb dump: 0xff000000, 0xff000000, 0xff000000, 0xff000000 |
1639 | [1176] [DISP]func|primary_display_trigger |
1640 | [1176] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_is_video_mode |
1641 | [1177] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_is_video_mode |
1642 | [1177] fb dump: 0xff000000, 0xff000000, 0xff000000, 0xff000000 |
1643 | [1178] [DISP]func|primary_display_trigger |
1644 | [1178] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_is_video_mode |
1645 | [1179] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_is_video_mode |
1646 | [1179] fb dump: 0xff000000, 0xff000000, 0xff000000, 0xff000000 |
1647 | [1180] [DISP]func|primary_display_trigger |
1648 | [1181] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_is_video_mode |
1649 | [1181] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_is_video_mode |
1650 | [1182] fb dump: 0xff000000, 0xff000000, 0xff000000, 0xff000000 |
1651 | [1183] [DISP]func|primary_display_trigger |
1652 | [1183] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_is_video_mode |
1653 | [1184] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_is_video_mode |
1654 | [6184] [PROFILE] ::: lvl(1) load boot image takes 5156 ms |
1655 | [6185] bootargs has been initialized |
1656 | [6186] fail to send root of trust info. : 0xffffffff |
1657 | [6191] model=MT8167S |
1658 | [6191] efuse set max_clk_freq=1481000000 |
1659 | [6192] cluster-0: 4 core |
1660 | [6192] [ccci] using default loading method |
1661 | [6193] [ccci-off] later power down not needed or not ready! |
1662 | [6193] [ccci-off] later power down not needed or not ready! |
1663 | [6194] [PROFILE] ::: lvl(1) load modem image takes 2 ms |
1664 | [6195] PASS memory DTS node |
1665 | [6195] LASTPC[0][0] = d641b37f |
1666 | [6195] LASTPC[0][1] = 831bb14c |
1667 | [6196] LASTPC[0][2] = 7e208748 |
1668 | [6196] LASTPC[0][3] = 5cc44f35 |
1669 | [6197] LASTPC[0][4] = 414f8dd7 |
1670 | [6197] LASTPC[0][5] = 349b7d5b |
1671 | [6197] LASTPC[0][6] = 95b16153 |
1672 | [6198] LASTPC[0][7] = 8fb19cde |
1673 | [6198] LASTPC[1][0] = 0 |
1674 | [6198] LASTPC[1][1] = 0 |
1675 | [6199] LASTPC[1][2] = 0 |
1676 | [6199] LASTPC[1][3] = 0 |
1677 | [6199] LASTPC[1][4] = 0 |
1678 | [6199] LASTPC[1][5] = 0 |
1679 | [6200] LASTPC[1][6] = 0 |
1680 | [6200] LASTPC[1][7] = 0 |
1681 | [6200] LASTPC[2][0] = 0 |
1682 | [6200] LASTPC[2][1] = 0 |
1683 | [6201] LASTPC[2][2] = 0 |
1684 | [6201] LASTPC[2][3] = 0 |
1685 | [6201] LASTPC[2][4] = 0 |
1686 | [6202] LASTPC[2][5] = 0 |
1687 | [6202] LASTPC[2][6] = 0 |
1688 | [6202] LASTPC[2][7] = 0 |
1689 | [6202] LASTPC[3][0] = 0 |
1690 | [6203] LASTPC[3][1] = 0 |
1691 | [6203] LASTPC[3][2] = 0 |
1692 | [6203] LASTPC[3][3] = 0 |
1693 | [6204] LASTPC[3][4] = 0 |
1694 | [6204] LASTPC[3][5] = 0 |
1695 | [6204] LASTPC[3][6] = 0 |
1696 | [6204] LASTPC[3][7] = 0 |
1697 | [6206] Storage type :1 |
1698 | [6207] fg_swocv_v buf [0], [0x5608e0f8:0x5608e0f9:1] |
1699 | [6208] fg_swocv_i buf [0], [0x5608e0f8:0x5608e0f9:1] |
1700 | [6209] shutdown_time buf [0], [0x5608e0f8:0x5608e0f9:1] |
1701 | RAM_CONSOLE. [0x10d000,0x800,0x2,0xac0] |
1702 | RAM_CONSOLE. log_store [0x10db00,0x100] |
1703 | [6211] boot_voltage buf [0], [0x5608e0f8:0x5608e0f9:1] |
1704 | [6212] boot_voltage buf [0], [0x5608e0f8:0x5608e0f9:1] |
1705 | [6213] Not Support VCORE DVFS |
1706 | [6213] [DISP]func|disp_lcm_get_name |
1707 | [6253] mt_disp_get_lcd_time, fps=5588 |
1708 | [6253] videolfb - fb_base = 0x7f2c0000 |
1709 | [6254] videolfb - islcmfound = 1 |
1710 | [6325] mt_disp_get_lcd_time, fps=5573 |
1711 | [6325] videolfb - fps = 5573 |
1712 | [6326] videolfb - vram = 7340032 |
1713 | [6326] videolfb - lcmname = jd9161z_wvga_dsi_vdo_ctc |
1714 | [6327] [ccci] modem mem arguments info using default |
1715 | [6328] PTP_INFO Only support in MT6795 |
1716 | start dump lk masp atag |
1717 | dump sw sbc:11, sw sdl:11 , hw sbc: 1 |
1718 | dump lock_state, 0 |
1719 | dump rid, c0e3d309, 2ec06b55, 18f16bdb, 8a3b9e23 |
1720 | [6330] create masp atag OK |
1721 | [6330] tee_reserved_mem not supported |
1722 | [6331] [LK] non_secure_sram (0x10d000, 0x4000) |
1723 | [6331] [PROFILE] ::: lvl(0) 1st logo takes 0 ms |
1724 | [6332] [PROFILE] ::: lvl(0) boot_time takes 6331 ms |
1725 | [LK_ENV]get_env hibboot |
1726 | [LK_ENV]get_env resume |
1727 | [6333] resume = NULL |
1728 | [6333] MT-RAMDUMP: DDR reserve mode not ready, skipped (0x0) |
1729 | [6335] mrdump_key_fdt:mediatek, mrdump_ext_rst-eint not found |
1730 | [6337] mblock_create mblock start 54000000 size: 80000 |
1731 | [6337] mblock_candidate_right->size = 380000 mblock_candidate_left->size = 77f8000 |
1732 | [6338] mblock_create mblock start 40008000 size: c800000 |
1733 | [6339] mblock_candidate_right->size = 7878000 mblock_candidate_left->size = 8000 |
1734 | [6340] mblock_create mblock start 55000000 size: 1000000 |
1735 | [6340] mblock_create mblock start 56000000 size: 400000 |
1736 | [6341] mblock_candidate_right->size = 500000 mblock_candidate_left->size = 1b00000 |
1737 | [6342] mblock_create mblock start 56900000 size: 8000000 |
1738 | [6343] mblock_candidate_right->size = 1f9c0000 mblock_candidate_left->size = 500000 |
1739 | [6344] mblock_create mblock start 7e2c0000 size: 1000000 |
1740 | [6349] booting linux @ 0x40008000, ramdisk @ 0x55000000 (993048) |
1741 | [6349] [LEDS]LK: leds_deinit: LEDS off |
1742 | [6350] [LEDS]LK: red level is 0 |
1743 | [6350] cust->mode is 0 |
1744 | [6351] cust->mode F |
1745 | [6351] [LEDS]LK: green level is 0 |
1746 | [6351] cust->mode is 0 |
1747 | [6351] cust->mode F |
1748 | [6352] [LEDS]LK: blue level is 0 |
1749 | [6352] cust->mode is 0 |
1750 | [6352] cust->mode F |
1751 | [6353] DRAM Rank :1 |
1752 | [6353] DRAM Rank[0] Start = 0x40000000, Size = 0x14400000 |
1753 | [6354] mblock_magic:0x99999999 mblock_version:0x2 |
1754 | [6354] mblock[0].start: 0x40000000, size: 0x8000 |
1755 | [6355] mblock[1].start: 0x40008000, size: 0x14078000 |
1756 | [6356] mblock[2].start: 0x54080000, size: 0x380000 |
1757 | [6356] mblock[3].start: 0x54500000, size: 0x1f00000 |
1758 | [6357] mblock[4].start: 0x56400000, size: 0x500000 |
1759 | [6357] mblock[5].start: 0x56900000, size: 0x289c0000 |
1760 | [6358] mblock[0].start: 0x7ffc0000, size: 0x40000 map:0 name:atf-log-reserved |
1761 | [6359] mblock[1].start: 0x7f9c0000, size: 0x600000 map:0 name:tee |
1762 | [6360] mblock[2].start: 0x54400000, size: 0x10000 map:0 name:ram_console |
1763 | [6361] mblock[3].start: 0x54410000, size: 0xe0000 map:0 name:pstore |
1764 | [6362] mblock[4].start: 0x544f0000, size: 0x10000 map:0 name:minirdump |
1765 | [6362] mblock[5].start: 0x7f2c0000, size: 0x700000 map:0 name:framebuffer |
1766 | [6364] [cmdline clear] clear str size=35 |
1767 | [6365] g_cmdline size: 591 |
1768 | [6365] cmdline: console=tty0 console=ttyS0,921600n1 earlycon=uart8250,mmio32,0x11005000 vmalloc=496M androidboot.hardware=mt8167 firmware_class |
1769 | [6367] : .path=/vendor/firmware loop.max_part=7 androidboot.boot_devices=bootdevice,soc/11120000.mmc root=/dev/ram androidboot.verified |
1770 | [6368] : bootstate=orange bootopt=64S3,32N2,32N2 buildvariant=user androidboot.atm=disabled androidboot.meta_log_disable=0 printk.disabl |
1771 | [6370] : e_uart=1 bootprof.pl_t=4241 bootprof.lk_t=6331 androidboot.serialno=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx androidboot.mi.serialno=29433/A0W503136 andr |
1772 | [6372] : oidboot.bootreason=usb mrdump_ddrsv=no androidboot.dtb_idx=0 androidboot.dtbo_idx=0 |
1773 | [6373] lk boot time = 6331 ms |
1774 | [6373] lk boot mode = 0 |
1775 | [6374] lk boot reason = 1 |
1776 | [6374] lk finished --> jump to linux kernel 32Bit |
1777 | |
1778 | [ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]Booting Linux on physical CPU 0x0 |
1779 | [ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]Linux version 4.14.141+ (jenkins@426209232df2) (gcc version 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease) (GCC)) #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Dec 14 13:16:21 UTC 2021 |
1780 | [ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]CPU: ARMv7 Processor [410fd041] revision 1 (ARMv7), cr=50c5383d |
1781 | [ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]CPU: div instructions available: patching division code |
1782 | [ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]CPU: PIPT / VIPT nonaliasing data cache, VIPT aliasing instruction cache |
1783 | [ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]OF: fdt: Machine model: MT8167S |
1784 | [ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]earlycon: uart8250 at MMIO32 0x11005000 (options '') |
1785 | [ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]bootconsole [uart8250] enabled |
1786 | [ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]Memory policy: Data cache writealloc |
1787 | [ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper][memblock]mediatek,ram_console: 0x54400000 - 0x54410000 (0x10000) |
1788 | [ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]OF: reserved mem: initialized node mblock-3-ram_console, compatible id mediatek,ram_console |
1789 | [ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper][memblock]mediatek,pstore: 0x54410000 - 0x544f0000 (0xe0000) |
1790 | [ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]OF: reserved mem: initialized node mblock-4-pstore, compatible id mediatek,pstore |
1791 | [ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper][memblock]mediatek,minirdump: 0x544f0000 - 0x54500000 (0x10000) |
1792 | [ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]OF: reserved mem: initialized node mblock-5-minirdump, compatible id mediatek,minirdump |
1793 | [ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]OF: reserved mem: initialized node mblock-1-atf-log-reserved, compatible id mediatek,atf-log-reserved |
1794 | [ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]psci: probing for conduit method from DT. |
1795 | [ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]psci: PSCIv1.0 detected in firmware. |
1796 | [ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]psci: Using standard PSCI v0.2 function IDs |
1797 | [ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]psci: Trusted OS migration not required |
1798 | [ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]psci: SMC Calling Convention v1.0 |
1799 | [ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]random: get_random_bytes called from start_kernel+0x8b/0x388 with crng_init=0 |
1800 | [ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]percpu: Embedded 18 pages/cpu s44556 r8192 d20980 u73728 |
1801 | [ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]Built 1 zonelists, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 257278 |
1802 | [ 0.000000] <0>-(0)[0:swapper]Kernel command line: console=tty0 console=ttyS0,921600n1 earlycon=uart8250,mmio32,0x11005000 vmalloc=496M androidboot.hardware=mt8167 firmware_class.path=/vendor/firmware loop.max_part=7 androidboot.boot_devices=bootdevice,soc/11120000.mmc root=/dev/ram androidboot.verifiedbootstate=orange bootopt=64S3,32N2,32N2 buildvariant=user androidboot.atm=disabled androidboot.meta_log_disable=0 printk.disable_uart=1 bootprof.pl_t=4241 bootprof.lk_t=6331 androidboot.serialno=29433A0W503136 androidboot.mi.serialno=29433/A0W503136 androidboot.bootreason=usb mrdump_ddrsv=no androidboot.dtb_idx=0 androidboot.dtbo_idx=0 |
1803 | [ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper]PID hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes) |
1804 | [ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper]Dentry cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes) |
1805 | [ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper]Inode-cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes) |
1806 | [ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper]Memory: 1003868K/1033792K available (9216K kernel code, 958K rwdata, 3216K rodata, 1024K init, 3647K bss, 29924K reserved, 0K cma-reserved, 502528K highmem) |
1807 | [ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper]Virtual kernel memory layout: |
1808 | [ 0.000000] vector : 0xffff0000 - 0xffff1000 ( 4 kB) |
1809 | [ 0.000000] fixmap : 0xffc00000 - 0xfff00000 (3072 kB) |
1810 | [ 0.000000] vmalloc : 0xe1000000 - 0xff800000 ( 488 MB) |
1811 | [ 0.000000] lowmem : 0xc0000000 - 0xe0800000 ( 520 MB) |
1812 | [ 0.000000] pkmap : 0xbfe00000 - 0xc0000000 ( 2 MB) |
1813 | [ 0.000000] modules : 0xbf800000 - 0xbfe00000 ( 6 MB) |
1814 | [ 0.000000] .text : 0x(ptrval) - 0x(ptrval) (10208 kB) |
1815 | [ 0.000000] .init : 0x(ptrval) - 0x(ptrval) (1024 kB) |
1816 | [ 0.000000] .data : 0x(ptrval) - 0x(ptrval) ( 959 kB) |
1817 | [ 0.000000] .bss : 0x(ptrval) - 0x(ptrval) (3648 kB) |
1818 | [ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper]SLUB: HWalign=64, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=4, Nodes=1 |
1819 | [ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper] |
1820 | [ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper]********************************************************** |
1821 | [ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper]** NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE ** |
1822 | [ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper]** ** |
1823 | [ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper]** trace_printk() being used. Allocating extra memory. ** |
1824 | [ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper]** ** |
1825 | [ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper]** This means that this is a DEBUG kernel and it is ** |
1826 | [ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper]** unsafe for production use. ** |
1827 | [ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper]** ** |
1828 | [ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper]** If you see this message and you are not debugging ** |
1829 | [ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper]** the kernel, report this immediately to your vendor! ** |
1830 | [ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper]** ** |
1831 | [ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper]** NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE ** |
1832 | [ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper]********************************************************** |
1833 | [ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper/0]sched-energy: CPU device node has no sched-energy-costs |
1834 | [ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper/0]Preemptible hierarchical RCU implementation. |
1835 | [ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper/0] Tasks RCU enabled. |
1836 | [ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper/0]NR_IRQS: 16, nr_irqs: 16, preallocated irqs: 16 |
1837 | [ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper/0]arch_timer: cp15 timer(s) running at 13.00MHz (virt). |
1838 | [ 0.000000] -(0)[0:swapper/0]clocksource: arch_sys_counter: mask: 0xffffffffffffff max_cycles: 0x2ff89eacb, max_idle_ns: 440795202429 ns |
1839 | [ 0.000003] -(0)[0:swapper/0]sched_clock: 56 bits at 13MHz, resolution 76ns, wraps every 4398046511101ns |
1840 | [ 0.001234] -(0)[0:swapper/0]Switching to timer-based delay loop, resolution 76ns |
1841 | [ 0.002275] -(0)[0:swapper/0]clocksource: timer: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 147020034397 ns |
1842 | [ 0.004046] (0)[0:swapper/0]ram_console:[DT] 0x800@0x10d000, 0x2(0xac0) |
1843 | [ 0.004922] (0)[0:swapper/0]ram_console: [DT] 0xe0000@0x54410000-0x10000@0x544f0000 |
1844 | [ 0.005927] (0)[0:swapper/0]ram_console: using dram:0x54400000 |
1845 | [ 0.006700] (0)[0:swapper/0]ram_console: buffer start: 0xe1024000, size: 0x10000 |
1846 | [ 0.007921] (0)[0:swapper/0]pmic & external buck: 0xff |
1847 | [ 0.008600] (0)[0:swapper/0]ram_console: CPU notifier status: 0, 0, 0x0, 0 |
1848 | [ 0.009503] (0)[0:swapper/0]ram_console: CPU HPS footprint: 0, 0x0, 0, 0 |
1849 | [ 0.010382] (0)[0:swapper/0]ram_console: last init function: 0xffffffff |
1850 | [ 0.011411] (0)[0:swapper/0]Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 26.08 BogoMIPS (lpj=43333) |
1851 | [ 0.012934] (0)[0:swapper/0]pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301 |
1852 | [ 0.013789] (0)[0:swapper/0]Security Framework initialized |
1853 | [ 0.014515] (0)[0:swapper/0]SELinux: Initializing. |
1854 | [ 0.015213] (0)[0:swapper/0]Mount-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes) |
1855 | [ 0.016263] (0)[0:swapper/0]Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes) |
1856 | [ 0.017737] (0)[0:swapper/0]CPU: Testing write buffer coherency: ok |
1857 | [ 0.018691] -(0)[0:swapper/0]init_heavy_tlb start. |
1858 | [ 0.018699] -(0)[0:swapper/0]init_heavy_tlb: cpu=0 thresh_l=2147483647 thresh_h=358 max_capaicy=1024 |
1859 | [ 0.018704] -(0)[0:swapper/0]init_heavy_tlb: cpu=1 thresh_l=2147483647 thresh_h=358 max_capaicy=1024 |
1860 | [ 0.018708] -(0)[0:swapper/0]init_heavy_tlb: cpu=2 thresh_l=2147483647 thresh_h=358 max_capaicy=1024 |
1861 | [ 0.018712] -(0)[0:swapper/0]init_heavy_tlb: cpu=3 thresh_l=2147483647 thresh_h=358 max_capaicy=1024 |
1862 | [ 0.018773] (0)[1:swapper/0]parse_dt_topology |
1863 | [ 0.024773] (0)[1:swapper/0]CPU0: thread -1, cpu 0, socket 0 |
1864 | [ 0.036353] (0)[1:swapper/0]Setting up static identity map for 0x40100000 - 0x40100054 |
1865 | [ 0.043018] (0)[1:swapper/0]Hierarchical SRCU implementation. |
1866 | [ 0.049878] (0)[1:swapper/0]tag_devinfo_data size:100, HRID size:2 |
1867 | [ 0.050693] (0)[1:swapper/0][devinfo][SegCode] Segment Code=0x0 |
1868 | [ 0.051475] (0)[1:swapper/0]BOOTPROF: 51.472999: ON |
1869 | [ 0.052216] (0)[1:swapper/0][BOOT_REASON] 'boot_reason=' is not found |
1870 | [ 0.059768] (0)[1:swapper/0]smp: Bringing up secondary CPUs ... |
1871 | [ 0.083933] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: thread -1, cpu 1, socket 0 |
1872 | [ 0.090764] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: thread -1, cpu 2, socket 0 |
1873 | [ 0.091960] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: thread -1, cpu 3, socket 0 |
1874 | [ 0.092101] (0)[1:swapper/0]smp: Brought up 1 node, 4 CPUs |
1875 | [ 0.095100] (0)[1:swapper/0]SMP: Total of 4 processors activated (104.33 BogoMIPS). |
1876 | [ 0.096104] (0)[1:swapper/0]CPU: All CPU(s) started in SVC mode. |
1877 | [ 0.096896] (0)[1:swapper/0]Sort hmp_domains from little to big: |
1878 | [ 0.097698] (0)[1:swapper/0] cpumask: 0x0f |
1879 | [ 0.098275] (0)[1:swapper/0]Initializing HMP scheduler: |
1880 | [ 0.098964] (0)[1:swapper/0]Initializing HMP scheduler done |
1881 | [ 0.099735] (0)[1:swapper/0]CPU3: update max cpu_capacity 1024 |
1882 | [ 0.106045] (0)[1:swapper/0]VFP support v0.3: implementor 41 architecture 3 part 40 variant 4 rev 1 |
1883 | [ 0.107348] -(1)[16:kworker/1:0]CPU1: update max cpu_capacity 1024 |
1884 | [ 0.107405] (0)[1:swapper/0]clocksource: jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 6370867519511994 ns |
1885 | [ 0.109685] (0)[1:swapper/0]futex hash table entries: 1024 (order: 4, 65536 bytes) |
1886 | [ 0.110818] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl core: initialized pinctrl subsystem |
1887 | [ 0.112082] (0)[1:swapper/0]NET: Registered protocol family 16 |
1888 | [ 0.113578] (0)[1:swapper/0]DMA: preallocated 256 KiB pool for atomic coherent allocations |
1889 | [ 0.114662] (0)[1:swapper/0]schedtune: no energy model data |
1890 | [ 0.115398] (0)[1:swapper/0]schedtune: configured to support 5 boost groups |
1891 | [ 0.116562] (0)[1:swapper/0]ramoops: using module parameters |
1892 | [ 0.117361] (0)[1:swapper/0]ramoops: pstore:address is 0x54410000, size is 0xe0000, console_size is 0x40000, pmsg_size is 0x10000 |
1893 | [ 0.119087] (0)[1:swapper/0]pstore: using zlib compression |
1894 | [ 0.120215] (0)[1:swapper/0]console [pstore-1] enabled |
1895 | [ 0.120941] (0)[1:swapper/0]pstore: Registered ramoops as persistent store backend |
1896 | [ 0.121936] (0)[1:swapper/0]ramoops: attached 0xe0000@0x54410000, ecc: 0/0 |
1897 | [ 0.122964] (0)[1:swapper/0][EMI] get CEN_EMI_BASE @ e1131000 |
1898 | [ 0.124335] (1)[1:swapper/0]cpuidle: using governor menu |
1899 | [ 0.125512] (0)[1:swapper/0]cpuidle: using governor mtk_governor |
1900 | [ 0.127045] (0)[1:swapper/0]hw-breakpoint: found 5 (+1 reserved) breakpoint and 4 watchpoint registers. |
1901 | [ 0.128299] (0)[1:swapper/0]hw-breakpoint: maximum watchpoint size is 8 bytes. |
1902 | [ 0.129413] (0)[1:swapper/0][SPM] PWAKE_EN:1, PCMWDT_EN:0, BYPASS_SYSPWREQ:0, I2C_CHANNEL:2 |
1903 | [ 0.130509] (0)[1:swapper/0][SLP] SLEEP_DPIDLE_EN:1, REPLACE_DEF_WAKESRC:0, SUSPEND_LOG_EN:1 |
1904 | [ 0.131915] (0)[1:swapper/0]mrdump_cblock_init: no mrdump_cb |
1905 | [ 0.132744] (0)[1:swapper/0]minirdump: [DT] reserved 0x544f0000+0x10000->(ptrval) |
1906 | [ 0.133763] (0)[1:swapper/0]mrdump_full_init: MT-RAMDUMP no control block |
1907 | [ 0.134786] (0)[1:swapper/0] |
1908 | [ 0.134786] MTK_SIP_KERNEL_WDT - 0x(ptrval) |
1909 | [ 0.135765] (0)[1:swapper/0] |
1910 | [ 0.135765] atf_aee_debug_virt_addr = 0x(ptrval) |
1911 | [ 0.136773] (0)[1:swapper/0][cmdq] cmdq_init enter |
1912 | [ 0.138834] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1913 | [ 0.139692] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1914 | [ 0.140528] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1915 | [ 0.141365] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1916 | [ 0.142201] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1917 | [ 0.143049] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1918 | [ 0.143885] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1919 | [ 0.144721] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1920 | [ 0.145557] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1921 | [ 0.146404] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1922 | [ 0.147240] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1923 | [ 0.148076] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1924 | [ 0.148913] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1925 | [ 0.149759] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1926 | [ 0.150595] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1927 | [ 0.151431] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1928 | [ 0.152267] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1929 | [ 0.153113] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1930 | [ 0.153949] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1931 | [ 0.154785] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1932 | [ 0.155622] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1933 | [ 0.156468] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1934 | [ 0.157304] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1935 | [ 0.158140] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1936 | [ 0.158977] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1937 | [ 0.159823] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1938 | [ 0.160659] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1939 | [ 0.161495] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1940 | [ 0.162331] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1941 | [ 0.163177] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1942 | [ 0.164014] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1943 | [ 0.164850] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1944 | [ 0.165686] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1945 | [ 0.166532] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1946 | [ 0.167369] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1947 | [ 0.168205] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1948 | [ 0.169041] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1949 | [ 0.169886] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1950 | [ 0.170723] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1951 | [ 0.171559] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1952 | [ 0.172395] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1953 | [ 0.173241] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1954 | [ 0.174077] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1955 | [ 0.174913] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1956 | [ 0.175749] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1957 | [ 0.176595] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1958 | [ 0.177432] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1959 | [ 0.178268] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1960 | [ 0.179104] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1961 | [ 0.179950] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1962 | [ 0.180787] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1963 | [ 0.181623] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1964 | [ 0.182459] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1965 | [ 0.183305] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1966 | [ 0.184142] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1967 | [ 0.184978] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1968 | [ 0.185814] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1969 | [ 0.186660] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1970 | [ 0.187496] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1971 | [ 0.188332] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1972 | [ 0.189169] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1973 | [ 0.190014] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1974 | [ 0.190851] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1975 | [ 0.191687] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1976 | [ 0.192524] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1977 | [ 0.193370] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1978 | [ 0.194206] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1979 | [ 0.195042] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1980 | [ 0.195878] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1981 | [ 0.196725] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1982 | [ 0.197562] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1983 | [ 0.198398] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1984 | [ 0.199234] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1985 | [ 0.200080] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1986 | [ 0.200916] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1987 | [ 0.201753] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1988 | [ 0.202589] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1989 | [ 0.203435] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1990 | [ 0.204271] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1991 | [ 0.205107] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1992 | [ 0.205943] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1993 | [ 0.206790] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1994 | [ 0.207626] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1995 | [ 0.208462] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1996 | [ 0.209298] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1997 | [ 0.210145] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1998 | [ 0.210981] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
1999 | [ 0.211817] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
2000 | [ 0.212653] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
2001 | [ 0.213500] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
2002 | [ 0.214336] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
2003 | [ 0.215172] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
2004 | [ 0.216008] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
2005 | [ 0.216854] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
2006 | [ 0.217691] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
2007 | [ 0.218527] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
2008 | [ 0.219363] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
2009 | [ 0.220209] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
2010 | [ 0.221045] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
2011 | [ 0.221882] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
2012 | [ 0.222718] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
2013 | [ 0.223564] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
2014 | [ 0.224401] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
2015 | [ 0.225237] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
2016 | [ 0.226073] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
2017 | [ 0.226919] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
2018 | [ 0.227756] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
2019 | [ 0.228592] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
2020 | [ 0.229428] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
2021 | [ 0.230274] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
2022 | [ 0.231110] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
2023 | [ 0.231947] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
2024 | [ 0.232783] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
2025 | [ 0.233629] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
2026 | [ 0.234466] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
2027 | [ 0.235302] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
2028 | [ 0.236138] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
2029 | [ 0.236984] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
2030 | [ 0.237820] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
2031 | [ 0.238656] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
2032 | [ 0.239492] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
2033 | [ 0.240338] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
2034 | [ 0.241175] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
2035 | [ 0.242011] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
2036 | [ 0.242847] (0)[1:swapper/0]pinctrl direction array is NULL of phone |
2037 | [ 0.246102] (0)[1:swapper/0]mtk pctrl init OK |
2038 | [ 0.246696] (0)[1:swapper/0]BOOTPROF: 246.694076:probe: probe=platform_drv_probe drv=mediatek-mt8167-pinctrl(0xc0f509d4) 107.991308ms |
2039 | [ 0.248932] (0)[1:swapper/0]mt-pmic-pwrap 1000f000.pwrap: [PWRAP] Write Test pass |
2040 | [ 0.257874] (0)[1:swapper/0][DAPC] [TEE] dapc_register_ext_handler is called by Type_2B slave(0) |
2041 | [ 0.259298] (0)[1:swapper/0][TZ_M4U]sec_pt_va=0x0x10934000, pa=0x7fd34000, align=0x4000 |
2042 | [ 0.260355] (0)[1:swapper/0][TZ_M4U]check port security larb_base: 0xf4016000 0x0 |
2043 | [ 0.261341] (0)[1:swapper/0][TZ_M4U]check port security larb_base: 0xf5001000 0x0 |
2044 | [ 0.262327] (0)[1:swapper/0][TZ_M4U]check port security larb_base: 0xf6010000 0x0 |
2045 | [ 0.263335] (0)[1:swapper/0][TZ_M4U]init done.(secva0x10812410-0x10800000 pa0x7fc12410 sz3M) |
2046 | [ 0.264446] (0)[1:swapper/0][DAPC] [TEE] dapc_register_ext_handler is called by Type_2B slave(3) |
2047 | [ 0.265599] (0)[1:swapper/0][DAPC] [TEE] dapc_register_ext_handler is called by Type_2B slave(2) |
2048 | [ 0.266765] (0)[1:swapper/0][DAPC] [TEE] dapc_register_ext_handler is called by Type_2B slave(6) |
2049 | [ 0.268221] (0)[1:swapper/0]MTEE_HDMIInit() |
2050 | [ 0.269395] (0)[1:swapper/0]BOOTPROF: 269.392692:initcall: of_platform_default_populate_init 131.940231ms |
2051 | [ 0.281713] (0)[1:swapper/0][FH]: init |
2052 | [ 0.282452] (0)[1:swapper/0][FH] freqhopping_debug_proc_init |
2053 | [ 0.282458] (0)[1:swapper/0][FH]: init success |
2054 | [ 0.283911] (0)[1:swapper/0]mtk_mfg_2d_probe |
2055 | [ 0.284686] (0)[1:swapper/0]mtk_mfg_async_probe |
2056 | [ 0.285481] (0)[1:swapper/0][CMDQ][CMDQ] platform_dev: dev: (ptrval), PA: 1020a000, VA: e11b7000 |
2057 | [ 0.286634] (0)[1:swapper/0][CMDQ][CMDQ] irqId: 209, irqSecId:210 |
2058 | [ 0.287448] (0)[1:swapper/0][CMDQ]set dma mask result: 0 |
2059 | [ 0.288262] (0)[1:swapper/0][CMDQ]DEV: VA(mediatek,mmsys_config): 0x0 |
2060 | [ 0.289186] (0)[1:swapper/0][CMDQ]DEV: VA(mediatek,MMSYS_CONFIG): 0x0 |
2061 | [ 0.290087] (0)[1:swapper/0][CMDQ]DEV: VA(mediatek,mt8167-mmsys): 0xe11b9000 |
2062 | [ 0.291065] (0)[1:swapper/0][CMDQ]DEV: VA(mediatek,mt8167-mdp_rdma): 0xe11bb000 |
2063 | [ 0.292127] (0)[1:swapper/0][CMDQ]DEV: VA(mediatek,mt8167-mdp_rsz0): 0xe11bd000 |
2064 | [ 0.293143] (0)[1:swapper/0][CMDQ]DEV: VA(mediatek,mt8167-mdp_rsz1): 0xe1201000 |
2065 | [ 0.294157] (0)[1:swapper/0][CMDQ]DEV: VA(mediatek,mt8167-mdp_wdma): 0xe1203000 |
2066 | [ 0.295172] (0)[1:swapper/0][CMDQ]DEV: VA(mediatek,mt8167-mdp_wrot): 0xe1205000 |
2067 | [ 0.296200] (0)[1:swapper/0][CMDQ]DEV: VA(mediatek,mdp_tdshp): 0xe1207000 |
2068 | [ 0.297163] (0)[1:swapper/0][CMDQ]DEV: VA(mediatek,mt8167-VENC): 0xe1209000 |
2069 | [ 0.298151] (0)[1:swapper/0][CMDQ][ERR]DEV: byName: cannot get module clock: smi-common |
2070 | [ 0.299274] (0)[1:swapper/0][CMDQ][ERR]DEV: byName: cannot get module clock: smi-larb0 |
2071 | [ 0.300396] (0)[1:swapper/0][CMDQ][ERR]DEV: byName: cannot get module clock: mtcmos-dis |
2072 | [ 0.303843] (0)[1:swapper/0][CMDQ]MDP limit dev create end |
2073 | [ 0.304587] (0)[1:swapper/0]BOOTPROF: 304.585230:probe: probe=platform_drv_probe drv=mtk_cmdq(0xc0fa02fc) 19.141000ms |
2074 | [ 0.306290] (0)[1:swapper/0]BOOTPROF: 306.288692:initcall: cmdq_init 20.913539ms |
2075 | [ 0.307596] (0)[1:swapper/0]SCSI subsystem initialized |
2076 | [ 0.308378] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs |
2077 | [ 0.309308] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver hub |
2078 | [ 0.310282] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new device driver usb |
2079 | [ 0.311356] (0)[1:swapper/0]Linux video capture interface: v2.00 |
2080 | [ 0.312536] (0)[1:swapper/0]Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Initialized. |
2081 | [ 0.314875] (2)[1:swapper/0]clocksource: Switched to clocksource arch_sys_counter |
2082 | [ 0.342048] (2)[1:swapper/0]BOOTPROF: 342.044615:initcall: tracer_init_tracefs 26.175308ms |
2083 | [ 0.362622] (2)[1:swapper/0]BOOTPROF: 362.617769:initcall: event_trace_init 19.364461ms |
2084 | [ 0.363893] (2)[1:swapper/0]VFS: Disk quotas dquot_6.6.0 |
2085 | [ 0.364637] (2)[1:swapper/0]VFS: Dquot-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order 0, 4096 bytes) |
2086 | [ 0.366196] (2)[1:swapper/0][ION]ion_init() |
2087 | [ 0.366981] (2)[1:swapper/0][ION]ion_heap_create: Heap type is disabled: 1 |
2088 | [ 0.367887] (2)[1:swapper/0][ION]ion_mtk_heap_create: error creat heap ion_system_contig_heap type 1 base 0 size 0 |
2089 | [ 0.369639] (0)[1:swapper/0][ION]ion_sec_heap_create enter:ion_sec_heap |
2090 | [ 0.370528] (0)[1:swapper/0][ION]ion_sec_heap_create enter:ion_sec_heap_protected |
2091 | [ 0.371518] (0)[1:swapper/0][ION]ion_sec_heap_create enter:ion_sec_heap_2d_fr |
2092 | [ 0.372478] (0)[1:swapper/0][ION]ion_sec_heap_create enter:ion_sec_heap_wfd |
2093 | [ 0.373401] (0)[1:swapper/0][ION]ion_sec_heap_create enter:ion_sec_heap_happ |
2094 | [ 0.374337] (0)[1:swapper/0][ION]ion_sec_heap_create enter:ion_sec_heap_happ_mem |
2095 | [ 0.375326] (0)[1:swapper/0][ION]ion_sec_heap_create enter:ion_sec_heap_sdsp |
2096 | [ 0.376260] (0)[1:swapper/0][ION]ion_sec_heap_create enter:ion_sec_heap_sdsp_shared |
2097 | [ 0.377425] (0)[1:swapper/0][ION]ion_drv_probe, done |
2098 | [ 0.378112] (0)[1:swapper/0][ION]ion_init fd register notifer fail |
2099 | [ 0.379003] (0)[1:swapper/0]NET: Registered protocol family 2 |
2100 | [ 0.380164] (0)[1:swapper/0]TCP established hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes) |
2101 | [ 0.381305] (0)[1:swapper/0]TCP bind hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes) |
2102 | [ 0.382383] (0)[1:swapper/0]TCP: Hash tables configured (established 4096 bind 4096) |
2103 | [ 0.383452] (0)[1:swapper/0]UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes) |
2104 | [ 0.384411] (0)[1:swapper/0]UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes) |
2105 | [ 0.385514] (0)[1:swapper/0]NET: Registered protocol family 1 |
2106 | [ 0.386412] (0)[1:swapper/0]Trying to unpack rootfs image as initramfs... |
2107 | [ 0.417737] (0)[1:swapper/0]Freeing initrd memory: 972K |
2108 | [ 0.418544] (0)[1:swapper/0]BOOTPROF: 418.542154:initcall: populate_rootfs 32.248154ms |
2109 | [ 0.420709] (0)[1:swapper/0]hw perfevents: enabled with armv7_cortex_a7 PMU driver, 7 counters available |
2110 | [ 0.424187] (0)[1:swapper/0]audit: initializing netlink subsys (disabled) |
2111 | [ 0.425213] (1)[78:kauditd]audit: type=2000 audit(0.406:1): state=initialized audit_enabled=0 res=1 |
2112 | [ 0.425505] (0)[1:swapper/0]workingset: timestamp_bits=13 max_order=18 bucket_order=5 |
2113 | [ 0.430134] (0)[1:swapper/0]Registering sdcardfs 0.1 |
2114 | [ 0.430881] (0)[1:swapper/0]fuse init (API version 7.26) |
2115 | [ 0.436012] (0)[1:swapper/0]bounce: pool size: 64 pages |
2116 | [ 0.436720] (0)[1:swapper/0]io scheduler noop registered |
2117 | [ 0.437423] (0)[1:swapper/0]io scheduler deadline registered |
2118 | [ 0.438282] (0)[1:swapper/0]io scheduler cfq registered (default) |
2119 | [ 0.439086] (0)[1:swapper/0]io scheduler mq-deadline registered |
2120 | [ 0.439868] (0)[1:swapper/0]io scheduler kyber registered |
2121 | [ 0.443100] (0)[1:swapper/0]Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 3 ports, IRQ sharing disabled |
2122 | [ 0.448249] (0)[1:swapper/0]brd: module loaded |
2123 | [ 0.456394] (0)[1:swapper/0]loop: module loaded |
2124 | [ 0.457209] (0)[1:swapper/0]zram: Added device: zram0 |
2125 | [ 0.458111] (0)[1:swapper/0]failed to get proc regulator for cpu0 |
2126 | [ 0.459016] (0)[1:swapper/0]mt8167-cpufreq mt8167-cpufreq: failed to initialize dvfs info for cpu0 |
2127 | [ 0.460548] (0)[1:swapper/0]gpufreq soc:mtgpufreq: cannot get reg-vgpu |
2128 | [ 0.461761] (0)[1:swapper/0]iommu: iommu_group_create_direct_mappings, 503, invalid domain |
2129 | [ 0.462846] (0)[1:swapper/0]iommu: Adding device soc:pseudo-m4u to group 0 |
2130 | [ 0.463829] (0)[1:swapper/0]arm-v7s io-pgtable: arm_v7s_alloc_pgtable, 1149, pgd=0xdecd8000, cf.ttbr=0x5ecd806a,pgd_pa=0x5ecd8000 |
2131 | [ 0.465369] (0)[1:swapper/0][DISP]lcd_fps = 5588 |
2132 | [ 0.465983] (0)[1:swapper/0][DISP][DT][videolfb]lcmfound=1,fps=5588,fb_base=(ptrval),vram=7340032, lcmname=jd9161z_wvga_dsi_vdo_ctc |
2133 | [ 0.467580] (0)[1:swapper/0]mtk-iommu 10203000.m4u: dm iova 0x7f2c0000 ~ 0x7f9bffff |
2134 | [ 0.468642] (0)[1:swapper/0][PSEUDO][pseudo_m4u_session_init #194]: create session : 0x5 |
2135 | [ 0.469712] (0)[1:swapper/0][TZ_M4U]m4u session init second |
2136 | [ 0.470553] (0)[1:swapper/0][TZ_M4U]Dynamic MAP. VA: 0x0x4000000 size 0x8000000 mva offset 0x500000 |
2137 | [ 0.471756] (0)[1:swapper/0][TZ_M4U]tee mem: (secva0x10812410-0x10800000 pa0x7fc12410 sz3M) |
2138 | [ 0.472854] (0)[1:swapper/0][TZ_M4U]init NonsecPa 0 Va 0x0x20000000 Ret 0x0==0 3857392 |
2139 | [ 0.473927] (0)[1:swapper/0]mtk-iommu 10203000.m4u: rsv iova 0x0 ~ 0x183adbef |
2140 | [ 0.475614] (0)[1:swapper/0]atf_log: inited |
2141 | [ 0.476209] (0)[1:swapper/0][Power/gpufreq] @mt_gpufreq_get_freq_by_idx: GPU DVFS not ready! |
2142 | [ 0.477874] (0)[1:swapper/0][Power/gpufreq] @mt_gpufreq_get_freq_by_idx: GPU DVFS not ready! |
2143 | [ 0.479011] (0)[1:swapper/0][Power/gpufreq] @mt_gpufreq_get_freq_by_idx: GPU DVFS not ready! |
2144 | [ 0.482683] (0)[1:swapper/0]iommu: iommu_group_create_direct_mappings, 503, invalid domain |
2145 | [ 0.483777] (0)[1:swapper/0]iommu: Adding device 15004000.ispsys to group 1 |
2146 | [ 0.484709] (0)[1:swapper/0][Camera-ISP][ISP_probe]isp Probe + |
2147 | [ 0.485672] (0)[1:swapper/0][Camera-ISP][ISP_Init]register isp callback for MDP,is_v3(0) |
2148 | [ 0.487835] (0)[1:swapper/0][GCPU] [GCPU_TA_Serivce] [68] Init Done:80fff800! |
2149 | [ 0.488045] (0)[1:swapper/0][ALS/PS] em3071x_init |
2150 | [ 0.489629] (0)[1:swapper/0]musb-hdrc: version 6.0, ?dma?, otg (peripheral+host) |
2151 | [ 0.490643] (0)[1:swapper/0][BOOT_COMMON] [create_sysfs] No atag,meta found ! |
2152 | [ 0.491946] (0)[1:swapper/0]mrdump_sysfs_init: done. |
2153 | [ 0.492844] (0)[1:swapper/0][xo] origin cap code: 0x1e |
2154 | [ 0.493525] (0)[1:swapper/0][xo] dts default cap code: 0x0 |
2155 | [ 0.505281] (0)[1:swapper/0][xo] current cap code: 0x1e |
2156 | [ 0.506356] (0)[1:swapper/0][DDP/ddp_drv]Register the disp driver |
2157 | [ 0.507330] (0)[1:swapper/0]iommu: iommu_group_create_direct_mappings, 503, invalid domain |
2158 | [ 0.508427] (0)[1:swapper/0]iommu: Adding device soc:mt8167-dispsys to group 2 |
2159 | [ 0.509408] (0)[1:swapper/0][DDP/ddp_drv]error:disp_probe is earlier than SMI |
2160 | [ 0.511172] (0)[1:swapper/0]iommu: iommu_group_create_direct_mappings, 503, invalid domain |
2161 | [ 0.512271] (0)[1:swapper/0]iommu: Adding device 16000000.vdec_gcon to group 3 |
2162 | [ 0.513694] (0)[1:swapper/0]mtk_cooler_shutdown: thermal/cooler/shutdown init |
2163 | [ 0.514638] (0)[1:swapper/0]mtk_cooler_shutdown: thermal/cooler/shutdown register ltf |
2164 | [ 0.515794] (0)[1:swapper/0]mtk_cooler_backlight: thermal/cooler/backlight init |
2165 | [ 0.516754] (0)[1:swapper/0]mtk_cooler_backlight: thermal/cooler/backlight register ltf |
2166 | [ 0.517908] (0)[1:swapper/0]mtk_cooler_kshutdown: thermal/cooler/kshutdown init |
2167 | [ 0.518880] (0)[1:swapper/0]mtk_cooler_kshutdown: thermal/cooler/kshutdown register ltf |
2168 | [ 0.520735] (0)[1:swapper/0][W]mtk_wcn_cmb_stub_query_ctrl:Thermal query not registered |
2169 | [ 0.524345] (0)[1:swapper/0]mtk_thermal_monitor: THERMAL/MONITOR [.get_temp] tz: mtkts5 invalid temp |
2170 | [ 0.525579] (0)[1:swapper/0]thermal thermal_zone3: failed to read out thermal zone (-1) |
2171 | [ 0.526769] (0)[1:swapper/0]mtk_thermal_monitor: THERMAL/MONITOR [.get_temp] tz: mtkts4 invalid temp |
2172 | [ 0.527967] (0)[1:swapper/0]thermal thermal_zone5: failed to read out thermal zone (-1) |
2173 | [ 0.530457] (0)[1:swapper/0]spi_dev_init(). |
2174 | [ 0.531594] (0)[1:swapper/0]libphy: Fixed MDIO Bus: probed |
2175 | [ 0.532321] (0)[1:swapper/0]tun: Universal TUN/TAP device driver, 1.6 |
2176 | [ 0.533211] (0)[1:swapper/0]PPP generic driver version 2.4.2 |
2177 | [ 0.534006] (0)[1:swapper/0]PPP BSD Compression module registered |
2178 | [ 0.534811] (0)[1:swapper/0]PPP Deflate Compression module registered |
2179 | [ 0.535685] (0)[1:swapper/0]PPP MPPE Compression module registered |
2180 | [ 0.536501] (0)[1:swapper/0]NET: Registered protocol family 24 |
2181 | [ 0.537280] (0)[1:swapper/0]PPTP driver version 0.8.5 |
2182 | [ 0.538102] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver r8152 |
2183 | [ 0.539041] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver asix |
2184 | [ 0.539969] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver ax88179_178a |
2185 | [ 0.540968] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_ether |
2186 | [ 0.541949] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver net1080 |
2187 | [ 0.542891] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_subset |
2188 | [ 0.543867] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver zaurus |
2189 | [ 0.544808] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_ncm |
2190 | [ 0.545772] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage |
2191 | [ 0.546759] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-alauda |
2192 | [ 0.547733] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-cypress |
2193 | [ 0.548730] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-datafab |
2194 | [ 0.549717] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-freecom |
2195 | [ 0.550703] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-isd200 |
2196 | [ 0.551690] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-jumpshot |
2197 | [ 0.552687] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-karma |
2198 | [ 0.553651] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-onetouch |
2199 | [ 0.554648] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-sddr09 |
2200 | [ 0.555637] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-sddr55 |
2201 | [ 0.556613] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-usbat |
2202 | [ 0.557602] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial |
2203 | [ 0.558578] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver option |
2204 | [ 0.559507] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbserial: USB Serial support registered for GSM modem (1-port) |
2205 | [ 0.560619] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver trancevibrator |
2206 | [ 0.561660] (0)[1:swapper/0]usb_function_register name=acm |
2207 | [ 0.562393] (0)[1:swapper/0]usb_function_register name=gser |
2208 | [ 0.563339] (0)[1:swapper/0]usb_function_register name=rndis |
2209 | [ 0.564088] (0)[1:swapper/0]usb_function_register name=mass_storage |
2210 | [ 0.564927] (0)[1:swapper/0]usb_function_register name=ffs |
2211 | [ 0.565652] (0)[1:swapper/0]usb_function_register name=midi |
2212 | [ 0.566389] (0)[1:swapper/0]usb_function_register name=hid |
2213 | [ 0.567114] (0)[1:swapper/0]usb_function_register name=audio_source |
2214 | [ 0.567939] (0)[1:swapper/0]usb_function_register name=accessory |
2215 | [ 0.568748] (0)[1:swapper/0]usb_function_register name=mtp |
2216 | [ 0.569474] (0)[1:swapper/0]usb_function_register name=ptp |
2217 | [ 0.570336] (0)[1:swapper/0]kpd: kpd-clk is default set by ccf. |
2218 | [ 0.571258] (0)[1:swapper/0]input: mtk-kpd as /devices/platform/soc/10002000.keypad/input/input0 |
2219 | [ 0.573083] (0)[1:swapper/0][tpd_em_log] :register device successfully |
2220 | [ 0.573945] (0)[1:swapper/0][FTS_TS]tpd_driver_init: Enter |
2221 | [ 0.574670] (0)[1:swapper/0][FTS_TS/I]tpd_driver_init:Driver version: Focaltech V3.1 20190807 |
2222 | [ 0.576014] (0)[1:swapper/0][FTS_TS/I]tpd_driver_init:tpd max touch num:2 |
2223 | [ 0.576908] (0)[1:swapper/0][FTS_TS]tpd_driver_init: Exit(1488) |
2224 | [ 0.577689] (0)[1:swapper/0]Tlsc6x:tpd_driver_init ++! |
2225 | [ 0.578573] (0)[1:swapper/0]Tlsc6x:tpd_driver_init --! |
2226 | [ 0.579833] (0)[1:swapper/0]lirc_dev: IR Remote Control driver registered, major 238 |
2227 | [ 0.580851] (0)[1:swapper/0]IR Sharp protocol handler initialized |
2228 | [ 0.581666] (0)[1:swapper/0]IR XMP protocol handler initialized |
2229 | [ 0.582492] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver uvcvideo |
2230 | [ 0.583429] (0)[1:swapper/0]USB Video Class driver (1.1.1) |
2231 | [ 0.584423] (0)[1:swapper/0]MTK_WDT_NONRST_REG(0) |
2232 | [ 0.585144] (0)[1:swapper/0]mtk-wdt 10007000.toprgu: Watchdog enabled (timeout=31 sec, nowayout=0) |
2233 | [ 0.586694] (0)[1:swapper/0]device-mapper: uevent: version 1.0.3 |
2234 | [ 0.587589] (0)[1:swapper/0]device-mapper: ioctl: 4.37.0-ioctl (2017-09-20) initialised: [email protected] |
2235 | [ 0.589193] (0)[1:swapper/0]cpuidle: enable-method property 'psci' found operations |
2236 | [ 0.590297] (0)[1:swapper/0]cpuidle: enable-method property 'psci' found operations |
2237 | [ 0.591394] (0)[1:swapper/0]cpuidle: enable-method property 'psci' found operations |
2238 | [ 0.592511] (0)[1:swapper/0]cpuidle: enable-method property 'psci' found operations |
2239 | [ 0.594543] (0)[1:swapper/0]mtk_timer: mtk_timer_mod_init |
2240 | [ 0.595339] (0)[1:swapper/0]hidraw: raw HID events driver (C) Jiri Kosina |
2241 | [ 0.596771] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid |
2242 | [ 0.597687] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbhid: USB HID core driver |
2243 | [ 0.598486] (0)[1:swapper/0]ashmem: initialized |
2244 | [ 0.600122] (0)[1:swapper/0]mtk-iommu 10203000.m4u: bound 14016000.larb (ops 0xc0ab5fd0) |
2245 | [ 0.601188] (0)[1:swapper/0]mtk-iommu 10203000.m4u: bound 15001000.larb (ops 0xc0ab5fd0) |
2246 | [ 0.602267] (0)[1:swapper/0]mtk-iommu 10203000.m4u: bound 16010000.larb (ops 0xc0ab5fd0) |
2247 | [ 0.603803] (0)[1:swapper/0]usbcore: registered new interface driver snd-usb-audio |
2248 | [ 0.605965] (0)[1:swapper/0]mtk-afe-pcm MTK AFE driver initialized. |
2249 | [ 0.607436] (0)[1:swapper/0]drop_monitor: Initializing network drop monitor service |
2250 | [ 0.608501] (0)[1:swapper/0]Mirror/redirect action on |
2251 | [ 0.609177] (0)[1:swapper/0]u32 classifier |
2252 | [ 0.609721] (0)[1:swapper/0] Performance counters on |
2253 | [ 0.610411] (0)[1:swapper/0] input device check on |
2254 | [ 0.611078] (0)[1:swapper/0] Actions configured |
2255 | [ 0.611731] (0)[1:swapper/0]Netfilter messages via NETLINK v0.30. |
2256 | [ 0.612688] (0)[1:swapper/0]nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (16384 buckets, 65536 max) |
2257 | [ 0.613774] (0)[1:swapper/0]ctnetlink v0.93: registering with nfnetlink. |
2258 | [ 0.614980] (0)[1:swapper/0]xt_time: kernel timezone is -0000 |
2259 | [ 0.615836] (0)[1:swapper/0]ipip: IPv4 and MPLS over IPv4 tunneling driver |
2260 | [ 0.616985] (0)[1:swapper/0]gre: GRE over IPv4 demultiplexor driver |
2261 | [ 0.617812] (0)[1:swapper/0]IPv4 over IPsec tunneling driver |
2262 | [ 0.618870] (0)[1:swapper/0]ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team |
2263 | [ 0.620253] (0)[1:swapper/0]arp_tables: arp_tables: (C) 2002 David S. Miller |
2264 | [ 0.621267] (0)[1:swapper/0]Initializing XFRM netlink socket |
2265 | [ 0.622039] (0)[1:swapper/0]IPsec XFRM device driver |
2266 | [ 0.622917] (0)[1:swapper/0]NET: Registered protocol family 10 |
2267 | [ 0.624541] (0)[1:swapper/0]Segment Routing with IPv6 |
2268 | [ 0.625282] (0)[1:swapper/0]mip6: Mobile IPv6 |
2269 | [ 0.625876] (0)[1:swapper/0]ip6_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team |
2270 | [ 0.627401] (0)[1:swapper/0]sit: IPv6, IPv4 and MPLS over IPv4 tunneling driver |
2271 | [ 0.628928] (0)[1:swapper/0]NET: Registered protocol family 17 |
2272 | [ 0.629710] (0)[1:swapper/0]NET: Registered protocol family 15 |
2273 | [ 0.630507] (0)[1:swapper/0]Bridge firewalling registered |
2274 | [ 0.631242] (0)[1:swapper/0]l2tp_core: L2TP core driver, V2.0 |
2275 | [ 0.632020] (0)[1:swapper/0]l2tp_ppp: PPPoL2TP kernel driver, V2.0 |
2276 | [ 0.632835] (0)[1:swapper/0]8021q: 802.1Q VLAN Support v1.8 |
2277 | [ 0.634218] (0)[1:swapper/0]Registering SWP/SWPB emulation handler |
2278 | [ 0.636180] (0)[1:swapper/0]registered taskstats version 1 |
2279 | [ 0.645391] (0)[28:kworker/0:1]gpufreq soc:mtgpufreq: cannot get reg-vgpu |
2280 | [ 0.646441] (0)[28:kworker/0:1][Camera-ISP][ISP_probe]isp Probe + |
2281 | [ 0.647291] (0)[28:kworker/0:1][Camera-ISP][ISP_probe]camera smi larb device is found ! |
2282 | [ 0.647291] |
2283 | [ 0.648582] (0)[28:kworker/0:1][Camera-ISP][ISP_probe]DT, i=0, PA(0x15004000), map_VA=0xe1960000/0xe1960000 |
2284 | [ 0.648582] |
2285 | [ 0.650058] (0)[28:kworker/0:1][Camera-ISP][ISP_probe]DT, i=1, PA(0x15000000), map_VA=0xe1970000/0xe1970000 |
2286 | [ 0.650058] |
2287 | [ 0.651564] (0)[28:kworker/0:1][Camera-ISP][ISP_probe]DT, i=2, PA(0x10011000), map_VA=0xe18f8000/0xe18f8000 |
2288 | [ 0.651564] |
2289 | [ 0.655607] (0)[28:kworker/0:1][DDP/ddp_drv]error:get interrupts from DTS fail |
2290 | [ 0.656883] (0)[28:kworker/0:1][DDP/ddp_drv]error:get interrupts from DTS fail |
2291 | [ 0.657899] (0)[28:kworker/0:1][DDP/ddp_drv]error:get interrupts from DTS fail |
2292 | [ 0.658928] (0)[28:kworker/0:1][DDP/ddp_drv]error:get interrupts from DTS fail |
2293 | [ 0.659939] (0)[28:kworker/0:1][DDP/ddp_drv]error:get interrupts from DTS fail |
2294 | [ 0.660951] (0)[28:kworker/0:1][DDP/ddp_drv]error:get interrupts from DTS fail |
2295 | [ 0.661975] (0)[28:kworker/0:1][DDP/ddp_drv]error:get interrupts from DTS fail |
2296 | [ 0.663146] (0)[28:kworker/0:1]gpufreq soc:mtgpufreq: cannot get reg-vgpu |
2297 | [ 0.664147] (1)[1:swapper/0]BOOTPROF: 664.144462:initcall: deferred_probe_initcall 19.117231ms |
2298 | [ 0.667083] (0)[1:swapper/0]PVR_K: 1: irq_res = 0xe1 |
2299 | [ 0.667761] (0)[1:swapper/0]PVR_K: 1: reg_res = 0x13000000, 0x80000 |
2300 | [ 0.668850] (0)[1:swapper/0]PVR_K: 1: Reverting to compile time BVNC |
2301 | [ 0.669843] (0)[1:swapper/0]PVR_K: 1: RGX Device registered with BVNC |
2302 | [ 0.671158] (0)[1:swapper/0][drm] Initialized pvr 1.11.5425693 20170530 for 13000000.clark on minor 0 |
2303 | [ 0.672755] (0)[28:kworker/0:1]gpufreq soc:mtgpufreq: cannot get reg-vgpu |
2304 | [ 0.673995] (0)[1:swapper/0]<ALS/PS> alsps real driver init fail |
2305 | [ 0.674789] (0)[1:swapper/0]<ALS/PS> alsps_probe fail !!! |
2306 | [ 0.675516] (0)[1:swapper/0]<ALS/PS> failed to register alsps driver |
2307 | [ 0.676403] (0)[1:swapper/0]memory-ssmr: [INIT FAIL]: cma is not inited |
2308 | [ 0.677275] (0)[1:swapper/0]memory-ssmr: SSMR sanity fail |
2309 | [ 0.678160] (0)[1:swapper/0][LED] get_cust_led_dtsi pled_dtsi is null, load dts file |
2310 | [ 0.680023] (0)[28:kworker/0:1]gpufreq soc:mtgpufreq: cannot get reg-vgpu |
2311 | [ 0.681031] (0)[1:swapper/0][MUSB]usb20_init 1868: usb20 init |
2312 | [ 0.681880] (0)[1:swapper/0][MUSB]mt_usb_probe 1528: [U2]usb20 |
2313 | [ 0.682734] (0)[1:swapper/0][MUSB]mt_usb_probe 1682: [U2]platform_device_add musb |
2314 | [ 0.683845] (0)[1:swapper/0]musb_probe mac=0xe1a50000, phy=0xe1b10000, irq=223 |
2315 | [ 0.684948] (0)[1:swapper/0][MUSB]mt_usb_init 1394: called |
2316 | [ 0.685741] (0)[1:swapper/0]usb_phy_generic supply vcc not found, using dummy regulator |
2317 | [ 0.687571] (0)[28:kworker/0:1]gpufreq soc:mtgpufreq: cannot get reg-vgpu |
2318 | [ 0.688528] (2)[1:swapper/0]musb-hdrc musb-hdrc: musb-hdrc supply vusb not found, using dummy regulator |
2319 | [ 0.689793] (2)[1:swapper/0][MUSB]mt_usb_init 1423: regulator set vol failed: -22 |
2320 | [ 0.690779] (2)[1:swapper/0][MUSB]mt_usb_init 1432: enable USB regulator |
2321 | [ 0.691689] (2)[1:swapper/0][MUSB]mt_usb_init 1446: musb platform init ff00 |
2322 | [ 0.692613] (2)[1:swapper/0][MUSB]mt_usb_init 1462: mt_usb_init, init_otg before |
2323 | [ 0.693588] (2)[1:swapper/0][MUSB]mt_usb_enable 306: 0, 0 |
2324 | [ 0.705193] (2)[1:swapper/0][MUSB]hs_slew_rate_cal 252: [USBPHY]slew cali FM_OUT=334 x=4120 value=4 |
2325 | [ 0.706380] (2)[1:swapper/0][MUSB]usb_phy_recover 624: usb recovery success |
2326 | [ 0.707300] (2)[1:swapper/0]sizeof(struct TGPD):16 |
2327 | [ 0.708121] (2)[1:swapper/0]musb-hdrc musb-hdrc: MUSB HDRC host driver |
2328 | [ 0.709011] (2)[1:swapper/0]musb-hdrc musb-hdrc: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1 |
2329 | [ 0.710531] (2)[1:swapper/0]hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found |
2330 | [ 0.711243] (2)[1:swapper/0]hub 1-0:1.0: 1 port detected |
2331 | [ 0.712075] -(2)[1:swapper/0][MUSB]musb_hub_control 388: try to call musb_start in virthub |
2332 | [ 0.713459] (2)[1:swapper/0]musb-hdrc musb-hdrc: prop=1, power=1, is_host=0 |
2333 | [ 0.714382] (2)[1:swapper/0]musb-hdrc musb-hdrc: prop=2, power=1, is_host=0 |
2334 | [ 0.715318] (2)[1:swapper/0]musb-hdrc musb-hdrc: prop=3, power=1, is_host=0 |
2335 | [ 0.716244] (2)[1:swapper/0][MUSB]mt_usb_disable 342: mt_usb_disable, 1, 1 |
2336 | [ 0.717967] (2)[1:swapper/0][MUSB]usb_phy_savecurrent 532: usb save current success |
2337 | [ 0.718986] (2)[1:swapper/0][MUSB]musb_do_idle 263: schedule work to do called |
2338 | [ 0.719979] (2)[1:swapper/0]BOOTPROF: 719.976924:probe: probe=platform_drv_probe drv=musb-hdrc(0xc0f9a868) 36.144077ms |
2339 | [ 0.721504] (2)[1:swapper/0][MUSB]mt_usb_probe 1704: init connection_work |
2340 | [ 0.722651] (2)[138:kworker/2:1]gpufreq soc:mtgpufreq: cannot get reg-vgpu |
2341 | [ 0.722743] (2)[138:kworker/2:1]musb-hdrc musb-hdrc: prop=1, power=0, is_host=0 |
2342 | [ 0.722750] (2)[138:kworker/2:1]musb-hdrc musb-hdrc: prop=2, power=0, is_host=0 |
2343 | [ 0.722757] (2)[138:kworker/2:1]musb-hdrc musb-hdrc: prop=3, power=0, is_host=0 |
2344 | [ 0.722765] (2)[138:kworker/2:1][MUSB]musb_idle_work_func 209: musb_idle_work_func:209 |
2345 | [ 0.722768] (2)[138:kworker/2:1][MUSB]musb_idle_work_func 220: musb already disable |
2346 | [ 0.722773] (2)[138:kworker/2:1][MUSB]musb_idle_work_func 253: done |
2347 | [ 0.722778] (2)[138:kworker/2:1][MUSB]musb_idle_work_func 258: otg_state b_idle |
2348 | [ 0.730429] (2)[1:swapper/0][MUSB]mt_usb_probe 1706: keep musb->power & mtk_usb_power in the samae value |
2349 | [ 0.731682] (2)[1:swapper/0][MUSB]mt_usb_probe 1719: [U2]usb20 dts probe |
2350 | [ 0.732569] (2)[1:swapper/0][MUSB]mt_usb_probe 1726: [U2]usb20 dts probe ret:0 |
2351 | [ 0.733518] (2)[1:swapper/0]USB probe done! |
2352 | [ 0.734082] (2)[1:swapper/0]Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 000000f4 |
2353 | [ 0.735336] (2)[1:swapper/0]pgd = (ptrval) |
2354 | [ 0.735884] (2)[1:swapper/0][000000f4] *pgd=00000000 |
2355 | [ 0.736550] -(2)[1:swapper/0]Internal error: Oops: 5 [#1] PREEMPT SMP THUMB2 |
2356 | [ 0.737469] -(2)[1:swapper/0]disable aee kernel api |
2357 | [ 0.737470] -(2)[1:swapper/0]Kernel Offset: disabled |
2358 | [ 0.738752] -(2)[1:swapper/0]Modules linked in: |
2359 | [ 0.739349] -(2)[1:swapper/0]CPU: 2 PID: 1 Comm: swapper/0 Not tainted 4.14.141+ #1 |
2360 | [ 0.740345] -(2)[1:swapper/0]Hardware name: Generic DT based system |
2361 | [ 0.741161] -(2)[1:swapper/0]task: (ptrval) task.stack: (ptrval) |
2362 | [ 0.741950] -(2)[1:swapper/0]PC is at regmap_read+0x2/0x34 |
2363 | [ 0.742670] -(2)[1:swapper/0]LR is at pmic_read_interface+0x37/0x58 |
2364 | [ 0.743488] -(2)[1:swapper/0]pc : [<c0469d6e>] lr : [<c05e0d0b>] psr: 40000033 |
2365 | [ 0.744493] -(2)[1:swapper/0]sp : df8c3d98 ip : 2b847000 fp : deec0cc0 |
2366 | [ 0.745364] -(2)[1:swapper/0]r10: deef6400 r9 : dfaeb400 r8 : 00000001 |
2367 | [ 0.746235] -(2)[1:swapper/0]r7 : df8c3df0 r6 : 00000005 r5 : df8c3da8 r4 : c0f09188 |
2368 | [ 0.747274] -(2)[1:swapper/0]r3 : 00000005 r2 : df8c3da8 r1 : 00000000 r0 : 00000000 |
2369 | [ 0.748317] -(2)[1:swapper/0]Flags: nZcv IRQs on FIQs on Mode SVC_32 ISA Thumb Segment none |
2370 | [ 0.749460] -(2)[1:swapper/0]Control: 50c5383d Table: 4000406a DAC: 00000051 |
2371 | [ 0.750401] -(2)[1:swapper/0]CPU: 2 PID: 1 Comm: swapper/0 Not tainted 4.14.141+ #1 |
2372 | [ 0.751397] -(2)[1:swapper/0]Hardware name: Generic DT based system |
2373 | [ 0.752227] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c010d181>] (unwind_backtrace) from [<c0109a9b>] (show_stack+0xb/0xc) |
2374 | [ 0.753407] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c0109a9b>] (show_stack) from [<c08f4fc7>] (dump_stack+0x6f/0x7c) |
2375 | [ 0.754545] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c08f4fc7>] (dump_stack) from [<c0566ead>] (ipanic_die+0x51/0x68) |
2376 | [ 0.755684] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c0566ead>] (ipanic_die) from [<c01380f7>] (notify_die+0x5b/0x7c) |
2377 | [ 0.756820] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c01380f7>] (notify_die) from [<c0109b67>] (die+0xcb/0x270) |
2378 | [ 0.757889] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c0109b67>] (die) from [<c0110a63>] (__do_kernel_fault.part.0+0x4f/0x5c) |
2379 | [ 0.759101] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c0110a63>] (__do_kernel_fault.part.0) from [<c01108b7>] (do_page_fault+0x277/0x278) |
2380 | [ 0.760447] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c01108b7>] (do_page_fault) from [<c0101299>] (do_DataAbort+0x65/0xf8) |
2381 | [ 0.761636] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c0101299>] (do_DataAbort) from [<c010a353>] (__dabt_svc+0x53/0x80) |
2382 | [ 0.762787] -(2)[1:swapper/0]Exception stack(0xdf8c3d48 to 0xdf8c3d90) |
2383 | [ 0.763639] -(2)[1:swapper/0]3d40: 00000000 00000000 df8c3da8 00000005 c0f09188 df8c3da8 |
2384 | [ 0.764896] -(2)[1:swapper/0]3d60: 00000005 df8c3df0 00000001 dfaeb400 deef6400 deec0cc0 2b847000 df8c3d98 |
2385 | [ 0.766150] -(2)[1:swapper/0]3d80: c05e0d0b c0469d6e 40000033 ffffffff |
2386 | [ 0.767004] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c010a353>] (__dabt_svc) from [<c0469d6e>] (regmap_read+0x2/0x34) |
2387 | [ 0.768142] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c0469d6e>] (regmap_read) from [<c05e0d0b>] (pmic_read_interface+0x37/0x58) |
2388 | [ 0.769389] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c05e0d0b>] (pmic_read_interface) from [<c051f4a9>] (mt_usb_probe+0x4ad/0x6a0) |
2389 | [ 0.770667] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c051f4a9>] (mt_usb_probe) from [<c04548fd>] (platform_drv_probe+0x31/0x74) |
2390 | [ 0.771915] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c04548fd>] (platform_drv_probe) from [<c045371b>] (driver_probe_device+0x247/0x29c) |
2391 | [ 0.773263] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c045371b>] (driver_probe_device) from [<c04537d3>] (__driver_attach+0x63/0x64) |
2392 | [ 0.774554] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c04537d3>] (__driver_attach) from [<c0451f99>] (bus_for_each_dev+0x45/0x70) |
2393 | [ 0.775811] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c0451f99>] (bus_for_each_dev) from [<c0452d89>] (bus_add_driver+0x125/0x184) |
2394 | [ 0.777080] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c0452d89>] (bus_add_driver) from [<c0453f59>] (driver_register+0x3d/0x90) |
2395 | [ 0.778316] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c0453f59>] (driver_register) from [<c0e2a7ed>] (usb20_init+0x31/0x54) |
2396 | [ 0.779507] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c0e2a7ed>] (usb20_init) from [<c0101b13>] (do_one_initcall+0x4b/0x144) |
2397 | [ 0.780711] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c0101b13>] (do_one_initcall) from [<c0e00c8d>] (kernel_init_freeable+0x189/0x218) |
2398 | [ 0.782036] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c0e00c8d>] (kernel_init_freeable) from [<c090430f>] (kernel_init+0x7/0x110) |
2399 | [ 0.783294] -(2)[1:swapper/0][<c090430f>] (kernel_init) from [<c0106799>] (ret_from_fork+0x11/0x38) |
2400 | [ 0.784631] -(2)[1:swapper/0]mrdump: cpu[2] tsk:(ptrval) ti:(ptrval) |
2401 | [ 0.787479] -(2)[1:swapper/0]mrdump: add MSDC:0x0 sz:0x0 failed |
2402 | [ 0.788250] -(2)[1:swapper/0]mrdump: add UFS:0x0 sz:0x0 failed |
2403 | [ 0.789010] -(2)[1:swapper/0]mrdump: add BLOCKIO:0x0 sz:0x0 failed |
2404 | [ 0.789816] -(2)[1:swapper/0]mrdump: add CCCI:0x0 sz:0x0 failed |
2405 | [ 0.790666] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: stopping |
2406 | [ 0.791229] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU: 1 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/1 Not tainted 4.14.141+ #1 |
2407 | [ 0.792225] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Hardware name: Generic DT based system |
2408 | [ 0.793057] -(1)[0:swapper/1][<c010d181>] (unwind_backtrace) from [<c0109a9b>] (show_stack+0xb/0xc) |
2409 | [ 0.794241] -(1)[0:swapper/1][<c0109a9b>] (show_stack) from [<c08f4fc7>] (dump_stack+0x6f/0x7c) |
2410 | [ 0.795379] -(1)[0:swapper/1][<c08f4fc7>] (dump_stack) from [<c010c47f>] (handle_IPI+0x163/0x2e4) |
2411 | [ 0.796539] -(1)[0:swapper/1][<c010c47f>] (handle_IPI) from [<c0101471>] (gic_handle_irq+0x6d/0x74) |
2412 | [ 0.797719] -(1)[0:swapper/1][<c0101471>] (gic_handle_irq) from [<c010a3e5>] (__irq_svc+0x65/0xac) |
2413 | [ 0.798885] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Exception stack(0xdf8f3f30 to 0xdf8f3f78) |
2414 | [ 0.799739] -(1)[0:swapper/1]3f20: 00000000 ffffffff 1f057000 dfecd180 |
2415 | [ 0.800999] -(1)[0:swapper/1]3f40: 2dfd399e 00000000 2f207bd1 00000000 00000001 dedaac00 00000000 c0fec048 |
2416 | [ 0.802257] -(1)[0:swapper/1]3f60: 00000001 df8f3f80 c06ed0cd c06ed0d4 60000033 ffffffff |
2417 | [ 0.803315] -(1)[0:swapper/1][<c010a3e5>] (__irq_svc) from [<c06ed0d4>] (cpuidle_enter_state+0xf8/0x3ac) |
2418 | [ 0.804555] -(1)[0:swapper/1][<c06ed0d4>] (cpuidle_enter_state) from [<c0164c3d>] (do_idle+0x18d/0x1e8) |
2419 | [ 0.805782] -(1)[0:swapper/1][<c0164c3d>] (do_idle) from [<c0164e9b>] (cpu_startup_entry+0x13/0x14) |
2420 | [ 0.806963] -(1)[0:swapper/1][<c0164e9b>] (cpu_startup_entry) from [<401018d1>] (0x401018d1) |
2421 | [ 0.808063] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: stopping |
2422 | [ 0.808614] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU: 3 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/3 Not tainted 4.14.141+ #1 |
2423 | [ 0.809612] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Hardware name: Generic DT based system |
2424 | [ 0.810434] -(3)[0:swapper/3][<c010d181>] (unwind_backtrace) from [<c0109a9b>] (show_stack+0xb/0xc) |
2425 | [ 0.811616] -(3)[0:swapper/3][<c0109a9b>] (show_stack) from [<c08f4fc7>] (dump_stack+0x6f/0x7c) |
2426 | [ 0.812752] -(3)[0:swapper/3][<c08f4fc7>] (dump_stack) from [<c010c47f>] (handle_IPI+0x163/0x2e4) |
2427 | [ 0.813909] -(3)[0:swapper/3][<c010c47f>] (handle_IPI) from [<c0101471>] (gic_handle_irq+0x6d/0x74) |
2428 | [ 0.815090] -(3)[0:swapper/3][<c0101471>] (gic_handle_irq) from [<c010a3e5>] (__irq_svc+0x65/0xac) |
2429 | [ 0.816255] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Exception stack(0xdf8f7f30 to 0xdf8f7f78) |
2430 | [ 0.817109] -(3)[0:swapper/3]7f20: 00000000 ffffffff 1f07b000 dfef1180 |
2431 | [ 0.818369] -(3)[0:swapper/3]7f40: 2a7267e2 00000000 2f207c1e 00000000 00000001 dedab000 00000000 c0fec048 |
2432 | [ 0.819626] -(3)[0:swapper/3]7f60: 00000003 df8f7f80 c06ed0cd c06ed0d4 60000033 ffffffff |
2433 | [ 0.820683] -(3)[0:swapper/3][<c010a3e5>] (__irq_svc) from [<c06ed0d4>] (cpuidle_enter_state+0xf8/0x3ac) |
2434 | [ 0.821919] -(3)[0:swapper/3][<c06ed0d4>] (cpuidle_enter_state) from [<c0164c3d>] (do_idle+0x18d/0x1e8) |
2435 | [ 0.823144] -(3)[0:swapper/3][<c0164c3d>] (do_idle) from [<c0164e9b>] (cpu_startup_entry+0x13/0x14) |
2436 | [ 0.824321] -(3)[0:swapper/3][<c0164e9b>] (cpu_startup_entry) from [<401018d1>] (0x401018d1) |
2437 | [ 0.825418] -(0)[0:swapper/0]CPU0: stopping |
2438 | [ 0.825968] -(0)[0:swapper/0]CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Not tainted 4.14.141+ #1 |
2439 | [ 0.826966] -(0)[0:swapper/0]Hardware name: Generic DT based system |
2440 | [ 0.827790] -(0)[0:swapper/0][<c010d181>] (unwind_backtrace) from [<c0109a9b>] (show_stack+0xb/0xc) |
2441 | [ 0.828971] -(0)[0:swapper/0][<c0109a9b>] (show_stack) from [<c08f4fc7>] (dump_stack+0x6f/0x7c) |
2442 | [ 0.830107] -(0)[0:swapper/0][<c08f4fc7>] (dump_stack) from [<c010c47f>] (handle_IPI+0x163/0x2e4) |
2443 | [ 0.831266] -(0)[0:swapper/0][<c010c47f>] (handle_IPI) from [<c0101471>] (gic_handle_irq+0x6d/0x74) |
2444 | [ 0.832448] -(0)[0:swapper/0][<c0101471>] (gic_handle_irq) from [<c010a3e5>] (__irq_svc+0x65/0xac) |
2445 | [ 0.833615] -(0)[0:swapper/0]Exception stack(0xc0f01ee0 to 0xc0f01f28) |
2446 | [ 0.834470] -(0)[0:swapper/0]1ee0: 00000000 ffffffff 1f045000 dfebb180 2dfd945c 00000000 2f207c1e 00000000 |
2447 | [ 0.835730] -(0)[0:swapper/0]1f00: 00000001 dedaaa00 00000000 c0fec048 00000000 c0f01f30 c06ed0cd c06ed0d4 |
2448 | [ 0.836987] -(0)[0:swapper/0]1f20: 60000033 ffffffff |
2449 | [ 0.837639] -(0)[0:swapper/0][<c010a3e5>] (__irq_svc) from [<c06ed0d4>] (cpuidle_enter_state+0xf8/0x3ac) |
2450 | [ 0.838874] -(0)[0:swapper/0][<c06ed0d4>] (cpuidle_enter_state) from [<c0164c3d>] (do_idle+0x18d/0x1e8) |
2451 | [ 0.840099] -(0)[0:swapper/0][<c0164c3d>] (do_idle) from [<c0164e9b>] (cpu_startup_entry+0x13/0x14) |
2452 | [ 0.841280] -(0)[0:swapper/0][<c0164e9b>] (cpu_startup_entry) from [<c0e00ac3>] (start_kernel+0x347/0x388) |
2453 | [ 0.842538] -(0)[0:swapper/0][<c0e00ac3>] (start_kernel) from [<4000807f>] (0x4000807f) |
2454 | [ 3.088207] -(2)[1:swapper/0]SMP: failed to stop secondary CPUs |
2455 |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pmic6392_init] Preloader Start.................. |
2456 | [6][pmic6392_init] PMIC CHIP Code = 0x2092 |
2457 | [7][pmic6392_init] Debug Status: Reg[0x7A]=0x0 |
2458 | [9][pmic6392_init] Debug Status: Reg[0x7C]=0x0 |
2459 | [10]pl pmic powerkey Release |
2460 | [10][pmic6392_init] powerKey = 0 |
2461 | [11][pmic6392_init] is USB in = 0xB003 |
2462 | [23][pmic6392_init] Reg[0x11A]=0x7B |
2463 | [23][pmic6392_init] Reg[0x136]=0x1 |
2464 | [24][pmic_buck_oc_enable] MT6392_BUCK_OC_CON0 0x258 = 0x0 |
2465 | [26][pmic_buck_oc_enable] Clear Buck OC Flag, MT6392_BUCK_OC_CON0 0x258 = 0x0 |
2466 | [28][pmic_buck_oc_enable] Enable Buck OC shutdown function... |
2467 | [30][pmic_ldo_cali_sw_bonding] Done................... |
2468 | [32][pmic6392_init] Reg[0x70]=0x52 |
2469 | [33][auxadc_hw_init] Preloader Start.................. |
2470 | [35][pmic6392_init] Done................... |
2471 | [36]Long Pressed setting |
2472 | [36][PLFM] Init I2C: OK(0) |
2473 | [37][PLFM] Init PWRAP: OK(0) |
2474 | [37][PLFM] Init PMIC: OK(0) |
2475 | [37][PLFM] chip_ver[1] |
2476 | [38] |
2477 | [BLDR] Build Time: 20201120-184229 |
2478 | [38]==== Dump RGU Reg ======== |
2479 | [38]RGU MODE: 14 |
2480 | [39]RGU LENGTH: FFE0 |
2481 | [39]RGU STA: 40000000 |
2482 | [39]RGU INTERVAL: FFF |
2483 | [39]RGU SWSYSRST: 8000 |
2484 | [40]==== Dump RGU Reg End ==== |
2485 | [40]RGU: g_rgu_satus:2 |
2486 | [40] mtk_wdt_mode_config mode value=10, tmp:22000010 |
2487 | [41]PL RGU RST: [41]?? |
2488 | [41]SW reset with bypass power key flag |
2489 | [42]Find bypass powerkey flag |
2490 | [42]RGU mtk_wdt_init:MTK_WDT_DEBUG_CTL(590200F3) |
2491 | [43]Enter mtk_kpd_gpio_set! |
2492 | [76]after set KP enable: KP_SEL = 0x1C70 ! |
2493 | [86][RTC] bbpu = 0xD, con = 0x426 |
2494 | [86][RTC] powerkey1 = 0xA357, powerkey2 = 0x67D2 |
2495 | [88]Writeif_unlock |
2496 | [88][RTC] EOSC_Cali: TOP_CKCON1=0x40C0 |
2497 | [105][RTC] EOSC cali val = 0x24CD |
2498 | [108][RTC] RTC_SPAR0=0x40 |
2499 | [109]rtc_2sec_reboot_check cali=1792 |
2500 | [110]rtc_2sec_stat_clear |
2501 | [111][RTC] irqsta = 0x0, pdn1 = 0x0, pdn2 = 0x201, spar0 = 0x40, spar1 = 0x800, al_dom = 0x1 |
2502 | [112][RTC] new_spare0 = 0x0, new_spare1 = 0x1, new_spare2 = 0x1, new_spare3 = 0x1 |
2503 | [113][RTC] bbpu = 0xD, con = 0x426, cali = 0x700 |
2504 | [114][RTC] spar0 = 0x40 |
2505 | [114]SW reset with bypass power key flag |
2506 | [114][PLFM] WDT reboot bypass power key! |
2507 | [115][RTC] rtc_bbpu_power_on done |
2508 | [115][xo] default cap_code: 0x1E |
2509 | [116][xo] get xo efuse: 9E000000 |
2510 | [126][xo] current cap_code: 0x1E |
2511 | [126][xo] disable XO to PMIC 26M |
2512 | [127][xo] Without 32K. Reg[0x402]=0x8401 |
2513 | [127][Preloader] BSI read: [0x25] = 0x6AAB |
2514 | [128][Preloader] BSI read: [0x29] = 0x1 |
2515 | [128][Preloader] BSI read: [0x29] = 0x0 |
2516 | [129][xo] status: 0xF |
2517 | [129][PTP] PTPOD0 = 0x15BD0C64 |
2518 | [129][PTP] PTPOD1 = 0x0048BBC1 |
2519 | [130][PTP] PTPOD2 = 0x15BE0669 |
2520 | [130][PTP] PTPOD3 = 0x0034F641 |
2521 | [130][PTP] PTPOD4 = 0x00000000 |
2522 | [131][PTP] PTPOD5 = 0x00000000 |
2523 | [131][PTP] PTPOD6 = 0x00000000 |
2524 | [131][PTP] GPU's max freq = 598MHz |
2525 | [132][PTP] set_vcore_to_pmic() |
2526 | [132][PTP] Vcore pmic = 0x00000048 |
2527 | [133][PTP] Vcore is 1150000uV now. |
2528 | [133][PTP] Vcore(0x304) mode = 0x00000300 |
2529 | [133][PTP] CLK_GATING_CTRL1 = 0xC081923C |
2530 | [134][PTP] PTP_PTPCORESEL = 0x80030001 |
2531 | [134][PTP] ptp_isr() |
2532 | [135][PTP] PTP_PTPCORESEL = 0x80030001 |
2534 | [135][PTP] CLK_GATING_CTRL1 = 0xC081923C |
2535 | [136][PTP] PTP_PTPCORESEL = 0x80030001 |
2536 | [136][PTP] [PTP_DET_GPUSYS] |
2537 | [137][PTP] @ handle_init01_isr(PTP_DET_GPUSYS) |
2538 | [137][PTP] CLK_GATING_CTRL1 = 0xC081923C |
2539 | [138][PTP] PTP_PTPCORESEL = 0x80030001 |
2540 | [138][PTP] PTP_DESCHAR[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x6906 |
2541 | [139][PTP] PTP_TEMPCHAR[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x103404 |
2542 | [139][PTP] PTP_DETCHAR[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0xBE15 |
2543 | [140][PTP] PTP_VBOOT[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x38 |
2544 | [140][PTP] PTP_INIT2VALS[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x0 |
2545 | [141][PTP] PTP_DETWINDOW[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x514 |
2546 | [141][PTP] PTP_DCVALUES[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x2E9001D |
2547 | [142][PTP] PTP_FREQPCT30[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x78 |
2548 | [143][PTP] PTP_FREQPCT74[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x0 |
2549 | [143][PTP] PTP_LIMITVALS[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x513801FE |
2550 | [144][PTP] PTP_PTPCHKSHIFT[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x67 |
2551 | [144][PTP] PTP_VDESIGN30[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x3A |
2552 | [145][PTP] PTP_VDESIGN74[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x0 |
2553 | [145][PTP] PTP_VOP30[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x3838383E |
2554 | [146][PTP] PTP_VOP74[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x38383838 |
2555 | [147][PTP] PTP_PTPEN[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x0 |
2556 | [147][PTP] CLK_GATING_CTRL1 = 0xC081923C |
2557 | [148][PTP] PTP_PTPCORESEL = 0x80030001 |
2558 | [148][PTP] ptp_isr() |
2559 | [148][PTP] PTP_PTPCORESEL = 0x80030001 |
2561 | [149][PTP] CLK_GATING_CTRL1 = 0xC081923C |
2562 | [150][PTP] PTP_PTPCORESEL = 0x80030001 |
2563 | [150][PTP] [PTP_DET_GPUSYS] |
2564 | [150][PTP] @ handle_init02_isr(PTP_DET_GPUSYS) |
2565 | [151][PTP] ptp_detectors[PTP_DET_GPUSYS].volt_tbl[0] = 0x4E |
2566 | [152][PTP] ptp_detectors[PTP_DET_GPUSYS].volt_tbl[1] = 0x48 |
2567 | [152][PTP] ptp_detectors[PTP_DET_GPUSYS].volt_tbl[2] = 0x48 |
2568 | [153][PTP] ptp_detectors[PTP_DET_GPUSYS].volt_tbl[3] = 0x48 |
2569 | [154][PTP] ptp_detectors[PTP_DET_GPUSYS].volt_tbl[4] = 0x48 |
2570 | [154][PTP] ptp_detectors[PTP_DET_GPUSYS].volt_tbl[5] = 0x48 |
2571 | [155][PTP] ptp_detectors[PTP_DET_GPUSYS].volt_tbl[6] = 0x48 |
2572 | [156][PTP] ptp_detectors[PTP_DET_GPUSYS].volt_tbl[7] = 0x48 |
2573 | [156][PTP] CLK_GATING_CTRL1 = 0xC081923C |
2574 | [157][PTP] PTP_PTPCORESEL = 0x80030001 |
2575 | [157][PTP] PTP_DESCHAR[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x6906 |
2576 | [158][PTP] PTP_TEMPCHAR[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x103404 |
2577 | [158][PTP] PTP_DETCHAR[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0xBE15 |
2578 | [159][PTP] PTP_VBOOT[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x38 |
2579 | [159][PTP] PTP_INIT2VALS[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x0 |
2580 | [160][PTP] PTP_DETWINDOW[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x514 |
2581 | [160][PTP] PTP_DCVALUES[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x2E90000 |
2582 | [161][PTP] PTP_FREQPCT30[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x78 |
2583 | [162][PTP] PTP_FREQPCT74[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x0 |
2584 | [162][PTP] PTP_LIMITVALS[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x513801FE |
2585 | [163][PTP] PTP_PTPCHKSHIFT[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x67 |
2586 | [163][PTP] PTP_VDESIGN30[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x3A |
2587 | [164][PTP] PTP_VDESIGN74[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x0 |
2588 | [164][PTP] PTP_VOP30[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x3838383E |
2589 | [165][PTP] PTP_VOP74[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x38383838 |
2590 | [166][PTP] PTP_PTPEN[PTP_DET_GPUSYS] = 0x0 |
2591 | [166][PTP] Set pmic volt: 0x0000004E |
2592 | [166][PTP] Vcore(0x304) mode = 0x00000200 |
2593 | [167][PTP] Right now |
2594 | [167][PTP] Vcore is 1187500uV |
2595 | [168][PTP] CLK_GATING_CTRL1 = 0xC081923E |
2596 | [168][EMI] MDL number = 0 |
2597 | [168][EMI] PCDDR3 |
2598 | [194]get dram size from AUXADC1 0 0 |
2599 | [194][EMI] Use Common DDR3 x32 [194]emi settings |
2600 | [194][EMI] Config emi settings: |
2601 | [195]EMI_CONA=0x2012, EMI_CONH=0x3 |
2602 | [195]EMI_RANK0=0x40000000, EMI_RANK1=0x0 |
2603 | [196]EMI_CONA=0x2012 |
2604 | [196]EMI_CONF=0x4210000 |
2605 | [196]EMI_CONH=0x3 |
2606 | [197] |
2607 | [DramcSwImpedanceCal] FINAL: DRVP=7, DRVN=6 |
2608 | |
2609 | [197]PCDDR3 Pinmux 0 |
2610 | [197]SSC OFF |
2611 | [198]DRAM Clock: 1584MHz |
2612 | [199]change tRCD for DDR3 |
2613 | [200] |
2614 | [Write Leveling] |
2615 | [200]WriteLevelingMoveDQSInsteadOfCLK |
2616 | [202]=============================================================================== |
2617 | [202]Dram Type= 4, Freqency= 1600, rank 0 |
2618 | [203]odt_onoff= 0, Byte mode= 0, Read_DBI= 0, Write DBI= 0 |
2619 | [204]=============================================================================== |
2620 | [205]WL Clk delay = 0, CA CLK delay = 0 |
2621 | [205]No need to update CA/CS delay because the CLK delay is small than CA training. |
2622 | [206]Final Clk output delay = 0 |
2623 | [206]R0 FINAL: WriteLeveling DQS:(2, 0) OEN:(1, 2) [207]DQS0 delay = 37 |
2624 | [207]R0 FINAL: WriteLeveling DQS:(2, 0) OEN:(1, 2) [208]DQS1 delay = 34 |
2625 | [208]R0 FINAL: WriteLeveling DQS:(2, 0) OEN:(1, 2) [208]DQS2 delay = 33 |
2626 | [209]R0 FINAL: WriteLeveling DQS:(2, 0) OEN:(1, 2) [209]DQS3 delay = 33 |
2627 | [210][DramcWriteLeveling] ====Done==== |
2628 | [210] |
2629 | [Gating] |
2630 | [210]=============================================================================== |
2631 | [211]Dram Type= 4, Freqency= 1600, rank 0 |
2632 | [212]odt_onoff= 0, Byte mode= 0, Read_DBI= 0, Write DBI= 0 |
2633 | [212]=============================================================================== |
2634 | [217][Byte 0]First pass (1, 3, 8) |
2635 | [217][Byte 2]First pass (1, 3, 9) |
2636 | [218][Byte 1]First pass (1, 3, 10) |
2637 | [218][Byte 3]First pass (1, 3, 10) |
2638 | [223][Byte 0]Bigger pass win(1, 5, 3) Pass tap=59 |
2639 | [223][Byte 2]Bigger pass win(1, 5, 4) Pass tap=59 |
2640 | [224][Byte 1]Bigger pass win(1, 5, 5) Pass tap=59 |
2641 | [224][Byte 3]Bigger pass win(1, 5, 5) Pass tap=59 |
2642 | [225]=============================================================================== |
2643 | [226] dqs input gating widnow, final delay value |
2644 | Frequency=1600 rank=0 |
2645 | [227]=============================================================================== |
2646 | [228]R0 FINAL: GW best DQS0 P0 delay(2T, 0.5T, PI) = (1, 4, 5) [tap = 59] |
2647 | [229]R0 FINAL: GW best DQS1 P0 delay(2T, 0.5T, PI) = (1, 4, 7) [tap = 59] |
2648 | [229]R0 FINAL: GW best DQS2 P0 delay(2T, 0.5T, PI) = (1, 4, 6) [tap = 59] |
2649 | [230]R0 FINAL: GW best DQS3 P0 delay(2T, 0.5T, PI) = (1, 4, 7) [tap = 59] |
2650 | [231]R0 FINAL: GW best DQS0 P1 delay(2T, 0.5T, PI) = (1, 6, 5) |
2651 | [232]R0 FINAL: GW best DQS1 P1 delay(2T, 0.5T, PI) = (1, 6, 7) |
2652 | [232]R0 FINAL: GW best DQS2 P1 delay(2T, 0.5T, PI) = (1, 6, 6) |
2653 | [233]R0 FINAL: GW best DQS3 P1 delay(2T, 0.5T, PI) = (1, 6, 7) |
2654 | [234][DramcRxdqsGatingCal] ====Done==== |
2655 | [234] |
2656 | [DATLAT] |
2657 | [234]DATLAT Default value = 0xF |
2658 | [235]5, 0xFFFFFFFF, sum=0 |
2659 | [235]6, 0xFFFFFFFF, sum=0 |
2660 | [236]7, 0xFFFFFFFF, sum=0 |
2661 | [236]8, 0xFFFFFFFF, sum=0 |
2662 | [236]9, 0xFFFFFFFF, sum=0 |
2663 | [237]10, 0xFFFFFFFF, sum=0 |
2664 | [237]11, 0xFFFFFFFF, sum=0 |
2665 | [237]12, 0xFFFFFFFF, sum=0 |
2666 | [238]13, 0x00000000, sum=1 |
2667 | [238]14, 0x00000000, sum=2 |
2668 | [239]15, 0x00000000, sum=3 |
2669 | [239]16, 0x00000000, sum=4 |
2670 | [239]17, 0x00000000, sum=5 |
2671 | [240]pattern=5 first_step=13 total pass=6 best_step=15 |
2672 | [240]R0 FINAL: DATLAT = 15 [13 ~ 18] |
2673 | [241][DramcRxdatlatCal] ====Done==== |
2674 | [241] |
2675 | [RX] |
2676 | [241]=============================================================================== |
2677 | [242]Dram Type= 4, Freqency= 1600, rank 0 |
2678 | [243]odt_onoff= 0, Byte mode= 0, Read_DBI= 0, Write DBI= 0 |
2679 | [243]=============================================================================== |
2680 | [255]RX Window Sum 1043 |
2681 | [255]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 0, 12 (-4 ~ 29) 34 |
2682 | [256]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 1, 13 (-2 ~ 29) 32 |
2683 | [256]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 2, 15 (-1 ~ 32) 34 |
2684 | [256]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 3, 13 (-3 ~ 29) 33 |
2685 | [257]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 4, 16 (1 ~ 31) 31 |
2686 | [257]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 5, 15 (-1 ~ 31) 33 |
2687 | [258]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 6, 15 (0 ~ 30) 31 |
2688 | [258]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 7, 14 (-1 ~ 29) 31 |
2689 | [259]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 8, 15 (-1 ~ 32) 34 |
2690 | [259]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 9, 16 (-1 ~ 34) 36 |
2691 | [260]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 10, 16 (1 ~ 32) 32 |
2692 | [260]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 11, 14 (-1 ~ 30) 32 |
2693 | [261]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 12, 16 (1 ~ 31) 31 |
2694 | [261]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 13, 15 (-1 ~ 31) 33 |
2695 | [262]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 14, 16 (3 ~ 30) 28 |
2696 | [262]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 15, 15 (-1 ~ 31) 33 |
2697 | [262]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 16, 16 (-1 ~ 34) 36 |
2698 | [263]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 17, 15 (-1 ~ 32) 34 |
2699 | [263]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 18, 15 (-1 ~ 32) 34 |
2700 | [264]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 19, 16 (-1 ~ 33) 35 |
2701 | [264]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 20, 13 (-2 ~ 29) 32 |
2702 | [265]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 21, 15 (-3 ~ 33) 37 |
2703 | [265]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 22, 15 (-1 ~ 32) 34 |
2704 | [266]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 23, 14 (-3 ~ 32) 36 |
2705 | [266]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 24, 12 (-3 ~ 28) 32 |
2706 | [267]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 25, 16 (-1 ~ 34) 36 |
2707 | [267]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 26, 14 (-3 ~ 31) 35 |
2708 | [268]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 27, 14 (-3 ~ 31) 35 |
2709 | [268]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 28, 15 (-1 ~ 32) 34 |
2710 | [269]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 29, 14 (-3 ~ 32) 36 |
2711 | [269]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 30, 16 (-1 ~ 33) 35 |
2712 | [270]R0 FINAL: RX Bit 31, 14 (-3 ~ 32) 36 |
2713 | [270]=============================================================================== |
2714 | [271]Dram Type= 4, Freqency= 1600, rank 0 |
2715 | [271]odt_onoff= 0, Byte mode= 0, Read_DBI= 0, Write DBI= 0 |
2716 | [272]=============================================================================== |
2717 | [273]DQS Delay : |
2718 | DQS0 = 0, DQS1 = 0, DQS2 = 0, DQS3 = 0 |
2719 | [274]DQM Delay : |
2720 | DQM0 = 14, DQM1 = 15, DQM2 = 14, DQM3 = 14 |
2721 | [274]DQ Delay : |
2722 | [275]DQ0 =12, DQ1 =13, DQ2 =15, DQ3 =13 |
2723 | [275]DQ4 =16, DQ5 =15, DQ6 =15, DQ7 =14 |
2724 | [276]DQ8 =15, DQ9 =16, DQ10 =16, DQ11 =14 |
2725 | [276]DQ12 =16, DQ13 =15, DQ14 =16, DQ15 =15 |
2726 | [277]DQ16 =16, DQ17 =15, DQ18 =15, DQ19 =16 |
2727 | [277]DQ20 =13, DQ21 =15, DQ22 =15, DQ23 =14 |
2728 | [278]DQ24 =12, DQ25 =16, DQ26 =14, DQ27 =14 |
2729 | [278]DQ28 =15, DQ29 =14, DQ30 =16, DQ31 =14 |
2730 | [279]________________________________________________________________________ |
2731 | [280][DramcRxWindowPerbitCal] ====Done==== |
2732 | [280] |
2733 | [TX] |
2734 | [280][DramcTxWindowPerbitCal] Frequency=1600, Rank=0, calType=2 |
2735 | [281][DramcTxWindowPerbitCal] Begin, TX DQ(2, 0), DQ OEN(1, 2) |
2736 | [285]TX Window Sum 848 |
2737 | [286]=============================================================================== |
2738 | [286]Dram Type= 4, Freqency= 1600, rank 0 |
2739 | [287]odt_onoff= 0, Byte mode= 0, Read_DBI= 0, Write DBI= 0 |
2740 | [288]=============================================================================== |
2741 | [289]R0 FINAL: TX Bit0 (38~65) 28 51, Bit8 (39~63) 25 51,[289] Bit16 (38~63) 26 50, Bit24 (36~60) 25 48 |
2742 | [290]R0 FINAL: TX Bit1 (38~63) 26 50, Bit9 (40~66) 27 53,[290] Bit17 (36~62) 27 49, Bit25 (38~64) 27 51 |
2743 | [291]R0 FINAL: TX Bit2 (41~66) 26 53, Bit10 (39~65) 27 52,[292] Bit18 (36~63) 28 49, Bit26 (36~63) 28 49 |
2744 | [292]R0 FINAL: TX Bit3 (37~63) 27 50, Bit11 (38~63) 26 50,[293] Bit19 (36~63) 28 49, Bit27 (38~62) 25 50 |
2745 | [293]R0 FINAL: TX Bit4 (41~65) 25 53, Bit12 (38~63) 26 50,[294] Bit20 (35~62) 28 48, Bit28 (38~64) 27 51 |
2746 | [295]R0 FINAL: TX Bit5 (41~66) 26 53, Bit13 (38~63) 26 50,[295] Bit21 (37~63) 27 50, Bit29 (36~62) 27 49 |
2747 | [296]R0 FINAL: TX Bit6 (39~65) 27 52, Bit14 (38~62) 25 50,[296] Bit22 (36~63) 28 49, Bit30 (36~62) 27 49 |
2748 | [297]R0 FINAL: TX Bit7 (40~65) 26 52, Bit15 (39~62) 24 50,[298] Bit23 (37~63) 27 50, Bit31 (38~63) 26 50 |
2749 | [298] |
2750 | ================================================================== |
2751 | [299]Byte0, PI DQ Delay 51 Delay2 52 |
2752 | [299]Final DQ PI Delay(LargeUI, SmallUI, PI) =(2 ,0, 52) |
2753 | [300]OEN DQ PI Delay(LargeUI, SmallUI, PI) =(1 ,2, 52) |
2754 | |
2755 | [301]Byte1, PI DQ Delay 51 Delay2 51 |
2756 | [301]Final DQ PI Delay(LargeUI, SmallUI, PI) =(2 ,0, 51) |
2757 | [302]OEN DQ PI Delay(LargeUI, SmallUI, PI) =(1 ,2, 51) |
2758 | |
2759 | [302]Byte2, PI DQ Delay 49 Delay2 50 |
2760 | [303]Final DQ PI Delay(LargeUI, SmallUI, PI) =(2 ,0, 50) |
2761 | [303]OEN DQ PI Delay(LargeUI, SmallUI, PI) =(1 ,2, 50) |
2762 | |
2763 | [304]Byte3, PI DQ Delay 49 Delay2 49 |
2764 | [305]Final DQ PI Delay(LargeUI, SmallUI, PI) =(2 ,0, 49) |
2765 | [305]OEN DQ PI Delay(LargeUI, SmallUI, PI) =(1 ,2, 49) |
2766 | |
2767 | [306][DramcTxWindowPerbitCal] ====Done==== |
2768 | [306][DramcRxdqsGatingPostProcess] p->frequency 1600 |
2769 | [307][DramcRxdqsGatingPostProcess] s1ChangeDQSINCTL 0, reg_TX_dly_DQSgated_min 3, u1TXDLY_Cal_min 3 |
2770 | [310] |
2771 | [MEM_TEST] 01: Before run time config |
2772 | [311]0:dram_rank_size:40000000 |
2773 | [313][MEM_TEST] Rank 0 OK. [313](uiFixedAddr 0x40000000, Pass count =16384, Fail count =0) |
2774 | [314] |
2775 | Settings after calibration ... |
2776 | [314]=== [DramcRunTimeConfig] === |
2777 | [315]ZQCS_ENABLE: ON |
2779 | [315]SPM_CONTROL_AFTERK: ON |
2782 | [317]HW_SAVE_FOR_SR: OFF |
2783 | [317]========================= |
2784 | [317] |
2785 | [MEM_TEST] 01: After run time config |
2786 | [318]0:dram_rank_size:40000000 |
2787 | [320][MEM_TEST] Rank 0 OK. [320](uiFixedAddr 0x40000000, Pass count =16384, Fail count =0) |
2788 | [321]memory test start address = 0x56000000, test length = 0x2000 |
2789 | [332][MEM] complex R/W mem test pass |
2790 | [333]0:dram_rank_size:40000000 |
2791 | [333][Dram_Buffer] dram size: 0x40000000 |
2792 | [334][Dram_Buffer] dram_buf_t size: 0x180F80 |
2793 | [334][Dram_Buffer] part_hdr_t size: 0x200 |
2794 | [335][Dram_Buffer] g_dram_buf start addr: 0x42000000 |
2795 | [335][Dram_Buffer] g_dram_buf->msdc_gpd_pool start addr: 0x42180DC0 |
2796 | [336][Dram_Buffer] g_dram_buf->msdc_bd_pool start addr: 0x42180E80 |
2797 | [337]RAM_CONSOLE using DRAM |
2798 | [337]RAM_CONSOLE start: 0x54400000, size: 0x10000, sig: 0x43474244 |
2799 | [338]RAM_CONSOLE preloader last status: [338]0x0 [338]0x0 [339]0x0 [339] |
2800 | [339]RAM_CONSOLE wdt status (0x2)=0x2 |
2801 | [404][PLFM] Init Boot Device: OK(0) |
2802 | [404]0:dram_rank_size:40000000 |
2803 | [405]0:dram_rank_size:40000000 |
2804 | [405]orig_dram_info[0] start: 0x0000000040000000, size: 0x0000000040000000 |
2805 | [406]CUSTOM_CONFIG_MAX_DRAM_SIZE: 0x0000000040000000 |
2806 | [407]total_dram_size: 0x0000000040000000, max_dram_size: 0x0000000040000000 |
2807 | [407]dump mblock info |
2808 | [408]mblock[i] start=0000000040000000 size=0000000040000000 |
2809 | [408][Preloader]:mt_usb11_phy_savecurrent |
2810 | [410][GPT_PL]Parsing Primary GPT now... |
2811 | [417][GPT_PL][0]name=proinfo, part_id=8, start_sect=0x400, nr_sects=0x1800 |
2812 | [418][GPT_PL][1]name=nvram, part_id=8, start_sect=0x1C00, nr_sects=0x2800 |
2813 | [419][GPT_PL][2]name=persist, part_id=8, start_sect=0x4400, nr_sects=0x18000 |
2814 | [420][GPT_PL][3]name=seccfg, part_id=8, start_sect=0x1C400, nr_sects=0x200 |
2815 | [421][GPT_PL][4]name=lk, part_id=8, start_sect=0x1C600, nr_sects=0x400 |
2816 | [422][GPT_PL][5]name=lk2, part_id=8, start_sect=0x1CA00, nr_sects=0x400 |
2817 | [422][GPT_PL][6]name=boot, part_id=8, start_sect=0x1CE00, nr_sects=0x8000 |
2818 | [423][GPT_PL][7]name=recovery, part_id=8, start_sect=0x24E00, nr_sects=0x8000 |
2819 | [424][GPT_PL][8]name=para, part_id=8, start_sect=0x2CE00, nr_sects=0x400 |
2820 | [425][GPT_PL][9]name=logo, part_id=8, start_sect=0x2D200, nr_sects=0x4000 |
2821 | [426][GPT_PL][10]name=dtbo, part_id=8, start_sect=0x31200, nr_sects=0x800 |
2822 | [426][GPT_PL][11]name=expdb, part_id=8, start_sect=0x31A00, nr_sects=0x5000 |
2823 | [427][GPT_PL][12]name=frp, part_id=8, start_sect=0x36A00, nr_sects=0x800 |
2824 | [428][GPT_PL][13]name=tee1, part_id=8, start_sect=0x37200, nr_sects=0x2800 |
2825 | [429][GPT_PL][14]name=tee2, part_id=8, start_sect=0x39A00, nr_sects=0x2800 |
2826 | [430][GPT_PL][15]name=kb, part_id=8, start_sect=0x3C200, nr_sects=0x1000 |
2827 | [431][GPT_PL][16]name=dkb, part_id=8, start_sect=0x3D200, nr_sects=0x1000 |
2828 | [431][GPT_PL][17]name=md_udc, part_id=8, start_sect=0x3E200, nr_sects=0xB000 |
2829 | [432][GPT_PL][18]name=metadata, part_id=8, start_sect=0x49200, nr_sects=0x10800 |
2830 | [433][GPT_PL][19]name=nvdata, part_id=8, start_sect=0x59A00, nr_sects=0x2000 |
2831 | [434][GPT_PL][20]name=vbmeta, part_id=8, start_sect=0x5BA00, nr_sects=0x2000 |
2832 | [435][GPT_PL][21]name=vbmeta_system, part_id=8, start_sect=0x5DA00, nr_sects=0x2000 |
2833 | [436][GPT_PL][22]name=vbmeta_vendor, part_id=8, start_sect=0x5FA00, nr_sects=0x2000 |
2834 | [437][GPT_PL][23]name=super, part_id=8, start_sect=0x61A00, nr_sects=0x300000 |
2835 | [438][GPT_PL][24]name=cache, part_id=8, start_sect=0x361A00, nr_sects=0x40000 |
2836 | [438][GPT_PL][25]name=userdata, part_id=8, start_sect=0x3A1A00, nr_sects=0x3A6200 |
2837 | [439][GPT_PL][26]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2838 | [440][GPT_PL][27]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2839 | [441][GPT_PL][28]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2840 | [441][GPT_PL][29]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2841 | [442][GPT_PL][30]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2842 | [443][GPT_PL][31]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2843 | [444][GPT_PL][32]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2844 | [444][GPT_PL][33]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2845 | [445][GPT_PL][34]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2846 | [446][GPT_PL][35]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2847 | [446][GPT_PL][36]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2848 | [447][GPT_PL][37]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2849 | [448][GPT_PL][38]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2850 | [449][GPT_PL][39]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2851 | [449][GPT_PL][40]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2852 | [450][GPT_PL][41]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2853 | [451][GPT_PL][42]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2854 | [451][GPT_PL][43]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2855 | [452][GPT_PL][44]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2856 | [453][GPT_PL][45]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2857 | [454][GPT_PL][46]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2858 | [454][GPT_PL][47]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2859 | [455][GPT_PL][48]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2860 | [456][GPT_PL][49]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2861 | [456][GPT_PL][50]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2862 | [457][GPT_PL][51]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2863 | [458][GPT_PL][52]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2864 | [459][GPT_PL][53]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2865 | [459][GPT_PL][54]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2866 | [460][GPT_PL][55]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2867 | [461][GPT_PL][56]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2868 | [461][GPT_PL][57]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2869 | [462][GPT_PL][58]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2870 | [463][GPT_PL][59]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2871 | [464][GPT_PL][60]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2872 | [464][GPT_PL][61]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2873 | [465][GPT_PL][62]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2874 | [466][GPT_PL][63]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2875 | [466][GPT_PL][64]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2876 | [467][GPT_PL][65]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2877 | [468][GPT_PL][66]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2878 | [468][GPT_PL][67]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2879 | [469][GPT_PL][68]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2880 | [470][GPT_PL][69]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2881 | [471][GPT_PL][70]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2882 | [471][GPT_PL][71]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2883 | [472][GPT_PL][72]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2884 | [473][GPT_PL][73]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2885 | [473][GPT_PL][74]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2886 | [474][GPT_PL][75]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2887 | [475][GPT_PL][76]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2888 | [476][GPT_PL][77]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2889 | [476][GPT_PL][78]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2890 | [477][GPT_PL][79]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2891 | [478][GPT_PL][80]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2892 | [478][GPT_PL][81]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2893 | [479][GPT_PL][82]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2894 | [480][GPT_PL][83]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2895 | [481][GPT_PL][84]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2896 | [481][GPT_PL][85]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2897 | [482][GPT_PL][86]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2898 | [483][GPT_PL][87]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2899 | [483][GPT_PL][88]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2900 | [484][GPT_PL][89]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2901 | [485][GPT_PL][90]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2902 | [486][GPT_PL][91]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2903 | [486][GPT_PL][92]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2904 | [487][GPT_PL][93]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2905 | [488][GPT_PL][94]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2906 | [488][GPT_PL][95]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2907 | [489][GPT_PL][96]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2908 | [490][GPT_PL][97]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2909 | [491][GPT_PL][98]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2910 | [491][GPT_PL][99]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2911 | [492][GPT_PL][100]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2912 | [493][GPT_PL][101]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2913 | [493][GPT_PL][102]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2914 | [494][GPT_PL][103]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2915 | [495][GPT_PL][104]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2916 | [496][GPT_PL][105]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2917 | [496][GPT_PL][106]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2918 | [497][GPT_PL][107]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2919 | [498][GPT_PL][108]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2920 | [498][GPT_PL][109]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2921 | [499][GPT_PL][110]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2922 | [500][GPT_PL][111]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2923 | [501][GPT_PL][112]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2924 | [501][GPT_PL][113]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2925 | [502][GPT_PL][114]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2926 | [503][GPT_PL][115]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2927 | [503][GPT_PL][116]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2928 | [504][GPT_PL][117]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2929 | [505][GPT_PL][118]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2930 | [506][GPT_PL][119]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2931 | [506][GPT_PL][120]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2932 | [507][GPT_PL][121]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2933 | [508][GPT_PL][122]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2934 | [509][GPT_PL][123]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2935 | [509][GPT_PL][124]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2936 | [510][GPT_PL][125]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2937 | [511][GPT_PL][126]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2938 | [511][GPT_PL][127]name=, part_id=8, start_sect=0x0, nr_sects=0x1 |
2939 | [512][GPT_PL]Success to find valid GPT. |
2940 | [513] |
2941 | [PART] blksz: 512B |
2942 | [513][PART] [0x0000000000080000-0x000000000037FFFF] "proinfo" (6144 blocks) |
2943 | [514][PART] [0x0000000000380000-0x000000000087FFFF] "nvram" (10240 blocks) |
2944 | [515][PART] [0x0000000000880000-0x000000000387FFFF] "persist" (98304 blocks) |
2945 | [515][PART] [0x0000000003880000-0x00000000038BFFFF] "seccfg" (512 blocks) |
2946 | [516][PART] [0x00000000038C0000-0x000000000393FFFF] "lk" (1024 blocks) |
2947 | [517][PART] [0x0000000003940000-0x00000000039BFFFF] "lk2" (1024 blocks) |
2948 | [518][PART] [0x00000000039C0000-0x00000000049BFFFF] "boot" (32768 blocks) |
2949 | [519][PART] [0x00000000049C0000-0x00000000059BFFFF] "recovery" (32768 blocks) |
2950 | [520][PART] [0x00000000059C0000-0x0000000005A3FFFF] "para" (1024 blocks) |
2951 | [520][PART] [0x0000000005A40000-0x000000000623FFFF] "logo" (16384 blocks) |
2952 | [521][PART] [0x0000000006240000-0x000000000633FFFF] "dtbo" (2048 blocks) |
2953 | [522][PART] [0x0000000006340000-0x0000000006D3FFFF] "expdb" (20480 blocks) |
2954 | [523][PART] [0x0000000006D40000-0x0000000006E3FFFF] "frp" (2048 blocks) |
2955 | [524][PART] [0x0000000006E40000-0x000000000733FFFF] "tee1" (10240 blocks) |
2956 | [525][PART] [0x0000000007340000-0x000000000783FFFF] "tee2" (10240 blocks) |
2957 | [525][PART] [0x0000000007840000-0x0000000007A3FFFF] "kb" (4096 blocks) |
2958 | [526][PART] [0x0000000007A40000-0x0000000007C3FFFF] "dkb" (4096 blocks) |
2959 | [527][PART] [0x0000000007C40000-0x000000000923FFFF] "md_udc" (45056 blocks) |
2960 | [528][PART] [0x0000000009240000-0x000000000B33FFFF] "metadata" (67584 blocks) |
2961 | [529][PART] [0x000000000B340000-0x000000000B73FFFF] "nvdata" (8192 blocks) |
2962 | [530][PART] [0x000000000B740000-0x000000000BB3FFFF] "vbmeta" (8192 blocks) |
2963 | [530][PART] [0x000000000BB40000-0x000000000BF3FFFF] "vbmeta_system" (8192 blocks) |
2964 | [531][PART] [0x000000000BF40000-0x000000000C33FFFF] "vbmeta_vendor" (8192 blocks) |
2965 | [532][PART] [0x000000000C340000-0x000000006C33FFFF] "super" (3145728 blocks) |
2966 | [533][PART] [0x000000006C340000-0x000000007433FFFF] "cache" (262144 blocks) |
2967 | [534][PART] [0x0000000074340000-0x00000000E8F7FFFF] "userdata" (3826176 blocks) |
2968 | [535][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
2969 | [536][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
2970 | [536][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
2971 | [537][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
2972 | [538][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
2973 | [539][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
2974 | [539][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
2975 | [540][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
2976 | [541][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
2977 | [541][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
2978 | [542][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
2979 | [543][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
2980 | [544][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
2981 | [544][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
2982 | [545][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
2983 | [546][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
2984 | [547][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
2985 | [547][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
2986 | [548][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
2987 | [549][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
2988 | [550][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
2989 | [550][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
2990 | [551][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
2991 | [552][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
2992 | [553][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
2993 | [553][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
2994 | [554][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
2995 | [555][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
2996 | [556][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
2997 | [556][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
2998 | [557][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
2999 | [558][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3000 | [559][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3001 | [559][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3002 | [560][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3003 | [561][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3004 | [562][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3005 | [562][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3006 | [563][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3007 | [564][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3008 | [565][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3009 | [565][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3010 | [566][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3011 | [567][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3012 | [568][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3013 | [568][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3014 | [569][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3015 | [570][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3016 | [570][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3017 | [571][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3018 | [572][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3019 | [573][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3020 | [573][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3021 | [574][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3022 | [575][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3023 | [576][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3024 | [576][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3025 | [577][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3026 | [578][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3027 | [579][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3028 | [579][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3029 | [580][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3030 | [581][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3031 | [582][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3032 | [582][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3033 | [583][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3034 | [584][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3035 | [585][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3036 | [585][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3037 | [586][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3038 | [587][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3039 | [588][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3040 | [588][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3041 | [589][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3042 | [590][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3043 | [591][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3044 | [591][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3045 | [592][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3046 | [593][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3047 | [594][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3048 | [594][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3049 | [595][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3050 | [596][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3051 | [596][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3052 | [597][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3053 | [598][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3054 | [599][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3055 | [599][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3056 | [600][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3057 | [601][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3058 | [602][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3059 | [602][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3060 | [603][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3061 | [604][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3062 | [605][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3063 | [605][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3064 | [606][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3065 | [607][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3066 | [608][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3067 | [608][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3068 | [609][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3069 | [610][PART] [0x0000000000000000-0x00000000000001FF] "" (1 blocks) |
3070 | [611][PART] [0x000000D2DEE4E000-0x000000D3BDB1BBFF] "unknown" (7300718 blocks) |
3071 | [612][ROM_INFO] 'v2','0x0','0x0','0x0','0x2C00' |
3072 | [612][SEC] AES Legacy : 0 |
3073 | [612][SEC] SECCFG AC : 1 |
3074 | [613][SEC] DBGPORT 00100051 0020FFFF 00000101 00000101 0021EA67 |
3075 | [614][SEC] DBGPORT (0 1) |
3076 | [614][SEC] DBGPORT 00100051 0020FFFF 00000101 00000101 0021EA67 |
3077 | [615] |
3078 | |
3079 | [SEC] read '0x3880000' |
3080 | [616]0x4D,[616]0x4D,[616]0x4D,[616]0x4D,[616]0x4,[616]0x0,[617]0x0,[617]0x0,[617] |
3081 | [617][BLDR] Tool connection is unlocked |
3082 | [617][platform_vusb_on] VUSB33 is on |
3083 | [618]hw_set_cc: 450 |
3084 | [618][0x0]=0x7B |
3085 | [618][0x1]=0x7B |
3086 | [619][0x2]=0xB5 |
3087 | [619][0x3]=0xB5 |
3088 | [619][0x4]=0x8C |
3089 | [619][0x5]=0x8C |
3090 | [619][0x6]=0xD |
3091 | [620][0x7]=0xD |
3092 | [620][0x8]=0xC |
3093 | [620][0x9]=0xC |
3094 | [620][0xA]=0x0 |
3095 | [620][0xB]=0x0 |
3096 | [620][0xC]=0x1 |
3097 | [621][0xD]=0x1 |
3098 | [621][0xE]=0x5 |
3099 | [621][0xF]=0x5 |
3100 | [621][0x10]=0x0 |
3101 | [621][0x11]=0x0 |
3102 | [622][0x12]=0x0 |
3103 | [622][0x13]=0x0 |
3104 | [622][0x14]=0x60 |
3105 | [622][0x15]=0x60 |
3106 | [622][0x16]=0x0 |
3107 | [623][0x17]=0x0 |
3108 | [623][0x18]=0x0 |
3109 | [623][0x19]=0x0 |
3110 | [623][0x1A]=0x10 |
3111 | [623][0x1B]=0x10 |
3112 | [624][0x1C]=0x0 |
3113 | [624][0x1D]=0x0 |
3114 | [624][0x1E]=0x1 |
3115 | [624][0x1F]=0x1 |
3116 | [624][0x20]=0x0 |
3117 | [624][0x21]=0x0 |
3118 | [625][0x22]=0x0 |
3119 | [625][0x23]=0x0 |
3120 | [625][0x24]=0xF000 |
3121 | [625][0x25]=0xF000 |
3122 | [626][0x26]=0x0 |
3123 | [626][0x27]=0x0 |
3124 | [626][0x28]=0x21 |
3125 | [626][0x29]=0x21 |
3126 | [626][0x2A]=0x14 |
3127 | [627][0x2B]=0x14 |
3128 | [627][0x2C]=0x44 |
3129 | [627][0x2D]=0x44 |
3130 | [627][0x2E]=0x54 |
3131 | [627][0x2F]=0x54 |
3132 | [628][0x30]=0x30 |
3133 | [628][0x31]=0x30 |
3134 | [628][0x32]=0x0 |
3135 | [628][0x33]=0x0 |
3136 | [628][0x34]=0x0 |
3137 | [629][0x35]=0x0 |
3138 | [629][0x36]=0x0 |
3139 | [629][0x37]=0x0 |
3140 | [629][0x38]=0x55 |
3141 | [629][0x39]=0x55 |
3142 | [630][0x3A]=0x0 |
3143 | [630]hw_set_cc: done |
3144 | [636]======PHY:0x68 = 0x14 |
3145 | [636]==================usb_charger_type_detect:0x76 = 0x20 |
3146 | [637]==================usb_charger_type_detect:line_state = 0x0 |
3147 | [637]************ USB Host connected ********** |
3148 | [638] |
3149 | [PLFM] USB cable in |
3150 | [640][TOOL] USB enum timeout (Yes), handshake timeout(Yes) |
3151 | [642][USBD] USB Full Speed |
3152 | [643][TOOL] Enumeration(Start) |
3153 | [829][USBD] USB High Speed |
3154 | [947][USBD] USB High Speed |
3155 | [1110][TOOL] Enumeration(End): OK 467ms |
3156 | [1513]usbdl_flush timeout |
3157 | [1834]usbdl_flush timeout |
3158 | [2155]usbdl_flush timeout |
3159 | [2476]usbdl_flush timeout |
3160 | |
3161 | Terminating... |
3162 | Thanks for using picocom |
3163 |